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    Tuesday, November 19, 2019

    Age of Empires II Repairing buildings in a nutshell.

    Age of Empires II Repairing buildings in a nutshell.

    Repairing buildings in a nutshell.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 03:06 AM PST

    Third game into DE - Ran into _DauT_ - wrecked me, but at least I a better KD ha!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 01:48 AM PST

    I found Ornlu the Wolf in 4. Ivaylo Campain :D

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:32 AM PST

    A letter to AOE2 from a Chinese player

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 11:42 PM PST

    I am a player from China and begin to play this game about 20 years ago. I have to say that her aesthetic image, historical immersion and rich in strategic attracted me deeply. In fact, even 20 years later, there are still a lot of fans in our country who love this game deeply. And of course, I am a member of them even I am a total rookie in PVP mode.

    So let me say this, Microsoft and the working team have done a nearly flawless job. They not only keep the "feel" of the original game but also add many exciting features.

    First of all, the DE version adds 4 new civilizations and 3 new campaigns. Like the AOE2 always do, all of the new civilizations have their individual building style. I hope that is a beginning, not an end. Actually, I think most gamers want to purchase new exquisite skin and DLC which has new grand campaigns. By the way, I think Chinese campaigns are too less, is that because of political? If you will put forward a new DLC with Chinese campaigns, I will definitely purchase it and recommend it to my friends as well as in the Chinese AOE community.

    In another aspect, DE makes a significant improvement in the graphic, including but not limited to the plant, water, and medieval-style building and soldiers. You can even experience this game like a scenic movie or a museum. I am not a game graph designer but I think this is a challenge for the dev team. Is it a competitive game so you must keep the units in-game are easy to identify as well have their individually own characteristics. Obviously, the dev team has given a good answer to us.

    Another big improvement is the sound. Included the new orchestral remastering of the soundtrack and new in-game unit voice line. It gets more clean and fulness. You know the sound in a game may not the most important part but can evoke the deepest memory in the people's brain after many years. So it is definitely a necessary part of a great game! Actually, to choose a villager and keeping right-click the mouse on a tree then listen to ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chopper (In Chinese it is fa- fa- fa- fa- fa-fa mu gong) is one of the deepest memory for me and many players.

    What's more, the improved UI design and abundant detail also give me a deep impression. Now, with the help of new UI, you can easily know how many idle villagers you have now and how many military teams you have formed. For me, the most convenient new function is that in one operation I can choose every military unit in a box and not include any villagers. On the other hand, abundant detail also makes me very exciting. For example, every civilization have their own wonder, they are made by different materials such as rock, wood and so on that's not important. The most important is, all of the wonders have their individually collapse animation! Perhaps that's not a hard job but let me know how deep the dev team loves to AOE 2.

    Another interesting new feature I have to point out is the Art of war mode. It comes from a famous art of war book called Master Sun's Art of War which written by a Chinese strategist called Sun Tzu. I have to say I am so proud of this! The new player can get significant progressive by overcoming the challenge in this mode. To be honest, after 3 hours of playing, I still can't get the gold medal. That seems to prove that I am still a rookie lol.

    At last, I want to give forward some improvement opinions to AOE2 DE. That's not complaints but because I want AOE2 DE to get better and better.

    1. The cost of a huge volume of virtual memory. I believe that's will be the most complaints from the gamers in the community. For me, my computer has 16G memory but still can't play the game with high graphic DLC at first, the game will crash most of the time until I change my virtual memory to 20G. I am a CS major graduate student so I know something about the game running. But I don't think all gamers can solve this problem in a short time. So I really look forward that the next patch can fix this. Or AOE2 will lose many players especially new players.

    2. I really miss the death voice and skeleton of every unit, not because I am a madman. For gameplay, it will remind you that you lose a unit. don't know it is just because of this feature just uncompleted or it will never back. But an interesting fact is, boar has a voice when it dies!

    3. For playing the recorded game, I think a progress bar is very necessary. If possible, a cursor follows function will be good for us to learn from professionalism.

    That's all I want to say for this game right now. Despite it is not easy for a Non-native English man, I just want to say I love this game. So, no matter for the old player or those who want to come into a new world, if you still didn't purchase, don't be hesitate!

    submitted by /u/yaoyu2001
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    In case anyone is having issues seeing Mangonels fire at your troops, I made a little mod

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 10:10 AM PST

    This game is going to ruin me AGAIN

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 07:24 PM PST

    I played this as a kid and couldn't get enough of it. Live happened for 16 years and now I'm relapsing.

    My buddies just played for 5 straight hours and I didn't even notice. I have to get up for work tomorrow.

    Why are my arms so itchy? Wait I know it's because I haven't researched scale mail and why are there pikemen on the walls and I'M GOING TO SEE CASTLES IN MY DREAMS

    So yeah I'd say it captures the fun pretty well all these years later

    submitted by /u/OMFGitsST6
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    Is it just me or is Joan a lot prettier now?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 06:07 PM PST

    Definitive Edition: Python API for custom scenarios

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 04:31 AM PST


    I'm working on an API, age of triggers (aot), to create triggers in a very easy way for AOE2 DE. I made something called meta-triggers where you can insert complicated behaviors with a single line of code. For example, there is the "capture castle" meta-trigger that will enable a trigger if you capture the castle and disable it when you lost it. I also made a "FindTreasure" meta-trigger, that creates a loot on the map, if you pick it up, you gain gold and the loot disappears.

    Another functionality permits to directly create triggers by putting stuff on the map. For example, you can add a loot with the native editor, and you throw the map into the API, and it will add the meta-trigger "FindTreasure" at the exact position of the loot.

