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    Wednesday, October 21, 2020

    Age of Empires 3 More overviewable card view in DE kplzthx

    Age of Empires 3 More overviewable card view in DE kplzthx

    More overviewable card view in DE kplzthx

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    All civs should have home city customization.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    It is a little bit disappointing that the Aztecs, Haudenosaunee, Lakota, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Incas and Swedes still don't have customization for their home cities.

    It probably is one of the lowest priorities right now, but it would be cool to see some customizations implemented in the future.

    I mainly think about this because it is silly to go to the Lakota home city and see the four people chilling and if you select any of them it just zooms and you get to awkwardly stare at them with nothing else to do because they no longer provide cards or anything lol. Same for the other civs mentioned.

    Other than that, the game's great! I think Forgotten Empires did a pretty good job minus the bugs and some things like the removal of singleplayer progression, but I trust they will fix these problems in due time.

    submitted by /u/moythecreeper
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    Is it just me or anyone else miss the ability to chat while looking at the postgame stats?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    This the feature I miss the most in DE.

    submitted by /u/vindiansmiles
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    Making an AoE 3 Moba

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:33 PM PDT

    Someone challenged me to "Make LoL in AoE 3" and I decided I would develop a one-lane (technically 3 lane) scenario. After working on it for 3 hours with almost no experience in AoE's scenario editors, I have:

    • Successfully made Loss states for both teams.

    • Successfully made automatically spawning minions (musketeers).

    • Successfully made automatic attack-move order for the minions.

    What I have planned is:

    • Destroying a tower (outpost) grants access to stronger units. (Three towers and the two inhibitors (aoe 3 tower) at enemy base)

    • Gathering treasures grants one-time-use bonus units.

    • Defining victory states for both teams (duh).

    What I'm having difficulty with:

    • Disabling player controls on the minions*

    • Disabling auto formations without breaking my triggers.**

    *I have tried adding a "when a [musketeer] is selected > disable player controls" trigger, but when I do that it permanently disables the player's controls, even after the unit dies. I could have another script which enables player controls, but I'm not sure what condition I'd set for that since you can't deselect a unit with your controls disabled.

    **The reason for this is because when the minions spawn in, they are prone to slow down to try and automatically form formations. Because of this, one side or the other has minions that are slowed down which grants the opposing side a distinct advantage.

    submitted by /u/UnbearbleConduct
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    Was playing 2vs2 ranked with a friend when we rushed and killed one of the opponent early in the game, the remaining ennemy then spent 20 minuts running and hiding units everywhere on the map, and then when we won he unironically said the message in the meme. got a good laugh out of it.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:46 PM PDT

    Tupi Blackwook Archer and Carib Blowgunner should use the new poison mechanics

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    As with my last post, I'd like you to discuss an idea I had in the forums about the new poison mechanic and some minor natives units. Let me know what you think. The thread is this: https://forums.ageofempires.com/t/tupi-blackwook-archer-and-carib-blowgunner-should-use-the-new-poison-mechanics/104870

    As the title says, those two native units should have the ability to shoot poison arrow/darts like the incan archers.

    The Tupi has a techonology called poison arrow frogs that gives archers 10% more strength, but I think it could work in two ways: give every archer the ability to shoot poison, including the blackwood, to buff late game archers; or by giving only the blackwood archers the ability to shoot poison.

    The Carib blowgunner should use poison all the time, as their in game description claims they use it to attack. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/CusoBT
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    New Player

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:07 AM PDT

    So I did actually play AOE3 around a decade ago but I don't really remember anything about the gameplay really. I played aoe2 the most. Can ppl give me some tips on gameplay and top choices for civs?

    submitted by /u/Srbin189
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    Has anyone figured out how to fight the Lakota as Sweeden?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    Sweden has no unit that can toe to toe fight Lakota's rifle raiders, they have more speed and enough range to able to destroy caroleans without taking much damage. And they obliterate the hakkapelits because they are considered heavy cavalry, thus vulnerable to light cavalry. Once Lakota reaches age3 it's game over. But if they decide to stay on age2 they also have a card that converts axe riders to rifle riders and enables them on age2, meaning it's lose-lose for Sweden.

