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    Monday, November 30, 2020

    Age of Empires 3 Indian FF - discussing Aussie_Drongo video

    Age of Empires 3 Indian FF - discussing Aussie_Drongo video

    Indian FF - discussing Aussie_Drongo video

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:07 AM PST

    Hi guys, I've watched the new Aussie_Drongo upload (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UydaRU0soo) and enjoyed it, as usual. I'm familiar with Indians but haven't explored that kind of build yet (Karni Mata, then FF with French consulate). I am then wondering:

    - Is it possible to survive to an agressive rush ? I see he's reaching age II at around 5', it can be risky, the stable is only up at 5:50;

    - Even against a (semi-) FF, the temporality seems odd. How is starting going to age III at 8:40 a FF ? I fear that this strategy would be crushed by a lot of strong timings.

    Am I missing the things making this strategy viable ? I've not tried it yet, will surely do soon but would like to collect some India players feelings before using it... Thanks!

    submitted by /u/lDPablito
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    Do you like the fixed starting crates on DE? Why?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:27 PM PST

    In Age of Empires 3 Legacy each civ (except china) had a random crate for their starting crates. In DE the starting crates are fixed for all civs. Which one do you prefer?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/notprincewilliam
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    There will be a stream soon casted by Interjection and Aussie_Drongo on ESOC twitch channel

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:06 AM PST

    Any way to watch recorded games from older patches on DE?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 04:29 AM PST

    How Eagle knight?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:18 PM PST

    Eagle knight(EK) has lower hp and speed than goon and CA. Cost is almost same than CA, imo. It has good damage and low attack delay but low speed so I wondered they can kite against heavy cav, and useful.

    They are as goos as goon?

    submitted by /u/dak0653
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    Is it possible to play Wars of Librety on ESO?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:26 AM PST

    China vs France supremacy my favourite game yet just back and forth constant battles at the end he had 59k coin lol

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 01:06 AM PST

    How to make Portuguese a competitive civ?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2020 12:42 AM PST

    Ok I've chosen Portugal because my favorite unit in the game at the moment is the Dragoon and Portugal have one of the best Dragoons in the game, if not the best.

    Anyway I'm not able to pump out units on a regular basis until after 15-20 minutes but in most online games it's way too late. I age up with about 13-14 villies, then I split them between food and coin, I try to gather 300 coin asap then I switch the villies from coin to wood. In Age 2 I ship 700 coin and 6 Musks (cause I save first shipment from Age 1). I age up as soon as I have the resources needed for Fortress Age, which is about 5m30/6m.

    At about 7m I get the age up, then it takes another minute at least to build the 3rd TC, only then I can spam villagers. So at about 9m when everything is up and running I am able to start putting villies production on top speed.

    (oh and yeah, I do some upgrades from the market, Hunting Dogs and sometimes Steel Traps as Portugal are heavily reliant on food. I also send the Refrigerator card (is it?) as soon as I can).

    On Skirmish I've had team games where I managed to get to the maximum potential of the Portuguese industry and it's good to flaunt your dominance over the AI but online it's not the same, especially against Rushing civs, I don't get that time needed to kick start the eco.

    So what can I change in this strat? Because I need to be lucky to pull it off unfortunately. Also I consider Musketeers to be the best unit early on for Portugal and I add a few Halbs and/or Dragoons, later I start producing Dragoons + Cassadors, maybe I should add some Organ Guns in there too.

    submitted by /u/CantCopeWithBalding
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    Spain water strategie

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:35 AM PST

    I have developed a strategie for Spain in late water games and I would like to know your opinion. This strategy is best for team so your teammates can cover you. It goes like this: Spain have a special card calles TEAM Archaic Soldier Training that allows you to reduce the time creation of pikemen and crossbowman, which when is convined with the card fencing school and the church upgrade to reduce inf. time creation, allows you to instantly create pikemen and crossbowman. The thing is that in water maps if you are able to aproach to enemies beach with at least one galleon you can literally spam pikemen to destroy their base from behind because pikemen have a masive building damage and in huge numbers you can just simply ignore enemies units and easily run to destroy their factories and town centers, not to mention the destruction of enemies water defense because the pikemen will destroy all the ports before the enemie have time to arrive and then you just need to destroy their remaining boats giving them no space to retreat.

    This may seam like a dumb, cheap and simple strategy but to be honest it works very well to both destroy enemy base and to make the enemy to split is army leaving little resistence in other fronts

    Pd.: Sorry for my trash english, its not my first language

    submitted by /u/hansterman
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    Is it now save to play AoE3DE??

