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    Monday, March 2, 2020

    Age of Empires II How to throw a match in less than 15 secs.

    Age of Empires II How to throw a match in less than 15 secs.

    How to throw a match in less than 15 secs.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:20 PM PST

    Something is wrong since the last patch, but i'm not sure what

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:59 AM PST

    Robo appreciation

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:54 PM PST

    I was watching the HC3 qualifiers and I just really wanted to thank Robo (I think) for his work. I would imagine watching recs of those games without commentary from the exceptional casters in the Age Community is not as much fun. He can always rewatch the games, but the comebacks and the insane swings will be spoiled. As any sports fan can attest, it's really not the same when you know the results.

    I also really enjoyed the guessing and "mystery" behind each of the players, which is another aspect of HC3 that he won't be able to enjoy as much since he knows all the identities.

    I don't know Robo in anyway. I have no way of reaching out to him directly, hence the post . Watching the insane qualifiers with exceptional casting just made me think of all that he has to put in, just so we could enjoy the show. Your work is much appreciated brother. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/ISeeThings404
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    How Good are the new Mongol Steppe Lancers?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:09 AM PST

    Found out that during the 4th Kotyan Khan mission "Blood for blood", that if you put a few units in this location, it denies the enemy units spawning here that attacks the Hungarian Village. Have 5 light cavs on patrol.

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:15 AM PST

    Comparison of the new Vietnamese and other civilizations

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:09 AM PST

    TLDR: Vietnamese is now a mid-tier civs with overall strength comparable to Japanese and Burmese.

    Vietnamese just got a new bonus "Economic techs do not cost wood", and recently there is this post which calculated the total wood Vietnamese can save over the course of the game, and SoTL also made a video and claims that the total wood saving from all eco techs can be more than the wood saved by Huns not building houses. However, some people (me) are still skeptical about all these numbers, since in a typical game you don't research every eco tech at the same time, especially for the mining techs and hand carts which usually come in pretty late. So I decided to compare Vietnamese with some other civilizations in the following two situations, and just to have a grasp on how good they actually are.

    Early feudal age aggression on Arabia

    In early feudal age, Vietnamese can save a total of 125 wood by researching double bit axe and horse collar, which we can safely assume they will do it. Since the military bonus for Vietnamese is "+20%HP for archery range units", the go-to strategy for them would probably be Man-at-arm followed by skirms/archers, and here are some civs that can do the similar thing:

    • Ethiopians gains 200 resources upon reaching feudal age. They have +15% faster firing archers.
    • Japanese saves 200 wood with 2 lumberjacks, a mill and a mining camp. Infantry attack +33% faster.
    • Burmese saves 150 resources from free double bit axe. Infantry +1 attack.
    • Byzantines saves 150 resources after 10 spears/skirms. The number can be larger with more units.
    • Bulgarians saves 135 resources from free man-at-arm upgrade.

    So we can see, Vietnamese still have a slightly worse eco discount over a lot of the mid-tier civs, and keep in mind that food is probably more valuable than wood in the early game, so the gap could be even wider. It is not saying that they are still a bad civ though, and they definitely outperform the following civs in early feudal age.

    • Koreans saves 60 wood from 16 spears/archers.
    • Italians saves 75 food from researching feudal age.
    • Portuguese saves 90 gold from 3 man-at-arms and 12 archers (which will be pretty late).

    The bonus is not strategy-dependent though, so as long as you go for feudal age aggression, you are always going to save 125 wood regardless of the strategy. Since Vietnamese get husbandry now, it is perfectly fine for them to go scout rush, especially in team game if they are in the pocket, and they can follow that up into knights+boom in castle age, and battle elephants in imperial age. Speaking of boom,

    27+2 Fast castle into booming

    This is a little bit tricky to compare, but I will try my best. In this scenario, we can assume that Vietnamese can save 400 wood for researching bow saw, heavy plow and wheelbarrow right after they reach castle age. I'm not going to assume that they can research hand cart earlier than standard civs, since by that time food is the limiting factor, and 300 food is still quite an investment. So how good is that?

    • Franks finishes the 6 berry bushes around 2 minutes faster with 4 villagers harvesting, which can be transferred into around 190 more wood. They also get free farming upgrade which saves another 400 resources.
    • Britons saves 275 wood for 2 TCs. They also finishes herdables around 8 villager-minutes faster, which again can be transferred into around 190 more wood.
    • Khmer saves 325 wood for not building a blacksmith and a market. They also get 2 more villagers working for 130 seconds more if they go 29+0 Fast castle, which is around 100 wood. Before they got T90 farms unlocked that was all they had, and they were considered to be very strong in boom game like this.
    • Burmese saves 400 resources for free lumber camps upgrade.

    There are also a few points to note: 1) All civs above except Burmese have the option to go up to castle age faster and build their TCs earlier, while Vietnamese will find it harder to do so; 2) Heavy plow are sometimes not researched so early on, so Vietnamese can also save more wood from farms like Franks.

