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    Friday, January 29, 2021

    Age of Empires II Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition — Update 44725

    Age of Empires II Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition — Update 44725

    Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition — Update 44725

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:09 PM PST

    �� Hidden Cup 4 is back! ��

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:57 PM PST

    gg ez

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 05:08 AM PST

    Hilarious opening to Hera's new vid

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 04:48 PM PST

    Framing my 1999 Aoe2 instruction manual. Feels are over the top right now. Best game then, best game now.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:01 AM PST

    I think my aoe2 game is having a stroke

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:24 AM PST

    Flemish Militia: Analysis (better than both Halbs and Champs)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:33 AM PST

    That one tree in our beloved Black Forest maps.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 05:50 AM PST

    Old Bug is Back (Hotfix hasn't addressed)

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 02:04 AM PST

    Hotfix is here guys! enjoy!

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 03:11 PM PST

    Today's (January 28) hotfix introduces a handful of solutions for some of the gameplay issues that cropped up with the January update, while work continues on other bugs you've reported—including specific crashes that some users are experiencing. Here's the list of changes:

    • Fixed an exploit which would result in the Lithuanian Relic bonus stacking beyond the +4 cap, failing to decrement if the Relics were ejected from the Monastery, and stacking to infinity (and beyond).

    • Fixed an exploit which allowed users to delete enemy walls using Tower, Donjon, and Gate foundations.

    • Fixed an out of sync error triggered by placing building foundations over enemy units or buildings hidden by the fog of war.

    • Please let us know if you continue to be awarded Lords of the West achievements without completing the listed requirements, as we have taken steps to resolve this. If you continue to experience it, please visit our forum and describe what you were doing when the achievements were rewarded, and whether or not you were rewarded other achievements or event challenge unlocks at the same time.

    If you continue to experience any crashes, performance issues, or technical hiccups in the game, please take the time to reach out to the support team so they can assist you.

    submitted by /u/gLowtee
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    Does everyone know the donjon gains an arrow per age?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 06:37 AM PST

    That actually makes for a pretty great tower defense, also if you can keep them alive on front line that really adds up over time.

    submitted by /u/Fatmanspoop
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    The real reason Longshanks hated Wallace

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:45 PM PST

    Why use brute force when you don't need it?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:48 AM PST

    Grand Dukes review

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:51 AM PST

    After completing The Hautevilles and Edward Longshanks I bring you my personal opinion on the last LoW campaign - *Grand Dukes *

    A Kingdom Divided

    A classical entry mission into the campaign. You are given a base, few villagers, an ally and an opponent in a fortified city. Just boom a little and then attack with an unstoppable force. The interesting element here is the possibility to pillage various buildings across the map for resources. Another side quest is destroying gunpowder storages, it is supposed to stop enemy gun production. There is also an achievement to be obtained here if you win without creating any siege. I dont like this achievement, because it makes the mission not harder, but just grindier. A very easy and straightforward intro into the campaign 6/10

    The Wolf and the Lion

    This one is specific by having three different victory conditions. You can defeat a fortified city. Or you can defeat three armies in lesser cities. Or you can capture 4 relics. Again you are given a base and can start booming. The opponents are much more aggresive than in the first mission, but nothing really crazy. A fun twist in this mission is that it rewards the map control. There are scattered villages and whoever controls them is periodically given some resources which come in handy as controlling at least half of them is very easy. When I had my force built I decided to go for a fortified city as it seemed to be the least grindy option. A classic mission with a map control twist, well done 5/10

    The Cleansing of Paris

    This one has to be my favourite mission in this DLC. Although I am not generally very fond of fixed force scenarios, this one came after two build and destroy missions and was really well done. Your goal is to kill the enemy duke who is stationed in Paris. The problem is the city garrison. But worry not there are the guilds to help you. As you travel through the city you encounter different side missions which can give you pretty useful rewards in form of various units or opening new paths. It is also vital to explore the countryside around Paris as you can find many units that join you as well. This is the mission I actually failed on the first attempt as I didnt quite know how to approach it and took couple of bad fights. Taking bad fights really hurts because you cannot replenish your lost units and might end up with not enough to travel through the city or kill the duke. Good micro is of the essence here. A really well designed fixed force that keeps you on your toes the entire time. At the end I felt an accomplishment as it was quite close call as I usually rely on macro more than micro. Compared to the Siege of Paris in Joan campaign which is similar in many ways, this one is hundred percent better in my opinion. 9/10

