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    Friday, July 23, 2021

    Age of Empires II Their banter is amazing. ( Context : Hera got his vaccination shot)

    Age of Empires II Their banter is amazing. ( Context : Hera got his vaccination shot)

    Their banter is amazing. ( Context : Hera got his vaccination shot)

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 12:06 AM PDT

    When the knights arrive and you have to hide

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 03:19 AM PDT

    I made a mod with KrakenMeister's Civ Builder!

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 07:55 PM PDT

    Cavalry reskin mod - skins for Hussar and Knight line

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 11:21 AM PDT

    Poll results: Spanish do not need a buff. Missionaries YES!

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    Hi all!

    The people have spoken. Redditors voted and gave their opinions (Thank you for voting and commenting) and the most voted and extended ideas are that SPANISH DO NOT NEED A BUFF. I 100% respect the idea and you have convinced me not to look for generic buffs in Spanish civ bonuses.

    I knew from the beginning that giving any eco edge to one of the top 5 Nomad civs would make them broken (in that case we would have needed to delay their faster building rate until Feudal Age), and would turn them a bit into a "more Arabia like" civ. It also seems that there's a bit of disagreement about which their worst matchups are, due to their lack of xbow and eco bonus. aoestats.io say that, all ELOs taken into account, their worst matchups are Vikings, Huns, Franks, Indians and Berbers. 3 out of 5 are not archer civs, the other two being infantry + archer and Cav archer + Cav civs. But there seems to be an extended idea that archer relying civs, especially those who have an eco bonus to support (Brits, Mayans, Eths,...), are also bad matchups for Spanish. That said, it seems that the option of a buff for Spanish Skirms isn't a popular option.

    Ok, I said that people voted that Spanish don't need buff, but the most voted option was not leaving them as they are. What people want is a CHANGE FOR MISSIONARIES. Yes, the meme UU, less used than the Flaming Camel, strongly weakened by their lower range, vulnerability to anticavalry and unable to pick relics. They're the only UU that is worse than the generic unit. Comments said that letting them pick relics would break the balance for relic picking in closed land maps, especially Arena.

    So what can be done about them? Here's some short ideas that have been pointed out:

    - Cost: Could we leave Missionaries as they are as worse versions of monks but with lower cost (80 - 85 gold)?

    - Healing rate: Give them a 50% more rate of healing? Take into account how it would stack with Byzantine +50% healing speed!

    - Restore the range: You pay the same as for one monk, you can't pick relics, but could you at least have the standard 9 range? You could give them a chance to flee after a successful conversion.

    - Any other new feature: Being able to convert buildings or rams/trebs from 3 range, an extra conversion resistance so that Atonement doesn't work well on them, u/ClockworkSalmon proposed them being able to build small Monasteries on top of relics, so that you'd start getting gold from relics straightaway , but these small Monasteries would have less HP and you'd need a Monk to take the relic to your base!

    I wait for your comments to discuss if any of them would be viable to give poor Missionaries an identity. Have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/Azot-Spike
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    "You kept up pretty well... until a certain point"

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:57 AM PDT

    11, jeez, Empire Wars is something else. Just went up against a 1600-1700 1v1 ELO player as a 1050, what a fun mess. I took out his fish long before he took out mine and nearly denied his landing on Northern Islands, (and was even ahead in eco heading into castle!) kept up on water for a while, then eventually just got completely mowed down on land & at sea ⛵

    He was on a new account so when I asked him his 1v1 ELO and he told me it we had a good laugh. Fingers crossed Empire Wars ELO gets settled sooner than later, I don't mind getting stomped every once in a while but it's been happening more often than not the past few times I've played, mostly with new players (to empire wars)

    submitted by /u/Lipkapasha
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    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 08:35 AM PDT

    The Open Classic bracket

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 06:02 AM PDT

    Age of Empires 2 DE - Goths Theme (HEAVY METAL GUITAR COVER)

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 03:40 AM PDT

    The new wiki is terrible

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 05:12 PM PDT

    I don't know where the AOE wiki was hosted, but I guess it was gamepedia which merged recently with fandom. I know from the eft wiki that they where forced to migrate to fandom and it looks like it's the same for aoe. And it's terrible. Half of the screenspace is ads now and on mobile it's almost unusable. I mean, look at this. From what I hear none of the wikis that had to migrate is happy with this. Hope they find a new home somewhere where it's actually usable again.

    submitted by /u/Kinc4id
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    One super power in AOE2

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 07:05 PM PDT

    If you could have 1 super power in AOE2 what would it be?

    I would like my sheep 🐑 to explode when they contact with enemy unites! You wanted to lame my sheep? Boom 💥

    submitted by /u/PoopLord69722
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    Siege tower hop into perfectly timed first crusade

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 02:41 AM PDT

    What’s Left Too Add?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 11:43 PM PDT

    If more civilizations are added, which ones are left to add?

    submitted by /u/JustSomeGuyonaLaptop
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    Do you think there should be an AOE 2+3 2v2 biathlon?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    How to properly play with the Incas?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 08:07 AM PDT

    So I kinda liked Incas a lot with most of their bonuses and unique troops and techs they offer...

    Ik that lot of guys play tower rushes and all with the Incas... But I wanted to know how to play well with them from the Castle Age/Early Feudal Age...

