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    Wednesday, October 21, 2020

    Age of Empires II Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition — Update 41855

    Age of Empires II Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition — Update 41855

    Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition — Update 41855

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:20 PM PDT

    Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 10 Week 7: Bulgarians vs Spanish

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:42 PM PDT

    Crossbow? I hardly knew her!

    Hello and welcome back for another Age of Empires 2 civilization match up discussion! This is a series where we discuss the various advantages, disadvantages, and quirks found within the numerous match ups of the game. The goal is to collectively gain a deeper understanding of how two civilizations interact with each other in a variety of different settings. Feel free to ask questions, pose strategies, or provide insight on how the two civilizations in question interact with each other on any map type and game mode. This is not limited to 1v1 either. Feel free to discuss how the civilizations compare in team games as well! So long as you are talking about how the two civilizations interact, anything is fair game! Last week we discussed the Burmese vs Malians, and next up is the Bulgarians vs Spanish!

    Bulgarians: Infantry and Cavalry civilization

    • Swordsmen upgrades are free
    • Town Centers cost -50% stone
    • Can build Krepost in Castle Age
    • TEAM BONUS: Blacksmiths work +50% faster
    • Unique Unit: Konnik (Heavy cavalry that becomes infantry when dismounted)
    • Unique Building: Krepost (Smaller, weaker, cheaper Castle that can only train Konniks)
    • Castle Age Unique Tech: Stirrups (Cavalry attack +25% faster)
    • Imperial Age Unique Tech: Bagains (Swordsmen gain +5/+0 armor)

    Spanish: Gunpowder and Monk civilization

    • Builders work +30% faster
    • Blacksmith upgrades do not cost gold
    • Cannon Galleons more accurate, and fire with significantly faster projectile speed
    • Gunpowder units fire +15% faster
    • TEAM BONUS: Trade units generate +25% gold
    • Unique Unit: Conquistador (Powerful mounted cannoneer)
    • Unique Unit: Missionary (Mounted, but weaker Monk)
    • Castle Age Unique Tech: Inquisition (Monks convert faster)
    • Imperial Age Unique Tech: Supremacy (Villagers significantly stronger in combat)

    Below are some match up-specific talking points to get you all started. These are just to give people ideas, you do not need to address them specifically if you do not want to!

    • So, for 1v1 Arabia, neither of these civs are exactly lighting the world on fire - Bulgarians have yet to be picked in KotD, and Spanish have been played very few times, with very little success. This is ofc due to both civs lacking powerful eco bonuses, as well as critically missing Crossbows. HOWEVER, if these two civs do meet up on Arabia, who do you favor?
    • For Arena, both civs would seem to be a bit stronger. Bulgarians can apply pressure with Kreposts, and possess a fantastic array of late-game options. Similar story for Spanish, except their pressure comes from Conquistadors. Who will be better able to secure map control and get their late-game armies up and running in this scenario?
    • In team games, both civs obviously prefer to be pocket. Spanish have always been strong with their FU Paladins, gunpowder, and top-tier team bonus. Bulgarians are no slouches themselves however - their Stirrups Cavalier are very deadly, and can often bridge the gap to get to Konniks. Notably, Bulgarians miss gunpowder, but have far better siege. Which civ makes for the better pocket in your view?

    Thanks as always for participating! Next week we will continue our discussions with the Koreans vs Persians. Hope to see you there! :)

    Previous discussions: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

    submitted by /u/OrnLu528
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    This is how Mr. Yo predicted Viper's civs

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:17 AM PDT

    This is how Mr. Yo predicted Viper's civs

    Just simple sliced translations from his streaming analyzing the game recording of KoTD3 vs viper.


    "I firstly banned Viper's Khmers, because I am not good at using this civ while Viper is pretty good at it. I don't know why Viper banned Chinese, maybe be for the same reason. This is actually a good thing to me because I am not good at it, and have no intention to pick it."

    "I smiled when I saw him picking Lithuanians and Mayans. The Mayans is good, but Lith is quite an overrated civ."

