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    Thursday, January 21, 2021

    Age of Empires II Boom boom boom boom

    Age of Empires II Boom boom boom boom

    Boom boom boom boom

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 12:14 AM PST

    Huskarl (Art #3)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 12:06 PM PST

    Reflections on 1 Tricking Chinese to 1400 in 1v1 DE

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:37 PM PST

    I went from being stuck around 1200 to 1400 in two months by switching to Chinese spam and wanted to share some things I've learned.

    After 1200 I hit a brick wall because I couldn't win for free anymore with a feudal rush because people can do build orders correctly and not click up to dark age at 12 minutes when you show up with 8 archers.

    A lot pros on stream said 1 tricking was faster to improve until at least 1600 so I started browsing around and China stuck out to me as something reliable to learn all parts of the game. They're S tier on Arabia because they can do everything above average and have a great eco.

    Some things I figured I'd be forced to learn as Chinese because of how the civ works as a jack of all trades with more vills that sounded really good long term (but painful short term):

    1. Really clean dark ages because otherwise, the extra villager bonus doesn't kick in.Also, luring deer.
    2. Defending against different rushes and quick walling since usually end up clicking to feudal up later than the opponent.
    3. Unit counters and transitions since they have above average everything and cheaper techs.

    In practice, this has pretty much happened. Plus some bonus stuff I didn't account for.

    1. After about fifty restarts in single-player and almost a hundred games, I can generally click up to feudal between 7:30 and 7:50 with 23 pop. Back of the napkin math tells me I have an extra villager over my opponent for the entire game and another one when they go to research loom. Pessimistically, vills gather something like 20 food a minute (more for other things) so by feudal I should have a bit more than 200 more food (or something) than my opponent. Watching replays, this actually happens and against most civs without eco bonuses, I'm ahead in total resources and vill count the entire game unless I took more damage.
    2. I'm pretty disciplined about scouting now and wall further out against archers and more conservative against scouts, sometimes just walling in the woodline, gold, berries, etc. Recently, I started building outposts starting in castle age too between bases and they are like super broken for tracking enemy armies.
    3. Apart from CKN being a really strong late game unit and something I always end up building in Imp, I've had to learn all the unit counters (there aren't too many to memorize for non-unique units) and can play both archers and cav into castle age. I don't do archers against Britons or Mayans, cav against Berbers for example, but you can always do the other one and have it work OK. A lot of the CKN's strength comes from producing super fast and being very strong without micro since they have a lot of attack and health.
    4. In general, cheaper techs really hit home how this game is about timing windows like how +2 armor knights only take 1 dmg instead of 2 from archers. Some random things that might help you to know are that elite skirmisher and heavy camel both cost more and research a lot slower than xbow and cavalier so if you're building those it's important to get up faster or try to force fights if you aren't up faster.
    5. I didn't realize at the time but Chinese has forced me to learn to force fights with units I don't intend to upgrade since CKN frequently replaces xbow instead of arbs, knights can't become paladins, so there's that too.
    6. I used to play competitive chess and I had an extremely defensive, long-term positional style of gaining small advantages and having a super high win rate in end games. I realized this civ with the eco bonuses and having to react to what my opponent makes fits my personality well. As a bonus, China has really good trash, only missing Hussar and CKN cost little gold and do well against all trash units so my post imp 1v1 WR is super high.
    7. Late game you need to have stone walls and or defensive castles if playing CKN plus whatever against cavalry since it's otherwise you'll get raided faster. It turns out CKN walk much slower than hussars/paladins and more importantly halbs are also slower so you have to limit where the cavalry can go. I also like to place mills slightly behind TCs so even if the farmers die so do the raiders and TCs can rally to those farms. Walling the sides is fine if the center has 2 castles or so which will shred most things that aren't Paladins, E. Tarkans, etc.

    To end, here are some of the replays I've watched over and over that helped me a lot with figuring out what to do and how to play since the transitions can be tricky.Advanced Guides #3 | Chinese Start Tutorial - YouTube1v1 Arabia | Chinese vs Franks | vs vivi - YouTubeEven The Balance Team Can't Stop Chinese - YouTube1v1 Arabia | Chinese vs Celts | vs Hera - YouTube1v1 against Hera / Chinese vs Aztecs - YouTube

    23pop Chinese Scout Rush into Knights - Build Order - YouTube[ES] The beloved Chinese on Arabia against Villese! - YouTube1v1 Arabia | Portugues vs Chinese | vs Capoch - YouTubeChinese vs Franks on Arabia! - YouTube

    [EN] Who's best at China? L_Clan fight - Capoch vs Alive - Arabia - YouTube

    [ES] Superchinese Power against Slam! - Disrespect 105? - YouTube

    The Secret To Countering Byzantines - YouTube

    24pop Chinese MAA into Archers - Build Order - YouTube

    1v1 against Tim / Chinese vs Mongols - YouTube

    aoe2 chinese daut - YouTubeaoe2 chinese daut - YouTube

    Bonus Chinese vs Franks: Wow thanks for the warm reception all. A few of these replays are Chinese vs Franks and all the pros complain that it's a bad MU for Franks who apparently have no reasonable counter to CKN, their paladin die to and are outrun by generic heavy camels, and also are on a timer to beat you since their trash units are garbage. I'm something like 75% against Franks.

