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    Tuesday, October 20, 2020

    Age of Empires 3 A handy guide to deciding whether this is the game for you, since reviews and several forums are being raided

    Age of Empires 3 A handy guide to deciding whether this is the game for you, since reviews and several forums are being raided

    A handy guide to deciding whether this is the game for you, since reviews and several forums are being raided

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    As you can probably see, a lot of reviews and forum posts are popping up about changes that have been invented by their respective OOPs, are complaining about random changes actually requested by the community, or are filled by flaming from members of a few different groups that decided that this game should be review bombed due to political reasons, or because they think it's a waste of time since they prefer AoE2.

    So, here is a short summary of actual, concrete pros and cons, as well as a short debunking of the most common made up arguments. Let's have a short FAQ about the misinformation being distributed as a part of the raids at the moment.

    Q: Did the devs actually increase the amount of black people spawning for European civs?
    A: No. It's the same as it was 15 years a go.

    Q: Did the devs change the art style?
    A: No. The art style is the same, the models are just more detailed. Some people are experiencing weird blurriness that will cause the game to look more foggy and "cartoony" as some people have put it, but there are a few workarounds (or you can refund and wait until they fix it) if that occurs for you.

    Q: Did the devs remove the ability to name and customize your own home city?
    A: No. This was an invented flaw, based on the fact that you get stock-home cities instead of having to make a separate one if you want to play a faction. You're able to name your city and explorer, and customize it just as you can in the original release of the game.

    Q: Did the devs remove the ability to see units through trees, and see how many home shipments you have available?
    A: No. This has to be the most awkward fallacious argument, since the UI elements and unit rendering through trees are there pretty much just as they were with the original release.

    Q: I'm seeing some really random reviews complaining about the lack of progression. Why?
    A: The "no progression" argument was picked up and hijacked by raiders after (valid) complaints were made by the singleplayer skirmish community about the changes to singleplayer progression. Basically what happened was that they made it so you could play any faction in multiplayer without being handicapped for up to hundreds of games, without grinding first. This was one of the most requested changes, since the existence of the home-city card unlocking mechanic was one of the biggest things that pushed people away from multiplayer when the game first launched. Several good arguments have been made to why the old progression system should be implemented into singleplayer, so we'll have to hope the devs will add that in the future. The singleplayer community's arguments are good, and it's sad that their gripes were hijacked and mangled by raiders and review bombers.

    Q: Is this a heavily politicized release, run over by SJWs?
    A: There have been some minor changes as well as some clear mistakes from the devs part regarding this topic, but the short answer is no, and this whole topic has been blown out of proportions. The devs basically ordered a short list of things to change from Native American consultants, as well as thought of some changes by themselves. They basically changed a few words in a few text files, and made a few mechanical changes (that were luckily good, as the things that affected game balance were mainly buffs to underpowered things, so the effects of this to multiplayer were mainly positive.) It has to be said, though, there is also a big downside to what they did, in terms of what they didn't do at the same time. Basically, the changes they made were really lacking, and they didn't follow through with making all of the changes that should have logically been made according to the principles that were used to justify the changes they made. Several really weird things were left unchanged with the natives, and the Asian civs were left in a really janky state in terms of historical representation and accuracy. Several members of the games Chinese and Indian communities have already been vocal about this, so if you're interested in what went wrong with the India and China civs, there are plenty of posts around detailing the flaws there.

    Regardless of your political stance, the changes don't really affect the game since the changes being referred to in "OMG THE DEVS ARE SJWs" posts are a few changes to text strings, and if they bothered you there's been a mod that reverts them since day one.

    Q: Is this just a bad game?
    A: Some people like it, some people don't. If you're seeing pages upon pages of copypasted "AoE2 is the best AoE3 is for retards" threads somewhere, you've just seen an ongoing raid. It's a cringy sight, I know.

