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    Sunday, January 31, 2021

    Age of Empires II Why the Indians civ in AoE2 makes me cringe so hard

    Age of Empires II Why the Indians civ in AoE2 makes me cringe so hard

    Why the Indians civ in AoE2 makes me cringe so hard

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 10:05 PM PST

    I'll say that AoE2 is historically accurate most of the time and is a fantastic game. It's my favourite game but the historical inaccuracies in the Indian civ makes me cringe really hard.

    First, Indians didn't use camels expect for the people who lived in and around the Thar Desert. So giving them the best camels doesn't make sense to me. Saracens are way better contender for having the best camels (in other words - give Saracens the Imperial Camel instead)

    Second, Indians used Knights (i.e. horse heavy cavalry) a lot. But for some freaking reason, they don't even get Knights and every other non-meso civ does.

    Third, Indians were really well known for using elephants in wars and battles. They had the best fighting elephants. For example, Alexander the Great ended his campaign in India mostly because of their powerful Elephants. In contrast, in AoE2 they don't get any elephants in their stable (while even the Vietnamese get them) and their Elephant UU is the worst elephant unit in the game. How tf does that makes sense.

    All of this, excluding the fact that it doesn't make any sense to have a civ called "the Indians", it'll be like having a civ called "the Europeans" (*during the Medieval Period). India is and has been a very very diverse sub-continent. It has 3000 languages, 1500 ethnicities and double the population of Europe. If you go back in time, in India during Medieval times and ask people all across the sub-continent their nationality then, none of them will call themselves Indians. They'll call themselves Bengali, Cholan, Rajput, etc. This is because there was no country called India and no Indian nationality before the British. Today people of India proudly consider themselves Indians but they didn't in the Medieval Period and the game is set in the Medieval period

    TLDR: Indians should get Knights and Battle Elephants and their Camels should be nerfed because I consider the civs should be at least somewhat historical accurate.

    submitted by /u/AddyCod
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    Homemade wallpaper, aesthetics over efficiency!

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 10:42 PM PST

    Long Long Time Ago ... (Art)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 09:04 AM PST

    A civ a month #1: Byzantines

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 06:39 AM PST

    I enjoyed playing Byzantines, but I think they aren't a civ for beginners and I struggled a lot playing against easier civs like franks and especially Ethiopians. I can't say I won any easy game; rather all my games were fiercely fought in the middle against stronger foes, which, to be honest, was quite epic. Only in a couple of games I managed to kill an early archer rush and counter-attack successfully, ending the game late feudal or early castle.

    This is the first chapter of my AoE2 project for 2021: maining a civ every month, and telling you guys what I learn in the process. I play 1v1 and my Elo is 1100-1200.

    What about Byzantines?

    Byzs used to be my favorite civ back in AoK because it had this lost empire allure, and it was the closest to me culturally until Spanish came out in AoC. It is described as a defensive civ, but all you guys know by now that you don't win this game only by defending, so there's a trick. I would describe them rather as a reactive civ. All its game spins around one single fact:

    • cheaper skirms, pikes and camels. You get 33% more units for the same price.

    Byzantines get one of the worst economies in the game, with absolutely no bonus whatsoever. When I started picking them I also tried to master the drush FC opening, thinking that defensive meant that somehow I could do that easier than, let's say, Franks. Wrong! The worst thing you can do with Byzs is sitting down and boom. That's not the Byzantine way.

    The byzantine way is slowly wearing down your opp's military and economic strength, until you're in a position to overcome him and finish the game.

    Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win

    Or... never try to defeat your opponent thinking you can out-think or out-micro him. You can do that with other civs with good offensive bonus, like Ethiopians, brits, franks... but we're the Byzantines, the weakest (but breavest) of all civs. If you try to go head to head into an archers fight with ethiopians, what do you think will happen?