    So the above result shows that while Vietnamese might not be as good as the top tier booming civs, they definitely don't have a problem on starting a boom. This is actually quite important for Vietnamese, since they have a bonus called "Free conscription" but had one of the worst imperial age time for higher rated players. It is even worse when you find out how other civs with slow imperial age time is actually being very strong in castle age (notably Spanish, Huns and Burmese) while they have this time just because they sucked.

    Discussion and Conclusion

    All of the above estimation are quite conservative since we have completely ignore the mining techs and hand carts, and all the wood saved from farms by researching farm techs early on is not accounted at all, but it still shows that Vietnamese are at least a mid-tier civs in terms of economy. Of course, they still have a problem in terms of military strength, since HP boost is not the best bonus you want on archers and their cavalry is sub-par on 1v1 games.

    On 1v1 Arabia game, they are very similar to Japanese, having a slower start in the game but an overall better army throughout the game, with better archers/skirms and the access to bombard cannon being the most notable difference. It is good that they are still not above average though, since they are probably one of the best civs in trash fight with imp skirms+BBC.

    On team game though it is another story, and I would say they are now very similar to Burmese, or even better. As mentioned above, they both saved 400 resources upon hitting castle age, and while Vietnamese could have more discount on other eco techs, Burmese got nothing else unless they go for monks. Being pocket they are most likely to perform equally if they go for scouts -> knights+boom -> battle elephants, but Vietnamese is probably a better flank player than Burmese now, with access to a better archery range, and it could be harder to build a castle in team game if you are under massive pressure from more than one enemy.

    Overall, it is a good change to Vietnamese, and for me I will not be upset if I random into Vietnamese in any maps now.

    submitted by /u/html_lmth
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    Any AoE2 Podcast?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:06 AM PST

    I would love to hear weekly or even just monthly news about the community. Somebody like Spirit of the Law sharing information and stories in audio format would also be pretty neat.

    submitted by /u/DonChath
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    Unable to find games on microsoft version?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:25 AM PST

    My game is up to date but im not able to find any games.

    submitted by /u/Unholyboy
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    Hidden Cup 3 Qualifier Civ and Map Stats

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:59 PM PST

    Hey All,

    During the stream today, someone mentioned that they wished there were stats tracking banned civs and maps. I decided to kill some more time throwing the stats together. You can find the data here. I also added in maps and civs that were played. Enjoy.

    The data was compiled by using the posts from robo_boro on aoezone as well as briefly rewatching the vods on youtube and/or twitch. Hopefully I caught all the times T90 went full Procaster and got civs wrong.

    submitted by /u/dupsmckracken
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    Is there a way to drop off at a TC with 1-click garrison enabled?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 03:29 AM PST

    I like 1-click garrison, it is definitely the preferable option for about 95% of the game, but in the very beginning where I might need to manually dropoff resources, it's a major nuisance.

    I was hoping the option would reverse alt+rightclick's behavior so THAT would perform the dropoff, but no such luck. Is there a way to drop-off resources without garrisoning? Maybe a hotkey or mod?

    submitted by /u/hiimabird
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    Overreign Alpha 8 Release

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:48 PM PST

    [ Feedback / Suggestion ] Why last patch Teuton's buff doesn't feel like a buff, and ideas how to do so

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:21 AM PST

    (cross post from the original forum I made)

    I was happy and excited to finally see some buff for Teutons, but at the end I don't feel it was meaningful.

    In my opinion, Teuton's design is : being a very slow walking and defensive civilization that hit strong.

    But I sincerely feel they don't feel that point, because :

    • Lack of husbandry makes their paladins not really effective, especially versus archers or sieges.
    • Teutonic Knights despite having amazing stats, is too slow to be a threat. Only the AI would engage an attack against them on a melee combat.
    • Despite having really good buffs for defenses, they would lose against a mobility war, where they would not catch up and just end up being overwhelmed.

    Because of that, they have a really hard time against Archers & Siege Civilizations, plus the mobiles ones who can raid from one side to the map, to the complete other side.

    Here my point of view why I feel the recent buff are not really meaningful :

    The [+1/+0] starting Castle Age :

    I think the [+1/+0] armor is pointless by design, because their Teutonic Knights should fit the "strong melee unit", and doesn't need to have more "strong melee unit", with their Champions & their Halberdier.

    This would have been interesting if it was instead [+0/+1], giving them more options against Archers and assaults.

    Farm cost from 33% less to 40% less :

    It was already super strong bonus, I don't see why buffing it by an addition of 7%. The goal of this bonus is to "boom" faster, saving wood, and getting a strong income of foods, but at the end it reduces only by 4 woods. It wasn't necessarily and it has, so far, no meaningful impact.

    Ideas in how to buff the Teutons, with one or more of the following options, and thus without Husbandry, nor Bracer :

    • Increase Teutonic Knight speed to reach its possible threat. Currently at max stats, it reaches 0.77 speed, which is slower than most of archers that are at 0.96. I would buff their speed up to 0.9 with Squires, and would not be "broken", because they would still be heavily counter by archers and anti infantry. It would just give more options to their already very limited use. Since they "only" have 2(+4) pierce armor, they would still be heavily counter by archers and pierce damage, where most of civilizations can do easily.