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:24 PM PST

    I read a lot of posts about the deluxe edition deleting files in the C file. Is this problem solved or is there still a chance to get that problem? Cause I really dont wanna lose my data...

    submitted by /u/BananaTree4
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    20 Teepees full upgraded and boosted Lakota/Sioux Chief

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:38 AM PST

    Tug of War! British vs Ottomans! 1v1 Ranked

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:19 PM PST

    getting connection lost error after playing 1 hour and losing all progress in the game.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:10 PM PST

    the title says it all. happens everytime i play a treaty game and when it comes to 1 hour i get connection eroor. is anyone having the same problem? or is there a fix for this? because of this i have lost over 10 matches in treaty and countless team games.

    submitted by /u/gayish_flowers
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    treaty tier list and evaluation

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:25 AM PST

    as of november, subject to change, my ratings.


    this my rating currently, keep in mind that the difference for the most part are smaller than they where in TAD, but why do i place factions like i do?

    S-tier: the OP

    Sweden: currently Sweden is objectively the strongest treaty faction in the game, their military is amazing and their economy is a bit above the average. what especially makes sweden OP is their Carolean combined with their amazing art, which makes for an unbeatable combination against most factions, they top this up with high HP hussars and mercenaries that are actually worth buying in imperial age. Carolean are essentially dragoons mixed with musketeers, they have close to 500 hp vs enemy ranged units and do upwards of 100 dmg a shoot to enemy cavalry while shooting faster than normal musketeers at 17 range, they are also trained fast and are comparatively cheap, only artillery counters these guys confidently.

    allies: british, japan, portugese, france

    France: France got some minor nerfs to their strongest unit in DE, but all it does is punish people who only brought cavalry, the faction is still strong, and still has 1 of the most effective army set ups. the economy is also still in the top 5, so yeah France is still a favorite vs most other factions.

    allies: everyone?

    A-tier: the confident

    Portuguese: Portugal got some minor nerfs with DE, but all in all the faction didn't change much, the faction has good artillery, excellent infantry and good dragoons but the melee cavalry is kind of on the bad side. the economy is good but not outstanding either. i have however found that team wall HP is amazing in DE where the games can tend to be more chaotic.

    allies: sweden, france, british, chinese

    Spain: spain got some buffs in the DE but is still held back by the fact that melee infantry is kind of worthless in treaty. still, the better economy along with spains traditional strengths in monks and lancers still puts spain highly, they have tools to fight most factions except the S-tier.

    allies: russia, germans, japan

    B-tier: the good

    British: the British got some buffs with DE for their grenadiers and the fact you no longer need to have yeomen to get imperial longbows, but the faction fundamentally still haven't changed a lot. the factions main strength is a good economy combined with an inexpensive variety of soldier types, their weakness is the fact that they lag in the anti-infantry department, art trains slow and neither grenadiers nor longbows are that amazing vs enemy heavy infantry, there exist factions that Britain straight up doesn't have an answer to, esp. sweden, dutch and aztec.

    allies: sweden, dutch, portugese, france, japan, chinese and Haudenosaunee

    Dutch: dutch is a straight up better civ in DE, first of all they got buffs but more importantly the map pool is larger which gives a good chance to find maps that dutch perform well on rather than deccan and andes which didn't favor them a lot. dutch skirmishers are among the best, and their higher population gives them a mean push early on, their weakness is the somewhat worse eco but at least it isn't as effected by map as other civs. dutch wins early by a hard push in treaty and is 1 of the few factions to compete with sweden in military. DO NOT REVOLT IN TREATY IT IS NOT WORTH IT.

    allies: france, indians, germans, portugese

    Russia: russia is a little worse in DE, their team utility got nerfed, box laming is gone and the strongest factions all like to mortar your forts which aren't even unique to you anymore. however russia did get a buff to their grenadiers, and they still provide a team buff to all cavqalry, also insta spam of infantry never gets old, russia is in a place currently where i kind of feel like they need some sort of buffs/design changes to make them a little more fun to play as and against.

    allies: most factions

    Ottoman: not a lot changed about ottoman, however they are in a good position now that french cav spam no longer suppresses them and swedish caroleans don't have a resist vs abus guns. ottoman is 1 of the few factions i have actually seen be able to push a swedish player and that must count for something. otherwise not a lot to say about them, their eco is mid tier and their anti cav is poor. they also got a small buff to their eco because you now are more likely to have access to trade routes due to map changes.

