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    Saturday, April 10, 2021

    Age of Empires II Unofficial Two Pools Match Thread

    Age of Empires II Unofficial Two Pools Match Thread

    Unofficial Two Pools Match Thread

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 08:27 AM PDT

    Hopefully this is okay, but the - Two Pools - $10,000 tournament is underway right now and I'm sure a number of people would like to discuss it.

    Two Pools is a 2v2 tournament where you pick one draft for yourself, and one draft for you opponent, meaning that there is a "stong" and "weak" civ on each team. It provides some pretty interesting civ matchups as a result.

    You can also check out the teams and bracket here

    I don't know how to set this thread to default to "newest" first, so if a mod could do that, it would be ideal.

    submitted by /u/Exa_Cognition
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    Proper english sentences weren't my forte as a kid

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 09:56 PM PDT

    The unstoppable force on 8 wheels.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 03:35 AM PDT

    AoE 4 Info from accidentally released video (German magazine)

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 04:40 AM PDT

    I asked the mods if I am allowed to post this but got no reply.

    A German video game magazine released a video about AoE4 early on accident but it is now private: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDmtpUHHjrE

    Here is my summary (spoilers for upcoming event):

    • Same start as AoE2, 3 vils, one scout, one tc
    • Sheeps, lumber jack, mill, mining camp, berries, farms, ... - all the same
    • "It's almost the exact same beginning as AoE2"
    • 4 Ages
    • relics
    • Tradecarts
    • Spearman available in the first age
    • more techs in first age
    • "Landmark building" in each age - unique to each civs, you can choose between multiple. Example: Britons have a church to heal surrounding untis or a building to build longbows quicker - similiar to AoM gods system
    • for the default victory you have to destroy all landmarks and the starting tc
    • Wonders are back
    • you can capture holy sites with monks, if you have all it will be similiar to relic victories. similiar to CoH sector capture
    • no word about classic relic victory
    • units on walls, you build "towers/canons?" in the walls with a limited shooting angle
    • buildings and walls are still freely buildable, streets and decoration are placed automatically to make the city look pretty
    • cancelled feature: production chain like Anno or the settlers but it was tested
    • 8 Civs:

    -- Britons (villagers have bows to attack enemy units)

    -- Mongols (can pack and move the base, similiar to Company of Heroes UK)

    -- Delhi Sultanate (elephants, rewards/boost for specific buildings next to each other)

    -- Chinese (can build all landmarks, dont have to choose. If you have both you can unlock unique units after creating a dynasty. if you move to the next dynasty you lose your old one)

    -- Vikings

    -- Franks

    -- others unknown yet

    • civs still share mostly the same units
    • unit upgrades (barracks and blacksmith) exactly the same as AoE2 but stronger/more impact. Same for all Civs.
    • you can hide units in the forest
    • sea battles more complex
    • unique units will have skills. longbows can build small palisade in front of them to counter cav, Mongol Khans can buff surrounding units
    • 4 campaigns, normandy campaign is one
    • stories will be presented with real life actors and pictures/videos
    • civs have unique look, including units (no more european looking spear for mongols)
    • no additional automation like automatic constant unit production
    • less vils needed overall => bigger armies
    • Art of War is back
    • dynamic tutorials, for example reminder to hunt your boar if you always forget it
    • build menu shows how many buildings of that type you already have
    • scouts can hunt (?)
    • Chargeattack for (some) cav

    tl;dr: mix of AoE2, AoM with some Stronghold and CoH

    I excluded the video creators own opinions but the only big negative he found is the look of the game.

    submitted by /u/Streichholzschachtel
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    $5000 Showmatch TheViper vs Hera on Wednesday, April 14 17:00 GMT, Hosted by Slam.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    This Wednesday, come watch a unique showmatch between TheViper and Hera, in which the winner will be determined, not by who wins or resigns, but by who completes the most challenges. Each player will take turns being The Challenger vs The Defender.

    The Challenger will be given a random task, drawn from a pool of challenges, which he must accomplish during the match. Accomplishing this task results in a Challenge Win. Some challenges will require the Challenger to also win the match, but not all! The first player to reach three Challenge Wins will be declared the victor. The winner of the showmatch receives $3500 and the runner-up will receive $1500.

    Additional Rules:

    • All games played on Arabia.

    • Only The Challenger will know what the challenge is.

    • Whichever player goes second will be allowed one match to tie. If a 3-3 tie occurs, first player to reach a one Challenge advantage wins.

    • The Challenger gets to pick both civs. After a civ is selected, it is unavailable for future matches.

    • Many of the challenges do not require The Challenger to win. However, the winner of each match receives $50 regardless.

