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    Age of Empires II Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers

    Age of Empires II Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers

    Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    Time for another weekly round of questions.

    Talk about everything from build orders to advanced strategies.

    Whatever your questions, the community is here to answer them.

    So ask away!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Outpost has seen it all

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    Never a bad time for some AoE2.

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    Not bad, just unexpected

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    Jaguar Warrior and some lame spaniards

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    October Update Preview

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    What are some fun overpowered mods to play around with?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    I really like messing around with the x256 tech cheat and recently I've found a mod that multiplies the effect of all civ bonuses and unique techs by 9. Goths now get free militia in dark age from superspeed barracks and Spanish supremacy villagers have 400 hp and build super fast.

    What other mods that take the game to these kinds of extremes are fun to use?

    submitted by /u/LordMarcel
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    What civ(s) changes how you play the most?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 05:52 AM PDT

    Unlike some RTS games, AOE2 does not have significant differences between the civs allowing you to learn to play a new civ fairly quickly. There are still that are more different than others (such as Huns and no houses). In your opinion, which civ(s) most dramatically change how you play AOE2?

    submitted by /u/medicineboy
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    If you could design your own dream tournament, what would it be?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    As I've been watching KOTD I got to wondering what other tournament formats would be good.

    Say you were able to host your own and design it from scratch, what would it be? 1v1? Teams? Any weird rules?

    For me I enjoy 2v2 games and also love how with HC you don't know who's who, so that's my starting point. I'd also like to see different types of game you don't often get in big tournaments i.e. death match, nomad, etc. So maybe to make it fair I'd want a league format over several weeks where you get points for winning your games, say league week 1 is BF, week 2 is DM, week 3 nomad, etc. That way it's fair for everyone, you aren't just going to get knocked out in Round 1 cos you and your partner suck at Black Forest or whatever... with a league you can get obliterated on BF but then make up points on Team Islands or whatever it is next week. Winner is whichever pair has most points at the end of the league. Also bonus points for doing certain things like winning a game in under a time limit, a king-snipe, getting all relics, etc.

    Anyway I digress, point of this thread isn't to discuss the merits of my idea... I'm interested to know what you think!

    submitted by /u/stiddle-ficks
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    Can't go online on multiplayer?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 08:16 AM PDT

    Anyone have same problem?

    submitted by /u/patricksepp
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    AI built for DE

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Are there custom AIs built for DE that can employ human like strategies like tower rush, lame, drush etc? I play vs extreme and no matter what civ (even Spanish) they make archers and skirms and attack my walls and houses rather than trying to hit economy or idle me

    submitted by /u/EmpireSOULJA
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    Mouse acting out on AoE

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    My mouse is working just fine, even when I've been training on http://www.aimbooster.com/ but not on AoE. Sometimes it's unresponsive, I need 2 or 3 secs to do something I usually do in half a sec. It often starts at the very beginning of the game, then frandomly as the game goes. Has anybody had the issue ?

    submitted by /u/Fflow27
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    How to demoralize your opponent, by land and sea

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:31 PM PDT

    Bots are so uncivilized ...... :P

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    celts vs mangudai

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:28 PM PDT

    I've been having a lot of fun with celts as of late, but i have noticed they have a notoriously bad matchup with mongols. If they get to mass mangudais, you are dead, since they counter both siege and infantry, which are the only 2 things celts do really well.

    Is there any way to counter them? Maybe mass scorpions? Are there other bad matchups celts have?

    submitted by /u/NinjaPotato206
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    Why do people consider bulgarians to be awful?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:13 PM PDT

    I've seen a lot of this take recently. They seem like a reasonably balanced civ to me. Anyone care to explain? Is it the lack of eco bonus and lack of archers together?

    submitted by /u/IhaveSonar
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    Hera pulls a dirty with the siege tower

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Game Lagging when playing with many people

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    Hi, we (4-5 players) often play against 3-4 Extreme AI together (200 Pop Cap) and after a while the game lags strongly. Usually I am the host, because I have the strongest PC (3800X, 32 Gb Ram, 2080 Ti) and my colleagues have quite normal setups with 1080 Ti and 4c/8t Intel processors +8Gb Ram. Next to their names is always a red clock symbol which everyone has.

    The game is not fun when plying online against the AI, any tips to mitigate the problem?


    submitted by /u/cmdscorpion
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    Were pre-patch Bombard Towers that OP?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    Basically, was making bombard towers useless vs rams that necessary? Does anyone remember playing online when bombard towers did melee damage that can share if they were OP? Right now it seems like they don't really justify their added gold cost and better internet means it's really easy to micro against it.

    submitted by /u/poopoocacastinky
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    Countering quantity>quality approaches when playing against DE AI? Are they like human players at all?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:56 PM PDT

    When I first got back into this game, god I was bad. For my favourite childhood game, this was unacceptable to me, and I've improved a lot over the last few months. Getting fast castle times in the 17ish minute mark, never letting my TC idle, being more aggressive in harassing the CPU's eco earlier rather than later. But I've hit a brick wall, and I'm incredibly frustrated and unable to find answers.