    allies: swedes, chinese, russia

    Chinese: china got nerfed a fair bit in DE, china is 1 of those factions that really liked andes and deccan and who will suffer on maps with few trees. your anti cav issue is now a larger issues making you even weaker to france, britain and spain, to make things worse china doesn't have a good way of dealing with sweden, simply put you lag the ability to win an artillery fight against them, and your skirmishers aren't going to dent carloeans either.

    allies: swedes, portugese, france, indians

    Germans: germans are odd, honestly i feel like both germans and chinese could be A-tier but the random maps are going to sometimes screw them over and the military isn't that exciting, there is potential but i just dont feel like germany does anything amazing most of the time.

    allies: france, sweden, spain

    C-tier: the okay

    Haudenosaunee: the faction has amazing economical potential but it is hard to achieve it. the military is confident but has issues, both the musketeer and melee cavalry cost wood and there is no obvious way of getting wood for them. the skirmishers and cannons are both pretty good but it's going to leave some lacking vs some of the military civs. overall the faction is hard and will struggle vs a lot of factions.

    allies: ports, dutch, france

    Japan: honestly why would you play them over Sweden, i think that sums up the faction a lot. the economy is bad, ashigaru are good but worse than caroleans. laming with shogun+mortar spam is also nerfed in DE so that leaves a faction whos primary advantage is 25 more pop but with shitty art and nothing but musk and melee cavalry for the most part.

    allies: france, spain, ports, british, swedes

    Inca: idk they are a better aztec for the most part?

    allies: TBD

    Indians: idk their elephants have a lot of HP? their eco is mediocre and they train everything slowly and nothing they got is gonna save them from the caroleans.

    allies: most factions

    D-tier: pray to the MM-gods

    Lakota: honestly Lakota is in a much better spot now than they where in TAD, but going from -20 to 0 isn't a lot better, they still rely on laming even with walls, and their best unit is a dragoons type with no artillery to protect it against skirmishers. idk the faction is okay but i still wouldn't be happy to have 1 on my team.

    allies: anyone who can feed you resources

    Aztec: aztec are amazing vs factions like britain but absolutely hopeless vs dutch, french, port etc. so idk, pretty bad faction if you ask me.

    allies: you're aztec, nothing is going to change that

    submitted by /u/jonasnee
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    Age of Empires 3 Characters be like...

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:59 AM PST

    yay I can control fish now in DE

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:44 AM PST

    Long Games Crashing?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:27 AM PST

    Anyone else have a problem with long games crashing? Seems like 1.5 to 2 hours into the game it'll completely crash. These are multiplayer matches, which are usually 2v2v2v2.

    submitted by /u/FletchDaddy5000
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    How to keep mouse from going to second monitor in AOE3 DE?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:08 AM PST

    I started playing aoe3's definitive edition (I have this problem with aoe2 de too), and I can't keep my mouse on my one screen. So whenever I'm trying to scroll right, my mouse just goes to my second monitor, and that creates some problems. Anyone else have this problem? And if so, how did you fix it (assuming you have)?

    submitted by /u/kainxjm
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    Any solution for this issue any time soon? :D :(

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:56 AM PST

    Fastest booms

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:10 PM PST

    I'm wondering what the fastest/most effective ways are to boom for varying civs. I've noticed in my games that switching up which cards I use can make quite a difference on my economic strength, so I thought it would be interesting to have a thread where we discuss what the fastest booms are for each civ.

    For Germany, I think it would start off as 2 SW, 3SW, 700c, 700w, then I usually age and ship another TC.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Hohenstuken
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    Where to find DE ranked games ladders?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:48 PM PST

    Is there a website where I can view past DE matches I have played and how they affected my rank? There was a site for TAD but I cant find one for DE

    submitted by /u/Sobornopagado
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    Using Teepees effectively

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:18 PM PST

    I was curious to see how other players use teepees.

    Teepees increase hit points and damage with a certain home city card. In DE, I believe they war hut units can automatically build them now without sending the aggressive expansion card.

    Do any players use teepee offensively? I am aware that they are commonly used defensively in choke points or around town base.

    How do you make maximum use of your teepee? (I don't play Lakota in multiplayer so please forgive my noob question🙂)

    submitted by /u/Li-E-fe
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    Is it now save to play AoE3DE??

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:41 AM PST

    I read a lot of posts about the deluxe edition deleting files in the C file. Is this problem solved or is there still a chance to get that problem? Cause I really dont wanna lose my data...

    submitted by /u/BananaTree4
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    is there a way to figure out the math to this?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 11:29 AM PST

    is it worth it to sell 100 Food for 77 coin in age 1 with market to get hunting dogs? i have a certain strat and I'm not sure the best way to figure this out... often i can get 50 coin treasure but if not

    submitted by /u/waxheartzZz
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