    Q: Why didn't they increase the unit cap?
    A: Because, unlike other AoE games, III is heavily balanced around population costs and AoE damage, meaning that it becomes completely unbalanced and unplayable with a higher unit cap. It probably would have been nicer to have a setting to have it higher in custom games, but it's more of a small oversight that could have been nice for a few people, rather than a big flaw or something highly requested that was left out. This release is extremely multiplayer focused, and a higher unit cap setting wasn't a priority for competitive multiplayer play. If that was something you were looking forward to and won't buy the game because of this, that's understandable as well.

    Actual pros and cons:

    To be fair, let's go through the cons first:

    - Some people are experiencing severe game breaking bugs, as well as other visual bugs. Be prepared to wait or refund if you're experiencing these. These include bugs that stop you from progressing in the campaign, connecting to people or seeing multiplayer lobbies.

    - No singleplayer skirmish progression, if you're interested in that.

    - If you didn't like AoE3 before, you'll most likely not like it now, except if the home city unlocking was your only gripe.

    - The game runs very poorly on some systems, so you'll have to try your luck with the games graphical performance quirks.

    - The clan and replay functionalities don't work properly all the time at the moment.

    - Chinese voicelines and localisation is bad, and in some cases buggy as well.

    - Several other localizations are buggy too.

    - We need a balance patch or two to even out some multiplayer quirks.


    - No public ELO in casual games, so no easy way to filter through casual games based on ELO, but also no ELO sniping either. Some people are really pissed about this, but it also fixed a few large problems with the original release. If this is an issue for you, you'll need to wait and see if the devs implement something to let high-ELO people avoid low-ELO casual games and vice versa.

    - As stated earlier, some names have been changed here and there. If this bothers you, there is a mod that will revert the name changes back.


    - Tons and tons of new content, for both European and Native civs. Also, the Chinese can now use more than one army type. This includes new politicians, a few new mechanics, and an expanded new revolution system.

    - Dedication to competitive multiplayer, in terms of both gameplay improvements as well as balance changes. One of the new civs is seen as a bit overpowered still and there are a few kinks left here and there, but if the devs development cycle is anything near to AoE2:DE (which everything seems to be pointing to), the game will be patched regularly. If you'd rather wait and see, that's completely understandable too.

    - If you're not one of the unlucky people that have game breaking bugs, the server infrastructure is actually really solid. Cross-continent play is (when not bugging) surprisingly lag free. For example, Europeans can play on the Korean server without practically any gamebreaking lag, which is really nice.

    - Fluid, competent and modern UI.

    submitted by /u/Earth-Red
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    I have played AoE 2 since it came out almost, but this was my first time playing AoE3 EVER. Moderate difficulty. I think i am in love.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:04 PM PDT

    How I felt playing a 1v1 against the Russians for the first time

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:18 PM PDT

    The Aztecs are STILL total Trash.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:01 PM PDT

    Yes I said trash. Completely and total trash, but not in terms of game play. Not the way you think.

    Trash because the Devs really dropped the ball HARD with this one.

    The Devs prided themselves on reworking the native civs. The Iroquois became the Haudenosaunee and Sioux because Lakota. The two nations got reworked and even got new audio.

    Then we have the Aztec. Who STILL speak the wrong language in game. Who STILL have the wrong nation name, who don't even have a geographically correct map, and all around are very disappointing.

    In game they are STILL called Aztec. This is plain wrong. They are the Mexica. Me-she-ka. There is literally a whole country named after them. Mexico.

    The language the Mexica speak is Nahuatl. There are 1.7 MILLION speakers of the various Nahuatl variants still alive today. Whatever they speak in game is most definitely NOT Nahuatl. How we are STILL getting this wrong in 2020 is baffling to me.

    The word Aztec has some historical relevance, there WAS a group of people who lived who called themselves Aztec (people of Aztlan), but this migration started at least 500 years BEFORE the timeframe of the game. It's has nothing to do with AOE 3 whatsoever.

    Then we have the in-game map "Mexico." This was such a disappointment. This map is a user-created map that was just renamed from Arizona to Mexico. Why? In AOE3 time frame, the valley of Mexico was the center of the world, so to speak.