    I started being able to beat the hard AI consistently by abusing their weak response to early harassment (they don't respond like a human would, they can just get caught stubbornly bringing their villagers back to my archers). But this doesn't feel like something that would fly so easily against a human player. So, I started practicing FC knights/chu ko nnu as Chinese, but when I attempt to FC vs the hard AI they actually just go super-sayan and obliterate me.

    I'm talking EVERY SINGLE GAME mass skirm spam from the AI. I get to castle age and then all of a sudden there's 60 skirms at my base. I've tried responding with long swordsman spam, mangonels, scorpions, equal/higher skirm spam, but the sheer number of skirmishers just walks around as a giant deathball and destroys everything I have. Often there will be crossbowmen strewn through the skirmishers, and the only way I escape death here is that the CPU gets distracted from harassing my eco properly and instead just cleans up all my palisade walls and houses and stuff. Again, this doesn't seem like how a human would play, and the only respite I get is through this. Then, if I do manage to shoo away the skirms, the AI has been transitioning into some other spam and they just come back and I almost punch a wall. Lately, the games have been ending with a very, very frustrated HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON spam.

    I feel like going for a Frush with a counter unit or similar skirm spam isn't really a viable option, because I'd only be doing that because I know the CPU will go skirms. Against a human on ranked, I can't just waste my eco and pre-emptively try to counter one individual strategy. So, what, do I just lose if I opt for FC while my opponent opts for a Frush?

    Generally, I'm just frustrated and can't work out how to counter their quantity>quality approach, even though I've gone out of my way to learn all the unit counters. When they lean harder into crossbows and I scout them and start massing skirms, it's still 20 skirms vs 60 crossbows and they just eat my skirmishers then move on. What do I do??? I never see pros with masses of units above 20 during castle age. I know having a stronger eco may be the only solution, and I can definitely improve on that, but it's not like my eco management is bad. I usually have a similar score to the hard AI when they attack. My other question I guess is just whether or not this would be a real problem against human players. The AI just seems to have constantly impeccable micro/eco and it's so frustrating to just keep getting eaten by the same spam strategy even when I'm producing the "correct" counter units. And then when I try to meet spam with spam, my eco just goes to shit and I get stuck in the feudal age for ever.

    submitted by /u/madcatte
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    What are your Top 5 Navy civs for Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    Since naval battles are so different across all ages, and each civ has different times when they really shine, you can't just make a "Top 5 Navy Civ" list as easily as, say, a "Top 5 Archer Civ" list. Thus, we would have to make lists for Feudal, Castle, and Imperial Age navies.

    I don't have complete lists, but here are my thoughts on strong civs at particular ages.

    Feudal Age
    Byzantines (strong Fire Galleys)
    Italians (cheaper Feudal advance, cheaper fishing ships)
    Malay (faster Feudal advance)
    Aztecs (good economy)
    Japanese (greater LoS lets you pick your fights; fishing ships harder to kill)
    Koreans (wood discount is surprisingly powerful)
    Portuguese (tanky ships, gold discount, Fire Galleys can beat those of Byzantines)
    Celts (wood bonus)

    Castle Age
    Vikings (strong eco, Longboats can kick opponent off the water)
    Italians (cheaper Castle Age and cheaper dock techs)
    Portuguese (Caravels and tougher ships)
    Koreans (Turtle ships and wood discount)

    Imperial Age
    Spanish (Cannon Galleons, full tech tree)
    Saracens (best Galleons in terms of DPM)
    Portuguese (tough ships, Caravels, Arquebus)
    Italians (again, cheap techs and advance)
    Koreans (wood bonus is handy, Turtle Ships are scary)

    That's just my thoughts. What are yours?

    submitted by /u/darkdill
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    League of Empires and Meme Tournament cast

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:06 AM PDT

    League of Empires and Meme Tournament cast

    Hi, I am Akkal ( ≈ 1300 ELO 1v1) , I started streaming AOE II a few months back, and realised that I enjoy casting as well as playing.

    Today, starting at 16 GMT, I will be casting some games from two different ongoing tournaments at my twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/akkalno . The ELO span of the players will vary from 1000 to 1700 1v1 rating, so expect different level of skill and interesting choices along the way 11.

    "Meme tournament" is a 1v1 event by Small Tourneys AOE2, hosted through their discord. It is a BO1 (final BO3) 16 player bracket with a different meme strategy challenge for each round. Round 1 had "Persian war elephants only", but now I will be casting round 2 games, where the challenge is "Huns war, feudal only".

    Following after the meme games is the ongoing 3v3 event: League of empires. The league consists of four divisions, and today I will be casting games from Division 1, 2 and 4.

    I hope to see you stopping by for some eventful games!


    submitted by /u/Akkal-AOEII
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