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    Wednesday, October 28, 2020

    Age of Empires 3 Community-made list of issues - Posted by Kaiserklein on behalf of ESOC on official forums

    Age of Empires 3 Community-made list of issues - Posted by Kaiserklein on behalf of ESOC on official forums

    Community-made list of issues - Posted by Kaiserklein on behalf of ESOC on official forums

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    So... I guess 3 weeks ago I played -2.2 hours.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:01 PM PDT

    New DE Hotfix!

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    New Japanese Unit Confirmed

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 06:31 AM PDT


    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    The Polish Winged Hussars card should be renamed "Totenkopf Hussars"

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 12:30 PM PDT

    Imagine this: you browse through your German home city menu when your attention is grabbed by an image of a fancy man in a shiny plate armor with a set of majestic wings - it's an Industrial Age card that promises to ship you 10 Polish winged hussars. "Ooh nice!" you say to yourself - you promptly add the card into your deck and excitedly start up a game against an Ottoman opponent, looking forward to recreating the fabled winged hussar charge at the Siege of Vienna.

    Opting to go fast industrial so you could call the shipment as soon as possible, your dopamine levels rise as you watch the winged hussar icon on your HUD get progressively less yellow with each passing second. The shipment finally arrives, and... it's just 10 regular old Hussars. No wings, no plate armor, no lances, no Polish badassery - just a bunch of generic guard Hussars whose name has been modified to "Winged Hussar". You have been bamboozled.

    I think it would greatly benefit the game if the devs address this blatant case of false advertising. I do however understand that making a new model of actual winged hussars would be too much work especially for one measly shipment card, so I propose a much simpler solution: change the unit's name to Totenkopf Hussar.

    The Totenkopf Hussars were a Prussian cavalry regiment formed by Frederick the Great - renowned for their black uniforms and a distinct skull-and-bones badge adorning their hats, these bad boys would intill sheer terror in the hearts of the victims of their fearless cavalry charges on the battlefields of the War of Austrian Succesion and the Seven Years War. In the Napoleonic Wars a string of circumstances saw them fight for the British under the moniker "Black Brunswickers", distinguishing themselves in the Peninsular War and the Battle of Waterloo. The Prussians continued to boast Totenkopf Hussar regiments throughout the 19th century, with their daring onslaughts in battles of Austro-Prussian and Franco-Prussian war contributing to the birth of the German Empire. Wonder where Chileans got the idea for their Hussars of Death regiment? It's from these guys.

    Totenkopf Hussar from the 7 Years War

    Black Brunswicker officer + a group of Black Brunswickers

    Totenkopf Hussars, 1833

    A group of Totenkopf hussars in WW1

    All I'm asking is to replace the name and icon of the shipment card. Either recycle a hussar unit portrait or make a brand new icon based on this guy.

    submitted by /u/Froggyspirits
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    AOE 3 Definitive edition should've had a survival/wave mode.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    The game is fun online. But it was a missed opportunity to not include a survival or wave mode. The ai is too easy and the only way single player/co op mode can ever be fun is if they had a survival wave mode.

    submitted by /u/Theoldage2147
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    New Hotfix update be like:

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Question for Cassador

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:45 AM PDT

    Cassadors is unique units of Portuguese that almost same Skim.

    They have lower hp and melee attack so they are weaker than Skim when they fight in melee and against artillery unit and Abuse. And They need 30 more food.

    But they have faster move speed (4.5), better range resistance(0.45) and need 30 less gold.

    So How think about these units in game. Their move adventage are useful in combat? and They are useful in vs infantry like Skims?

    submitted by /u/dak0653
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    Anyone notice AI doesnt build trading route trading posts? Ever? And never goes for a trade monopoly victory?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:36 PM PDT

    I think it is bugged. I want the AI to go for trade monopoly victories, I love the tension it creates. I am able to do trade monopolies in the same games they aren't, so i know it isnt an issue with my settings.

    submitted by /u/datshanaynay
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    Multiplayer crashing

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 11:47 PM PDT

    Me and a friend had no issues up until yesterday playing multiplayer games vs AI together since last night it just randomly crashes(either him or I) with no warning. Just quits the game. I was hoping today's update will fix it but it didn't. Also since the last update it wasn't doing it it just started last night anyone have any ideas?

    submitted by /u/mrswaghetti
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    The Dev Team could have made some minor changes to other campaigns to improve them.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:24 AM PDT

    Such as Act 3 adding American voicelines for the infantry and adding the Volunteer and Regular units from the New Orleans historical mission.