    I think that it's possible to fight them with caroleans by playing the fortress age carolean range and damage cards, but of course you'd need to do a risky FF that doesn't play to Sweden's advantages. It's very hard to pull-off specially if you're being raided. Sweden also needs some map control to really get going and Lakota denies them that really hard.

    Lakota is the perfect counter for Sweden. Is there anything else i haven't figured out?

    submitted by /u/PSPbr
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    Needing help with my decks

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:14 AM PDT

    Is there a site or way to get access to decks from different civs of high elo players. I just came back after 10 years and don't know what cards I need to use in my deck. So I want to copy some decks, that are actually useful and don't have cards in it, that are not that useful.

    submitted by /u/niks3n
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    Where is the Xbox game pass save folder for DE?

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 12:47 AM PDT

    cant find the location o nthe pc

    submitted by /u/barak8006
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    How useful is the score as a predictor of who's ahead?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    I had a game today as the Germans vs the British where the guy quit after I beat some of his army and a lot of villagers, but he had a much higher score. We were both in age 2 for the long haul, and new players. In Aoe2 the score can be a decent indicator for position in the game, though not without flaws. Should I even look at it in 3?

    submitted by /u/freeDHBdom
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    Learning the Scenario Editor - The trigger was supposed to award 15k gold to the player.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    [Tutorial] How to extract DE portraits and UI icons

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 01:35 AM PDT

    1. Download DragonUnPACKer
    2. In DragonUnPACKer, go to File, HyperRipper
    3. In HyperRipper, go to the Format Tab, check .png files, and leave everything else unchecked.
    4. In the search tab, select \Age of Empires III Definitive Edition\Game\UI\UIResources.bar as a Source
    5. Click Search
    6. The list of found png files will be diplayed in the main DragonUnPACKer window.
    7. Sort the files by size. The portraits are around 10 Mb I think, you have to locate them with the help of the file preview.
    8. Select all the files that you want, right click and extract them as BMP format somewhere in am empty folder.
    9. Wait until it's done.
    10. Info: The portrait pictures are in .bmp type, 512x512 pixels. You can view them. They look beautiful. Some of them have been redrawn entirely from the original. Some are from 3D renders.
    11. Download BulkImageConverter and use it if you wish to convert your BMP images into something else (png). Highly recommended.
    12. Enjoy!

    Useful for personal projects or for the Fandom Wiki for example. I see that they use the wrong pictures (the ones with void transparent space for player colors). Ugly.

    submitted by /u/Haasva
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    A better way to get coin for Lakota/Haudenosaunee (and giving coin mines a new purpose)

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 11:52 AM PDT

    I want to post here and idea I made in the forums, so I can now what you think. The thread is this: https://forums.ageofempires.com/t/a-better-way-to-get-coin-for-lakota-haudenosaunee-and-giving-coin-mines-a-new-purpose/104794/8

    Please let me know what you think or if you have any idea to balance it. You can also read the answers in the same thread:

    I read this post (IDEA: alternative to Tribal Market for Lakota/Haudenosaunee 3) and agreed with the points given there. Basically, I am on board with giving them a new way to gather coin, as I enjoy diverse mechanics, but I think the way it's implemented now is not the way to go: it doesn't have anything to do with fur trading (although it is mentioned in the history tab) and you end up depleting the mine anyway, which is the whole point of changing things.

    So I propose the tribal market gets split in two buildings, each focusing on one of it's abilities; generating coin and generating xp.
    The first building would be the same tribal market we know but it wouldn't be placed in mines. Instead, it would act like a shrine, atracting a max of 10 animals each (can be fewer). But the animals wouldn't generate coin by themselves, you'd have to put villagers working in the building so it can start producing coin (only coin). It can be infinite or it can change each food point for 2 gold and dissapear when all animals are consumed. You could only build 3 at a time at can only be worked by 10 villagers at a time. The cost would be the same.

