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    Friday, November 27, 2020

    Age of Empires II AOE2DE chat filter in a nutshell

    Age of Empires II AOE2DE chat filter in a nutshell

    AOE2DE chat filter in a nutshell

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:00 PM PST

    I made some Pixelart Age of Empires Units

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:54 AM PST

    "Gates belong in the middle of a walled area, it is both aesthetic and functional" map gen:

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:29 PM PST

    Daut micro battle vs Badboy

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 12:01 AM PST

    New to AOE2 and PC games in general. Which are the most solid guides for novices?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 02:52 AM PST

    My husband (Dan) has been playing AOE2 probably since it has come out. It's a tremendously important game to him, as playing it is one of the few ways he can get his father to interact with him consistently in a fun way.

    Dan has been wanting me to play with him for a long time, but I never have because I use linux and it wasn't a big enough deal for me to piece together an installation.

    Now it installs and plays with minimal issues, so I'd like to get the basic skills and strategy down as kind of a surprise. (Also it's hard for me to suck at stuff in front of people, even Dan.)

    Help is appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Dogsdontknowimnot
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    i am looking for people to play this map I created with! il leave the discord in the description as well as my steam account!

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:41 PM PST

    Historical Battles?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:38 AM PST

    This may be me being stupid but where did the historical Battles go after the new ui update?

    submitted by /u/HitherDonkey
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    T-West in detail breakdown of monk conversion

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:26 PM PST

    Lame is now a swear word.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 01:34 PM PST

    This is actually ridiculous. Just remove the chat feature if you dont want people to communicate.

    submitted by /u/CTR0
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    Tips to improve? How to break through the wall? Is there a kind of updated Road to 2000 ELO? Stuck around 1150-1300 ELO.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:56 AM PST

    For those who hit a wall around this kind of ELO, how did you break through?

    So nailing down early build orders and generally the madness of managing an expanding eco and army at the same time, and I've been 1150-1350 ELO for a while. Don't seem to be improving much beyond that anymore.

    Get comfortably beaten by many people around 1300-1350, 50/50 around 1200-1300, and can comfortably beat those below 1200 typically. As you'd expect with that kind of ELO.

    So... how to improve? Obviously when you've got the hotkeys, build orders, and similar things, you're pushing 1100+ normally, and then a bit more game sense and strategy and it's just above that. Now there doesn't seem to be any individual things to push beyond that but feeling stuck at this kind of level currently.

    For those who broke through this ceiling, what do you think are the ways to do so?

    submitted by /u/roymondous
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    Every Unique Unit Compared to History (Part 3 - AoK civs part 3)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:49 PM PST

    Welcome again!

    Today we're going to go through the last few AoK civs. However, before we begin I would like to say that I am not at all saying anything bad about Ensemble Studios or Forgotten Empires. Both studios are absolutely brilliant, and have made one of the best games in the planet. All I am trying to do is explain to you what each UU is and what its abilities had to do with history.

    I would also like to say another huge thank you to all the support you've given for the past two parts of this series (Which you can see here for part 1, and here for part 2).

    So without further ado, let's get started!

    Saracens - Mameluke

    Ability: Camel with hand-to-hand attack at distance. Excels vs. other mounted units.

    What it Was: Mameluke, also pronounced Mamluk, were slave warriors of the Muslims. They were essentially slave mercenaries. Most of them were Kipchak, Georgian, Circassian, and Balkan tribes captured and sold into slavery. Mamluks eventually gained huge political power, eventually forming their own empire in modern day Egypt (I'm serious, search up the Mamluk Sultanate.)

    Significance to The Saracens: Since The Saracens represent the Muslim world during the Middle Ages, Mamluks were extremely important. They had so much political power that they could literally crown sultans. However, the mamluks were depicted on horses, not camels.

    How the game relates it to History: The infantry attack at a range is probably based off of the fact that Mamluks wielded many weapons, including swords, lances. Although their main weapons were composite bows and curved swords. Their bonus vs cavalry probably doesn't have to do with Mamluks however. Middle Eastern cavalry troops rode camels quite frequently, so when European horses, who had never seen camels before, met them on the field of battle they would go haywire and try to run away. This made killing cavalry easier.

    Teutons - Teutonic Knight

    Ability: Infantry with effective armor and slow but powerful attack.

    What it Was: The Teutonic Order was formed during the Crusades to build hospitals for the Christian crusaders. They also did mercenary work, and would later found many cities in modern day Prussia, including the capital Königsberg, which is known as Kaliningrad in the modern day. They fought in countless battles, and do still exist today.

    Significance to The Teutons: Although The Teutons in game represent the HRE more than the Teutonic Order, there are still parts of the Teutonic order that are very clear in their bonuses and uniques. The Teutonic Knight was a very important part of medieval history, and the Teutonic Order, so obviously they would be a UU for a civ called "The Teutons".

