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    Saturday, July 24, 2021

    Age of Empires 3 Hatamoto

    Age of Empires 3 Hatamoto


    Posted: 24 Jul 2021 12:00 AM PDT

    Last two treaty games against Japan have lasted about three minutes because I've been attacked at 40 mins by waves of hatamoto samurais, backed up by cav and cannons. How am I supposed to deal with that? The hatamoto seem invincible lol. They're countered by infantry and cannons of course, but they have so many hitpoints that they're able easily to get into melee and just destroy everything.

    submitted by /u/cosmia2
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    Spanish gold question

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 02:55 PM PDT

    I hear that sentence here and there, what does that mean? Is it a reference to the gold crate you can send unlimited times in age 2? Im a beginner so Im not familiar with all the words

    submitted by /u/TylerDurdenElite
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    African unit stats and cards

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    hey guys! so ive been messing around the beta, and while we can't actually play the civs just yet, we can make them fight each other and watch replays and look at their deck! here's some stuff ive figured out:

    the skirmisher units:

    etheopia's skirmisher unit is great, it has no particularly outstanding stats, its just noteworthy as a solid skirmisher unit.

    hausas skirmisher unit is not so good on the other hand. with 9 base attack and a 1.5 attack speed, these guys fire 18 damage in a normal skirmishers rate of fire. however, they only have a 1.25 multiplier against heavy infantry, and low base damage means they arent going to scale quite as well as other units. in age 5 they have 19 attack. at base they also only have 9 seige

    the musketeers:

    eheopia's musketeer is nothing to write home about. they have the same resistences, 135 HP to a normal musk's 150, and 24 attack to a normal musk's 25. this meant it will take 8 instead of 7 to kill a settler. its melee however is very good, having 13 melee and a 4x multiplier against cav. its really more accurate to call these guys pikemen with ranged attacks, since their stats are a lot closer to that of pikemen

    unfortunatley, i havent had an AI train housa's age 3 locked musk unit. but since they are a heavy infantry locked to age 3, they are either gonna be terrible cause everyone else already has skirms by then, or insane because their stats are high enough to compensate. time will tell

    the goons:

    both civs share the same dragoon unit, the Javelin Rider. the riders are available from age 2 and have 1.5 attack speed with 10 base damage, for both melee and ranged. the ranged attack has a 3x against cav, 2.5 vs art, and 0.5 against settlers, HOWEVER the melee has a 5x against cav, and a 3x vs art, and no multiplier against settlers. 210 base HP

    these guys do a staggering 100 damage to cavelry in melee in the second age at a normal unit's speed. additionally they have 6.5 speed which is FAR faster than a pikemen. these units will melt cav rushes in the early game against lakota and france

    the artillery:

    etheopias super mortars are INCREDIBLE. in the third age you get a shipment of only 1, but its better than 2 falconets. it has 500 base HP (2.5 times that of a falconet) and 500 attack (4 times that of a falconet). it has a staggering 4 area of effect, and no negative multipliers against infantry, meaning it will MELT groups of infantry from far away with its 30 range.it has a 0.5 multiplier against cav, and a 0.10 multiplier against artillery. huss will survive a cannonshot, and it takes 4 shots to kill a falconet, doing 50 damage per shot. falconets also kill the mortars in 4 shots but have a faster rate of fireoverall, its better than the 2 falc shipment, but the 2 falc shipment is also its counter. it DEVISTATES infantry and melts buildings better than falcs, but is very susceptible to being raided if its not protected

    housa get falconets

    the heavy cav:this is where the housa shine, is their cavelry.they have 2 heavy cav units, one is the raider, available in age 2. it serves as a lighter opri, having high seige in age 2, and after upgrades a multiplier against settlers.they also have the lifidi knight, and age 3 locked heavy cav, and the opposite of an ulhan, having high HP and low attack. this beefy boy has an absolutley STAGGERING 475 base HP, but only 20 base attack. these guys will absolutley be your main-line fighters on the battlefield just like the state militia is to the united states. they have a card that gives them area of effect as well.

    etheopia has a 3 pop heavy cav with 375 base HP and 40 or so base attack. they can fire at ranged with 4 base speed, or have the same attack in melee at 1.5 base speed. they are high damage expensive monsters that need to be targeted first in any engagement, like currasiers. they dont have any area of effect though

    in terms of influence gain, both civs gain trickles of influence from herdables, both civs make buildings that spend and trickle influence. however, etheopia's building, the "mountain monestary" can have settlers and their priest units tasked to it to collect influence. the building is placed ON TOP of coin mines and almost completley obscures them

    you might be tempted to say this means etheopia has better influence gain than housa, however that is before factoring housas civ bonus: they recieve a free cattle with EVERY shipment. this likely means housa will have a lot more influence as they have far more trickle power than etheopia. however, etheopia likely has more influence gather rate if the monestaries are being worked fully. requires more testing.

    both civs can send 700 and 1000 influence crates in ages 2 and 3. it should also be noted that ehteopia has a shipment for an extra large cow that caps at 800 food instead of 500, and this will likely become the go-to FF card as you wait for value to go up and sell the cow for 800 wood or coin all at once

    both civ's age 1 settler cards are not fantastic, being infinite 2 settlers. however, they both have decent gather rate cards, of which housa's is FAR better. housa's first card you'll send is summed up as "better economic theory" it gives a 15% gather rate to ALL natural resources, but only a 5% gather rate increase to farms and plantations, whereas economic theory proves a 10% to everything. this card is amazing, since you want to take map control and live off all the natural resources as long as possible anyways. they also have an age 3 card that provides an additional 30% to all food gather rates.

    etheopias provides a 15% gather rate to all food gathering, including berry bushes and farms, but no other resources. not sure if there will be a better age 1 card to send with them or not.

    i'll do more research and look at the cards again later this evening and MAY even update this post further, but i feel its enough information for you guys to stew on at the moment

    submitted by /u/buckshot371
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    "I got the first trade site!Victory is assured!"

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 08:36 AM PDT

    Hausa Age Up Guide

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    Is the campaign fixed in DE Yet?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    I remember when the game launched, it was a total broken mess with bugs, crashes, etc. I've only been playing multiplayer, but I heard people saying the campaign was a buggy mess and that a lot of the DE changes broke many of the levels.

    I've been thinking of going back and playing each campaign on the highest difficulty. Is it the campaign a good experience now in the DE?

    submitted by /u/skilliard7
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    Lazer Bear vs 50 L'il Bombard (Age of Empires 3 Definitive Edition) (1080p 60fps)

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 06:37 AM PDT

    When community decides tittle

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 06:03 AM PDT

    Shouldn't the dlc civs (us and African) be selectable in offline skirmish aka game against bots?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:20 PM PDT

    I don't think I am being entitled when I say those civs should be available for offline play against bots (not campaign or online). I really want to try them out before I buy them and that seems like the perfect place to do it that doesn't harm revenue whatsoever.

    It would be a win win in my eyes if players could try them out and then be incentivised to buy it if they like it.

    submitted by /u/bigYman
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    Another attempt at naval boom with Portuguese against Hardest Chinese AI

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 07:11 AM PDT

    Has there been any information on whether or not player without the DLC will be able to watch their replay?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 02:46 AM PDT

    One of the issues I had with the US was that you weren't able to watch replay of game with them if you didn't have the civ unlocked. Has there been any info about that for the new civs and DLC?

    submitted by /u/Dreynard
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