• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 10, 2019

    Age of Empires II When you lose "Noob 1v1 Arabia <1600" then get called a noob

    Age of Empires II When you lose "Noob 1v1 Arabia <1600" then get called a noob

    When you lose "Noob 1v1 Arabia <1600" then get called a noob

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 10:09 PM PST

    Fun fact : every civ's SO is unique

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 10:24 PM PST

    Siege Onager is for now the second least common tech in the game after paladin (until DE comes out), with 9 out of 31 civs having access to it.

    What I find extremely interesting, and is a testament of how well designed the game, no two SO are identical in post imp. The combination of civ bonus, unique tech and tech availability makes each SO have different stats from another one. Here's how it breaks down :

    Aztecs : trained 17% faster

    Celts : trained 20% faster, fire 25% faster, +40% HP

    Ethiopians : +0.5 blast radius

    Koreans : -2 minimum range, +1 range

    Malians : no Siege Engineers

    Mongols : move 50% faster

    Saracens : regular fully upgraded

    Slavs : 15% cheaper

    Teutons : resists conversion, +4 melee armor

    I find it really great that with 31 civs we still manage to have a standard unit still be unique for each civ that has it. That's good game design.

    submitted by /u/TriRem
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    Not long now guys

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 01:40 AM PST

    Check out those Kipchaks

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 09:46 AM PST

    I played 2 hours to die like this

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 01:56 PM PST

    One of the Historical Battles in AOE2 Definitive Edition. Do you think it's well improved and fixed many of the problems from the original? Please comment below when you get the chance!

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 05:44 AM PST

    Are Aoe2 players older than ones in other popular games like SC? and is this a reason for the game still going on?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 07:53 AM PST

    For different reasons, including new DE coming soon, I have been watching some more Aoe2 stuff the last weeks, and I just have this feeling that the community is a bit older that other multiplayer games. Both from what they talk about things and also when reading the comments on videos.

    I remember I read that when you are like 28 or something, your body can't keep up with being a pro in Starcraft anymore. But in Aoe2, it's more strategic thinking and not so much moving around 3 marines in the optimal grid field avoiding some sunken colony spike, meaning people with slower reaction times can keep up.

    If so, this could also lead to a RTS game that really goes over the generations and become a bit more like digital go, where speed and arm control isn't the most important things, which would be quite a cool thing

    And just to add it, no I don't have anything against younger gamers or other games, I am just interested if this difference is correct.

    submitted by /u/csasker
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    New Herbal Medicine worth it?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 06:03 AM PST

    Many (most?) animations in DE are erroneous.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 08:54 PM PST


    Look at this video from SpiritOfTheLaw at the time mark that it plays at.


    Watch the lumberjack as he moves back and forth across the screen. Notice anything? The animation speed is incorrect for the movement speed (the animation speed is too slow). Because of this, the unit appears to slide across the map instead of walk, almost as if he is walking downhill on ice.


    Compare that to these aoe2 villager walking animations, which are on point.


    If you keep the same animation speed as is current for all villagers but double their movement speed then the problem would become even more exaggerated.


    I think there are many other units whos animations are not timed to their movement speed, but I dont have access to the beta. I don't know if they plan on fixing this before release or if they intend to keep the planned release date but it looks like there's a lot of work left to do (although this should be an easy change / fix, as easy as replacing 1.25 with 1.35).


    edit: to those thinking "well he is playing at 1.5 speed, it looks better at 1.7 speed" I think you are incorrect. When changing game speed from 1x to 5x, everything is 5x faster--that includes movement speed, walking animation speed, archer fire animation speed, game clock speed, and everything else.

    submitted by /u/b2b2aoe2
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    Does DE allow preloading on Steam?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 04:02 AM PST

    Does buying Definitive edition automatically unlock the other expansions?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 04:38 AM PST

    Or does it work like the other expansions, ie buying Rise of the Rajas does automatically unlock the African kingdoms; you have to buy that separately.

    Asking because I am playing with a friend who only has HD (I have all the expansions minus DE), and we're working out costs!

    submitted by /u/dem503
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    Petition to Gallas to make a graphics mod for AoEII DE that reverts all graphics to original!

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:40 AM PST

    So I can potentially play DE on my potato.

    submitted by /u/nhoobish
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    New ideas for Multiplayer by ZeroEmpires. I would support this

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 02:49 PM PST

    Cumans will have to be nerfed. What do you think is the best way to so without destroying the civ?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 03:34 AM PST

    I think that making the kipchaks more expensive by like 5/10 gold, then change the cav speed bonus to fedual+5% castle+5% (stackable), starting with -50/-75 wood is a good way to do that.

    submitted by /u/SHADE_OF_WOLOLO
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    What's up with AoEII: DE not being tagged a RTS on twitch?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 09:11 PM PST

    AoE: DE and AoEII: DE on twitch.

    It might seem just a minor thing, but is there any particular reason why it should only be tagged with "strategy"?

    I regularly use the RTS tag to know which games people are playing the most and to find cool new stuff. Feels weird not to have one of the titans of the genre there.

    It should have both tags, like AoEII: HD and other major RTS games already have.

    submitted by /u/ConcernedAbout1v1
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    New Balance Changes

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:54 AM PST

    Where can I find a list of new balance changes and changed unique techs?

    submitted by /u/IamGenghisKhan
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    Got all of this for $12

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 09:08 AM PST

    Farm bug in DE

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 10:33 PM PST

    In this video you can see that 5 vills are told to build 1 farm. They all 5 build the farm, then 1 stays on the farm while the other 4 go to berries instead of building the 4 empty farms around them. The tuber comments on the abnormality but cannot investigate.

    submitted by /u/b2b2aoe2
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    The CHRILLCAST Ep. #20.3 - WILD CARD WEDNESDAY - "Ensemble Studios"

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 06:03 AM PST

    Will the campaigns in DE have full voice acting?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 06:30 PM PST


    I think the main factor that makes the OG campaigns better than the expansions campaigns is the voice acting. ZE BLOOD ON LA HIRE'S SWORD IS ALMOST DRY

    submitted by /u/EXTRAVAGANT_COMMENT
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    Healthbar idea

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 11:26 PM PST

    How about an optional opacity slider bar in the options for healthbars? In this video you can see they take up a large portion of the screen. If they were at 50% opacity you could still get the information you need but it would make the game look nicer and more immersive.

    submitted by /u/b2b2aoe2
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    Joan of Arc: Definitive Edition

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 10:40 AM PST

    AOE2 DE: Looks great, sounds terrible.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 02:42 PM PST

    Sfx is a complete downgrade comparing to the original. Units dying and horse selection sounds are the worst offender though, really obnoxious. Not to mention I recognize many of them from other media, making them feel more generic.

    submitted by /u/spiral10
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    Do I get to keep the game after the beta is over ?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 01:08 AM PST

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