    How the game relates it to History: The Teutonic Knight's heavy armor has many routes, but my favourite idea is that it was because Knight's were an important social class in the Medieval social system, and could afford good armor. This is my favourite idea for the bonus because it also fits in with the Slavic Boyar, which we will talk about when we get to the civs of The Forgotten.

    Turks - Janissary

    Ability: Hand Cannoneer with longer range and no minimum range. Powerful close attack, but inaccurate at range.

    What it Was: The Janissaries were The Ottoman Empire's elite infantry troops. The Ottomans would take the children of families from places they conquered (like Bulgaria and Serbia), convert them to Islam, and train them in combat. Janissaries have been used in many famous Ottoman conquests, including the Siege of Constantinople, and the defeat of the Mamluk Sultanate of Cairo.

    Significance to The Turks: The Ottoman Empire was Turkey at its fullest extent, and was a big factor in the start of the renaissance, and age of exploration. The Janissaries were their famous soldiers, and were devastating on the field of battle. (Fun fact, the Janissary was originally going to be an archer unit that would upgrade into a Hand Cannoneer, but was scrapped due to an archer unit already existing.)

    How the game relates it to History: The Janissaries no minimum range, and powerful melee attack probably has to do with the fact that Janissaries were skilled in Saber combat as well as Muskets, meaning that they were a powerful force in melee combat. Their longer range probably is because the Janissaries were extremely skilled, and the worse accuracy at a longer range is most likely due to the fact that Muskets were extremely inaccurate, especially at long ranges. Although you might think it is weird for the Turks to have an HC in Castle Age, I think it sort of makes sense because The Ottomans brought gunpowder to Europe in the Renaissance.

    Vikings - Berserk

    Ability: Infantry that slowly heals itself.

    What it Was: Berserkers were Viking warriors who would put themselves into a mad rage, and eat a hallucinogenic mushroom, and didn't wear proper armor. They were extremely scary, and one famous Berserker held the bridge for the Norwegians who were caught off track by Harold Godwinson's army at Stamford bridge. He killed so many people until somebody went under the bridge and speared him in the bottom.

    Significance to The Vikings: Berserkers were uniquely Viking. No other group of people had them. They were extremely terrifying, and the Vikings were super interested in dying glorious death to get to Valhalla.

    How the game relates it to History: I'm not entirely sure how the regenerating ability relates to the berserker, but my theory is that it has to do with the fact that it could fight large amounts of enemies, and still live to fight another day. But idk *shrugs*

    Vikings - Longship

    Ability: Fires multiple arrows.

    What it Was: Longships were the iconic Viking ships. They were sleek and fast, and were excellent for raiding coastlines.

    Significance to The Vikings: I mean, they were VIKING ships, duh

    How the game relates it to History: This is the only one that has completely stumped me. Longships were not at all used in naval skirmishes, and should really be used more like Transport Ships. So Im really not sure. This is the only UU so far that I have been completely stumped on, and will probably be the only one. If you have an idea of what it relates to, feel free to jump in and say it.

    So yeah, that's all for now. Next time, we will do all of the civs of The Conquers. See you then!

    tysm again!!!!

    submitted by /u/Crusader_2
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    Since we have hotkeys for techs now I thought I'd make a cheat sheet so I can learn them some time already... Here are the as of now default DE tech hotkeys (not including unit upgrades) - links to alternative styles in comments for harder/softer contrast in hotkey vs icon visibility

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:42 AM PST

    Opinions on Portugese, Koreans, Bulgarians and Tartars after the buffs?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:00 PM PST

    Each of these guys got a decent to great buff, id oike to know whats the general consensus on their state now

    Portugese feel like the ones that got the short end of the stick here, i dont see saving 5 seconds on fletching, double bit and other techs as a gamechanger, its just too little. Koreans seem better, like a second grade archer civ even!

    The buffs to bulgarians and tartars are the interesting part IMO. Both can save/gain massive ammounts of food easily, i feel like they could be some of the better pocket civs in the game now.

    submitted by /u/Hartmann_AoE
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    Which AoE2:DE main menu UI do you prefer?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 04:50 AM PST

    The new one with drawing decorated pop-ups or the old one with everything in plain buttons on the left?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Hjoerleif
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    Map overview and some problems with charger

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 08:52 AM PST

    Hello, I got a few questions here. First off I used to only play arabia and I got this game few days ago I see there is many other maps in the 1v1 pool I should learn. Is there anywere someone put together info about different maps like "arabia you find 8 sheeps + 2 boars" I find map information videos on youtube but I just wanna have something to read if it exist.

    Second after I installed this game my charger starts to make problems. After each game I get "unplugged, plugged in" spamming on my screen every second, I found quick fix just restart game and my charger work normaly, but this is very annoying since it takes abit time to relaunch.