    The Devs should have created a map representative of the valley of Mexico. It could have been a map surrounded by cliffs and mountains at the edges with an abundance of gold and defendable chokepoints. The center could have been a boggy hunts filled valley that limits or even prevents use of defensive structures while enabling villager raiding for the only food source and fierce skill based skirmishes in the absence of defensive structures. It would be the ultimate challenge of a player's micromanaging skills in battle.

    Yes you could make the argument we already have the rockies, but don't do the Mexica dirty like that, give them a proper map! Not a renamed Arizona. That's just lazy.

    I really hope one day we can get a Mexica Nation with audio in Nahuatl. Until then, "This town is destroyed. but Cuauhtemoc will find another lake and another cactus and another snake-eating eagle."

    tlazohcāmati thank you 🇲🇽

    submitted by /u/Li-E-fe
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    Will the devs try to optimise the game better?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:22 AM PDT

    AoE3 brings back a lot of childhood memories and I bought the DE instantly when it came out. However I'm much more of a casual gamer and only have a laptop with 8GB of ram and a GeForce 940MX graphics card.

    So now I play DE with poorer graphics than the original game and with less frames, about 35 to 40fps with everything on low or off. Normally this doesn't bother me that much but I was wondering if the devs ever plan on better optimizing the game so low-end gamers can enjoy it as much?

    submitted by /u/HostileBogeyIncoming
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    [Gamebreaking Bug] My Town Hall just disappeared.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    AOE3 DE AI

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:53 AM PDT

    I have noticed that the AI in skirmish mode is horrible easy. I have it set to extreme and I feel like im playing on easy mode from AOE 3. My units also wont auto attack any units and they could be right next to them. Does anyone know if the dev's are working on updating the AI?

    submitted by /u/scott_tube101
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    Jaegers are epic

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Be me:

    Play as dutch

    Spam econ banks and vils

    Get only jaegers

    Crush poor fella not expecting jaegers

    submitted by /u/SndMetothegulag
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    Is there any BO available for AoEIII?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 12:54 AM PDT

    Bought the game today, not sure how to start a single game, wondering if there is some sort of build orders to start with and practice a bit, like aoe2?

    submitted by /u/LatvianRichard
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    a day in the life of an oprichnik

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    be me... play for an hour... last man left... successfully build secret base behind enemy lines... reduce village pop to 0 and have 100 opris ready to destroy enemy base... CARNAGE BEGINS...


    game crashes 15 seconds into attack


    submitted by /u/nongminosaurusRex
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    Haudenosaunee and Lakota ai performing worse compared to other AIs?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    I only have tried skirmish yet because i heard the remastered campaigns are heavily bugged and i want to try the scenario battles later.

    I tend to play 2vs2 on hard settings with random factions and the ai seems very aggressive in general while also building a wide variety of units including artillery in small amounts. Over all the ai is far superior in DE than in Retail.

    Except Haudenosaunee and Lakota. I only had to them as allies yet but they seem to perform terrible. One thing i noticed is that they build 2-3 fur trading building per mine and i think one of them can support 10 vills anyway? They barely make any units too and mostly vills. Each time one of them is my ally i have to carry hard and in my last match where i was Germany with Lakota as ally we lost since Sepoys and Rods ate my Uhlans alive and xbows are kinda shitty.

    Aztec on the other hand seem to fine and i still have to face or ally with Incas. (played them myself two times and they are really cool)

    Have you guys noticed something odd with the AI of them?

    submitted by /u/cardus525
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    Which is best civilization overall

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:31 AM PDT

    guys which one is best civilization do you think (i think inca)

    submitted by /u/TheNotoriousMSC
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    So i was playing the Breed's Hills Mission and i think i got as close as you can get

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    Civ Tiers for DE

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:06 PM PDT

    Is there any already, including the new civs?

    submitted by /u/masondinho
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    Looking for any Inca military advice

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    Been playing Inca since launch of DE. I'm a very mediocre player overall. I find I'm pretty good at booming with them but I don't completely understand their military (admittedly I've always been better at economy building than military management). Does anyone have any suggestions for mid-late game unit combos and if so, would you mind explaining why you pick what you did and what kind of situations it works in?

    submitted by /u/ParknBark_
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    So, about the new voices...