    Let say your Frank/Magyar opponent opens with scouts. You'll never beat him with your own (no bloodlines!) scouts, unless you throw a ton of food on higher numbers or blacksmith upgrades. But you can make some cheap pikes and wait it out. You'll be in castle age before him, with an army that can make small damage, but one he can't defeat nonetheless. It's then when you go knights or, much better, camels.

    See? You can't throw yourself mindlessly into the battle. You need to neutralize the rival army, overcome, and strike the coup the grace.

    Still, I lost a lot of games and I don't understand what could have I done better

    One of the problems i faced with byzantines is that they are quite good countering one unit, but it's hard to counter two of them. Army composition is paramount, so it's better to keep it simple. If they try to counter your camels with pikes, just go full pike. It's easier and you still have the upper hand.

    Trash has other problems. No matter how cheat your skirms are, you will still lag behind a mayan player producing cheap archers that cost no food. I can tell you that I lost almost all the games in which an archer civ reached castle faster than me. I you can tell me how to do it better, I'm listening.

    Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting gold.

    My best game, against britons. I pumped skirms out like a tie factory in father's day. As stated before, the moment they mix some light cavalry, the thing becomes really messy. He pushes my base, destroy two castles and a TC. I can use some pikes to counter them, but arbs + light cav beats skirm + halbs. Until gold runs out of his bank, and I'm still sitting on +2000 unused gold. I know floating that much isn't good but... what can I say. 15 cannons finish the game quite fast. I watched the replay listening to Tchaikovsky's 1812 operture.

    On Cataphracts

    In one word, cataphracts are situational (as everything with byzantines). I used them in several games, usually against meso civs and goths. Because, my friends, cataphracts eat huskarls and eagles like a bear eats salmon after winter. I only had one game against goths, but it was the most satisfying one. Huskarls are cancer and guys maining goths have a compulsion towards them. Well, surprise! 10 cataphracts can kill +30 of those nasty bugs, and they have better mobility. Even if mixed with pikes, cataphracts come out victors.

    But you don't want to go catas against cavalry or archers, and those being the meta, despite being a really cool unit, I wouldn't use it but situationally. On the other hand, hussar spam gave me a lot of games. Byzs don't have a bonus there but when you're struggling in the middle of the map, 15 hussars can give you the game.

    Last words

    I enjoyed playing Byzantines, but I think they aren't a civ for beginners and I struggled a lot playing against easier civs like franks and especially ethiopians. I can't say I won any easy game; rather all my games were fiercely fought in the middle against stronger foes, which, to be honest, was quite epic. Only in a couple of games I managed to kill an early archer rush and counter-attack successfully, ending the game late feudal or early castle. But Byzantines have taught me how to play better this game, how to react and overcome my enemy with weaker units.

    So, January is over and I'm saying goodbye to the old Constantinople. Any suggestion for February?

    submitted by /u/menerell
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    First online game of AoE2 in 10+ years...and I won! :D

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 11:26 PM PST

    New Funny Castle Bug! (On Latest Hotfix Patch)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 01:12 AM PST

    When I use my Coustillier charge but don't get the kill

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 03:43 PM PST

    What's up with this pathing, man. Have you heard of Pythagoras?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 07:00 AM PST

    My brother is terrible at laming

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 04:27 AM PST

    The highest i have seen DE go in the charts

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 12:55 PM PST

    Myself and my good mate(1900 team rating) were having a relaxed night on age when we come across this beast. Such a privileged experience to be clapped by one of the best.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 05:07 AM PST

    Cool Indian cultures and histories that could be added to the game

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 06:42 AM PST

    Cool Indian cultures and histories that could be added to the game

    This is in response to u/AddyCod post: https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/l965bq/why_the_indians_civ_in_aoe2_makes_me_cringe_so/

    India is a unified country today, but historically it has always been divided into many diverse cultures, to such an extent that having one "Indians" civ is like having just one civ to represent all of Europe. In the year 1400, a quarter of the world's population lived in the Indian subcontinent. Here are some of the major ethnic/cultural groups of India and the empires they created in in India in the years 500 to 1500, and:

    The Indians civ are a good representation of the Delhi Sultanate and the early Mughal Empire, which was centred around the north and north west of India and used Camels and gunpowder in battle. These were both Islamic empires.

