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    Sunday, June 5, 2022

    Age of Empires II He Persian douched me and then tried to castle drop me: Most satisfying win ever.

    Age of Empires II He Persian douched me and then tried to castle drop me: Most satisfying win ever.

    He Persian douched me and then tried to castle drop me: Most satisfying win ever.

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 02:12 PM PDT

    Visualisation of how much a "flat buildings"-mode would help spotting holes

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 02:03 PM PDT

    Visualisation of how much a "flat buildings"-mode would help spotting holes

    So first image is a normal situation on a hill:


    Second image is the same situation, but instead of the normal graphics i put in flat graphics, which are similiar to the outline on a flat ground.


    Does this help you to spot the holes?



    Not really. Turns out that even when the graphics are as flat as they can be, while still covering the tiles that the building occupies (on flat ground), elevation can still form the tiles in a way that the static building graphic can not cover it wihout beeing wrong in a different situation. Selecting the buildings turns on the actual outline and shows how far off the graphics are in some spots (The flat graphic for the house is a bit too small, but that doesnt matter as even with this the holes are not really visible).


    It is sad that this does not work, as it would be pretty easy to implement (Give buildings a flat graphic as their second frame, have all buildings switch to that frame by the press of a button [Though the stable already has multiple frames which might make it a bit tricky]).

    But seeing the actual outlines i had another idea: what if buildings could turn invisible or be replaced by their much smaller icons, and have the actual outline of all buildings shown and filled with the player color (for this i had to use paint to fill the outlines):



    I think the holes are pretty well visible this way. And this is doable without flattening all the land (part of other ideas), which i imagine is pretty hard to do in a game that was coded without this in mind. But switching graphics is doable, "outlines shown only for selected buildings" to "outlines shown for all buildings" should be doable, so only filling the outlines with the player color is a case of "it depends".

    So what do you think? Would you like to have this as a feature? Do you got ideas on how to improve this? And do you have an idea on how we could prevent having this feature always activated beeing optimal? Else all pro player streams would look like this.

    submitted by /u/L0has
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    Understanding Your Gold Units: Mamelukes

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 01:29 PM PDT

    Breaking 1000 ELO - So Hard!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 03:39 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I've been playing since 2000 more or less. I thought I was decent playing against friends until I played online in DE. Now I know that the general standard has improved a lot due to YouTube tutorials and the Art of War tutorial.

    I've hit ceiling of about 950 and it's so hard to hit the 1000 ELO, I've said I'll retire from 1v1 once I hit 1000 (since I'm more of a team player).

    I literally got to 995 today then lost. I'm not a great player admitantilly, but I must admit it's so hard to get to 1000 ELO. But it's so strange, there are some poor players at this level, and then also once you hit 950 ELO a lot of players so seem so much better than myself.

    It seems inconsistent, some players are rubbish yet some seem miles better than me. Every time I get within 1 game of 1000 ELO I seem to lose, and I don't think it's psychological.

    I normally favourite Arabia and then go Huns and vary my opening based on the opponent, i.e. scouts or archer opening.

    My kryptonite seems to be Britons... any tips?

    Also is there any recognition that 1000 ELO isn't noob anymore...? I mean, I've been trying a while....

    submitted by /u/Even_Preference_9255
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    Steppe Lancers in pro games?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 01:35 PM PDT

    So, I played a game yesterday and I made a stable and I froze for a second. "What is that?" Oh, Steppe Lancer, right. Don't think I ever saw one played and I seemed to remember posts saying they are useless. I was also put off by their cost, 70F and 40G is like a lot given how food is scarce early castle. That's like big UU money.

    So anyway, I guess they have a use and you have helped me before. Do you know of a pro game in which Steppe Lancers were the MVPs? Would be fun to see. Also I really have no idea, they might be good, I don't really play those civs.

    submitted by /u/TevecQ
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    Daut will show them the waaay. Man is too humble!

