• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 29, 2020

    Age of Empires II This dude built a TC

    Age of Empires II This dude built a TC

    This dude built a TC

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:55 AM PST

    Me: Trying to lure the boar while doing something else. - Also me:

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 03:40 PM PST

    And then the Winged....

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 06:49 PM PST

    Does anybody else have this problem? How can I train my defense?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:05 AM PST

    Fellow low elo legends. Get the relics!

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 10:49 PM PST

    Aoe2DE Launcher for Firefox

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:44 AM PST

    I've created a AoE2DE launcher add-on for firefox. The addon is available in the add-on store here, and you can get the simple source code on github here.

    The launcher allows you to enter a game lobby ID (as given in the lobby, for example paste aoe2de://0/123456 orjust 123456) and directly join the lobby to play or to spectate. This way you don't need to search for the lobby in game, you just need the ID.

    This uses the same technique as aoe2.net and was made possible in the november patch.

    gl hf :)

    submitted by /u/puppySaturation
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    The Universal Farming Equation

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:11 AM PST

    The Universal Farming Equation

    This is a (very rough) attempt to derive farm collection rates from theoretical constants alone. From this, a universal farming equation emerges that apply to all civilizations, as well as all technologies, such as wheelbarrow, heavy plow, and hand cart.

    Hypothetically, the universal farming equation can successfully predict the impact of any tech or civ bonus from the description of the bonus alone.

    First of, let's list all the theoretical constants. Percentages are converted to decimals.

    Carry Capacity Constants

    1. Villager Base Carry = 10
    2. Wheelbarrow Carry = 3
    3. Heavy Plow Carry = 1
    4. Hand Cart Carry = 7
    5. Aztec Carry = 3

    Farm Gather Rate Constants

    1. Farm Base Gather = 0.53*
    2. Slav Gather = 0.1
    3. Khmer Gather = -0.05
    4. Mayan Gather = -0.07

    *Source: https://ageofempires.fandom.com/wiki/Villager_(Age_of_Empires_II))

    Villager Speed Constants

    1. Villager Base Speed = 0.8
    2. Wheelbarrow Walk = 0.1
    3. Hand Cart Walk = 0.1
    4. Berber Walk = 0.1
    5. Villager Pause = 0.5*

    **The villager pause is a brief 0.5 seconds of idle time whenever the villager drops off resources or begins a new farming task. I have discovered that the Universal Farming Equation will predict impossibly high values for most civs and wrong values for Khmer unless pauses are factored in. Ingame these pauses are observable as the villager stops to "think" about its next task.

    Distance Constants

    To derive distance constants, farming behavior has to be modeled.


    Farms are 3 x 3 grids with 9 tiles total. A farmer will pick 4 of these tiles at random (not necessarily in the sequence shown in the diagram) where they will collect one quarter of their total carry capacity. When the farmer is full he walks to the dropoff point (mill / TC) and then drops of the food. Then the farmer walks back to a random spot in the farm to begin the cycle anew.

    Khmer farmers skip the dropoff and walk back portions.

    Initially this behavior is modeled as:

    1. Gather food from Position 1
    2. Walk to Position 2
    3. Gather Food from Position 2
    4. Walk to Position 3
    5. Gather Food from Position 3
    6. Walk to Position 4
    7. Gather Food from Position 4
    8. Walk to Dropoff Point
    9. Walk back

    However, I discovered that pauses must be factored in to get more accurate predictions.

    1. Pause. Gather food from Position 1
    2. Walk to Position 2
    3. Pause. Gather Food from Position 2
    4. Walk to Position 3
    5. Pause. Gather Food from Position 3
    6. Walk to Position 4
    7. Pause. Gather Food from Position 4
    8. Walk to Dropoff Point (skip if Khmer)
    9. Pause. Walk back (skip if Khmer)

    Each non-Khmer civ pauses five times per farming cycle and Khmer pauses four times.

    Distance While Shifting

    Corner Tiles

    The average distance to a random tile is (13/8) from the corner.

    Side Tiles

    The average distance to a random tile is (11/8) from the side

    Center Tile

    The distance to a random tile is always (1) from the center

    All Tiles

    The average distance from one random tile to another random tile is approximately ~4.4

    Distance while dropping off

    Because a mill will be used for confirmation with experimental results, this is how the drop off distance is calculated. Half a tile is subtracted for the tile the villager is actually on (because the villager always stands at the center of his tile).