    Give John Black the Mr. Mercenary man the ability to build Saloons.

    Replacing the Hussars in the first mission with Elmeti.

    And I am sure there are a number of other examples.

    Also I wish they changed the Ottoman gun crew models, they could use the Egyptian revolutionary if they are lazy.

    submitted by /u/Arazivial
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    Are Torps useless in the long run?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:05 AM PDT

    Good for collecting gold from mines in early ages but once they run out of mines, it's not much use? What do you think?

    submitted by /u/kristalshards
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    Long preallocating times?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:36 PM PDT

    Long preallocating times?

    Have some weird things going on with AoE3DE, with every update it takes a super long time to preallocate and do post download stuff, also what's weird is when my friends and I jump on today, one friend has a 175ishmb update with no issues and the other who also has the same issues as me have 45mb updates.


    submitted by /u/Insanity72
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    The battle no one ever heard about. Portuguese vs Japanese at the river rhine

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    Let's talk about the Shadow Campaign

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 09:58 AM PDT

    So with the DE release came many improvements, changes, a few missteps and even some "declines". Let's go through the generally discussed things before we get to the main point of this post.

    The new civs, all cards from the get-go, graphics and resolution, dedicated servers and some optimization are improvements. Game balance, the general optimization and the stability of the game are missteps. These are most likely going to get fixed through patches sometime. I also hope the card interface is returned to the old nicely organised one and that more information is gained when choosing cards in campaign, like what age the shipment is available.

    The neutral changes that don't matter in the end: The name change of Iroquois and Sioux is something that is only seen when choosing civs and then it's more or less forgotten when actually playing the game. It changes nothing in the end really. It is strange though that the only the natives of North America has gotten this name change to their own language while other, European and other natives, still have both the english name and a generalisation of the area.

    Changing the name of the ages. Same thing. Doesn't change anything really.

    The fire pits being changed into community centres. It was nice zooming down and see the villagers dance around the fire. The community centre is just boring to look at. Well the good thing is that it actually keeps my attention on the actual economy and fighting. Voice lines for the native units are bland, boring and lacks immersion. But like the points above, it does not change the game. To be honest though, I will probably just mod in the old voice lines in the end anyway. IKA-TENTIS.

    The points above are things that I care only little about but not enough to change my opinion of the game. One thing that did change my opinion and actually made me disappointed however, is the Shadow campaign about Chayton Black and the conflict between the white settlers and the Sioux/Lakota tribes**.** When I had finished the campaign I could only think one thing, why?

    For those that don't know what I'm talking about. The shadow campaign is in the definitive edition changed from how it was in the original.

    In the original, for the first half of the campaign you fight against the Sioux. In the definitive edition you now fight against outlaws instead, and a random Spanish faction. Ok, I think. Maybe it is more true to history? Maybe it is to not paint the Lakota tribes in bad colours and instead pay respect to them. So it should definitely get more interesting when you finally met up with Crazy horse. So... Who is Uncle Frank and why do you meet him instead of Crazy horse? Ok, he is Chayton's actual uncle. Then he will probably be the perfect bridge between Chayton and Crazy horse. That sounds kind of interesting.

    Why is Holme so rude? Why is Chayton so rude? Why is Custer so rude? Why does it hurt when Uncle Frank looks at me like that?

    Finally we enter the last stand at battle for little bighorn. I have defended my camp, I have trained a huge army, I have prevented half of Custer's reinforcements. Now the final battle begins. The Americans blow the war-trumpet. They are attacking. Finally the Lakota warriors arrive as they yell their war cry. They charge the battlefield led by... Uncle Frank... Why? Why was this difference made?

