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    Saturday, March 21, 2020

    Age of Empires II Castle age up!

    Age of Empires II Castle age up!

    Castle age up!

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 01:02 AM PDT

    There's an epidemic on; maintain proper social distancing

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 12:19 PM PDT

    HC1 round 1 poll results and some stats

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    This needs to stop, it's getting ridiculous now

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:14 AM PDT

    The text censorship. It's insane. Number 1 is getting censored, number 11, even the letter "i".

    Any sentence including these characters will also get censored. You can't communicate at all to your ally anymore. I was getting censored constantly in ranked team game and couldn't figure out why, and I realized it's because i use the letter i in sentences like "i will do archer rush", "i am doing good" "i will build tc here" etc....

    Please disable this useless filter until the point you actually manage to make it work correctly.

    It's been more than a month of this crap, and I thought maybe they will manage to fix it, but it is getting worse with every day.

    Also the filter makes the chat have slight lag every time u type.

    submitted by /u/harooooo1
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    Good thing the profanity filter keeps people safe from my username

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:51 AM PDT

    Teutons Handcannons + Bombard Tower

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    I found an interesting thing while playing today.

    If you put 10 hand cannons in a teutonic Bombard tower, it shoots 2 cannonballs each volley.

    This is mostly useless, as its 10 pop into hitting a unit that will anyways die with one hit from a Bombard tower.

    submitted by /u/findMyNudesSomewhere
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    A pun noone ever thought about, I'm sure

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Hidden Cup 3 in a nutshell

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    Guaranteed to (mislead!) speculation on Hidden Cup 3 REAL IDENTITIES

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    1. Bact (Charlemagne) vs Yo (Sancho) 0-3
    2. TheMax (Joan the Maid) vs MBL (Bad Neighbor) 3-1
    3. Villese (Princess Yodit) vs F1re (Leif Erickson) 3-1
    4. Hera (Kotyan Khan) vs Nicov (Sheriff of Nottingham) 3-1
    5. ACCM (Friar Tuck) vs Lierrey (Saladin) 0-3
    6. Tatoh (Alaric the Goth) vs Vivi (Vlad the Impaler) 3-2
    7. Dogao (Henry the Lion) vs Viper (William the Conqueror) 0-3
    8. Daut (Emperor in a Barrel) vs Laaan (Charles Martel) 3-0

    Check Your Personal Guide to (incorrectly) guess all Hidden Cup 3 players for a much more detailed (but ultimately incorrect) breakdown on why I have picked these players.

    BacT Vibes:

    Charlemagne played in a yolo forward fashion, trying but failing to lame boar, his aggression was dangerous early but eventually petered out. He also picked Spanish in Hideout, a very unusual choice. This suggests a player who is not very comfortable with sticking to "meta", perhaps because he is not a tournament favorite and wanting to mix it up.

    The only other player predicted to play in such a way is Vivi, but as pointed out in the Personal Guide, Vivi often keeps a tiptop economy while creating chaos on the other side. As another redditor described BacT, "BacT is 2/3 as crazy as Vivi and always pauses". And Charlegmagne did pause.

    Yo Vibes:

    My personal guide pointed out that Yo often plays very standard and thus becomes very hard to identify. Therefore what we are looking for is a player who does very well (like a 3-0) and yet does not show much flair. This describes Sancho to a tee.

    There are many who believe Sancho to be Viper but I did not see the ruthlessness Viper often brings to serious tournaments like Hidden Cup. Down the line there was another matchup which looked much closer to Viper.

    Max Vibes:

    As mentioned in the personal guide, we're on the lookout for someone who opens with crazy Finnish starts, but which turns out to be just an elaborate setup into a regular OK Boomer game. This is Joan the Maid, who picked Celts then built a Mill on water in Cup, so that he can then palisade the opponent's dock, and drushed on a water map. This allowed him to win water control with late docks on water... But thats not all - in the Khmer mirror match on Hideout, Joan also executed an unusual build order delaying his castle to get Heavy Plow, followed by Max-style forward buildings to win using...knights.