    The average dropoff distance is approximately ~1.6

    That was a lot of work! Now we just need to rearrange all these known constants into an equation that can predict the food collection rate. Due to the sheer size of the Universal Farming Equation, we will break it down into six sub equations.

    In addition to the constants, we use boolean values (0 or 1) to indicate whether or not the constants will be applied. All these booleans are written in the format if_variable.

    The Carry Equation

    Villager Carry, C = Vil_Base_Carry + (Aztec_Carry * If_Aztec) + (Wheelbarrow_Carry * If_Wheelbarrow_Researched) + (HeavyPlow_Carry * If_HeavyPlow_Researched) + (HandCart_Carry * If_HandCart_Researched)


    The Gather Equation

    Farm Gather, G = Farm_Base_Gather * (1 + (Slav_Gather * If_Slav) + (Khmer_Gather * If_Khmer) + (Mayan_Gather * If_Mayan))


    The Distance Equation

    Distance Traveled, D = Shift_Distance + (2 * Drop_Distance * (1 - If_Khmer))


    The Speed Equation

    Villager Speed, S = Vil_Base_Walk + (1 + (Berber_Walk * If_Berber) + (Wheelbarrow_Walk * If_Wheelbarrow_Researched) + (HandCart_Walk * If_HandCart_Researched))


    The Pause Equation

    Villager Pause Time, P = (5 - If_Khmer) * Vil_Pause

    Khmers pause one less time compared to other civs, because they don't dropoff food.

    Plugging Everything Into the Universal Farming Equation


    In descriptive form, the Universal Farming Equation is:

    Food Collected Per Minute = 60 * Food Carry Capacity / (Time Spent Gathering + Time Spent Walking + Time Spent Pausing)

    Which gives the following predicted values:


    Compared to experimental values I have derived from this earlier experiment:


    We find that the values predicted by the Universal Farming Equation are a close fit to experimental data:

    The average deviation between theoretical and experiment values is 0.5% across 36 different scenarios

    The universal farming equation has some limitations; the impact of farm reseed is not taken into account. That can be a topic of future discussion to visit.

    submitted by /u/whisperwalk
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    What civ do you consider the most overrated? The most underrated?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:13 AM PST


    For me, I have this weird relationship with the Mongols where I simultaneously hate playing against them, but I also hate playing them. I think it boils down to the fact that if you play the Mongols, you will make Mangudai 100%. This makes the civ extremely predictable, and because Mangudai are so expensive to upgrade fully, it means they can take a while to get going, which could be too long.

    I feel the wins or losses of the Mongols depend entirely on how well they mass their Mangudai, since everything depends on having a threatening mass with a constant presence. Players who neglect the Mangudai will lose, those that keep them alive will win. As such, all it ever takes is ONE solid Mangonel shot and it's an entirely new game, so I'm not sure how great the Mongols actually are when they're so heavily and obviously invested in one unit type. When facing someone who knows how to take care of their Mangudai though, it's admittedly very frustrating.

    I think the Ethiopians are also worth mentioning. This civ I don't have a problem with and I actually enjoy playing them, and I can do decent with them. However, there's no denying that Ethiopia has a very disappointing win ratio in their tournament appearances. This could partially be due to Empire Wars having bias towards cavalry, but iirc their winrate in KotD wasn't great either.

    Ethiopia isn't so much a civ that I personally think is overrated, but I also think we need to acknowledge the statistics suggesting as much.


    Byzantines are a civ I consistently hear people say "they're actually not that bad" to, and I'm really unclear on why there's any debate on if they're good or not. In any given game, you can expect to encounter either cavalry or archers, at which point you are saving 25% on all trash units made to counter them. Their tech tree is also absolutely ridiculous; if it had Blast furnace it'd have "everything" except for siege.

    I also feel like Larry has shown the Magyars are underrated. At the very least, I can't be the only one that considers Magyar's late game absolutely broken. Hera's late game strat has become "spam Hussar" and the Magyars do that, but better, because their Hussars trade decently when they're forced to fight gold units. The Magyars simply demand pressure, but as long as you can break down any potential walls, it's a very dangerous civ, both in the early game and the late game.

    submitted by /u/AFlyingNun
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    Every Unique Unit Compared to History (Part 5 - The Forgotten Empires)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:38 PM PST

    Hello again!