    The Tamils are a southern Indian people, most famous for establishing the Chola Empire and also the Chera and Pandya dynasties. They used elephants extensively in history and were one of the major naval powers in the world during the time period of AoE2. They were also very skilled at metallurgy, inventing Wootz Steel. The Urumi flexible sword also originated in southern India. Chola was a Hindu empire.

    The Bengalis are a South Asian people from Bangladesh and north-east India. They establised the Buddhist Pala Empire in the 8th century. The Palas were known for their huge armies of battle elephants. The Bengalis would later form the Islamic Bengal Sultanate, which was known for its artillery and navy, and also a powerful archer-based infantry force known as the Paiks. They would have a very weak cavalry force, as the Bengalis were not known for their horses and had to import them.

    The Kannidigaru are mainly from modern day Karnataka state, aswell as other parts of western India. They formed the Rashtrakutra Empire, which was a contemporary and rival of the Pala Empire. The Rashtrakutras were known for their infantry force. Later, the Vijayanagara Empire dominated the region with their powerful cavalry armies (they would be a Paladin civ) and siege weaponry, which included catapults and cannon known as "Damboli." They were among the last major Hindu empires in India.

    The Odiyas are an east Indian people. They are known for the founding the Eastern Ganga Dynasty and the Gajapati Empire. The region of India which they inhabited was densely forested at the time, and the Odiyas were known for guerrila warfare and ambush tactics. They mastered huge forces of elephants and also used war chariots.

    Adding these civilisations would create historical representation for north, east, south and west India, as well as Bangladesh, and it could be a really great idea for an expansion or two, with a lot of interesting gameplay possibilities, and provide 4 new Battle Elephant civs!

    TLDR: Adding any of the Tamils, Bengalis, Kannadigaru or Odiyas would be a great way to represent India better, and give us some cool Battle Elephant civs to play with.

    submitted by /u/Zaghawa_
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    At least twice so far

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 10:31 AM PST

    Anyone else finished the new campaigns?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 09:33 PM PST

    Because they are really, really good. They are both immersive and fun to play gameplaywise.

    I just finished the last mission in the Sicilian campaign (Hautevilles) and it's a crowning jewel.
    Huge map, lot of diplomacy potential, many different win conditions.

    Two defense missions in the Holy Land were another highlight.

    Burgundian and English campaigns were a blast as well.

    submitted by /u/iSkehan
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    League of Empires Season 3!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 04:32 AM PST

    As our second season is drawing to a close it is time to open the sign-ups for season 3.

    We are a 3v3 league system for AOE2:DE currently with 34 teams spread over 4 divisions. Many teams will be continuing but there is always room for more. There is a wide ELO range with the top division including some top 200 team game ranked players down to division 4 with several sub 1000 1v1 ELO teams. Pop on over to the discord for more info

    Discord: https://discord.gg/mXyBtyjg2p
    Handbook for Season 3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DrtxGyitcWD6pcdvSbLEXFQcaMpahaXt/view?usp=sharing

    Sign-up: https://forms.gle/fbMDH5CTVpCXT6zcA

    submitted by /u/lordmwa
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    Are Reports Useful In These Cases?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 03:14 AM PST

    Are Reports Useful In These Cases?

    As you can see in the photo, red, for some reason hated yellow, called names, threatened to ban and kill him and ended up destroying his tc and killing some of his villagers with his mangonel. Also this is a ranked game from 1400-1500 elo range. I reported him already and explained the situation in the report, but the question is will it help in this case? Because I can't attach photos or anything in the in-game report system.


    submitted by /u/Dawedef
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    AoE 2 Database Android App update with Lords of the West DLC

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 05:42 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    AoE 2 Database is an Android app which has been around for a couple of years, and now it's been updated with the content of the new DLC Lords of the West. Also it's been 100% translated to Spanish.