    MBL Vibes:

    Bad Neighbor did almost everything MBL was expected to do according to my guide - lame boars, get housed, pick Vikings on Cup and execute a very specific strategy he shared on Twitch in front of 8k viewers...use Single Queue, and not turn on Auto Farm Reseed. The only out of character thing is MBL losing in Round 1, but if we also believe he was playing TheMax (who I described as the most dangerous player in Hidden Cup 3)...then a Round 1 loss was definitely possible. TheMax reached the finals of the Hidden Cup 2.

    Villese Vibes:

    I described Villese as the "responsible Finnish player" (alongside his insane Suomi teammates like Jupe, Rubenstock, and TheMax), so like Yo I expected Villese to be hard to spot. But I did say Princess Yodit will, just like TheMax, try to "Tower the Fish"....and guess what? Princess Yodit also picked Celts, build a mill on water, and then drushed the fishing ships. Not quite the same as putting a tower on the fish, but achieves the same effect.

    This unusual play from someone who otherwise plays completely standard (Mayans - Arabia, Mongols - Bay, Italians - Islands), indicates someone who trains together with TheMax. So we might have actually spotted our elusive Finn.

    F1re Vibes:

    I'll be honest, I just followed T90's opinion that this is F1re because I don't know anything about F1re, except that if he really faced Villese I think Villese should win.

    Hera Vibes:

    Oh come on. Kotyan Khan is a legend with the scout, using pinpoint precise micro to win a Scout vs Scout when the defender has a villager trying to help out...he evaded the vil while getting the kill. Every single one of his civ picks were meta picks. He sidestepped more than ten archers with ballistics just to save one villager during a raid. He quickwalls so quickly that even Paladins got trapped. This is hera, definitely!

    For even more Hera vibes, Hera tends to click age up slower than opponents, advancing only with a safe military lead - and Kotyan Khan was always behind, investing into military first, boom later. This tendency costed one loss on Slopes, showing that it is part of this player's profile and he is not faking out.

    Kotyan released Elite Persian War Elephants in game 1, something only a player very confident in himself will do. He researched it before the battle, not as a troll move after the game was already won. And he banned Malay - you remember that Hera lost a recent final due to Viper having this super Malay infinite fish legendary win with 0 villagers on Islands.

    Nicov Vibes:

    Do I really believe that Nicov is already out of the tournment? Yes, I do. Sheriff of Nottingham played like a strong boomer and kept toe to toe with Kotyan I believe is Hera. He picked a lot of hybrid maps with water present. And the biggest tell is Sheriff forgot his eco upgrades. Missing stuff like double bit axe and horse collar till much later in the game! NicovConfirmedTM.

    ACCM Vibes:

    Frankly I don't know much about ACCM, but I did know ACCM to be the only player to ever pick Cumans on Hideout, and the mysterious Friar Tuck did exactly the same thing. Not just that, but both ACCM and Friar Tuck executed the same two TC boom, with vils sent to stone early and preemptive towers to allow a Feudal boom. This is such an unusual civ pick and the execution was so identical that it is most certainly ACCMConfirmedTM.

    Lierrey Vibes:

    To find Lierrey I was looking for someone with such freakish micro that he wins fights against the gradient of unit counters. And I found Saladin, who decided to mass Archers even against Khmer, known for their Scorpions, which counter Archers. Saladin then without any hesitation took the fight, micro-ing against every Scorpion, outplayed ACCM on land, and won.

    Lierrey loves his archers, and so did Saladin - picking civs like Chinese and Britons.

    On a good day Hera and Viper can sometimes play like Lierrey; however, Hera often plays "responsibly" so he avoids taking risky fights that can only be won by God level micro - also, Hera likes to micro Scouts whereas Lierrey prefers to micro Archers. I also did not think Saladin is Viper, because Viper tends to play much safer in tournaments, and Saladin was often pushing the envelopes knowing his Best Micro in the World will always save him.

    (Post will be completed as i am watching the quarterfinals live)

    submitted by /u/whisperwalk
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    Any Guesses? (HC3 Identities)

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 02:01 AM PDT

    Hey guys, hope you're enjoying HC3 as much as I do (especially with all the COVID19 shenanigans)

    I was wondering if you have any theories about the players? I think Kotyan Khan is Hera and Saladin is theViper. I think Kotyan was very Hera-stic by playing clean, raiding the economy, the way he expands and so on. While many voted for TaToh in Saladin, I see his playing style and confidence is closer to theVIper - I think because of the EWE move in game one, I am very inclined to think it was theViper....anyway, I am hoping for a Kotyan v Saladin final.

