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    Friday, July 24, 2020

    Age of Empires II Goth barracks be like

    Age of Empires II Goth barracks be like

    Goth barracks be like

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:26 AM PDT

    Our suffering is acknowledged, they're working on it, and hopefully a fix is coming soon

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    TheViper is ready for Clown Cup

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    I only had 40 minutes to play before work - I thought he was going to hang around and refuse to resign. What a pleasant response.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 09:15 AM PDT

    Proudly present, the Civilization League (for lack of a better name) - an AI only league which pits civilizations against each other which I plan on finishing during lockdown.

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:37 AM PDT

    My recreation of current game and subreddit events

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    I beat hard AI for the first time today

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:19 AM PDT

    So it's just a little thing, but today I beat the Hard AI on DE for the first time.

    I asked for this game for Christmas in 2000, when I was 5. I remember the whole play against easy opponents, worrying whether 5 lumberjacks was too many, making massive armies of rams then "how do you turn this on" 10 times when that army died.

    Discovered it again in 2017 thanks to Spirit of the Law and T90 and I've loved following the pro scene ever since.

    I got DE when it came out and the nostalgia hit has been incredible. I started looking at build orders and improving my apm. I got to the point where I could consistently beat Moderate AI, but was just too slow to beat Hard. But today I got it for the first time.

    20 years after I first picked up this game, I finally beat the hard AI, and I couldn't be more chuffed. There's been some serious value for money my folks got out of their £20 or however much AoC was in the old days

    Thank you to everyone in this community for bringing this game back and stronger than ever. It makes me so happy to play. I might even try playing ranked soon!

    submitted by /u/Ffynnn
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    Don't let them hit imperial guys

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 10:43 PM PDT

    I know I failed the achievement, but you don't have to rub it in like THIS, game

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 04:30 AM PDT

    Highly (!) unhappy with the focus of the game development

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:02 PM PDT

    Dear reddit-community,

    this is my first post and the reason is just pure desperation. I play AoE2: DE since February on a rather high level (1v1 ~1600 / team ~2400) and I enjoy the game a lot. Nevertheless, the servers are totally horrible. I prefer playing multiplayer-matches (3v3 and 4v4), but in most games there are drops. E.g. in my last 10 games I had 5 drops. Today, I started 3 games - 2 of those had a drop in the first minutes.

    Due to those experiences my interest for the game, has decreased significantly. I am not used to such drops from any other game (Diablo2, dota2, StarCraft, Star Craft 2, Age of Empires 2 HD (!), Battlefield 5 and so on). This is the only game that gives multiplayer such a horrible experience and I wonder why and how as no other game has such issues.

    Meanwhile I notice that the game developers do a lot - e.g. new mode on which cards can be played. This is really nice and I appreciate it. But it doesn't fix a basic requirement. Thus, I switched back to my old game dota2 and friends who started playing with me (due to Corona) again, did not buy AoE2 but play dota2 now.

    As a team-match player I have quite a lot steam friends who also play (or played) AoE2 DE and they also are losing the interest due to the drop rate. And this saddens me a lot as the game is amazing and it doesn't deserve such a depreciation.

    Thus, I would like to know why the developers do not care at all about the servers or why (if they care) this problem is totally unique to AoE2 DE while every other game has no issues with this topic and how we could bring that topic to the developers' attention?

    I hope, my post is not totally salty - I am just an utterly disappointed AoE2-player

    submitted by /u/NAIX_NewOcean
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    The Saracen Market or When (not) to Farm

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Some of you will know that I recently posted a little build order for the Saracens in this subreddit that made use of their market. It also featured 4 Dark Age farms, probably because that's what I subconciously expect from FC builds.

    Several of the comments suggested I could be more efficient by skipping the farms all together and simply selling wood at the market, and then buying food. And indeed! I found the build to be consistently doable at one lower pop with this version of the build:

    Saracens 22+2pop FC Boom

    dark age • 6 on sheep • 3 on wood • lure boar, +1 on boar (8 total) • house, mill, 2 on berries • with your scout, lure 2 deer anytime during dark age • lure 2nd boar (9 total) • +4 to berries (6 total) • +3 to wood (6 total) • loom, click up while advancing: • 3 shepherds → to stragglers • 9 on wood, 6 on berries, 6 on sheep feudal age • queue 2 vils, to wood • market + blacksmith • sell 500 wood, buy 200 food, click up 

    This really got me think about how hard I could lean into the Saracen market to make optimal use of the highest gather rates available in the early to mid-game.

    Dark Age farms are pretty inefficient: apart from the 15vs construction time and 60w cost, the gather rate is relatively slow at .33f/s and the f/w is very low at 2.92.

    Wood is very valuable in Dark and Feudal Age, so most modern build try to avoid building them.

    To understand why, here's some comparisons:

    1. milling your berries has an inital investment of 35vs and 100wood and only gathers at .31f/s, but nets you a total of 750f at 7.5f/w. You save 25vs build time and 240 wood over the closest equivalent which would be 4 Dark Age farms. Not the best comparison since obviously, the mill is a prerequisite for builing farms, but it gives you an idea.
    2. Farms after the two Feudal technologies Horse Collar and Wheelbarrow generate 250f at .38f/s and 4.17f/w.
    3. now, the interesting one: selling wood at the market and buying food (the market method): Chopping wood has an inital investment of 12.5w (no more than 8 vils on a single lumber camp!) and 35vs build time, but starts off at a decent rate of .388w/s. With Double-Bit Axe, which is a technology that we want to get ASAP anyways, the gather rate goes up to .466w/s.

