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    Tuesday, March 10, 2020

    Age of Empires II Still no love for them

    Age of Empires II Still no love for them

    Still no love for them

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:08 AM PDT

    Every country right now

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:19 AM PDT

    AOE2 AI

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    Every time

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 03:41 PM PDT

    Tuesday Talking Points: The 10 Regions of Age of Empires II, Special Regional Units with Unique Civ Upgrades, and Imperial Unit Upgrades for Current and New Civilizations

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 06:43 AM PDT

    Forward: Thank you to everyone who read, commented on, and liked my Tuesday Talking Points post from last week. I know my posts are long and full of information, so I really appreciate the people who took the time to read through my whole post. It was a fun thought experiment and it was great to see a lot of different thoughts and opinions. The feedback I got was especially helpful and led to me making a few changes. I hope to get some feedback and constructive criticism on this post as well, not just about the content but also the formatting and style to help me improve future posts.

    Summary: Add/Expand a unit and mechanic to the game and expand the number of Special Regional Units from 3 (Eagle Warriors, Battle Elephants, Steppe Lancers) to 10. Why 10? Because in an effort to more evenly cover the world with Age of Empires II civilizations, I'm adding 14 civilizations to create an aesthetically pleasing 10 Regions comprised of 9 regions with 5 civilizations and 1 currently with only 4, but I hope to get some suggestions from people who read my entire post for a fifth civilization that would fit into that last region to get to an even 50 civilizations overall, a number with a certain je ne sais quoi about it. Give all civilizations a unique bonus or bonuses for their Special Regional Unit and give one civilization in each group access to their corresponding Imperial Special Regional Unit upgrade.

    Background: The four Age of Empires II civilizations that have access to Battle Elephants are based on real historical civilizations that inhabited the same general area of the world during the rough timeframe of 500-1500 AD, and those four civilizations each have Unique Bonuses for the Battle Elephant (HP, Attack, Cost, etc). The same can be said for the three civilizations that have access to Eagle Warriors and the two (now three, as I was working on this final write up!) that have access to Steppe Lancers. For those of you who, like me, exhibit an obsessive-compulsive desire for order and organization, what if we used this line of thinking to not only group Age of Empires II civilizations into neatly manicured categories, but use this additional categorization to add another mechanic and nuance into the game? I did just this and ended up with what I will call Special Regional Units.

    As a continuing fan work, I've come up with two different ways to assuage this particular example of my anal-retentive affliction by organizing civilizations. I did this because I wanted to be sure that if I starting trying to make a new civilization for Age of Empires II that was based off a historical civilization, I was doing so with the confirmation that it would not fill the EXACT same role that another extant civilization already did, but instead was different and had some new, fun way to play. The developers addressed this by describing what each civilization's specialties are and giving each civ special abilities, but in last weeks post I added a second description to each one, which the developers had already done in some instances, to try and get a better representation of that civ's specialties.

    Combining these two lines of thinking, I ended up with 9 Regions for the existing 35 civilizations with their own dual specialty descriptions, and after some thought and research, was able to expand to 10 Regions and 49 civilizations; nine regions with five civilizations and one region with four civilizations. I was really wanting to make it an even 50 for maximum perfectionism, so maybe after you guys look through what I have you'll be able to help me out with the 1 region that currently only has four civilizations.

    But you, dear reader, might be thinking to yourself that there are plenty of posts on r/aoe2 about new civs. But I am adding civs to facilitate expanding the prevalence of Special Regional Units and Imperial Unit upgrades. Since I am of the opinion that the Imperial Unit Upgrade like the Imperial Camel or Skirmisher is an interesting and ultimately underused mechanic in the game, not only would only one certain group of four or five civilizations have access to this Special Regional Unit, but only ONE of those civilizations in that group would be able to upgrade that unit to an Imperial Special Regional Unit.

    As an example, lets look at the Southeast Asia Region. Their Special Regional Unit is the Battle Elephant, and it is available to the four Southeast Asia current civilizations; Burmese, Khmer, Malay, Vietnamese (I understand that the Vietnamese have Far East architecture style, but since they have the Battle Elephant, they are a Southeast Asia civ. In a similar vein, architecture style was not the determining factor for Region of other civs. It was similarity to others, and mostly optimized spacing of civs). I added a new civ, the Thai, to this group to bring the Southeast Asia civ count to 5. Of these 5 civs, it is the Thai who would have the ability to upgrade to the Imperial Battle Elephant. When I post my Thai civilization concept on a later date, you'll see that one of the civ bonuses is that the Elite Battle Elephant Upgrade costs 30% less for the Thai, which would give them not only awesome Elite Battle Elephants but make the obviously expensive jump to Imperial Elephants a little more palatable. This Reduced Cost line of thinking is not available to the Indians to upgrade to Imperial Camels or how the Vietnamese get Imperial Skirmishers, but this could be a similar civ bonus for the other civ's with the ability to make the Imperial upgrade, but again it would not have to be a hard and fast rule.