    1st Round

    "No one is going to use his best civ at the very beginning, so viper is highly likely to be using weaker civs. Those are Malians, Mongols, Ethiopians and Berbers. It cannot be too weak, so Ethiopians and Berbers excluded. Mongols would be a good choice because of its good vision. Therefore, I would not use Celts. To be honest I have no confidence on the 1st round, so I would prefer use Slavs, the weakest among my civs."

    2nd Round

    "Normally when one lost the 1st round in a BO5, he would be kind of nervous and tend to use his best civ. However, I know Viper well. Viper is always with great pride and even arrogance. There is no way he uses his best civ just because one failure. He is confident enough to win the 2nd round. So I was almost sure that he would use Malians. That is why I used Celts."

    3rd Round

    "No need to predict anymore, he will use Mayans or Lithuanians. I used Aztecs because it is a decent counter to either."


    Just a well-known Yo meme among chinese aoe2 fans created by Nicov:

    "Stop fapping at your recs"——Smart Nicov, 2020


    submitted by /u/PastarSauce
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    DauTi is happier than ever :)

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    Basic unit counters

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    What's the point having replays, if they work only until monthly update?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 02:23 AM PDT

    The title says it all. I can't believe this can't be fixed. Yesterday I played some interesting games I tried to watch today, but there was a new update today and I missed my chance. So you have max 1 month to review your old replays. If you're unlucky, you don't even have a day.

    Or am I missing something?

    u/greg_stream made a tool to submit replays. Find it here: DE Replays Manager V1.3 - Free Replay Submission Service

    u/greg_stream how you will watch replays from some time ago? How do you solve this problem?

    submitted by /u/pijavka
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    Pausing midgame

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 01:50 AM PDT

    How come people don't honour your pausing in a game very briefly when you clearly tell them it'll be a minute. Fair enough if it's longer then go for it but why do ppl instantly unpause to try get one on you???

    submitted by /u/brendenmcasey
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    Finally convinced two friends to buy the game

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 02:36 AM PDT

    Why are Tatars so weak according to their winrate?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 07:12 AM PDT

    across all elo, it seems they are around the bottom 5.

    • Not a bad eco bonus to get extra from herdables, will help out with wood later on

    • Elevation bonus seems great as I already consider it strong, not to mention arabia has more hills now.

    • Thumb Ring, Parthian Tactics free seems great, considering big part of getting CA rolling is the big cost of all the techs. It also allows you to easily go archers - crossbows imo, despite missing arb.

    • +1P armor on scout line+CA isn't the greatest, but certainly not useless, although it's pretty expensive

    • Trebuchets +2 range already seems great for treb wars. Now add to it the possibility of having the treb on a hill for their elevation bonus and its the strongest treb in the game.

    • No real armor on infantry, but you can do camels that have full stables/blacksmith upgrades for enemy cav

    I'm new to the game and 1200elo, so I'm not trying to convince you I'm right and they are great, rather just listing that their strenghts seem quite nice to me and curious about what you all think :)

    submitted by /u/LetsGetLostNow
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    Improvement Cup Sign ups

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:49 AM PDT

    Im hosting two 1v1 tournaments for the skill-level in between 1400-1800 1v1 de


    The prizes will be winning coaching sessions from pros and top coaches such as Vinchester, Fire, Jupe, Miguel, Modri, Nicov and several more. 📷

    Which coach will be the price for which achievement will be announced in the upcoming days.
    The winner of each tournament will get: 3 coaching sessions/hours from 3 different coaches each = 9 coaching sessions/hours in total
    The other two finalists will get: 3 coaching sessions/hours from 2 different coaches each
    = 6 coaching sessions/hours in total
    The semifinalists will get: 2 coaching sessions/hours from 2 different coaches = 4 coaching sessions/hours in total

    I will make sure that after the group stages each match of the knockout stages will be casted.



    submitted by /u/EmpathyRTS
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    Monk with baby relic

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    An Update from the CaptureAge Team! Capture Age UI is coming soon to a caster near you!

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:57 PM PDT


    Looks super elegant and less cluttered then what I ve seen use lately!

    submitted by /u/zamobo
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    Replacing the Bulgarian TC Stone discount with a more age-consistent bonus.