    I don't get Bombard Cannons or Cannon Galleons, which makes the ranged sniping harder and so yeah I'll have to pick trebs... But the navy is decent enough for a survival provided we get good teammates and stuff...

    Usually I play cavalry based civs, so I go scout rushes or occasionally even Archer Rushes, but I've heard people tell me Eagle Rushing is not effective cause of how much time it takes to produce them... So my early feudal aggression is mostly Archer rushes, making my early game predictable and hence more likely for players to go skirms to defend against me or probably even scout rush me, so it might get hard... But usually I manage my feudal age decently....

    In regular cavalry civs, I usually do a Knight Rush... I keep wondering what's a better rush in Castle Age with the Incas... Eagle Rush or Kamayuk Rush... Like I really like the Kamayuk stats and how they attack through walls... But I'm not sure how viable they are for a regular rush tbh...

    And finally for Imperial attacks... My usual cavalry armies would be like 40-60 Paladins, 40-60 Halbs, then few Bombard Cannons/Trebs and few misc stuff like 20-30 Skirmishers or 20-30 Hand Cannoneers to fend off enemy infantry or Archery stuff...

    But with the Incas, my army composition seems hard, mostly a hardcore infantry army like 40 Kamayuks, 40 Halbs, which makes it easier for Hand Cannoneers or anti infantry armies to take it down, I know I should keep Skirmishers or Slingers but managing it is easier said than done...

    I tried Monk Rushing in Castle Age to convert a stable for fun, but seems pretty hard to perfectly execute it...

    And finally, I thought alright lets check out some videos off YouTube like Hera to see how Incas are used, and I was surprised to see he almost didn't even bother using Kamayuks (I mean they're so cool) or Slingers (c'mon awesome anti infantry)

    He just Eagle rushed with Onagers/Xbow rushed with siege...

    I mean he's much more experienced so he'd know how to use it, but man he didn't even use Kamayuks or Slingers in his army... That made me wonder if I'm not using Incas in the right way...

    So what would be the best ways to win with Incas and the best army composition guys?

    submitted by /u/UAForever21
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    The almighty drush

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    So I have been thinking about the theory behind the two drush options pre mill and post mill.

    Pre mill drushes hit your enemy earlier and you might be able to catch him off guard, e.g. if he has no loom yet. The community seems to be united in saying the disadvantage is delaying your feudal time.

    But why?

    In both cases you have the same vil production, same walling effort, same eco cost and even the same cost for barracks and militia.

    Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/Verstoert
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    Swear filter

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 01:34 PM PDT

    Please get rid of the swear filter.

    submitted by /u/asdhaew236
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    I got the achievement "A Second Hastings" today, but I don't think it was not supposedly the way to unlock it

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 08:28 PM PDT

    After shooting down three English lumber camps, Humphrey switched to Allies. I later transported some troops and trebs switched diplomacy to enemy to attack, and then the unexpected thing happened: When I made them allied again, Humphrey would also become your ally once again, no matter how many units were killed or how many buildings were knocked down. In that case you could simply finish Humphrey whenever you want, and halt the attack when you seem to be overwhelmed through the diplomacy button. I don't think this is how it should be triggered, since usually when you betray an ally again, they would not "forgive" you so easily, and I think this achievement was only meant to be unlocked when you choose to subjugate Humphrey by sheer force instead of taking down the lumber camps.

    submitted by /u/Dona_Jacinda
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    When you unknowingly play against Vivi

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 02:12 PM PDT

    Noob questions: How do you micro archers?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    Actually two noob questions:

    1) When I try to dodge a mangonel, my archers first takes 10 seconds to regroup, then starts to move. By then they take the shot in their throat. How do you make them move left or right where they are without regrouping?

    2) How do set so that when a new unit is created they will go into patrol mode while going to the gather point? Right now, my units ignore attack until they reach gather point even if at aggressive stance.

    submitted by /u/Happy-Adhesiveness-3
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    Could be unpopular here, but I always play with infinite resources

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 05:24 AM PDT

    I hate having to develop a proper economy and managing villagers and stuff, so I rarely play without infinite resources. I'm much more interested in the military aspect than the economic aspect, so I choose to bypass that entirely.

    submitted by /u/LordSaumya
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    Monks auto-converting against (easiest) AI?

    Posted: 23 Jul 2021 01:23 AM PDT

    Yesterday i did some fooling around against the easiest ai and suddenly one of my monks startet converting enemy units on its own. I didn't know this was a thing so I looked it up but couldn't find anything about it.

    Anyone experienced this before? Can you toggle this on/off in the settings / unit controls? Is this also happening with the more difficult AIs or in other game situations? I'm pretty sure it isn't available in ranked games 11 #autoeverything

    submitted by /u/SuperAd5346
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    Been on a custom campaign binge latley

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 04:32 PM PDT

    Been playing ALOT of the custom campaigns in aoe2 mod workshop. All I can say is well done to the devs of these. Most are pretty hard but it's fun taking my time with it and alot have different ways to beat it. Currently trying (and failing) to beat "The Last Romans" and let me say damn is it hard.... I suggest anyone who wants a change from ranked or MP to try these out. They're alot of fun.

    submitted by /u/SONICneedsRINGS
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