    Results: With all of that background and line of thinking in mind, here are all of the regions with the civs, and the Special Regional Units and indicator for Imperial Upgrade civ (with quick descriptions to follow). Civs in Italics are new, and Civs with an asterisk are the one that get access to the Imperial Unit upgrade;

    Region – Far East

    Special Regional Unit – Grenadier, Watered Down Hand Cannoneer available in Castle Age from Archery Range. Balanced similar to how Fire Galleys were introduced. Still need Chemistry to upgrade to Hand Cannoneer

    Chinese – Archer & Defense

    Japanese – Infantry & Navy

    \Jurchen – Cavalry & Gunpowder,* Imperial Hand Cannoneer Upgrade

    Koreans – Defense & Siege

    Tibetans – Monk & Siege

    Region – Southeast Asia

    Special Regional Unit – Battle Elephant, available in Castle Age from Stables

    Burmese – Monk & Elephantry

    Khmer – Elephantry & Siege

    Malay – Infantry & Navy

    \Thai – Elephantry & Monk* , Imperial Battle Elephant Upgrade

    Vietnamese – Archer & Skirmisher

    Region – Oceania

    Special Regional Unit – War Canoe, Amphibious Short-Range Archer available in Dark Age as Scout Replacement since these civs would not have horses, available from Archery Range after reaching Feudal Age

    Aboriginal – Ranged Infantry & Spearman

    Hawaiians – Navy & Siege

    Maori – Navy & Monk

    Rapanui – Navy & Skirmisher

    \Samoans – Navy & Spearman,* Imperial War Canoe Upgrade

    Region – Western Europe

    Special Regional Unit – Guisarmier, Spearman available in Castle Age from Barracks, Anti-Infantry Bonus but No Anti-Cavalry Bonus

    Britons – Archer & Economy

    Celts – Infantry & Siege

    *Franks – Ranged Infantry & Cavalry, Imperial Guisarmier Upgrade

    Teutons – Infantry & Defense

    Vikings – Navy & Infantry

    *Originally wanted to have an Infantry unit called a Crusader for Western Europe, but thought that was too similar to a Teutonic Knight.

    * Struggling to get rid of "Economy" category for Britons from last Tuesday Talk Points post, need second military option. Infantry? Skirmisher? Spearmen?

    Region – Eastern Europe

    Special Regional Unit – Cossack, Low HP, High Armor, Fast Raiding Cavalry available in Castle Age from Stable

    Bulgarians – Infantry & Cavalry

    Goths – Infantry & Spearmen

    Lithuanians – Cavalry & Monk

    Magyars – Cavalry & Cavalry Archer

    *Slavs – Infantry & Siege, Imperial Cossack Upgrade

    Region – Central Asia

    Special Regional Unit – Steppe Lancer, available in Castle Age from Stable

    Cumans – Cavalry & Cavalry Archer

    \Georgians – Cavalry & Siege* Imperial Steppe Lancer Upgrade

    Huns – Cavalry & Cavalry Archer

    Mongols – Cavalry Archer & Siege

    Tatars – Cavalry & Cavalry Archer

    Region – Southern Asia

    Special Regional Unit – Hashashin, Low HP, High Armor, Raiding Infantry available in Castle Age from Barracks

    Indians – Gunpowder & Camelry

    *Persians – Cavalry & Elephantry, Imperial Hashashin Upgrade

    Saracens – Navy & Camelry

    Turks – Gunpowder & Cavalry Archer

    *when thinking of a new civ to add here, I kept coming back to my 5 Rules for New Civs

    #1) Did that civ exist in the general time frame of Age of Empires II (500 AD - 1500 AD)?

    #2) Does this civ do something differently than one of the existing civs?

    #3) Was there an attempt to make that civ balanced for gameplay?

    #4) Is this civ not closely related to, or a sub-culture of, a civ that currently exists in the game?

    #5) Did that civ exist for several hundred years, or have a large impact on Medieval history?