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 01:42 PM PDT


    Context: Jordan, Tatoh and Viper lost the first game of their Bo5 and then went on to win the next three games with Daut instead of Jordan.

    submitted by /u/lonertastic
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    Is This a Common Strat with the Poles on Arena?

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 12:49 PM PDT

    Rating tanking in team ranked ladder

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 02:16 PM PDT

    I feel like this issue is pretty common, curious about others experiences.

    e.g. tonight me and my teammate got matched twice against the same team who just crushed us completely. They had the same elo as us (around 1200 team game) but they each had over 1.5k games played (compared to our 170), including about 1000 team games. Given the fact that they absolutely crushed us with no problem, and that they obviously have huge experience in the game, I don't believe their rating can be possible without intentional tanking. This is quite a common theme, often when we lose it is an overwhelming loss to players with many many games played.

    It sucks, total waste of a session as we obviously are going to lose to players with almost 10x our experience in the game. I feel like this is keeping us from climbing up the rankings a bit tbh...

    submitted by /u/w0llef
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    idea for buffing castle age cataphract

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 05:41 PM PDT

    This applies to the standard byzantine cataphract

    ROF changed from 1.8 to 1.7

    Health changed from 110 to 120

    this would make the transition to the cataphract easier, it would actually make them viable in castle age, and would make the elite-upgrade not immediatly necessary. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/L_Freethought
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    event challenges not visible

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 03:15 PM PDT

    Villager event again

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 02:17 PM PDT

    It says to build a siege tower so I did and I won the game but it won't unlock the reward?

    submitted by /u/Ordinary_Beginning72
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    Dravidians (Civ Rework)

    Posted: 05 Jun 2022 05:12 PM PDT

    Last week I touched on reworking the Bengalis and how to buff them given their low win rate.

    Dravidians also too have been underwhelming, which I think may surprise a lot of people. Given on release there was a lot of talk about Dravidians potentially being OP with their wood bonus and strong Range in the current meta.

    So I again want to throw up the discuss of how to fix the Dravidians.


    Infantry & Naval Civ

    • Receive +200 wood when advancing to the next age

    • Fishermen & Fishing Ships carry +15

    • Barracks & Stable technologies cost -50%

    (NEW* Adding Elite Battle Elephant & maybe Husbandry to their Tech Tree).

    • Skirmishers & Elephant Archers attack 25% faster



    (No longer effected by Wootz steel, the Urumi instead now move 10% faster to act as a counter to siege and possibly monks)

    Possible an increase in their base attack could help counter the loss of Wootz Steel




    Wootz Steel (500food, 450gold) was 750food, 500gold

    (Barracks and Stable Units ignore Armour)

    (UT Switched* This change is taking Dravidians in the direction of a Goth style Civ. Costing less Keeps with the theme of cheaper infantry upgrades, given the value of Wootz Steel.

    Removing Urumi from the UT effect gives the barracks and Urumi different roles that can kind assist each other.

    Medical Corps (750food, 500gold)

    (Elephants regenerate 40 HP per minute)

    Essentially I've double the cost and the effect of this bonus. Considered a some what useless tech by most.

    This buff now makes their Elephants heal at Berserker rates.


    Docks provide +5 population space


    Buffing both Infantry and Elephants isn't something I think will effect the Pro level players a lot. Who with good Archer Civs do better in general. Which kinda reflected in Dravidians having a slightly higher win rate at higher Elo's

    I see these bonuses helping Lower Elo's, who generally suffer is lacking knight Civs. Their Battle Elephants & Ele Archers shoot up to top tier with these changes, yes. Maybe no perfect but I think it's heading in the right direction.

    The Elephant Archers healing at Berserker rates could likely counter Siege at lot better. While also the Siege Elephant could be used ass an aggressive anti Siege unit potentially with it also healing faster.


    • Elite Battle Elephant

    • Husbandry (Optional)

    submitted by /u/Aggravating-Skill-26
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