    Today we're going to go through the civs of The Forgotten. Which have some of my favourite UU's, but also the hardest to relate to history, which has always intrigued me. Today I will remove the shroud of mist that the civs created by FE studios have created.

    If you haven't seen the other parts:

    - Part 1

    - Part 2

    - Part 3

    - Part 4

    So without further ado, let's get started.

    Incas - Kamayuk

    Ability: Infantry unit with attack bonus vs. cavalry. Carries a long spear to infiltrate formations.

    What it Was: A Kamayuk was an officer of the Incan army. They commanded lesser troops such as archers and slingers.

    Significance to Incas: The Incas were a power in South America, and the biggest Mesoamerican Empire haven taken much of the Andes mountain range. They were able to do so with their millitary might.

    How the Game Relates is to History: All Incan generals carried spears as symbols of power. If you don't already know this with aoe2 logic, spears are anti-cavalry weapons. The same goes for real life. The Incas were also known for carrying spears that were crazy lengths. Some of their spears ranged from 3 meters (around 10 feet), to 6 meters (around 20 feet).

    Incas - Slinger

    Ability: Ranged unit with attack bonus vs. infantry.

    What it Was: The Sling is one of the oldest weapons in the world. It has records of being used all around the world, including the Mesopotamians and Mesoamericans. It has been mentioned in the bible as well. The sling was a device that threw rocks at insane speeds. It was spun around and around until it reached maximum speed, and then let go of to hurl the rock.

    Significance to Incas: The Incas were master slingers, as the Spanish found out. The Incans were also mostly herders, who already were trained in using slings due to their profession (fun fact: the people of the Andes still use slings for herding today)

    How the Game Relates is to History: The Slinger seems to be a decent representation of the sling. The sling was deadly, and I mean deadly. It might not look like much at all, but with a sling even the smallest rock (as long as its not, like, a pebble) can kill. It proved devastating to Spanish musketmen, and the Incas enemies.

    Indians - Elephant Archer

    Ability: Heavy mounted archer.

    What it Was: I stated with the Persians that Elephants were devastating units, and that riders would be in towers on the Elephant's back. Common Elephants riders used bows and arrows, and elephant archers were very deadly.

    Significance to Indians: Most Elephants in Persian armies came from India, so it would make sense that they had an Elephant unit.

    How the Game Relates is to History: I mean, its an elephant archer. Its a ranged version of the war elephant, so its not as weak to monks but still insanely slow, and more like a slow war wagon. There's not much you can say other than "yeah, its an elephant with an archer on it".

    Indians - Imperial Camel

    Ability: Stronger than Heavy Camel. Excels at killing other mounted units

    What it Was: It's a camel rider, duh

    Significance to Indians: The Indians used camels a lot in battle, not much to say here.

    How the Game Relates is to History: I think the addition of the Imperial Camel is more of a gameplay decision than anything. It is meant to be a replacement of the knight, as the Indians don't have knights. As I've said before, camels were scary to European horses, because they had never seen camels before. They thought they were monsters and ran away from them or went haywire.

    Italians - Genoese Crossbowmen

    Ability: Anti cavalry archery unit.

    What it Was: The Genoese Crossbowmen were an army that focused on the defence of the City State of Genoa, and for mercenary use. They were armed with their crossbow and a pavise, or big shield. The model of the Genoese Crossbowman has a pavise, and hides behind it. The Crossbowmen operated in teams that worked together, which increased the rate of fire that The Crossbowmen had. They were extremely deadly.

    Significance to Italians: Obviously, since Italy was a collection of city states, you can't have one UU that screams "Italian". The Genoese Crossbowmen were famous among Medieval Europe, so it makes sense to have them as a UU for the Italians.

    How the Game Relates is to History: The anti-cavalry bonus makes The Crossbowmen an all around archer unit, which can be used in many situations, and the elite version is arguably better than the Arbalest. It would have been cooler for them to have a faster fire rate, to represent the teams of 2 for them, or more pierce armor to represent their use of the pavise.

    Italians - Condottiero

    Ability: Quick infantry. Has a bonus against gunpowder units.