    Let me know if you guys have suggestions for the fifth civ in the comments!

    Region – Mediterranean

    Special Regional Unit – Mariner, Naval Monk that Can Only Convert Enemy Ships, available in Castle Age from Dock, supposed to represent Boarding enemy ships in naval warfare)

    Berbers – Cavalry & Camelry

    Byzantines – Monk & Defense

    Italians – Archer & Navy

    Portuguese – Gunpowder & Navy

    *Spanish – Gunpowder & Monk, Imperial Mariner Upgrade

    Region – Africa

    Special Regional Unit – African Spearman Scout (Name TBD, Short-Range Skirmisher available in Dark Age as Scout Replacement for all of these civs since sub-Saharan civs would not have horses due to tsetse fly, available from Archery Range after reaching Feudal Age)

    Ethiopians – Archer & Siege

    Kongolese – Spearmen & Defense

    Malians – Camelry & Infantry

    Somalis – Navy & Gunpowder

    \Zimbabweans – Skirmisher & Defense,* Imperial African Spearman Upgrade

    *planned to use Assegai somehow in name of Zimbabwean's Unique Unit

    Region – New World

    Special Regional Unit – Eagle Warrior, available in Dark Age as Eagle Scout from Barracks

    Aztecs – Infantry & Monk

    Incas – Infantry & Defense

    Mayans – Archer & Defense

    \Mississippians* – Defense & Siege, Imperial Eagle Warrior Upgrade

    Puebloans – Monk & Ranged Infantry

    Analysis: Each civ in a region would have a special bonus or tech that improves their Special Regional Unit in some way, similar to how the Southeast Asia civs handle Battle Elephants:

    Burmese – Armor (Castle UT), Attack vs Buildings (Imperial UT), All Stable and Blacksmith Techs

    Khmer – Faster (Civ Bonus), Attack (Castle UT), All Stable and Blacksmith Techs

    Malay – Cost (Civ Bonus), No Bloodlines, Missing Last 2 Blacksmith Armor Techs, Get Heresy

    Vietnamese – HP (Castle UT), All Stable Techs, Missing Blast Furnace

    Or how New World civs have special techs for Eagle Warriors:

    Aztecs – Creation Speed (Civ Bonus), Attack (Imperial UT)

    Incas – Armor (Imperial UT)

    Mayans – HP (Imperial UT)

    Steppe Lancers have this to a Lesser Degree

    Cumans – Faster (Civ Bonus), No Husbandry, All Blacksmith Techs, Get Heresy

    Tatars – Elevation Bonus (Civ Bonus), All Stable Techs, Missing Last 2 Blacksmith Armor Techs

    Mongols – HP (Civ Bonus), All Stable Techs, Missing Last Blacksmith Armor Tech, Get Heresy

    I made every effort to make a new civilization the one in the region that gets the Imperial Upgrade so as not to re-balance more than needed. So here is how Southeast Asia would look with the Thai and how New World would look with the Eagle Warrior;

    Southeast Asia Region

    Burmese – Armor (Castle UT), Attack vs Buildings (Imperial UT), All Stable and Blacksmith Techs

    Khmer – Faster (Civ Bonus), Attack (Castle UT), All Stable and Blacksmith Techs

    Malay – Cost (Civ Bonus), No Bloodlines, Missing Last 2 Blacksmith Armor Techs, Get Heresy

    Thai – Elite Upgrade Cost (Civ Bonus), Resist Conversion (Civ Bonus), Blast Radius (Imperial UT), Attack Speed (Team Bonus), Missing Last Blacksmith Attack and Armor Techs, Imperial Unit Upgrade

    Vietnamese – HP (Castle UT), All Stable Techs, Missing Last Blacksmith Attack Tech

    New World Region

    Aztecs – Creation Speed (Civ Bonus), Attack (Imperial UT)

    Incas – Armor (Imperial UT)

    Mayans – HP (Imperial UT)

    Mississippians – Elite Upgrade Cost (Civ Bonus), Imperial Unit Upgrade, Missing Last Blacksmith Attack and Armor Techs

    Puebloans – Faster (Civ Bonus), Attack vs Buildings (Imperial UT)

    This gets tricky for regions that don't currently have a Special Regional Unit, or when all civs are currently in the game;