    Where is Crazy horse? Where is Sitting Bull?

    Was it to be more historical correct? Then where is Crazy horse and Sitting Bull?
    Was this to pay respect to the Lakota tribe? Then were is Crazy horse and Sitting Bull?
    Was it to make the story more interesting? Then were is Crazy horse and Sitting Bull?
    Was it to make it feel more fictional and less historical? That's like the opposite of the reasoning for earlier mentioned changes.

    I can't understand why this change was made. It did not make the story more interesting or the campaign more immersive. The opposite actually.

    In the original, Chayton felt more interesting as a man caught in the middle of a growing conflict were he finally had to make a decision.In this version he felt more like an angry kid that acted not based on his own experience but on what people told him.

    Holmes in the original felt as if he really wanted Chayton to stay by his side and he grow disappointed and angry when it ended up different.In this he is reduced to be a greedy idiot who attacks his own gang for what exact reason?

    Custer was a soldier first and foremost that had been assigned to deal with a growing problem.In the end he let Chayton decide where his loyalty lied. Here he is just a prideful a-hole.

    Uncle Frank is boring and he scares me. At least Crazy Horse may still be remembered as a great leader.

    So why was this difference made like this? Is there actually a good reason behind it that I just failed to see? Am I too emotional regarding a fiction-filled event that is only inspired by real history?I would actually be happy if someone could change my mind regarding this, so I can enjoy this campaign in the future.

    submitted by /u/Jonteman93
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    AI Difficulty

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:34 PM PDT

    For definitive edition, is there a table or something out there that show's the differences between the levels of difficulty for the AI?

    submitted by /u/IWaaasPiiirate
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    Fixes do nothing?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 02:07 AM PDT

    First game after installing the hotfix and the game crashes at 40 minutes.

    Anyone else still getting issues despite the patches ?

    submitted by /u/Bevoluti0n
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    Chinese Castle Banner Army Changes in DE.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    Apparently in DE, the Chinese Castle Banner Armies is completely changed.

    The Black Flag Army that previously gives 3 Arquebusier and 1 Flamethrower now gives 4 Changdao and 2 Meteor Hammer.

    While the Mongolian Army which previously produce 3 Keshiks and 3 Hand Mortars now produces 2 Steppe Riders and 2 Keshiks.

    I must say the changes were very great for 2 of the most rare and somewhat hard to get Chinese unit, the Changdao and the Steppe Riders.

    Previously Changdao is only accessible through the Territorial Army, while the Steppe Riders can only be gained from the Standard Army.

    And Banner Army has basically kicked out the Siege Units, since I think if I want a Siege unit, it's better for me to just queue 5 Flamethrower or Hand Mortar than just get a Black Flag Army or Mongolian Army.

    And Probably the Chinese Late Game would be much more numerous in melee because of the Black Flag Army giving 4 Changdaos, and mixed with the Imperial Army(3 Arquebusier and 2 Iron Flails) could give a very heavy like army than the Standard and Ming Army mix.

    submitted by /u/Ashina999
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    Trek wagons

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    Hi, i'm probably stupid, but what do trek wagons actually do?

    thank you!

    submitted by /u/doesthoueventilt
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    Why would you pick india in a team game?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    What is their best unit to mass in a team game? Which age's army should I prioritize?

    I like their medicine card so far. It buffs everyones economy nicely.

    submitted by /u/Luckylancer96
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    Lots of cards not available in the Campaign. Bug or intended feature?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    I've been playing through the first 4 campaigns (Base game + Fire) and noticed that during the Home City phase where I pick new cards for my deck, a suspiciously large number of cards never become available.

    I cannot remember if this was always the case. The new Tech Tree system is very unintuitive in regards to the conditions for each card. I don't think it tells you what Age the card becomes available and how many times it can be sent. You have to invest a point in it and go to the deck builder to see those details.

    I also don't have a clue whether my town is just not a high enough level to unlock those cards yet, or are they not meant to be used in that campaign at all?

    I was under the impression that the campaigns use custom civs. Are they actually using the tech trees of existing civs?

    submitted by /u/Aeliasson
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