    On this link it was alot of good advices and I followed them all to try to see if it helped with my charger issue (spend all afternoon yesterday and few hours now on it) but its still the same

    I also tried to skip intro video with the " NoStartup " command, but I still get videos when I launch game, is there anyway to play it without going throu steam?

    submitted by /u/halenszt
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    Running DE on M1-chip MacBook?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 07:27 AM PST

    Know there's not a ton of Mac players here but curious if anyone knows if it might be possible to run a version of DE on one of the newly announced MacBooks thru Parallels or whatever? I know the chip apparently drops all support for Windows apps and no longer allows Bootcamp so guessing its a long shot, but would love to know as I'm in the market for a new computer

    submitted by /u/DJMoShekkels
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    Suggestion for changing Incas' team bonus

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:44 AM PST

    I think we can all agree that Incas' "Farms are built 50% faster" bonus is one of the three worst team bonuses (though it can be debated). I think this bonus should change.

    My suggestion is to follow in the steps of the cheaper stone buildings bonus, as well as the Inca's real life reputation of being great stone masons:

    Stone gates have +2 line of sight.

    This bonus would give Incas and their allies a slight edge in feudal and post feudal age as it would allow better awareness of incoming raids would allow the Incas large variety of counters to shine, as it would give a bit more time to mobilize troops. It would also present Incas and their allies a decision to make, as a stone gate has more LOS but is more expensive and has a larger surface area.

    The bonus would also not apply to Cumans or Goths who do not have stone walls, but there are many bonuses (particularly calvary) that don't apply to mesoamerican civs, so it would not be the first time. It could be expanded to palisade gates to a lesser degree (+1 LOS), but I think that would be OP in the early game as players would replace outposts for palisade gates which cost no stone.

    It's a small bonus, may not have so much impact, but much better than the current bonus.

    DauT bless you all.

    submitted by /u/inakialbisu
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    Discussion: Anyone else think Hussars need a small nerf?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:56 PM PST

    Seriously, it seems that most games that go to imp boils down to Hussar raiding.

    I've just won a game against Vietnamese where I was playing from behind the entire game and managed to comeback by raiding his eco with Hussars, completely ignoring his Castles and TCs, I was Tatars (2+5 PA Hussar).

    Even standard full upgraded Hussars are a pain to deal with, it does not matter if you have Halbs or not, they just can't keep up. The Vietnamese player added Halbs near his base to no effect.

    Watch Hera for example, he seems to rely on Hussar raiding a lot in the late-game.

    Let me hear what you guys think, whether you agree or not.

    submitted by /u/NargWielki
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    What's your favorite civ icon?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:42 PM PST

    How to use monks

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:24 PM PST

    I just had 5 of the most terrible conversion RNGs in a row and I am mad. That is all.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:45 PM PST

    In a Hail Mary Hoang move, you never want to see two monks try to convert one knight for seven seconds and still both die

    The salt flows through me

    submitted by /u/hoyohoyo9
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    Steppe lancer hate

    Posted: 27 Nov 2020 06:15 AM PST

    I don't understand where all the dislike for the steppe lancer comes from. I haven't played with it pre-patch, but I have read about how this unit used to be. It was probably a "bit" stronger. I have used this unit twice now in a ranked match and I won both matches (both with mongols). I personally think they feel nice to play with. I think the transition from scouts into steppe lancers is really smooth and the units mix nicely together. Especially in the early game I think they are very strong and they definitely have potential. In some cases that I did a scout rush, my opponent either had a spearman/spearmen ready or made them while I was raiding or after my raid. Making future raids harder (with scouts). The moment you add in steppe lancers and manage them well though you are basically spearmanline proof. In my opinion this makes them incredibly strong at raiding. Also the extra range is nice to chase villagers down and for example also when a villager is planning to garrison in a defencive structure like a town center or tower. That extra range might make the difference of you getting the kill or not. I think they are also quite cheap compared to the knightline. Obviously in some cases it might be wiser to go for knights since knights are just simply stronger in certain situations. Steppe lancers feel moderately strong just in between the knight and scout and I am okay with that. I definitely think they serve a certain role in the game and can be of use.

    submitted by /u/BakaFrenchie
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    How to counter Hoang Celt push?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:27 PM PST

    As made famous by Slam's Vietnamese sparring partner Hoang, the Celt Drush-FC-into-Siege-Monk-Knight-1TC-Push has become the meta for Celt play at lower levels.

    What strategy should one chose when playing against this? Match the drush FC and play it like a mirror? Wall up and defend like a mad man? Full Feudal aggression to take the fight to enemy base? In KotD3, Tim (I think) had success against Hoang by defending the push while raiding Hoang's I defended eco with a few knights (Note: Hoang did take a game against Tim however).

    What do you guys think? I have had some success simply matching the strategy and out executing, however the Celt player will always have the advantage with a faster Drush, faster militia, and fast attacking seige. Is there a counter-meta?

    submitted by /u/B3owu1f
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