    Central Asia Region

    Cumans – Faster (Civ Bonus), No Husbandry, All Blacksmith Techs, Get Heresy

    Georgians – Elite Upgrade Cost (Civ Bonus), Missing Last Blacksmith Attack Tech

    Huns – Creation Speed (Team Bonus), Get Heresy

    Mongols – HP (Civ Bonus), All Stable Techs, Missing Last Blacksmith Armor Tech, Get Heresy

    Tatars – Elevation Bonus (Civ Bonus), All Stable Techs, Missing Last 2 Blacksmith Armor Techs

    Western Europe Region

    Britons – No current Infantry Bonus, All Barracks and Blacksmith Techs

    Celts – Faster (Civ Bonus), Missing Squires, All Blacksmith Techs

    Franks – No current Infantry Bonus, All Barracks and Blacksmith Techs, Get Heresy

    Teutons – Resist Conversion (Team Bonus), All Barracks and Blacksmith Techs, Get Heresy

    Vikings – HP (Civ Bonus), Attack vs Cavalry (Castle UT), All Barracks and Blacksmith Techs, Get Heresy, Missing Halberdier

    Conclusion: So what do you guys think? Do you think that more properly balanced Imperial units would be an interesting addition to the game? Would you put any of the civs in a different region than what I had? Do you have an idea for a different Special Regional Unit for any of the regions? By using my 5 Rules for New Civs, do you have a suggestion for the fifth civilization in the Southern Asia Region?

    submitted by /u/SHABOOM_
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    Menu screen makes my pc go nuts, anyone else?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 07:20 AM PDT

    my cpu fan runs really loud when in aoe2 menu, seems kinda unnecessary for the cpu usage to be that high, i cant have aoe2 open in the background without my cpu going nuts, is this being looked into??

    submitted by /u/Selling_illegal_pepe
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    what happens when you upgrade

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:12 PM PDT

    Missed medieval Monday but here for trebuchet Tuesday

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:41 AM PDT

    So, two questions 1. Is it unfair to host a voobly game with my friends who are very new to the game on voice chat in discord with the intention of playing a 3v3? My friends and I verse randos? If so, please suggest a handicap for us.

    1. Every time I attempt to be cheeky in feudal it seems like I waste my time creating some archers and have no effect on the other player and it turns into their eco snowballing and then reaching castle way quicker = RKOing me and my (mostly) innocent vills. Thx for input
    submitted by /u/LiteCavIsCoolestUnit
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    Anyone else just playing nothing but Single Player/Campaigns?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:56 PM PDT

    I think I've just reached about 1,000 hours of time played, been playing nothing single player for the most part. I've nearly completed every scenario on hard using my mod that bumps up the max population +500.

    When I play online, I am still in that "no clue what I should be training at this time" mode.

    submitted by /u/KrogothFramework
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    New Civ: The Pueblo

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    The Pueblo, once known as the Anasazi(which actually meant 'ancient enemy' in Navajo), were a civilization of farmers and city-builders, most well known for their sprawling cliff dwellings.

    During their time they controlled vast stretches of the American southwest, building huge complexes of stone and sprawling road systems that facilitated trade as far south as modern Panama. While much of their history has been lost, following their emigration from the area due to ecological changes in the area, many traces of their unique and distinctive style can still be found, hidden away in the vast and barren deserts of Arizona.

    The Pueblo

    Civ Bonuses

    Stone Lasts +25% Longer. - (the Pueblo would ship huge sandstone blocks from great distances to produce their massive cities and dwellings. Some buildings had over 700 rooms.)

    +10% Population Capacity at all times. - Instead of starting with 5 population capacity, they start with 5.5, which is rounded up to 6. At 100, they instead have 110. And at 200, they have 220.

    Isolated farms produce more food. - Farm food production increased the further they are from other farms. Adjacent farms produce standard food, and gain +33% food production per tile away from adjacent farms, to a maximum of +100% food production. (The Pueblo were very adept at living at high altitudes and far from sources of water, using skillfully-made irrigation systems to sustain small independent farms far from water sources)

    Heresy is Free. - (In the ~1300s, they Pueblo people experienced a massive religious shift following the change in the local ecosystems. They believed it was a result of their spiritual elders abusing their power, and so burned almost the entirety of their existing religious structure in massive fires.)

    Unique Units

    Cliff Palace: Replacement for Castles. Constructed into a huge overhang, they can only fire in a single direction, but also can only be damaged from that direction. It can be rotated in the same way as Gates.

    Sandâaru: Weak, very cheap, fast-firing archer.