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Based off another thread, Bulgarians are arguably the only civilization in the game that does not get an economic bonus until the Castle Age. Considering their other bonus is free M@A, this means that if the Bulgarians don't play a M@A rush, they are essentially a civilization without bonuses until the Castle Age.

    Given a cursory glance at "First & Second Bulgarian Empires had relatively high population density," this is a proposal for an alternative bonus:

    • All non-wall/gate Bulgarian buildings grant +1 population. Optionally, exclude Farms/Fish Traps from this bonus due to the creations.

    That is, a Bulgarian Town Center grants 6 population, a Bulgarian House grants 6 population, a Bulgarian Castle grants 21 population, while a Bulgarian Mill, Lumber Camp, Mining Camp, Barracks, etc. grants +1 Population.

    It would not be as obviously flashy as the Hun bonus, or as immediately apparent as the Chinese or Inca bonuses (or the Slav one). The main balancing concern would be whether Farms or Fish Traps count as their own +1 population bonus, which would have its own insane implications.

    submitted by /u/MagicJuggler
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    Feasibility of one TC push

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    Around 1050 ELO, I'm finding success by playing different BOs such as MAA into archers, scouts, drush etc, for now avoiding FC. The thing is, since I stopped producing multiple TCs in castle age and focused on keeping military pressure going, I've been faring much better. Watching at the replays, I rarely fall behind in vil count since the early aggression works fine, and even when I'm behind I'm causing so much idle time that it evens out. Usually the games end quite early so the opponent doesn't really have the chance to overwhelm me with his eco.

    So, what's going to happen when/if I get a better ELO because of this playing style? I expect to be punished for this strategy, not sure how.

    How do you balance things out between eco growth and military? How does it change in which circumstances?

    submitted by /u/loshongos
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    We're a match made in heaven

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:05 PM PDT

    New Meta: Using relic as cover

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:53 AM PDT


    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 06:39 AM PDT

    Castello di Brescia. Made me think of the Italian / Spanish / Byzantines buildings.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:55 PM PDT

    When you find your opponent's sheep, do you...

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    I know there's been several laming posts lately but I'm interested in getting a tally. I've been surprised to see so many people here claim that you shouldn't lame sheep. Personally, I'll keep my opponent's sheep because that's what almost always happens to me when the roles are reversed (1-1.3k elo). I'll feel kinda bad about it, as it gives the thief an unfair advantage, but I've learned to adjust to missing out on 2 sheep. It's not nearly as detrimental as losing a vil.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Zircillius
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    what is actually in the new DE update that it is 16 GB's ??

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    I decided we should be apart of r/Layer

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Log in Xbox live from linux

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 01:26 AM PDT

    Hola guys! I need some reddit help: I am playing de on ubuntu and everything works surprisingly fine, however I cannot log in my Xbox live account from the game. I did some digging and I think de assumes you have internet explorer and it uses that to log you in. I opened a bug ticket on the forum a couple of months ago but it got nowhere. Is there a quick fix that I am not aware of?

    submitted by /u/SlothKing95
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    Mod loading issue

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:48 AM PDT

    Sorry if this has been asked before but I am at my wit's end here.

    I can't subscribe or browse mods through the in game menus all of a sudden. I just get an infinite "Loading Mods" and spinny wheel. This problem also happens with the events page and I can't subscribe to Mods I unlocked through the events so the progression is broken.

    Does anyone have a similar issue / a fix for this problem? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/aquickthrowaway6969
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    Is there any way to host a lobby as a spectator?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    I'm organizing a tournament between friends and would like to stream the games without participating in the tournament. But I just can't stay as a spectator in the lobbies I've created. The game requires one of the players to create the lobby and I can't even find the game afterwards to spectate. Is there any way I can host the lobby and stay as a spectator while people are playing?

    submitted by /u/loki_the_cat
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    Hiding player's stats?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    Hi guys, is there any way to hide my rank, games played, elo etc when I join a game lobby?

    submitted by /u/Lord_of_Empires
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