    Unholy Marriage

    This one is a map with six players. You have two enemies, one of which is really close and starts to be annoying quite quickly. The other one is your objective to destroy. Two other players are potencial allies if you pay tribute or complete side quests I did both as quests were easy and resources plentiful. Nothing much to say here - just build a castle towards the closer enemy, boom, build massive army, destroy everyone. 5/10

    The Hook and the Cod War

    This one was for me probably the hardest mission in the DLC, but probably only because I chose the wrong strategy to start with. I went with a classic 3 TC boom, but I underestimated the enemies which are fairly aggressive in this scenario and attack from various directions. You also have to build a navy as the English are sending transports with units, galleons and even cannon galleons across the water to take down your starting TC (if you lose this one it is over). I invested too much into land units where ships would be a better choice - even for defending against land units and trebuchets. A series of bad decisions took me into heavy defensive which made the mission a long grind. After getting the water control and sniping some english buildings, english became an ally which was quite a turning point that allowed me to focus on liberating villages and attacking enemies. After I was firmly in control I wanted to get an achievement so I changed english back to enemy and wiped their base. Finishing the scenario was really easy from here, just destroy three enemy castles and that is it. This mission proved a lot more challenging that I anticipated and in my opinion makes the campaign as a whole more difficult that the sicilian one which is rated as 3 sword. Because I enjoy challenge and enemies using different units/approaches I liked this one a lot 8/10

    The Maid Falls

    The last mission in Burgundian campaign really got me hooked into the story. I expected to play as a classical villain of the Joan campaign, but the narrative built throughout the campaign was so good that it actually felt as if Joan was the real villain. Any way you start with an army and are tasked by capturing a base - easy enough. There is quite a lot going on in this map. In the center there is a fortified city that ocassionally sends troops at you or your ally. One of the side quests is not letting your ally die so I was defending him with castles mostly. I am not sure what difference would it made if he fell as he made almost no units at all. Close to your base is another ally who for a tribute researches spies for you, I found that really usefull as I knew where to attack. At the south of the map is a camp of French army that attacks your ally and you. One of a side mission that was quite nice and flavorful was bringing 5 petards to blow up a bridge. After that the southern army had to use a long way around the map to reach anything. The gameplan is simple boom and destroy. There are quite a lot of resources although easily accessible gold may run out, but you can trade anyway. To get the "Shut up La Hire" achievement you are tasked to destroy the southern enemy before capturing Joan in the middle of the fortified city in the centre (the main mission objective). So I did that made a force of paladin and bombards and wiped his camp. At this point the game crashed (exactly when French army resigned) and I didnt have the save so I had to start over - lesson learned save at least sometimes. The second time I played the same and fortunately no crash. After wiping french army just turn your paladins and bombards to the fortified city in the centre, at this point I was floating so many resources that I was constantly pop-caped and just immediately replaced any dead paladins or canons. When you take care of Joan this campaign is finished. A well designed map and a good finisher of the campaign. 7/10

    Overal thoughts

    I really liked this campaign, sometimes you were given some choices and it had many side quests. Although a little less complex design than the Sicilian one this was a very enjoyable experience. I would switch the sword rating of this one and the sicilian one as this one felt harder for me. After having played all the Lords of the West campaign I have to say the devs did a really good job here and I would gladly buy another dlc if only for the campaigns in the future. Overal score for me is probably 7/10.

    submitted by /u/slezadav
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    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:39 AM PST

    Which of those Heavy Cav Archers would win a 1v1 battle?

    • Mongols: fires faster, no Ring Archer Armor
    • Turks: +20 HP, fully upgraded
    • Magyars: extra range and attack, fully upgraded
    • Huns: cheaper, no Ring Archer Armor
    • Cumans: spammable and faster, no Bracer
    • Tatars: extra armor, fully upgraded
    • Saracens: +3 attack vs buildings, fully upgraded
    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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    It's like punching a knife...

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 11:00 AM PST

    AOE 2 Definitve edition broken since the pre-lords of the west update.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 07:09 AM PST

    I've been unable to play a game for longer than 5 minutes or so since the newest update.