    Obviously, wood does not trade 1 for 1 at the market, can only be transacted in increments of 100 and the f/w decreases with each purchase. All of this makes this really complicated for me, as I am both kinda stupid and not educated in economics.

    For our Saracen Feudal Age situation (50 gold after loom), the market theoretically works out like this:

    food bought wood sold gold spent
    100 100 10
    200 200 26
    300 300 48
    400 500 -8
    500 600 29
    600 800 -3
    700 900 49
    800 1100 40
    900 1300 45
    1000 1600 13

    You'll see that for the fourth purchase of food, our 50 starting gold is not enough to buffer the raising rate for food and we have to sell wood twice. We spent a total of 500 wood for 400 food and 8 gold. The same thing occurs for 600 and 800 food.

    It is evident that for the first three transactions, the market method is much more efficient than farming, even without Double-Bit Axe. [Assuming that 1g = 1w for simplicity's sake; same gather rates]

    We get 300f for 348w (300w sold + 48g) and (300/.388)+35 = 808vs. Farming for the same time and investment (6 farms) would only generate (808-90)*.33= 236 food. 

    If we can assume Axe after the first 500 wood sold, the market method turns out break even at 700 food bought, mainly because at that point, a second lumber camp becomes necessary:

    Market: 700f for 1049w (+100 wood for 2nd lumber camp) and (500/0.388)+(500/0.466)+70= 2432vs. Farming: equivalent investment of 17 farms generates (2432-(17*15)*.33)=718 food in the same time. 

    So, there we have it: buying the first 600 food after huntables/herdables instead of farming it is more efficient! After that point, you should be in Castle Age anyways and there's a lot of other factors that come in to play.

    Can you delay farming until after Horse Collar and Wheelbarrow? Yes, you can and IMO, you should!

    Can you delay farming until after Heavy Plow? Maybe.

    I'd be grateful for any insight you have personally made playing around with the Saracens' market, especially when it comes to mining gold/stone early for food, too! I might have some really obvious oversights or mistakes, feel free to correct me!

    TL,DR: After animals, buying the first 600 food as Saracens is more efficient than farming it.

    submitted by /u/Holenz
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    Oh, excuse me! Excuse me, excuse me (etc)

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    Trebuchet go brrr

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:28 PM PDT

    Age of Empires 2 Definitive edition on sale in Steam

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    Age of empires definitive edition and age of empires 2 Definitive edition are currently on sale in Steam. A bundle with both these games has 53% discount.

    submitted by /u/funnythrone
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    JonSlow's Clown Cup 3: Serious Edition Quarterfinal #3 and #4/ Post-Match Discussions

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    JonSlow's Clown Cup 3: Serious Edition Quarterfinal 3 and 4

    Organisers stream


    Every match is played on Arena

    TheViper 3-0 BacT

    Draft link

    MATCH 1:

    TheViper VIE vs CHI BacT

    Winner: TheViper| in 00:54:35

    MATCH 2:

    TheViper SPA vs SLA BacT

    Winner: TheViper| in 00:30:28

    MATCH 3:

    TheViper CUM vs MAY BacT

    Winner: TheViper| in 00:47:46

    Modri 3-1 ACCM

    Draft link

    MATCH 1:

    Modri INC vs KHM ACCM

    Winner: ACCM in 00:39:02

    MATCH 2:

    Modri BYZ vs VIE ACCM

    Winner: Modri in 00:38:01

    MATCH 3:

    Modri CEL vs BYZ ACCM

    Winner: Modri in 00:36:47

    MATCH 4:

    Modri MLY vs AZT ACCM

    Winner: Modri in 00:34:30

    submitted by /u/D0machine
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    New game, or the one I've been playing for 20 years?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 07:21 PM PDT

    Map voting for July 28 is open now!

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Doubt about the weight of APM

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Hi all,

    I almost never played AoE 2. I'm doing a little experiment, and before to spend more time on it, I'm curious about an important thing that can make I stop directly experimenting. The doubt is mainly about the importance/weight of micro and/or APM. Why, is irrelevant, but take as an assumption that is not possible to take too much APM at all. It's possible for a player to be competitive?

    It's difficult to find an answer to this because you find both answers, yes, and no, and searching for known youtubers and see, well, you see almost all of them spams a lot of actions and is difficult to differentiate wich actions are real needed actions and which not.

    I readed there is a competitive player that is not so fast as others (Tim) but can't find or know if he has a YT channel.


    submitted by /u/C4nt3r
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    Why are building foundations round?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    Lost point after winning a game

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Lost point after winning a game

    Just lost point after winning a game. I'm player 2 here, my opponent was 1116 ELO.


    submitted by /u/fookh
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    Anyone's favorite civilization their own ethnicity/country?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    I'm Cambodian, but I personally am not a big fan of playing Khmer (which is also pronounced "k'mai"). I find the civ to be too eco focused, and I personally favor aggression. With that, Ethiopians are my go to because of their archer bonus and torsion engines... come on.

    But it's awesome to hear Cambodian in a popular video game.

    submitted by /u/heypunchy
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    Why are Aztecs widely regarded as the best civ?

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    Many people seem to agree that aztecs are one of the best civs. I agree that they are very powerful but I don't understand how they are so much better then Incas for example who have a very diverse amount of choice in their army composition.

    submitted by /u/Acrobatic-Monitor118
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    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    just wanted to drop a note that the tech tree doesn't default to Aztecs when you queue as a different civilization!!!!! Thanks DE.

    submitted by /u/raveslaveee
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    DE game speed

    Posted: 24 Jul 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    I don't play AOE2 but I watch AOE2 Youtube casts. Do you play the game at 1.7 speed? Or is it played at 1.0 and the replay is played at 1.7? Thanks.


    submitted by /u/shoot2die
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