    Step 1 is to wall yourself in with a lot of vills since they'll probably go up on 19 - 21 pop. Usually, then I just sit in my base while exploring the map to increase my score, get to castle age with 2 stables, research a bunch of cheap techs that add up to more than what they get from their free techs/pseudo bloodlines, and get to imp faster since they've probably spent more food than me.

    Unless I can get a castle on a hill and wall off the sides, I go heavy camel first since I don't want to die to random paladins running into my eco. Capoch's game illustrates this nicely.

    Bonus 2 Chinese Mirror: CKN kill rams faster than most melee units so unlike most archer civ mirrors like Mayan or Briton you don't want to make any rams at all to soak archer fire. CKN also beat skirms and arbalests when patrolled into each other with equal numbers while building way faster than either of those two and just having higher damage.

    However, they have only 7 range and die in 3 hits to FU Chinese Heavy Scorpions which also have 7 range so I think those are really good. E. CKN do not die in 1 hit to Onager, also Heavy Scorpions don't friendly fire and the upgrade does not cost gold.

    I usually upgrade halberd just in case out of habit but it's probably a mistake actually since halbs are for defending siege but Scorpions can defend themselves, rams should not be built and no Chinese melee units are going to survive whatever ranged damage is lying around to protect trebs. Make light cav and or skirms instead.

    Bombard towers are very good for map control since Chinese have 3 techs that improve tower hit points and lack siege engineers. This mirror will probably go late since its an eco civ mirror and rams don't work so hill and woodline control, as well as relics, should be something you think about in early castle age barring anything crazy.

    submitted by /u/saviourQQ
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    Is it common to find oneself stuck without knowing what to do in the middle of a game?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 04:20 AM PST

    When I was a child I used to play AOE without much thinking, I mean I used to play with cheats, or building a big military army of paladins and I had no idea about counters, order of buildings, fast castle techniques, etc. During the pandemic I watched some videos about AOE, and now I play more 'normally': that is luring a boar, going with men of arms, or countering archers with skirmishers, etc.

    The things is for many games I have realised that I enjoy the game until I get to the Castle Age, but then my mind blocks and I don't know what to do. I feel like I have to pay attention to so many details and my mind can't deal with everything at the same time. (I believe this is the way the game is meant to be played, but maybe I'm doing something wrong?)

    I feel like I have to pay attention to:

    + Villager productions and set them to either wood, gold, farms, etc

    + Sending my army to the enemy base and raiding them, together with micro-ing them if possible

    + Continue building

    + Continue producing army

    + Continue producing villagers

    + Selecting and deselecting units to organize them better (all the infantry to 1, all the cavalry to 2, all the archers to 3, etc.)

    +Defending my base from the enemy raids

    + Having a look at the economy

    + Thinking what army the enemy produces so that I counter them

    + Upgrading my army in the blacksmith

    + Thiking about the pros and cons of my civilization and the enemy's too

    Isn't it like too much? Will I get accustomed after many games?

    I don't feel I am enjoying the game after getting to castle age anymore, my mind blocks

    submitted by /u/AlanAppRed
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    Scouts vs walling meta

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 02:42 AM PST

    I'm 1300 elo on DE, and I can never seem to get a good return from going scouts. I can execute the build order with minimal idle time for the 21 pop feudal, but I can't even remember the last time my opponent wasn't fully walled by the time my scouts arrived at his base. After that point it just feels like a wasted investment as I hit his walls and run away from his spearmen. I pretty much never go scouts anymore because I can just never get them to work when my opponent walls up (which seems like every single game). Am I missing something here?

    submitted by /u/user74269
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    Longbowman, plumed archer and a huskarl enters a bar...

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 03:43 PM PST

    and huskarl enters a bar... and a huskarl enters a bar... and a huskarl enters a bar... and a...

    submitted by /u/deltawolf420
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    "I need to win before they reach Imperial"

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 03:15 AM PST

    Given above statement, for what civ that you could face do you think it holds the most true?

    I know it is heavily situational and depends on factors such as map and civ matchup, but in general. I'm thinking in the terms:

    • I need to win before the turks get to imperial, their gunpowder timing is too strong
    • I need to win before the mongols get to imperial, there are really no answers to mangudai spam in late game
    • I need to win before the byzantine get to imperial, their cheap trash spam will just wear me down
    submitted by /u/Bratfield-
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    Why it takes so much time to find a match?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 05:14 AM PST

    Best Magyars Unit Composition?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 02:17 AM PST

    I've been playing Magyars a lot recently and having some success with scouts into knights. Currently at 1070 elo.

    Generally, as the game moves closer to imp I mix in skirms. Looking at one of the Wololo games at the weekend, I think it was Vinchester went CA and Hussar.