    • A player can only resign if they are more than 1000 points behind in score.

    • Max 10 games. If no player reaches 3 Challenge Wins after 10 games, the player with the most completed challenges will be winner. If there is a tie after 10 games, match wins will be the tiebreaker. If match wins are tied, the prize pool is split.

    Examples of Challenges (which may or may not be in the Challenge Pool):

    • You cannot make any unit which requires gold. (Win required)
    • Generate 100g in trade with your opponent (Win not required)
    • All buildings must be built in pairs. (Win required)
    • You can only take your enemy's sheep/boar/deer. All your sheep must survive. (Win required)
    • Traitor Zoo. Create a zoo of converted units. (Win not required)

    The games will be streamed and hosted at https://www.twitch.tv/slamjam_ on Wednesday, April 14 at 17:00 GMT.

    submitted by /u/Bdod6
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    I absolutely love the banter between these two

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    Link to AOE4 event today if you haven't had it

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 05:42 AM PDT

    Are there many salty players in this game?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 03:50 AM PDT


    I just played my very first 1v1 ranked. I picked Sicilians, other dude went for Incas. I thought I would be quickly destroyed, but he tried to put towers near my base and then was really behind on economy, so I actually ended up winning.
    He got salty, said a bunch of mean things in the chat and then hid villagers in all corners of the map.

    I wanted to know if that's a frequent occurrence in ranked? Does it get better (or worse?) if your elo increases?

    submitted by /u/Uh_ppercut
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    Rocketbeans getting ready for the event

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 07:22 PM PDT

    Can everyone stop picking the Frank's please? 1050 elo

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 02:33 PM PDT

    So we get Age of India after all.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    one champion vs 108, monks who will win?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:14 AM PDT

    how to change aoe2 DE profile name on Steam

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    I have not got the game in steam yet. BUt wondering if the display name that shows in DE will be permament as my Steam account name. or it is possible to change it every now and then ?


    submitted by /u/aloncp12
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    "Hey, how about we play some 2v2v2v2, that forest map looks fun!" Randomly generated forest map:

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 02:06 PM PDT

    How to do Campaign Style Intro and Outro Sequences.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    What time is today’s announcement/fan preview?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 01:06 AM PDT

    Recommend Recs to Introduce Someone to AOE2 Esports

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 08:52 PM PDT

    My father in law just found out that AOE 2 has a pro scene that is still going strong after 20 years. He remembers playing casually vs the AI on release back in 2000 and is interested in watching a game or two to see how the game is doing after so long. Are there any recs of pro sets/games you would recommend for me to send to him that would be a good crash course on the modern state of the game? Don't have to be super recent, and given how long ago he last played, understandability of the cast/strategy is probably the priority over level of play.

    submitted by /u/AfricaByTotoAoe
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    Looking for tips on how to deal with early aggression and archers

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 11:46 PM PDT

    Most games i lose after getting drushed into MaA, i get flustered and move from berries, woodline, forget to make vils, etc. It's a huge mess and begins the domino effect. Is it worth it to completley wall myself ASAP? When? I try to do it around the time i lure the 2nd boar

    Also i have a huge problem with archers, they are super annoying for me. I hate them so much that i play goth almost exclusively. Any time i try to switch to a new civ i get smacked by archers and go back to my goths. Are skirms the only realistic option?

    1200~~ ELO

    submitted by /u/ScrubT1er
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    Good Lord!

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 02:33 PM PDT

    Age of Empires fan preview starts in 1 hour

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    From the age of empires website:

    "The event begins with a special, half-hour broadcast starting at 9 a.m. PT on April 10, which will be streamed live on AgeofEmpires.com, Twitch, Facebook Live, the Xbox YouTube channel, and Bilibili for our fans in China! Following the broadcast, we will open a limited-time digital experience on AgeofEmpires.com to continue celebrating with the community for the week to follow"

    submitted by /u/Erectile_Knife_Party
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    Hello everyone, this is my homemade viking archery range, i hope you like it

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 09:15 AM PDT

    AI bug - hard AI resigned before any battle

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:46 AM PDT

    We were playing 2 vs 4 hard AI on regicide on the Scandinavia map, and early castle age, before any fights, 2 of our AI opponents resigned together.

    Any clues as to why this would happen?

    I'm guessing equalising the number of players on a team isn't the reason, as we've played this setup many times before...

    submitted by /u/Evolutionarymedicine
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    I dont have a delete key so I can't delete anything

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:17 AM PDT

    I dont have a delete key on my keyboard so I can't destroy misplaced walls where is the rebind option as I have looked for 40 minutes... thanks

    submitted by /u/Flako-_
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    My predictions for tomorrow

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 05:41 PM PDT

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