    What it Was: Condottieri (the plural version of condottiero) were mercenary captains from Italy, that became famous. They were elite troops that had often fought in the Crusades, and would hold auctions over how many troops they would send to an area (essentially, pay the amount of how many troops are you willing to lose to conquer a province of Italy.)

    Significance to Italians: Italian city states often had weak armies, and the Condottieri would be there to fight wars for the City States. They were pretty important to Italian history.

    How the Game Relates is to History: I'm not sure about the gunpowder bonus, but the Condottiero is a fast training infantry unit that can be used in case you're base is attacked, which makes sense, because they were the main source of defense and attack for Italy. It's high gold cost is also probably a nod to the fact that they were mercenaries, and demanded a high pay.

    Magyars - Magyar Huszar

    (Note: I've been waiting to do this one for a long time now)

    Ability: Light cavalry unit with a bonus vs. siege

    What it Was: The Huszar, or Hussar, is a light cavalry unit that was ideal for raiding and reconnaissance missions. Now here's the ranty bit, the model for the normal Hussar (the one thats trained at the stable) is based off of the Polish Winged Hussar, which was a heavy cavalry unit meant for charging fortifications, NOT a light cavalry unit. The Huszars should not have wings on them.

    Significance to Magyars: The Magyars created the idea of a Hussar, and used them extensively in their "Black Army"

    How the Game Relates is to History: The Huszars strength against siege makes them work well with Cav. Archers, which were also a part of the Magyars' light cavalry force. The "Corvinian Army" UT is likely a nod to the Black Army, which was an official army created by Matthias Corvinus, and was modeled off of the Roman Legion.

    Slavs- Boyar

    Ability: Heavily armored cavalry; resistant to melee attack.

    What it Was: The Boyars were an important social class in many Slavic countries, and would own land. They were next in rank to princes.

    Significance to Slavs: They made up the aristocracy of the slavic countries. However, like Tarkans, Boyars had different roles everywhere. Boyars in Serbia could own land in exchange for fighting for it. (Essentially being equivelant to Barons). Boyars in Bulgaria, where just nobility on the other hand.

    How the Game Relates is to History: Same with the Teutons bonus, they were rich and could afford the best armor (this is just a theory, if you have a better idea pls let me know)

    Tysm again!!!

    - Polar

    submitted by /u/Crusader_2
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    Stuttering that gets progressively worse as the game goes on?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:25 AM PST

    Stuttering that gets progressively worse as the game goes on?

    Hi, I'm a new player who downloaded the Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition the other day. However, I'm getting a problem every game where the game will run smoothly at the start, but then begin to stutter more and more as the game goes on.

    Here you can see an example of this stutter in action:


    In the video above you can see my game running at around ~140 FPS, then suddenly freeze completely for a few seconds (but can still move mouse), and then go back up to 140 FPS.

    This problem only happens once the game has progressed for a while. For example, if I get myself 500/500 supply right at the start of the game, all that will happen is FPS drop, but no complete freeze ups like shown above:


    Here is my Ranked Benchmark Test score:


    My hardware specifications are:

    • Motherboard: ASUS PRIME Z390-A
    • CPU: Intel i7 9700k @ 4.7Ghz
    • GPU: NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti
    • RAM: 2x16 GB @ 3600Mhz CL16
    • Game installed on SSD: Samsung 970 EVO NVMe M.2 1TB

    HWMonitor doesn't show any potential overheating issues:


    I'm pretty lost as to what the problem might be. Has anyone experienced something like this before? Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/All_Luck_No_Skillz
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    AoE 2 DE for dummies

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:08 AM PST

    Hello there, I'm a new player to the multiplayer world of AoE2 DE and I was wondering what everyone's best top tips for beginners are!? I have tried a few games and honestly I've been humiliated by everyone so I'm now looking at scraping back my pride. I've taken a look at some of the interactive build orders (which have helped) but wondered what other hidden tips there were lurking in the depths of you redditors! Thanks for helping a fellow idle villager!

    submitted by /u/basilmcbazton
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    Do you think AOE2DE will be cheaper on Steam winter sale?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:56 AM PST

    Now there is -50% sale on DE. Shall i buy now, or wait for winter sale? Will it get cheaper or larger discount?

    submitted by /u/nantener
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    Post Game Statistics wishlist

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:04 AM PST

    G'day Microsoft and the Forgotten Empires team.

