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    Friday, May 14, 2021

    Age of Empires II Quit abusing game mechanics by controlling your units!

    Age of Empires II Quit abusing game mechanics by controlling your units!

    Quit abusing game mechanics by controlling your units!

    Posted: 13 May 2021 08:42 PM PDT

    My feelings during the current debate

    Posted: 13 May 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    Suggested Buffs: Franks

    Posted: 13 May 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    Since everyone seems to be a balance master and suggesting what we should do to change this game, I am deciding to share my thoughts on a rather underpowered civ- Franks.

    Changes: - Access to bloodlines - Start the game with one knight instead of scout cavalry - Harvest berries (as well as all other resources) 250% faster - Castles are now free - New unique tech, turn all your villagers into paladins (castle age tech) - Replace throwing axemen with huskarl and Imperial Camel

    Let me know your thoughts! Although I'm not open to criticism and will get angry!

    submitted by /u/Dj-oatmeal
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    My ally was struggling and needed to start building army buildings for units.. nope.

    Posted: 14 May 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    Sometimes.. I miss it. Gentlegamers! Atilla the Hun (wallpaper/poster)

    Posted: 14 May 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    Playing AOE2 after a literal decade. Brought back so many memories. Wrecked Extreme AI back in the day. Was barely able to defeat Moderate AI in Arabia yesterday. Could use some tips.

    Posted: 14 May 2021 05:36 AM PDT

    I used to play AOE2 religiously 7-10 years ago when I was a teenager. Used to defeat Extreme AI and all my friends then. I was barely able to win over a Moderate AI yesterday. Feels like the DE version AI is God-tier in Imperial Age. I'm looking forward to play more of this game but I suck big time. Could use some guides, tips or videos that could help me.

    Also, I love that they've added Indians to the game. Love me some good representation. Sorry if I sound like a Boomer. Just felt emotional.

    submitted by /u/GodforsakenHeretic
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    AOE2 DE Devs Meeting

    Posted: 13 May 2021 07:38 PM PDT

    What is your favorite architecture style?

    Posted: 14 May 2021 12:19 AM PDT

    Just started playing probably for this first time since I was like 9 years old.

    Posted: 13 May 2021 07:10 PM PDT

    Man the resources to learn the game now are so extensive it's really changed my opinion on RTS games. I usually looked at RTS games kinda like fighting games, not worth the time sink to probably still be miserable at the game. However in a day I've gotten to the point where I can consistently beat the AI on Hard without cheesing or anything. I pretty much just spent a day straight practicing build orders and micro on my econ, I would save every like 2 minutes and if I even made one mistake or idle time I'd reset to the last save. I've got it pretty down to muscle memory, I really only start to struggle once I have about 2 TC's and villagers are pumping out like every 40 seconds. Time to try online!

    submitted by /u/JakeArvizu
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    Where do people play AOE2 now?

    Posted: 14 May 2021 03:17 AM PDT

    I used to play a lot 10 years ago, seems like there are still a lot of people playing but when i load up steam (bought the new expansions too) there are barley anyone in the lobbies? Do people play somewhere else than steam?

    submitted by /u/andyduly
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    Oh, no! Teutonic knig- oh, never mind.

    Posted: 13 May 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    VOTE NOW on the upcoming Ranked Map Rotation!

    Posted: 14 May 2021 03:58 AM PDT

    How to counter Britain's longbow spam?

    Posted: 14 May 2021 04:10 AM PDT

    Hello, I play with friends but one of our friend's constantly spams the British longbow men with pikemen in front and then usually siege rams. Any idea how to counter this other then killing him before his gets to late castle/Imperial age?.

    submitted by /u/Tommy2k20
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    Caste Age - what now?

    Posted: 14 May 2021 06:46 AM PDT

    While there are many posts about how to get into castle age quickly, i tend to struggle about what to do as soon i get there. which military upgrades, wchich stuff to get in the library, when to get the villager upgrades in the towncenter; etc

    I guess its tough to say as it depens on the civ you play (i usually play franks or maya) and what you encounter in a specific game, but maybe some points i can/should look for?

    submitted by /u/Laukota
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    Yes the 1000th post about alt f4ing the queue

    Posted: 14 May 2021 07:54 AM PDT

    Is there an official way to complain to the devs about this? With a full squad usually its okay, but whenever my friends arent online, i would like to enjoy a teamgame here and there. I definitely dont like the map pool as they never add any tournament maps, but i hardly ever alt f4 a map unless i get like black forest 2 times in a row for example.