    Oh, I also have a feeling that Vivi and MbL have left the tournament (sorry guys :( )

    Do you have any theories of your own? Please share :D

    submitted by /u/MoVoner12
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    Imagine if Goths' infantry discount bonus is reverted back to being in effect starting Feudal Age, and instead they get a new bonus that makes them less one-dimensional. What kind of bonus would that be?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 06:14 PM PDT

    Common consensus among pro players is that Dark Age Goth spam is exceedingly annoying to play against because of how effective it is, yet for many spectators, the focus on the basic Militia unit makes it utterly boring to watch.

    Allegedly the reason that Goths even got that freakin' buff was that they were getting power creep'd by the likes of free-militia-upgrades-Bulgarians, instant-drush-Lithuanians and free-supplies-Slavs. But arguably the main thing that makes those three civs outclass the Goths is that their multi-dimensional civ bonuses and tech trees make them much more appealing to watch and play, as they can effectively go for lots of different options besides infantry:

    • Bulgarians can also do rapid-fire FU Hussars, FU Paladins, spammable Konniks from Kreposts, Cavalry Archers that have everything but the final archer armor upgrade and FU Siege Onagers/Siege Rams.
    • Lithuanians can also do Popeye FU Paladins, Popeye Leičai, FU Monks that reproduce as fast as mice, FU Hand Cannoneers, Usain Bolt FU Skirms and Tyson Gay Halberdiers.
    • Slavs can also do yard-sale FU Siege Onagers/Siege Rams, FU Monks with bulletproof vests and the mighty Boyars.

    Goths on the other hand have really nothing going on besides their infantry. To understand this, let's take a good look at their civ bonuses:

    • Infantry are 35% cheaper.
    • Infantry has +1 attack against buildings.
    • Villagers have +5 attack against boars and carry +15 food from hunting.
    • +10 population cap in the Imperial Age.
    • Team Bonus: Barracks work 20% faster.
    • Unique unit: Huskarl (anti-archer infantry)
    • Castle Age UT: Anarchy (Huskarls can be created at barracks)
    • Imperial age UT: Perfusion (Barracks create units 100% faster)

    Out of 8 items on that list, 5 are direct infantry bonuses, one is an infantry UU, and the remaining two are a very weak eco bonus with negligible effects and a population bonus that synergises well with the Imperial Age Zerg rush strat that every Goth player is pigeonholed in doing. The only other one-trick pony civ I can possibly think of are the Britons with their over-reliance on archers, but at least they get a wicked sick Treb bonus and their two decent eco bonuses make it feasible for them to amass a sizable number of FU infantry to protect their archers.

    Instead of promoting toxic drush spam, why not give Goths a chance to do something else besides infantry?

    Historically, heavy cavalry with rounded shields and lances was the second most prominent unit type in Gothic armies after infantry. Some historians claim that such shock troop cavalry was actually the direct descendant of medieval west european knight, which makes quite a lot of sense if you consider the fact that French, Italians, Germans, Portuguese and Spanish had evolved from various different Gothic kingdoms. In-game, Goths have a good potential for cavalry since they have Cavaliers and Hussars with Bloodlines but they lack the final armor upgrade. No doubt giving their cavalry a slight civ bonus like "+1 melee armor in Castle Age" or "Stable technologies are 20% cheaper" could prop them up to become an interesting alternative playstyle pick -- similar to what free-upgrade Hussars and Sipahi Cavalry Archers represent for the gold-guzzling, gunpowder-reliant Turks.

    TL;DR revert "Infantry are 35% cheaper" to "Infantry are 35% cheaper starting in Feudal Age". Instead, give the Goths a cavalry bonus.

    submitted by /u/Froggyspirits
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    "Oh, that's a big army of Paladins!" - Famous last words

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    [AI scripting] How to research race-specific tech

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 05:21 AM PDT


    I just started with AI scripting and for some reason I can't research furor celtica (one of the race specific techs in the castle) and it throws an error it doesn't know that tech (iirc).

