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    Thursday, July 22, 2021

    Age of Empires 3 I wish for official art for the new African civs like this

    Age of Empires 3 I wish for official art for the new African civs like this

    I wish for official art for the new African civs like this

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    Best Spawning Location.....

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    Odd choices in the Ethiopia portrayal considering Ethiopian history

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 03:52 PM PDT

    NOTE: Despite these issues, I still pre-ordered the expansion! I think this representation is far better than no representation. :)

    So, as someone very familiar with Ethiopian history, two of the choices with the roster strike me as quite odd.

    1. The Ethiopians have a unit, that can apparently be mass produced, called an "abun," who "may also gather at the Mountain Monastery like a Villager."

    Explanation: This is like giving an Italian civ a unit called "pope," which can be mass produced and doubles as a villager! LOL The abun was the HEAD of the Ethiopian church during the game's time frame, and there was only ONE.

    1. The Ethiopians have a skirmisher unit called the "neftenya."

    Explanation: This is like giving the United States civ a unit called "imperialist oppressor." According to Wikipedia, "Neftenya is in modern times frequently used as an ethnic slur against the Amhara, the second most populous ethnic group in Ethiopia." The neftenya were also only a thing in the late 19th century. Kassa Hailu (1818 to 1868), the protagonist of the AOE3 Ethiopia scenario, didn't have any neftenya in his army.

    Furthermore, the decision to call the Ethiopians "Habesha" in the alliance menu strikes me as odd. While the "Ethiopian" identity is multi-ethnic, the Habesha identity, while often practically synonymous with "Ethiopian," is more closely associated with the Semitic-language speaking peoples, which technically excludes the Oromo, despite the fact the Ethiopian civilization in game has an "Oromo Warrior" unit!

    Beyond these things, I don't see an issue with the portrayal of Ethiopia in the game from what I've seen so far. Other fun facts:

    The Era of Princes scenario takes place ~1852.

    The real-life Sebastopol Mortar never successfully fired, and there was only one of them (although there were other, smaller, made-in-Ethiopia artillery pieces at the time). Despite its name, it was constructed entirely in Ethiopia with Ethiopian materials. I don't have an issue with this being a mass-producible unit though. Making "Sebastopol" a stand-in for an Ethiopian-made mortar with fun flavor makes much more sense to me than making the Abuna (basically Ethiopian pope) a mass-producible monk-unit.

    submitted by /u/Abatta500
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    Is there a mod to implement the US civilization into the campaign?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 07:51 PM PDT

    I'm annoyed that despite now having a full-fledged US civilization, Amelia and Cheyton in their respective campaigns are still using this faux-British/faux-Sioux placeholder.

    Not even the names were changed - I was using 'imperial redcoats' of the US Army in Amelia's campaign. Also King's Life Guard hussars. Despite there being no empire, no king, and there certainly being no red coats. It's really mind-boggling that despite putting in the dozens of hours into the remaster, they didn't bother to tweak the civilizations a bit.

    Are there any mods out there which implement the proper US civ into the campaign?

    submitted by /u/radio_allah
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    Who are the best casters besides aussie drongo, samurai revolution and harrison?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 02:22 PM PDT

    Interjection was good too. But he left

    submitted by /u/beachandhummus
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    Tp on native suggestions

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 10:59 PM PDT

    What if instead of only upgradable technologies the tp on minor natives grants one of that buffs for free while that player maintain the control? What if the players could choose one of these buffs, like a trade route tp or factory ( ofc with previous balances)?

    They're just ignored until late game, i wanna see some conflict for them during the early/mid too.

    submitted by /u/KnownSwitch5341
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    My friend is inviting me to a game with his custom made map and I always get auto kicked out with this error. I thought my game would auto download the map. Is it not possible to play a custom map or are we missing something?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 02:08 PM PDT

    African Minor Civs?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 10:16 AM PDT

    What would be the new African minor civs? The Star Wars houses in the trailer are likely Berbers and whitish mosques could be Somalis? I'd wager that Zulus will also be in. How about Benin?

    submitted by /u/King_Nanomat
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    Any info on the new 15 maps?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    Is there any information on the new 15 maps of the African expansion?

    submitted by /u/joaopeniche
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    Maps suites for 2v2v2 (or 2v2v2v2)?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    Recently I've been having a lot of fun playing team games with 3 teams. The games tend to be a bit more economic, any are often very unpredictable (I don't like treaty , but somehow enjoy this a lot), with a lot of plot twists.

    The problem is that almost all maps are not suitable. I've identified a few but most are not ideal, which makes sense as the game isn't developed to support this special game mode.

    I'd like to know if anyone else is aware of any other maps suites for this type of gameplay?

    Currently I choose between:

    • (large) Sonora. Best overall map for this game type imo, though one team will spawn very far away from the TPs.

    • Hispaniola. Really good water map for 2v2v2, but one team has a disadvantage as they don't have direct access to the large bay, which contains all the whales.

    • (large) Saguenay. Good but similar problem to hispa, as 1 team doesn't have access to the water. Also this map is bugged since the last patch, with at least one player not spawning in 2v2v2...

    • great lakes: considered one of the better maps for this game type and is the only ones that is fully symetric (so no team has an advantage). The problem is that the trade route's position is quite annoying and 50% of the time you get the frozen map, which is utterly trash.

    • Great plains used to have some terrible spawning points in this setup but haven't checked since the last map update.

    Any other suggestions?

    submitted by /u/Equal_Cow9593
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    Beginner trying to play with Portugal on naval map

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 06:55 AM PDT

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