    For the people who don't know the app, it's a full database of the game, which cointains detailed info about each unit, building, technology and civilizacions.
    It also has the following features and tools:

    • A complete Tech Tree similar to the ingame one.
    • Some tools, like an unit comparator, an economy calculator, and gathering rates calculator
    • Miscellaneous sections with the available cheat codes, taunts and histroy section.
    • A section which describes some game mechanics.
    • A quiz mode to test your game knowledge. It generates random questions using the database info.

    As always, the app is completely free and has no ads.

    If you are interested, here is the link to download the App from Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aoedb

    submitted by /u/pau795
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    Any chance we could get something like this for ranked team games?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 08:16 AM PST

    Are villagers auto-attacking back feudal scouts in the new patch ?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 02:48 AM PST

    i think villagers are auto attacking feudal scouts when attacked by them. i just had a few games where it happened i could be mistaken. ( or was it always a thing !? )

    submitted by /u/arbitrandomuser
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    Yet another pathing bug introduced in the last patch

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 01:28 AM PST

    How good are camels against Frank paladins? Here is a table.

    Posted: 30 Jan 2021 04:57 PM PST

    So I was doing some testing with the new patch as Saracens and was surprised with how well they performed against the Frank paladins so I ran some tests to try and quantify how good the camel civs are against frank paladins in particular. Notice that this testing does not take cost into account, but it does justify the mamlukes insane cost to me somewhat. Anyhow, I hope you all find it interesting.

    Civilization 1v1 hp left 20 v 20 hp left
    Turks 14% 18.5%
    Berbers 16.5% 24.5%
    Malians 14% 33.5%
    Indians 20% 25.5%
    Saracens 29.5 % 41.5%
    Saracens 50/50 Mameluke/Camel n/a 52.5%
    Saracens Mameluke 3% 62.5%

    Testing was done using triggers in the scenario editor to attack move the units into each other so that things remained somewhat consistent run to run. This is by no means a scientific test but I think the results are interesting. Also, note that even without micro the 20 Saracen Mamelukes only lost 2-4 units making them about as hard a counter to heavy cav as you can get. The Indian Imperial camel performed slightly worse than expected, although I imagine they make up for this against other unit types.

    submitted by /u/quicksilver97
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    Out of sync

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 06:19 AM PST

    Anyone getting out of sync with any saved replays in the new patch? I've got a couple different codes, even for games I've played less than 24 hours ago

    submitted by /u/mhraymo
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    The main reason to add Georgians in future DLC's

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 03:30 AM PST

    How do you build farms fast?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 12:00 AM PST

    I'm becoming increasingly frustrated and randomly badmouthing and sure my toxic attitude I learned from DOTA is really the root of the problem, but every game I seem to have 20 idle villagers who were sent to built farms. It seems like you can't set a rally point on built farms and expect villagers to spread out to other already-built farms. So not only does it take 1 click per villager instead of the 0 that every other resource takes, but also every time you un-garrison villagers you have to individually re-click all their farms. In other words I need to execute 30 clicks every time a couple of cavarchers walk into my base, and I just don't know how I can be expected to do so without completely walling off.

    Yes I do auto-reseed farms. Yes I understand you need to build the farms in the first place. My problem is that once they are built, and you garrison their farmers, it seems like you need to repeat the whole process, and it's a big process.

    I like the game, I really do. If my toxic attitude ruins this as well... it seems like it will ruin every realtime multiplayer game...

    submitted by /u/WittyConsideration57
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    Drush Fc or scout fc as Huns

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 07:30 AM PST

    I'm pretty new guys. I have a question had to which one is better. I seen a recorded game a month or so ago of dogao doing drush fc. He had 20 CA at 20 mins vs Nilli.

    Scout builds get you to castle about 20 mins. Isn't drush fc a better build? I know they nerfed the walls in dark age but I would assume you could still pull it off?

    What do you guys think? Should I be going drush fc or scout fc? Elo is around 1200.

    submitted by /u/Wrong-Coffee
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