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    Saturday, May 1, 2021

    Age of Empires 3 Shouldn't the AI in DE do other strategies instead of just rushing?

    Age of Empires 3 Shouldn't the AI in DE do other strategies instead of just rushing?

    Shouldn't the AI in DE do other strategies instead of just rushing?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 09:18 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I've been playing a lot of DE recently, mostly for the US Challenges and to train other civs (I used to play Russians almost exclusively)

    Doing these challenges/training, I noticed that the AI seems to ALWAYS rush -> lose steam -> lose game. Its almost a formula, doesn't matter what civ they get (I leave it at random), they will always rush rush rush then suddenly lose steam by Fortress and proceed to lose the game. Isn't that a problem? AoE2:DE suffers from the exact same issue I feel, the AI never changes its strategy and becomes so formulaic that I think you can't reliably train strategies against them.

    I play on Hard, Hardest and Extreme depending on my familiarity with the civ (with Native/Asian civs I play Moderate because I suck with them)

    submitted by /u/NargWielki
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    Every game.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    Which is true? No.1 or No.2???

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    Man, I miss Fire Pits.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 10:08 PM PDT

    I mean fire pits was glorious. Community plaza is just non-sensical. How villagers talking to each other
    would boost the morale of soldiers and making them do more damage or produce elite warriors??

    By dancing for the gods around the fire is most relevant and nodding to history too


    submitted by /u/Jackie_ChanAOE
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    Should i get AOE3DE?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    I used to play AOE3 and the napoleonic era mod a lot with friends but i've never played online. Lately i've been feeling the itch to play again, but i heard DE is very buggy and the pathfinding AI hasn't been improved either (the one thing that would have made me instabuy the game).

    Is this still the case? What is the state of the game currently? Is it a good idea to buy AOE3DE primarily for online play? (I'm EU region if that matters.)

    Alternative is to play the original or wait for AOE4 or play AOE2 i guess. But tbh i'm more used to and fond of AOE3.

    Also sidenote: I can't believe this game is 45GB lol.

    submitted by /u/PlanVamp
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    Advanced Market in Water Booms

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 11:12 PM PDT

    Is there anyway this card is worth the shipment in a Water Boom strategy? Ideally as Ports, which I'd be playing. I often find myself floating upwards of 3k Food while struggling with other resources when I do this strategy. Converting some of that into other resources instantly in a 1-time deal is a tempting idea. Without a card that trades all of 1 resource for another like some civs have, using the Market within reason seems like the next best alternative. So what are the facts about Advanced Market to consider? What about alongside the Dutch team Market card in a niche team strategy, or for the purposes of assuming the best case scenario?

    submitted by /u/ClassicHornet
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    What's the purpose of quaker gun sent by the North Carolina deck of USA?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 05:33 PM PDT

    I unlocked the US civ today and found this unit in the NC card. It makes no sense if we have a fake artillery unit

    submitted by /u/Don_Jacinto
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    Where to find TEAMS of treaty players.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 11:31 PM PDT

    Every Friday Night me my Dad and my siblings + cousin pray Treaty 20min games. We communicate on discord and play around 4 or 5 matches. I usually host the game with a explanatory title something like: "4v4 me and my Fam against You all TR20". Randoms come in and play against our team.

    However, we would like play against other full team of players who play together and communicate with themselves, for a fun and even matchup.

    Is there some place we can find teams of players to come in to our server when we are around? Something like a Discord Server for treaty games?

    submitted by /u/walterjrscs
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    Landsknetchts are INSANE now

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 12:49 PM PDT

    haudenosaunee explorer siege

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    burned down our TCs in 5 min with just explorers wtf siege dmg 232 per

    submitted by /u/SweetCombatSuit
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    Why early-game raiding with the Dutch Envoy can be really strong

    Posted: 30 Apr 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    At lower rankings you can often catch people off-guard and kill one of their Villagers before they panic and ring the bell to kill your Envoy.

    It takes 57 seconds of melee combat for an Envoy to kill an unupgraded Villager (54 seconds to kill a Coureur!). If you want to kill an Envoy, you need to shoot it around 3 times with a Town Center (which takes up 70+ Villager seconds-worth of idle time) or use your Explorer which takes 50 seconds if he's in melee (longer if he's using his ranged attack) which not only takes almost a minute away from his scouting and getting treasures but also will usually result in a Villager kill or near-Villager kill that you'll still need to micro your Vill out of.

    The level of interference you can apply to your opponent within the first minute of the game is way higher than the level of micro demand you need to apply yourself to execute. Has anyone else found good use of this, or bad experiences that have led you to avoid it as a general tactic?

    submitted by /u/GideonAI
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