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:00 PM PDT

    Is it me or do all the Haudenosaunee and Lakota units have the same voice? Like, the Warchiefs, Villagers and Warriors for their respective factions all sound the same.

    I'm all for more accurate representation, but I miss everyone having different voices. Also they're so low and hard to hear.

    submitted by /u/mtma_kebab
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    Inca possibly new best booming civ?

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    I was able to get max vils + max kancha houses at 13:40 as Inca. The only civ I could get close to this with was a British FI into estates training, and with that I got around 14:10. I am by no means a good player at this game so I would definitely assume times can be easier beat.

    Anyways, the non detailed version of the build was:

    Age 1: Build 3 kancha houses (must collect wood), Age with 14 vils, save your first shipment, and age up with + 2 vills and 5 lamas.

    Age 2: Send 700 coin with first shipment, send town centre + builder cart shipment, build a firepit and have lamas dance on production, use the builder cart to build a farm, age up with the town centre + builder cart. Once you have aged up put pretty much all vills on food with some on wood and start spamming kancha houses and lamas to dance at the firepit.

    Age 3: Send the 2 town centre shipment, you should now have 5 TC's spamming vils at a 54% increase spawn rate.

    I didn't include a market so maybe timing could be better, and of course there are many other factors to include, likely you will not be able to freely do this without being attacked. However, I found this type of strategy is fairly low investment to get to 99 vills, and some type of hybrid strat with unit production could make for a very effective boom/turtle.

    submitted by /u/willieb3
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    Unit combos.

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    What are some of your favourite and most fun unit combos?
    Personally I love redcoat musketeers and rockets behind them or just good old redcoats/hussar for brits.

    submitted by /u/lobotomite96
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    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    I have a pretty decent computer. It runs the game just fine, however for both my friend and I we randomly crash every 2nd or 3rd game during the final rush or attack. Its always during this moment.

    Has anyone had any issues?

    submitted by /u/thewinterzodiac
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    Friends wanted!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:12 PM PDT

    Hey everyone!

    Long time lurker, first time poster!

    this game is great and would love some people to play online with 👋

    I'm 27, I speak English (native) and German (badly), I'm not looking to play competitively or rank my ELO or anything serious. Just mess about and shoot shit with some cannons✌ I live in the central European timezone

    Hit me up in the comments and I will DM you my discord/steam deets

    submitted by /u/_DuckDuckBrick_
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    Canadian Revolution Flag Suggestion

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:39 PM PDT

    Need help, game crashes whenever someone concedes

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    Whenever someone concedes on multiplayer i crash to desktop, already tried lowering all my settings and unticking all boxes

    GeForce GTX 1660

    AMD Ryzen 3 2200G

    16 GB Ram

    On windows 10 latest update

    Checked firewall because why not, uninstalled and reinstalled all drivers, no idea what else to do anymore, i dont get any error log, just a simple crash to desktop

    submitted by /u/cool_dad86
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    Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition UltraWide 21:9 vs 16:9

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 06:35 PM PDT

    Swedish Eco

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    I've been trying out the swedes for a couple days now and I'm really liking the early game, but as soon as all the mines dry up, it seems like I can't properly get my economy back on track. Does anybody have strategies on how to play sweden mid to late game?

    submitted by /u/TheBabyDucky
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    Did anyone use the homecity editor in AoE3 DE already?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 02:42 AM PDT

    I am admittedly new to the editor of Age 3, but whenever I try to build a homecity deck in the editor it shows me exactly zero available cards to choose from. Any input would be utmost appreciated.. :P

    submitted by /u/Alkhalim
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    I love the Flordia map

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 10:00 AM PDT

    it's so aesthetically pleasing

    submitted by /u/BttmOfTwostreamland
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