    Anyone got some help for me?

    submitted by /u/Murtagh123
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    Hidden Cup Civ Selection:Day 2

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    1. Japanese: Picked 9 Times, 4 mirror matchups (Cross, high tides)
    2. Mayans: Picked 8 times, 2 mirror matchup (Arabia)
    3. Indians: Picked 4 times, 2 mirror matchups (Slopes)
    4. Mongols: Picked 4 times, 1 mirror matchup (Pants)
    5. Khmer: Picked 4 times, 1 mirror matchup (Hideout)
    6. Britons: Picked 4 times
    7. Chinese: Picked 4 times
    8. Persians: Picked 4 time
    9. Celts: Picked 3 times, 1 mirror matchup (Cup)
    10. Italians: Picked 3 times, 1 mirror matchup (Islands)
    11. Spanish Picked 3 times, 1 mirror matchup (Hideout)
    12. Cumans Picked 2 times
    13. Aztecs Picked 2 times
    14. Slavs Picked 1 time

    Civ Bans

    1. Aztecs 6 times
    2. Persians 2 times
    3. Mayans 2 times
    • Incas 1 time
    • Malay 1 time
    • Mongols 1 time
    • Britons 1 time
    • Khmer 1 time
    • Italians 1 time
    submitted by /u/GMFPs_sweat_towel
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    How often does the mappool get changed?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 08:54 AM PDT

    Is there some rotation to change maps after some time or is it just kinda random if enough people complain about a map?

    submitted by /u/PowerPanda555
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    HC3 got me good

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 03:02 PM PDT

    T90's PC crashes

    T90: Oh wow a $1000 donation thank you so much!

    Random twitch viewer: use the money to by a decent ssd.

    Me: my sides

    submitted by /u/MrBlacktheJester
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    Ai navy is very annoying

    Posted: 21 Mar 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    Anytime you build a dock or have anything remotely close to the shore, the ai will just spam you will galleons. Playing the third Indonesian mission currently and it's very annoying.

    submitted by /u/Lord-of-Rats
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    aoe2 DE multiplayer broken?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    i'm playing on the steam version and i cant create lobbies or join my friends or anyone, i've verified the files of the game and have tried turning cross play on and off but nothing is working, this is really annoying as we've tried to play this game a few times as its one of our favourites, please can anyone provide a fix?

    submitted by /u/WastefulRhino
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    (Steppe Lancer) What if they added a 'Steppe Scout' in Feudal age?

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    The biggest issue with the Steppe Lancer is a lack of a real concrete purpose. It sits in a weird intersection between Cavalry Archers, Scouts, and Knights, offering some of each but without the strengths of any of them. Just buffing them statistically(though they do probably need a slight buff like +1 attack) doesn't fix that, it just makes them replace something else.

    Make them cheaper and they replace scouts. More tanky and they replace knights. More damage and they replace cavalry archers.

    But what if you could build them in the Feudal Age?

    I'm envisioning a version that's statistically about on par, maybe slightly superior to scout cavalry, but with the added gold cost to balance. But then, you could upgrade them when you hit the castle age and get that big power spike.

    And then, even once you switch over to producing knights, you still have that small force of Lancers, which imo is where they work best anyway. They can operate in a small unit attacking specific targets while your knights make up the bulk of your army.

    Anyways, just an idea to give them an actual concrete niche.


    submitted by /u/DemiserofD
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    I out "legended" myself

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    Yep... I was slowly loosing the main front with tons of ressources... so i had the brillant idea of building a wonder...

    In a conquest game.

    And was salty for about 5 minutes untill i realised

    submitted by /u/WeaveAndRoll
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    In the Pachacuti campaign if you pause the game fast enough you can see that Vicaquirao is actually Henry II.

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    Synthwave meets AoE2

    Posted: 20 Mar 2020 04:16 PM PDT

    Was looking up some synthwave music and came across this artist. Apparently he made some AoE2-meme songs lol. I think TheViper has used these songs on stream.




    The other songs on their SoundCloud are legitimately good too (if you like the genre).

    submitted by /u/Remarkable-Corgi
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