    Before that, although I was unable to start a multiplayer game, I had no issues playing Skirmish on any map size. It will now freeze and crash whenever I get a few minutes into the game, on Skirmish, no matter what map size.

    AOE for me represented what a polished game should feel like, I am greatly disappointed with the game as it is currently, and could not give it more than a 0/10

    How could they fuck this up so badly?

    submitted by /u/Drakenstonks
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    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 12:43 PM PST

    Yet another bug?

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:44 AM PST

    So playing a 2v2 this afternoon. On my first boar lure the villager coming back to the tc was constantly stopping. I could see it happen so each time they stopped I would click to get them going again. Eventually the boar killed the villager but I couldn't actually get the villager going just before this. He seemed to want to keep turning around too shoot the boar again. Anyone else encounter this? I wonder if this was broken with trying to fix the boar loosing agro bug.

    submitted by /u/No_Positive6484
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    I made 5,500 Serjeants for absolutely no reason

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 08:19 PM PST

    I feel like people are focused on the Sicillian 50% Damage Reduction bonus but they are not taking a look at their tech tree.

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 05:22 AM PST

    When I first saw the Sicillian tech tree I found it to be quite uninteresting in terms of options for the late game.

    You've got mediocre Arbalest without Thumb Ring and Ring Archer Armour which, while it nullifies the bonus damage from skirmishers as if they had the final armour upgrade, they perform significantly worse against archers and cavalry.

    You've got Cavaliers that resist 50% of bonus damage. Yeah that makes them better against their direct counters, but they are outperformed one on one by Paladins or Cav civs that have better ranged support in their army composition.


    Berbers - better on equal resources
    Britons - better ranged support
    Bulgarians - Stirrups
    Byzantines - Paladins (requires a big investment and one might argue that Byzantines need even more resources to funnel into halbs to make up for the lost damage output, but the option is there)
    Celts - Paladins
    Chinese - better ranged support
    Cumans - Paladins
    Ethiopians - better ranged support
    Franks - Paladins
    Goths - halberds still viable
    Huns - Paladins
    Italians - better ranged support
    Japanese - halbs still viable
    Khmer - equal Cavs, better eco + other options
    Lithuanians - do I even need to explain?
    Magyars - Paladins + more versatile options
    Malians - Farimba
    Persians - Paladins
    Portuguese - -20% gold
    Saracens - better ranged support
    Slavs - Boyar, halbs still viable (even against Serjeant)
    Spanish - Paladin, better ranged support, missionary
    Tatars - better ranged support
    Teutons - Paladin, +2 Amor
    Turks - don't care about the 50% damage reduction bonus anyway :)
    Vietnamese - lack blast Furnace, but better ranged support


    I understand that their bonus may be too impactful in the early game, but I don't think it's blatantly OP in the late game. They are just a civ that performs better against counter units but their units perform worse against other civ's units of similar type and generic sources of damage.

    If the bonus really is a problem in the Feudal Age I'd rather have it scale with age (something like 1/4 in Feudal, 1/3 in Castle, 1/2 in Imperial) or have it only kick in in Castle Age, but I would't want to see the final amount (50%) adjusted without some sort of addition to their tech tree.

    submitted by /u/Aeliasson
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    Seriously that bonus is way to strong atm. Did the devs forget nomad exists?

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 05:55 PM PST

    New Expansion Behind the Scenes: Pitch Meeting

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:27 AM PST

    Double Castle Arambai into a filthy Lithuanians relic abuser FeelsGoodMan

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:03 PM PST

    Finally a round that was worth playing

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 03:04 AM PST

    About the DLC: PLS MOAR

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 05:33 AM PST

    Yes I want more.

    Give me new civs. Keep launching them. Yes I want to play with Tibetans, Tupi and Benin.

    Yes I want wacky units so i can creat cheese strats with them.

    I want to have 100+ civ and with 40 DLC to keep the balance. No hurry pls, just keep feeding my urges slowly.

    Yes dev I want that, pls give me my fix. Take that money and invest in the servers and dev.

    Sorry guys I'm drunk, just wanted to take this out of my heart

    Edit: Also, I wish a light reskin to all units, like what they (NOT) made with monks. Something like you can just bat your eye and think "oh yeah, thats a meso pikeman".

    submitted by /u/asenhae1234567
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