    Cost: 10 Wood, 20 gold

    Health: 15(20)

    Attack: 2(4)

    Range: 4(5)

    Attack Speed: 1.2

    Armor: 0/0

    Movement Speed: 1

    Unique Technologies

    Castle: Chaco Roads: Trade Units also produce wood. - (Due to their distance from significant sources of quality lumber, the Pueblo would trade great distances to acquire wood to produce their houses and various goods. As a part of this, they created a massive road system spanning much of their area of the country.)

    Imperial: Geoglyphs: All relics produce -50% gold.

    submitted by /u/DemiserofD
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    Treaty boom builds

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    Hey all!

    Is there a build guide/info for treaty games? Specifically how to boom with 4 TC with a build order.

    I used to play back in the day and did feudal and castle rushes but we have a AoE group of people at the office and they all wanna play treaty.

    It is usually team games but we're gonna do a 1v1 tourney too.

    submitted by /u/Verificus
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    Historical Battles "York" | Hard Playthrough

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Why good Tatars's herdable bouns?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:40 AM PDT

    Herdables contain +50% food.

    IF I get 8 sheep, I can get about 400 food more.

    And I see that this bouns is good. I wondered this bouns is so good.

    Can you tell me about it?

    submitted by /u/dak0653
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    Questionable mechanics - quickwalls

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    As the title says, I've always been bothered about the power of villagers to stop raids, rush enemy vills and block their resource gathering points.

    I never quickwall, it feels very counterintuitive to the look and feel of a RTS game and makes certain strategies virtually impossible against skilled players who will react to siege and raids and render your investment into specific unit line useless.

    My suggestion is that the foundation of a building cannot be walked on only when the building's completion hits the last frame. I do not know what percent that is, maybe around 66-75%, but it makes a lot of sense, both visually and mechanics-wise.

    The view of an army of fully armored mounted archers simply struggling to gallop across some pieces of wood and stone placed in front of them just feels off.

    submitted by /u/fanica98
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    Happy to be back

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    First time playing DE online tonight, got the win. My teammate did a lot of heavy lifting early game but I'm just telling myself I was booming and didn't have the mil yet. Great to be back

    Edit: typo

    submitted by /u/sbowden14
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    AoE2: HD edition

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    So, my PC isn't equipped to handle DE. Is there still a decent amount of online players using HD? I think I'm ready to play live again.

    submitted by /u/inthedistance21
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    Age of Empires 2 Top 5 Plays | Ep. 21 | 9 March 2020

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:40 PM PDT

    No melee civ is anywhere near overpowered so long as the pathing continues as it is

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Don't nerf any melee anything so long as the pathing is as it is. At every single fucking moment, they don't do what they are supposed to do, in fact, they do the opposite. I have to constantly fight my own units telling them to no, go back to what the fuck I was telling you to do. I tell them to attack move, and they actually go in the other direction and go off doing some other shit. Melee units are suicidal to the extreme, as well, barreling into a TC or a castle it doesn't matter, they will run as fast they can to kill themselves.

    I can't even jump over to my town center for 5 seconds without my worthless shithead army getting themselves killed by either A. just letting the enemy fuck them up the ass while they idiotically keep beating on a building or B. commit suicide via arrows. yes, all of the units do it, but melee units have neither the armor nor the health nor the speed to commit themselves to an idiotic fucked up movement plan and survive. If your horses decided to go on a trip you can go no fuck you horsies get the fuck back over here, and they move fast enough to undo their own idiocy.

    submitted by /u/glassnumbers
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    Patrol buff

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Just a little thought, what about making patrol Not attack non-defensive structures (towers, tcs, castles & the UU counterparts) unless they go within 1 tile of your units? Mele units love to attack enemy buildings more than ever and its annoying when i have my army in the enemy's base and try and patrol against the others when half my army says "23" and starts tearing down houses. Coupled with the fact that mele units give your commands the middle finger it just compounds worse.

    submitted by /u/Jcpkill
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    Lif be lik dat

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    I did not know you could walk on these.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:49 PM PDT

    TaToH explains how DE changed Trade

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    Wagon forts (mobile walls/towers) sound pretty awesome

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 06:45 PM PDT

    I can't unlock Photon-Man cheat code in AOE2DE

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 02:31 AM PDT

    I played both games through Xbox Game Pass PC (Windows Store ver). And I've already earned "21st Century" Achievement in AOE:DE, but it still shows that I haven't unlocked it in AOE2DE. So I can't get the Photon-Man cheat code in AOE2DE. What should I do?


    submitted by /u/kokokko416
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