    Without exaggeration i get like one game in every 7-8 tries. This totals to 20 min - 30 min in queue. What i noticed is this happens more during the day (EU timezone). In the evening usually its a little easier to not have someone alt f4 (though i usually play with friends in the evening which increases the chances of someone not disconnecting in the queue).

    Sometimes i think back on my HD days and later on when I joined voobly. Sure on voobly it took some time to fill lobbies, but in the end its the same time spent as right now on DE. I have to requeue the whole freaking time. Do people want to have miserable lives, and just alt f4 every single map they dont like? I just cant grasp it. Or is it that some people just drop because of bad connection? What the hell is going on. Ive been playing less and less aoe the last few months. Not because i dont like the game anymore but because every queue im sitting there with slight anxiety as to wether we are going to finally connect to a game or not. Its quite tiresome and a huge waste of time. At least on voobly sitting in an empty lobby made you understand there were just no players to play with around your elo. Right now the players are there, but they just dont care about screwing up peoples time. This game caters too much towards 1v1's. I fell in love with this game through teamgames years ago, and thats what i want to play. And no, lobbies are not an option (unranked smurfs, total noobs etc.)

    (Im around 2k4 tg elo)

    submitted by /u/BruceIrvin
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    You know what? I’m just gonna say it...

    Posted: 13 May 2021 04:17 PM PDT

    Amazon Tunnel was one of the greatest maps to be added to ranked team games. My friends and I had an absolute blast on that map and it deserves to be brought back.

    That is all.

    submitted by /u/cdOMEGALUL
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    I posted around 4 months ago that AI is typically much stronger as an enemy than an ally...

    Posted: 14 May 2021 07:34 AM PDT

    ...and it's still a glaring issue.

    I'm a filthy casual who likes to do big casual 4v4s with the AI. In DE, I'd estimate maybe 1 in 10 games my team is strong, another 1 in 10 where it's evenly matched and actually fun, and the other 8 in 10 where the enemy absolutely steamrolls.

    Why do I get the AI that won't attack early, or makes skirms against cavalier, or won't support the team away from their base? And that's just the last game I ragequit. It's always trying to turn into a 1v4.

    I'm not having fun with the kind of settings I've been playing for 20+ years, and that sucks.

    submitted by /u/RiversOfAwesome
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    I don't know how to improve (1300 ELO)

    Posted: 14 May 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    I have a few issues, some of them clearly need the help of the community here. Watching pros doesn't really answer these questions for me, so that's why I thought I might ask here.

    1. Map control, TCs, etc - I feel that a lot of times, even when I am on the offensive, I'm still boxing myself into my palisade walled base, and I often remain only at 3 TCs, always fearing that I need stone for a castle here and there, I'm trying to fix this issue consciously, but I really don't find this would be effective against better players (AKA just plant a TC somewhere I need resources) and I think it would be a bad habit. How exactly do better players defend their remote locations besides castles? When I DO try and make more than 3 TCs and get more resources, I always do it when it's kind of late (I'm already winning too hard for it to matter). It's very difficult for me to "invest" in a base when I BELIEVE the vils will be Idle'd 90% of time or dead if I'm not entirely careful.
    2. Countering hyperaggressiveness - I've lost a game because I believe my transition was pretty slow (to halbs), besides that though, I feel that a player that is already pressuring you and has map control (all gold is his anyway), can just use the same strategy and suicide knights into your vils through the already formed breaches while keeping you at bay with mangonels. You could say I should use my own mangonels, but I have xbows + halbs vs mangonels and knights. Anything he chooses to shoot will die. I could raid him back, but that means leaving my already precarious base undefended. I did try making some knights, and it worked at first, but I can't keep up already under pressure.
    3. When should I start mining stone really? - My usual build is a 21 pop archer, I don't know when I should bother with stone without falling behind in Castle time (especially vs scout builds), so at best I start mining in Feudal at 40 pop, at worst, I start mining after 40 pop in Castle. This can clearly be a way to help with point 2, what do you guys think?
    4. Staying at 1 TC vs going 3 knowing your enemy goes 3 - I know that pretty much everyone that goes 21 pop archer would boom as well (especially 19/20 pop scout builds), maybe this is one of the reasons point 2 is a problem? I have rarely gone 1 TC to go into Siege Workshop + ballistics as soon as possible to "pressure harder".
    5. I honestly, even at this ELO, do not know how to answer forward bases - This goes into point 6 as well, mangonels to tear down siege workshops sounds like me not looking for a second and having my mangonel destroyed by a barely made enemy mangonel, feeding into my already stupid mentality that I want to fix.
    6. How should rams be used? - I know they're not useless, but I never use them before Siege Ram, and that's again, a position where I'm pretty confident I don't need that extra gold. Is their presence soaking some damage enough for them to be "cost effective"?
    7. How do you scout later in the game? - This is actually a question. I sent 2-3 units in different directions to check army position, hidden TCs and side/forward bases.