    The second "building" would effectively be a sacred site you build on top of mines and generates xp by itself, like indian cows in their special building (don't remember the name right now but it relates because religion). Another effect of this sacred site placed on top of the mines would be that they become unminable: no one can exploit the mine until the site is destroyed (or the player can destroy it to allow and ally to mine it). It relates to reality and it could make a good mechanic.

    This would shift the meta of both civs to include or focus on negating resources to the enemy (hunt with the tribal market and coin with sacred sites) and map control, and you could add cards to make tribal markets trickle food or buffing sacred sites in some way.
    Would you like to see the mechanic changed to something like this?

    submitted by /u/CusoBT
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    My First Ever 1v1 Multiplayer Games!

    Posted: 21 Oct 2020 01:21 AM PDT

    Does a full map of the Americas/Asia exist of the Map from AOE3 DE?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:53 PM PDT

    India Royal Green Jacket card now gives damage multiplier against infantry in addition to the usual heavy infantry multiplier.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    How To Defend Any Rush In AOE3DE

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:45 AM PDT

    AOE3 DE Deathmatch - Do people want to learn the game mode?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:23 PM PDT

    AOE3 DE Deathmatch - Do people want to learn the game mode?

    Hey everyone ,

    This is my first post on reddit, usually I'm not one to hang around forums and such but since hopping onto AOE 3 DE I've found that the art of Deathmatch seems to have died and long been forgotten or no longer enjoyed. So i come to you Age 3 players of reddit, can we revive a dead game mode?

    Back when i played in 2008-2011ish i enjoyed supremacy and treaty games but found enjoyment in the game mode Deathmatch. Deathmatch used to be played on exclusively great plains where there was a small but active community of players that understood the mechanics/meta of what made the mode so great.

    AOE3 DE in competitive(ranked) has brought a map pool which i believe makes games more dynamic and less repetitive for deathmatch, no longer do we require the Lakota settlements paired with cavalry training time card for Instant Cav , but a good balance of juggling pressure with economy can help you outlast your opponent, much emulating a treaty game without having to put 40 minutes to build into the end game fights.

    Now I've played 32 ranked games now on the ladder , besides playing 2 old school deathmatch players and 1 or 2 others I've found no one really understands the basics of deathmatch. One being building a church first to upgrade mercantile which gives you 4 home city shipments.

    To bring the post to a close, i was just wondering if people would be interested in a guide / build order which will vastly improve everyone's understanding of what could be a game mode brought back to life. I would be happy to make some YouTube tutorials along with some build orders of what i can remember. But im sure we could find some of the old high level deathmatch players to build onto this with better knowledge.


    submitted by /u/ItsScalaz
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    First treaty game ever, also first multiplayer game ever

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    China has War academy unit upgrades disappearing bug

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    China's War academy bottom line upgrades sometimes disappears.

    War academy with every possible upgrades finished

    Changdao with only disciplined upgrade, same game

    The thing is it doesn't happens every time, I think it's caused by home city card upgrade or building certain wonder in certain age, but not sure.

    submitted by /u/springmell
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    German Native Lore

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    Okay, so german players can now send native lore in age 1. That's all fine and great, except they didn't remove the 2 Uhlans coming with it! My opponent exploited this by having 2 Uhlans on my doorstep killing vils before I'm aged up. Please remove the 2 Uhlans. This is broken.

    submitted by /u/IgnoreMyRhetoric
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    Battle of New Orleans got me like

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Is journey through the andes even possible

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 10:25 PM PDT

    the cold kills everyone before I can reach the second fire, I legitimately think this mission is impossible

    submitted by /u/getalihfe
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