    • Giving them access to Light Cavalry. Teutons are one of the worst "Trash Units" (units that doesn't cost golds) civilizations, since they only got access to the fully upgraded Halberdier. Giving them Light Cavalry would at least give them some cavalry options, especially against siege and archers, despite not having Husbandry.

    • Changing the [+1/+0] to [+0/+1] (or even [+1/+1] ) to specifics units. I like the ideas of making champions because of some specific traits and upgrades, but for me it feels too weak, and as I said before, is not a necessity. They already have the Teutonic Knights that should fit in that role. And giving at least 1 pierce armor would give them options against archers, where they struggle a lot with. For example, I would love something similar to Tower Shield of the Lithuanians, it would be a very great buff for them, giving them more options, despite not having Bracer.

    I would conclude that, this is why I think we don't see Teutons in the pro-play, because of their lack of possibilities, their too specific gameplay which gives easy counter and anticipations, despite having some great ideas (making a strong civ without Husbandry and Bracer).Bring love to Teutons ! :D

    submitted by /u/Neilug_Hyuga
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    For those who are wondering what is the church in the middle of the ''cross'' map in HC3

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:00 PM PST

    New Noob Tournament! With (very) modest prize pool?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:23 PM PST

    Hello everyone - I'm planning on hosting a new Age of Noob tournament just for noobs, with some sort of modest prize pool attached to it. I will be casting and moderating the tournament - streamed on Mixer/Twitch and all of the videos will be uploaded to YouTube.
    Would there be interest in participating? I haven't finalized the details, but it will probably be played on weekends to accommodate most people. ELO wise, I'm thinking of having people around 1300 ELO.

    I love the fact that the Pro tournaments are bigger, better, and more entertaining than ever! And I like watching T90/Nili's casts. That said, there is little done on the non-pro side, apart from casual community games. So I wanted to spark some friendly competition amongst the majority of above average players - and have some fun in the process! There will be a very modest prize pool as well (haven't decided yet), as I am simply a content creator with no income whatsoever from AoE and will be paying from my own pocket.


    submitted by /u/AgeofNoob
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    TheViper's fast imp feitoria rush beaten by Vivi's MILL RUSH!!!

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:24 AM PST

    Well. This was very confusing and strange map. gg.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:11 AM PST

    Faced a fourth crash in an offline game

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 08:06 AM PST

    I don't think I have finished a game since the patch, all the fun is ruined after an hour or two play. I can't even report because I teleport to desktop without any error message

    submitted by /u/StraightEdgeNexus
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    Pure magic

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 01:04 PM PST

    Thank you devs for new Goths!!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:42 PM PST

    As a low ELO guy that just likes Byzantines and tries to get the red Cataphract icon..thank you! Every one is picking Goth! Up until now no one has managed to use the new Goth buff properly! It's getting ugly in castle age.. Again..thank you 😂

    submitted by /u/miketsap
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    Just remember 1998 - Age of Empires OST#6 Remix

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 07:02 AM PST

    Balance tweaks for Goths and Tatars

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 05:01 AM PST

    Two relatively small changes that I think would signifcantly help these two civs without fundementally changing them.

    For Goths, I think the current change is good but still leaves them a little underwhelming. Given the addition of supplies, maybe the goth bonus can be increased slightly to offset this. Changing the discount from 33 to 40 is not a huge change, but does significantly help the drush build. Presently goths can afford 3 militia with the staring gold and need to long distance mine 2 more gold to make a fourth. With the changed bonus they can afford 4 and a fifth, with one long distance mining trip, allowing for an aztec style 5 militia drush.

    Tatars seem to struggle to reach most of their bonuses, lacking a real power spike until late game. As with vietnamese the devs have given them a cheap imperial tech (200 food 250 gold) for free which doesnt make much sense as they have likely lost the game by this point. Since tatars have a heavy emphasis on cav archers it would make more sense to swap free parthian tactics for free thumb ring in castle age (or maybe even feudal??). This allows them to switch into strong cav archers immediately and buffs your archers upon reaching castle age, allowing a fast castle archers or cav archers play, a bit like britons.


    submitted by /u/Firenzo101
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    Is "The Art of War: Rushing the Enemy" broken or am i missing something?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:29 PM PST

    I make few archers, go kill AI villagers but it doesnt count my kills until about 4:45

    im pretty sure its not working properly but wouldnt be first time im wrong

    submitted by /u/cheoppus
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    Alpine lakes fish are broken

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:55 PM PST

    When collecting fish on alpine lakes, villagers almost always get stuck and have to be manually positioned, or else they'll go idle. This map shouldn't be in competitive rotation while this is the case.

    submitted by /u/DerAmazingDom
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    Revert the change about TC killing animals ! :D

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 04:02 AM PST

    I just played a game where enemy scout went under my tc really early, i killed him but lost 3 sheeps.. I was kinda sad i couldnt eat these anymore :D

    Maybe sheeps killed by army should be gatherable?

    Lets go !

    submitted by /u/Bobrazowski1995
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