    I feel that a lot of my problems are related to my attitude. I always seem to overestimate my opponent, and my transitions are trash and slow, I never like feeling that I'm "sacrificing units" or resources and I'm kinda tunnelvisioned. I'm at about 160 games in 1v1.

    submitted by /u/throwaway93438437
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    Kamayuks vs. Cataphracts?

    Posted: 14 May 2021 02:33 AM PDT

    Hey Guys!

    I was playing Incas vs Byzantines and my opponent went Cataphract Skirm. Normally I'd go Arbs againts Cataphracts but since he had skirms i figured Kamayuks are a decent alternative. Do you think Kamayuks are good against Cataphracts (or even a counter?) or does their AOE damage do too much work. (The game came down to better Macro and a lot of Kamayuks win against a few Cats any day so im not sure if this was the right call)

    submitted by /u/L10NHE4RT
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    Why the scenario builder still can not edit the tech tree in scenarios?

    Posted: 14 May 2021 08:18 AM PDT

    The scenario editor is far powerful than original in DE edition

    I can change the armor of unit.

    I can make the attack range of infantry longer than a trebuchet .

    I can train a paladin in a stone wall.

    But It is impossible to train a imperial camel rider if you are not Indian.

    The scenario builder can not make their own culture for custom tech tress in their scenarios and I think it will not be a technical problem for production team. There will be more DLC with new culture in the future. I hope they can improve the scenario editor for more customize...

    submitted by /u/anonymou1776
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    I'd love an open map with neutral market?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 08:06 PM PDT

    I love how the new map Michi gives us a late game option for gold. I'd love playing the map if it wasn't too much of a booming map. I'd love to see an Arabia esque map with a neutral market.

    85% of my games do not reach a point where it will matter but I'd love to have it in the 15% that do.

    submitted by /u/nikkythegreat
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    Scenario Editor Units/Features you want to see.

    Posted: 14 May 2021 07:32 AM PDT

    One thing I enjoy with the new expansion packs is seeing all the secondary units and heroes that get added in with each game, as well as seeing what more creative editors end up using them for.

    Terrain: Without datamods, making 'indoor' maps is still fairly tricky. You can play around with using the "Road" terrain alongside untargetable walls and the "black" terrain, but it still limits you. That said, even were there new "wood floor", "tile floor", etc terrainsets added to the editor, making indoor dungeon-crawl scenarios is still fairly tricky just because of the fact that there the game engine doesn't truly allow LOS/line of fire blocking.

    Units: I do wish to see more 'gunpowder' units for general scenarios/fluff features. Mainly, some sort of "pistolier" units (whether on-foot or horse), or camel&elephant gunners.

    Triggers: The ability to 'nest' triggers in subfolders would be a great convenience feature, as well as to 'drag-and-drop' their position rather than having to manually increment/decrement their position. The ability to modify units to have different "packed" & "unpacked" attributes would be of interest for games with nomadic town centers.

    submitted by /u/MagicJuggler
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    Did towers get buffed recently?

    Posted: 13 May 2021 10:13 PM PDT

    Just got tower rushed 3 games in a row with unconventional civs (Vietnamese, Berbers, and Bulgarians). Did they get buffed or is this just a coincidence?

    submitted by /u/SkinnyDick696969
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    New Burgundians and Turks

    Posted: 14 May 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    Turks Fast Imp( hc+bbc ) and Burgundians Castle Cavaliers really sick at Arena. Any recommendations to response these army. We had tried Camels, pikes, CA and Xbows didnt work. What will you do against such army composition and how you respond it?

    submitted by /u/--Majesty--
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