    • When is a good time to transition into CA/Huzar?
    • Should you start creating CA at the start of castle age or are knights and then a switch in imp viable?
    • Which is the better unit comp if your opponent goes halb + heavy camel?

    I know it probably depends, but trying to get a sense of what situations would warrant this tech switch.

    submitted by /u/tibsmagee
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    Bulgarians Town Centers cost -50 stone in dark age too, unlike what the Tech Tree says.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 02:49 PM PST

    Why do pro players garisson their villagers when assigning new task?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 04:31 AM PST

    I always see them garisson/ungarisson their vills and flag their TC to wood for example if they want to change them from farms to wood.

    Why do they do that? Is it to drop off resources? Why not just shift click tc then wood?

    Should I be doing it as well?

    submitted by /u/NomsayinBruh
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    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 08:00 AM PST

    I'm a big fan of the market and use it very frequently in all stages of the game. In addition to being a nice balancing tool for shitty eco managment, I just dig the concept so much 11

    I saw a video of SotL about the market and the conclusion about guilds was that it only pays off if you sell tens of thousand of resources...I cant find it right now, so I hope I remember it correct.

    I prefer if my civ has guilds available for said reasons, and I always research it mid imp. BUT, is it even worth it? Whats your opinions on this fringe tech? Some facts I missed? How often do you go for it?

    submitted by /u/biob1234
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    Elephant is very confused

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 11:52 AM PST

    How do I load a skirmish into the editor so I can treat it as a scenario?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 03:33 AM PST

    Surprised this isn't simpler.

    submitted by /u/halamadrid22
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    Reconnect option! Please Devs we beg you.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 03:25 PM PST

    So there I was merrily chopping down teal villagers with my knights while my friend supported me with archers. Meanwhile my brother in law is booming away as if we're playing Farmville. We have hit mid-castle age. Things are going well. Got a castle outside their base fighting one battalion while we find holes elsewhere and raid them. Then suddenly the game just crashes. No freeze or anything. It just dies. From teal vil corpses and me happily laughing away as I count the dead to seeing the steam app and the faded grey icon slowly turn into a green "Play" button, as if I wasnt just playing AoE 2 DE. What gives? We need a reconnect button. Most games these days have them. I would be fine with losing my knights and missing 2min of action. I am not fine with losing the game and ruining the game for my friends. Sincerely, A sad-annoyed-angry-frustrated AoE 2 DE fan.

    Ps. Thanks for the reawakening of this awesome game devs.

    submitted by /u/Danai_esports
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    AoE2's most one-sided civ matchups (according to the stats!)

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 09:39 AM PST

    New player - where can I find build orders (not looking for noob friendly)

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 12:17 AM PST

    As per title. I want to jump into some 1v1 ranked. Where can I find some in-depth build orders to get going?

    submitted by /u/Shunto
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    How do you hack Aoe2?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 04:43 AM PST

    Why i think the Brown Color will be the new GAIA Color for units.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 01:11 PM PST

    I saw that post recently that in the game files a new brown color has been found, many players where hyped that this could mean a potential 5v5 (like it doesn't lag already) or at least a 9 player FFA. Well i doubt that, I think the brown color will be used to make Gaia units indistinguishable - you see, GAIA units and Units from p7 only differ themselves on the Minimap.

    Since the introduction of Battle Royale and the GAIA defenders, it has become pretty clear that this visual confusion will come to an end

    Either that or the Color grey will be replaced with brown. To be honest, grey is an awful color, I hate grey.

    submitted by /u/Deathcounter0
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    Low-elo-legend-Meta: late gg into full humbleness

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 07:26 PM PST

    Brazilian (or Portuguese) AoE2 Players

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 03:28 PM PST

    Hey guys, I don't usually engage in self-promotion but I'm trying to get more attention (and followers) streaming AoE2 (and other games, but mostly AoE2 and Dota2)

    I'm Brazilian and streaming Ranked AoE2 Matches in Portuguese (1122 rating atm). I can speak english as well but I'm mostly trying to bring more brazilian attention to AoE2.

    If you wanna chat and have fun while I get completely obliterated in ranked, come join me at: https://www.twitch.tv/nargplays

    submitted by /u/NargWielki
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    How to counter Britons as a cav civ when they just stack their archers?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 03:51 AM PST

    I'm about 1200 elo. The rare times I face a briton player as a cav civ like bulgarians I find i struggle more vs their archers. If i cant kill them in feudal before they wall up then these are my options:

    1. Mango's are always sniped
    2. Advancing behind rams, means my whole army is slow and he can snipe my knights in the meantime.
    3. If I don't advance behind rams then the opponent usually patrol moves until they can stack all their archers into a single tile, and my dps drops off abysmally, mangos wont help here as they'll be sniped as opposed to facing any other civ.
    4. Since they're walled if i avoid the archers and try kill their walls, they simply slowly pick off my knights.
    submitted by /u/Helikaon48
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