    I love age, and I love seeing the breakdown of where I performed well vs where I could improve.

    You've already proven willing to diverge from the original ui layout in recent patches, so I would like to request a complete overhaul of the Post Game Statistics screen. People frequently lament on reddit the lack of diagnostic information included in the stats and timeline.

    It's 2020. Dynamic graphs are common. A tab is no longer the most efficient way of expanding visual information.

    I would love the following stats viewable. (I'm sure there are tonnes more)

    TC idle time. Time spent housed Vil idle time. Timestamps of every completed/destroyed building as an option on the timeline (same with every single unit I created, relic I captured, unit I killed or converted, upgrade, etc). I want to know which unit killed said unit. I want how much of every unit type I made, how much res I spent on them, how much damage I did with them to every other unit type, and how much they received (bonus damage listed as well). Healing done by monks. Total res value of conversions. Damage mitigated by each upgrade/civ bonus. Bonus damage dealt by up each upgrade/civ bonus. Other stats for tech/civ unique upgrades and bonuses (time/res saved on upgrades or unit built times, res saved).

    Essentially I want any stat you can think of. I know it's probably a bit of work, but a lot of these stats are already visible in other ways such as the replay viewer.

    Worth bringing up at the scrum meeting.

    submitted by /u/theAlmondcake
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    AOE2:DE on Mac (M1 & should also work on Intel) using Crossover with working Multiplayer

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:29 AM PST

    your daily dose of AoE meme

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:45 AM PST

    Can you chose your color preferance?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:19 AM PST

    Idk if it's just me, but I always get 1,3,5,7 colors when playing ranked. The 2,4,6,8 look way better IMO so I want to pick from them instead. But the game just keeps giving me 1,3,5,7 :(

    If its possible to do this please let me know :)

    submitted by /u/maskoffman
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    Paladins in 2v2

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:24 AM PST

    Hey guys,

    So basically my question is: how important is the paladin upgrade in 2v2 TGs?

    I often play 2v2 TGs with a friend and he always goes archers and I go cav, mostly on open land maps. I often pick civs with paladin bc I always assumed its important for the cav role in TGs. Now I watched a lot of the ongoing World Cup and very often players pick berbers or other good cav civs which are very good in castle age but become kinda B tier in the stage where paladin would become a thing. Soo how cruscial is this tech even in a 2v2 setting? How often do you go for it? Do you prefer picking civs which have paladins?

    submitted by /u/biob1234
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    How to fix multiplayer lag in hosted games?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:10 AM PST

    A few friends of mine and I have recently started playing Aoe 2 de and we've been having some pretty unbearable lag in team games against bots. Is there a fix for this or is it just something aoe players are supposed to live with? (my pc has an rtx 2080ti and an 9th gen i7, so it should be able to handle the game fine).

    submitted by /u/pdk304
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    Microsoft store and Steam

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:36 AM PST

    Can anyone tell me what the difference between the AOE2 DE on Steam and on MS are?

    submitted by /u/onupoeg
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    Anyone else find their units attacking buildings when patrolling? Even when those units are getting attacked? Or am I doing something wrong?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 07:45 PM PST

    Strategy vs Britons player on Arabia?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 04:13 AM PST

    The opponent was slightly faster than me to feudal and I scouted to confirm double archery range but what to do next?

    I went skirms to defend but that puts me back for Castle.

    Couldn't go archer since my archers are weaker than his

    submitted by /u/pk12_
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    going from DE cracked to DE on steam

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:52 AM PST

    Hey, i just bought DE on 50% off. And currently i have the cracked DE installed (which stuck on 36202 update).

    so how can i just play it with steam instead of download it again? which will take too long time to be downloaded.

    submitted by /u/miheb1
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    (No Spoilers please) Can a kind soul share some links to the king of the desert tournament games? I was super busy until now and finally have some free time

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 05:31 PM PST

    I've been avoiding any AOE content to avoid getting spoiled and I'd like to watch all games starting from the quarterfinals. Iirc the lineup for the quarterfinals had Viper vs Mr Yo so really looking forward to that one.

    But I'm scared of searching for them directly on YT. If you could find a spoiler free way to share the links with me it would be super nice! Like a twitch link or a full "Day x" & "Day y" video maybe? Thanks a lot

    submitted by /u/RavensReign
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