    The API is available here: https://github.com/ncarrara/age-of-triggers

    See an example of a map made with it https://www.ageofempires.com/mods/details/1171/. The corresponding program in python: https://github.com/ncarrara/age-of-triggers/blob/master/examples/age-of-total-war.py (no meta triggers on this one)

    This scrip creates random treasures all around the map https://github.com/ncarrara/age-of-triggers/blob/master/examples/random_treasures.py

    This is an early work in progress, initially based on the work of agescx http://dderevjanik.github.io/agescx/.

    Feel free to ask anything, or even contribute.

    submitted by /u/elwiiithebig
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    Why are there almost no lobbies to play?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 01:16 AM PST

    I bought AoE II DE happily, expecting an addiction relapse like 2013, when HD came out.

    Firing up the multiplayer, I see 3, maybe 4 lobbies, half of them closed and the other half having an AFK host.

    I hosted my own lobbies yesterday and it worked, but why are there no lobbies to join? The game seems to be growing REALLY fast, I expected more lobbies to be available...

    submitted by /u/IqfishLP
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    Ivaylo Campaign - Mission 2, it said in the mission description that I should use units to defend the wonder since I can't build any defenses around it ..

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:50 AM PST

    French campaign : why does everyone has a french name except... Jeanne d'Arc?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 06:50 AM PST

    It seems pretty weird, in the french campaign, that every named historical character has his french name (sometimes with typos, like Jean de Lorraine, who somehow became Jean de Lorrain), while Jeanne d'Arc is called Joan of Arc.

    To add salt to the injury, many (most) campaigns main characters retain their original name, and don't have the english version of it. El Cid is called Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, and not Rodrigue Diaz of Vivar or Roderic Diaz of Vivar...

    submitted by /u/Meneldyl
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    If I convert a building, does the building produce units according to my tech tree or the converted civ's tech tree?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 12:41 AM PST

    For example, if I convert an Aztecs barracks as a Byzantine, can I produce Eagles from the barracks? Or if I convert a post-imp Goths barracks, can I produce huskarls?

    submitted by /u/ImWaitingForARetcon
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    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 02:57 AM PST

    Bulgarians Civ units speaking Russian language?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:57 AM PST

    Hello guys,

    Huge AoE fan here so I can't be happier with the new AOE DE. I'm casual player though. :)

    After doing a few games with the Bulgarian Civ and something I was really excited for, I must say that I felt quite disappointed finding out that the language spoken by the bulgarian units is actually Russian. The devs have put so much effort into figuring out even the smallest historical details and that's great, but in my opinion the language really plays a huge role to the uniqueness of the Civilization and how it feels playing it.

    Please let me know if I'm missing anything here, but I did do more than one game and it's all the same, including during the campaign missions.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Didec_a
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    Is the Krepost OP?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 04:43 AM PST

    So I just hit castle age and there's a Krepost being Built on top of my main gold or wood line, they have sent 10 villagers to make it so I can't react by building a tower to defend as by the time I have the tower up and kill 10 villagers the the Krepost is built. Once the first one is built you might as well kiss goodbye to your base as you cant stop them building another next to it. I tried to raid the enemy while he did this but it was no use I also tried to defensive castle but it took to long and the damage had already been done.


    submitted by /u/WIMM0
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    Looking to play AoE 2 DE online? Come join us!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:59 AM PST

    Hello everyone who may read this, me and some friends are currently playing the game since it's release and we're looking for more people to play with so we can get some bigger and more fun games in our lives. We also play other strategy and RTS games but we'd love to have more people play AoE 2 Definitive Edition with us.

    We play almost daily several games and we're all pretty much new to the game or have only played it in our childhood for the most part. Just a day ago we had a very entertaining 6 man free for all which was enjoyed by all, it would be fun to be able to arrange such games or larger ones more regularly.

    Our discord can be joined here: https://discord.gg/sazaU2H

    Our humor is pretty dark sometimes just as a warning, we are open about poking fun at everything.

    Thanks for your time, have a continued good day!

    submitted by /u/wiirpy
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    I tried to recreate a certain famous movie scene in the AoE2:DE editor

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 11:37 AM PST

    AI Difficult scuffed?

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:18 AM PST

    Anyone having issues with the ai difficulty levels? On 'hard' they build like 20 troops max and on 'Hardest' they are a bunch of cheats

    submitted by /u/BushWookieWarrior
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    Their ears need loom.

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 07:28 AM PST

    Lithuanian Instant Drush Discussion

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 07:18 AM PST

    I'm sure you've all seen Viper's instant drush on Nili (https://youtu.be/aeU6al73Qvw). He resigned a bit early which may make the build seem OP, but I don't think it is.

    Pros - annoy the enemy early and for a long time - map control - relatively safe at home for 12 minutes - surprising enemy vills without loom can be super deadly - you may be able to fc easily - good opportunity to lame deer, boars (1 militia kites, rest hits) , sheep Cons - super micro intense - eco might get messy - late loom may kill you - late feudal, vulnerable to trush or feudal aggression - exploration is worse - when the enemy looms it's hard to do damage

    Since it's a very risky play and can be easily anticipated once it's better known I don't think it will see much play on a pro level. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/MVerdoux13
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    DE trade units don't always pick the longest route (Spirit of the Law)

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 04:13 PM PST

    14.3GB patch???

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 11:27 PM PST

    Beginner seeking help!

    Posted: 19 Nov 2019 05:41 AM PST

    Hi, I just got AoE2: DE and never really have played before except a few years back a couple of times. Looking for someone to show me the basics, possibly hop into a 2v2 and type to guide me on basic game knowledge and fighting strats. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/moreisdeath
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