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    Tuesday, August 31, 2021

    Age of Empires 3 Virgin Light Infantry vs Chad Heavy Infantry

    Age of Empires 3 Virgin Light Infantry vs Chad Heavy Infantry

    Virgin Light Infantry vs Chad Heavy Infantry

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 04:03 PM PDT

    The snare effect catches all!

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 03:58 AM PDT

    Vill Rushing African Civ Livestock?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 12:45 PM PDT

    I've been watching Aussie Drongo videos and wondered what would happen to these very fast rushes if you took out the livestock. Seeing no commentary on this anywhere, I decided to try it myself with my 950-1050 ELO opponents.

    Now, it turns out this wasn't that easy to accomplish because it seems people at this ELO generally have a random civ, but after four games (not that many!) I found a Hausa player and promptly built a forward manor to send two settlers down to kill their cattle.

    They resigned instantly. 1min39sec game.

    They also called the tactic "cancer" which, honestly, I'm inclined to agree with... to avoid sacrificing too much eco, I deliberately used Brits to do this. But at the same time, it should be fairly easy to defend, I think, because it's so obvious. So I really want to know how players at a higher ELO would handle this.

    EDIT: 60 seconds of the game

    submitted by /u/FrameworkisDigimon
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    For God's sake, can anyone explain what the hell these developers are doing with AI?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 01:56 PM PDT

    With each patch it has been getting even more pathetic.

    First of all, I apologize for my English.

    It doesn't matter if the majority of the community prefers to play online, these guys disregard for the AI is absurd, especially if you take into account that playing against the AI ​​on hard (no handcap) was a lot of fun at game launch last year.

    That AI ​​exerted a lot of pressure by building Forts near their base and spitting out troops with a lot of intensity and intelligently diversifying units.

    However, I didn't play for months and only came back in April. Right away I had already realized how different and passive the AI ​​was past year and no longer exerting pressure and building Forts.

    Some said that there was a bug with the shipments and that they had disabled the AI ​​ability to get cards from Home Cities, but that was a long time ago. They didn't fix it at the time, passed several hotfixes and nothing. They never even mention anything else about AI. They made a mess of bugging the AI ​​and they don't fix it, they leave it anyway.

    To make matters worse, I started playing again these days (I was 2 months without ) on account of the DLC African Royals, they not only hadn't fixed the AI, but it's EVEN worse.

    Even more passive, always rush to Age 3, not exerting any attacks in the first few minutes. Still not building Forts, focusing insane now on making trading posts at any cost. Returned to focusing almost exclusively on Saloon/Desert Mercenaries units (as it was at the time of AOE 3 TWC), and sending out in large quantities, at the end of a match I just had, was the most recruited unit in stats (even worse than in the TWC).

    It's too sad for those who like co-op comp stomp to see this situation.

    submitted by /u/RogerWingfield
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    I think i just got the highest k/d ratio humanly possible. Just DE Things (I did lose a couple of jaegers)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 02:47 PM PDT

    How do I find players online?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    Hello all, just got the game recently and wanna try out multiplayer but I can't find any online matches, is there other sites I can go to find players?

    submitted by /u/ColdCanadian88
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    Using griots for eco boost?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    I have noticed you can task griots on buildings to make the buildings more effective. However I cannot find any numbers on how much more effective they get. Is it a worthwhile investment to build a griot to boost a granary and does it boost gather rate at all at the granary?

    Similarly in the late game could it be worth it to put griot either at your universities or your granaries?

    Have anyone done any measurements on this?

    submitted by /u/3DJakob
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    Why are the devs not balancing the GLARING balance issues way sooner than they are?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    The game has been in a state of horrendous imbalance for MONTHS now.

    Sweden broke the game, and then they were finally nerfed only to introduce two comparably OP civs that are breaking the ladder again. And it took them over a month and a half last time for a simple balance update.

    Now it's been almost a month and we're still reeling from glaring balance issues that should have been rigorously tested beforehand and hotfixed as needed within days - doing small balance updates at a time.

    It's like trying to buy a new investment property when you you're struggling to pay your bills.

    Balance comes first, so why has ladder been absolutely broken for well over 3 months?

    Also, the changes to Russia are proving to be a wash. More idle time and a weaker early game with a slightly stronger mid-game is not resulting in "better balance", they're still underpowered. Give back the 10 pop BH or give them 50f more at start, or both.

    submitted by /u/PositivelyUnderstand
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