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    Thursday, July 22, 2021

    Age of Empires II We need it

    Age of Empires II We need it

    We need it

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 03:22 AM PDT

    Alt F4 is destroying the game

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 01:21 AM PDT

    I have been in queue for 20 games over the last 24hours & only been able to play 4 or 5 .

    The people who alt F4 & failure of the devs to deal with this is destroying the team game ranked queue completely.

    Especially when Oasis, Migration is coming up.

    Please fix this!! It's only getting worse!

    submitted by /u/belgawizard
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    "I'm only a 1500 pleb/noob"

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    I see some posts like this, and one in particular yesterday, that said this nearly word for word.

    I get people feel worse than the pros and those better than them, but come on...

    Yes, this game has a very high ceiling, and a steep learning curve. I understand that you can be 2300 and still "make mistakes."

    However, calling yourself a pleb/noob at 1400, 1500, etc is a bit much, and untrue.

    This alienates and discourages a lot of the player base.

    submitted by /u/medievalrevival
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    Game mode idea: Unknown Opponent Civ

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 04:20 AM PDT

    Suppose we had a game mode in which you can't see your opponent's civ at all in-game. This is achieved such that:

    • Clicking their units/buildings does not reveal their civilisation
    • No civ icon next to their score
    • Their building architecture style appears to you as the same style as your own civ

    However, you can still infer their civilisation if you see any unique units, or notice any particular bonuses (eg. if their crossbows outrange yours, they're probably Britons)

    I think this could potentially be fun because:

    • it forces you to *really* observe their playstyle and units' properties in order to make educated inferences about their civ; this rewards players who know their tech trees well
    • it makes games (or, the early game at least) less reliant on metas based on civ-to-civ matchups, thus forcing players to be more adaptive
    • incentivises you to "time" a reveal of your civ, adding another dimension to your strategising process (eg. forces to you think about when it is best to reveal your unique units if you decide to use them)
    • potentially rewards mind games and bluffing (eg. rushing archers as Spanish)
    • generally rewards players who can be adaptive and make quick tactical decisions based off little information

    I'm not claiming that this game mode is in any way better or worse than standard/existing modes, but just floating this as a potentially fun mode. Apologies if this idea is already floating out there, but I can't seem to find a prior mention of this when I did a quick search. It is definitely similar to Hidden Cup in its principle.

    Anyway, thoughts?? I'm sure there are also many downsides and imbalances to this idea, so I'm keen to hear them.

    submitted by /u/camberscircle
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    Vietnamese Paper Money UT

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 05:22 AM PDT

    What if it have the same effect as Burgundian Vineyards, but for lumberjacks instead and is a Teamwide effect. Other than the 500 Gold the team get, 40 working Lumberjacks also could generate 1 Relic worth of Gold.

    While this sounded quite overpowered for the Team, getting 40 Lumberjack to work effectively without bumping, relocating Lumbercamps, and even Deforestation would keep gold income slow and makes raiding the woodlines more impactful even when the player have a stockpile of wood.

    submitted by /u/Ashina999
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    It's probably because the blood on his sword was almost dry

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    Unpopular Opinion (maybe): I absolutely love trash wars during LAN parties

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    Don't get me wrong, I'm all for quick 30-40min games when playing online vs strangers, but nothing for me beats the feeling of playing for a good few hours against your friends during a LAN party, and having the game just be a pure war of attrition. Weirdly it reminds me of childhood lol, a time before I knew a thing about build orders or FC, and just made my way to imp to spam soldiers at the enemy lol.

    submitted by /u/DaBeastGeek
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    Got my first troll

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    Just had a match on arena. At around 40 minutes he asked why I don't finish. Well, I didn't finish because I couldn't get in because of his paladins. I defeated them, but slowly. I said if he wants to finish he should resign and he refused because it would cost him Elo. So the match whent on. I took down his base but he walled himself in behind multiple layers of stone walls at his flanks. Then out of nothing a huge army raids my base. I fight it off, get back to his base and he walled again. In the end he had a couple of barracks behind 5 walls with some units garrisoned. Had to destroy the walls, then the barracks, then the units. Still not over. Guess he had a villager hiding between some of his buildings which got finally killed while my arbalests where on attack command. Game lasted 2 hours ingame time and this guy constantly tried to trigger me with his shit talk. I razed 170 buildings.

    What kind of person do you have to be to have fun doing this? He achieved nothing. I just muted him, gave my units attack commands and waited till it's over. What's the point?

    submitted by /u/Kinc4id
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    Empire Wars Duo 2 - Announcement!

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    New to AOE2 - What do I do after castle age?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 11:34 PM PDT

    If there's a good guide to read up on, just point me in the right direction and I'll be on my way!

    Me and my friends hold a games tournament every year, and each year we take turns picking games to vs each other in (there's money involved, it gets serious).

    AOE2 is one of my games, and I've practiced enough that I think I'll have the advantage on them but I've realised there seems to be much more to this game and a lot to learn.

    I learn best from watching things, but found a little trouble trying to find things on YouTube about what to do getting into the late game.

    I can rush castle age, but after that idk what to do

    What units are good to build? What techs should I be researching? How many villagers should I be assigning to each resource?

    Im only playing against bots on Moderate(5 AI Teams, because this is how many I'll be playing against my friends), but coming into the castle age I find myself being attacked by the AI, and I don't usually have much to defend, or if I do the units I've built get slaughtered. I'm managing to just fend them off and be one of the last standing but late game my army keeps getting beat by them because idk what to focus on.

    Basically, if I could get pointed to a build order for units/techs and buildings that'd be good. I know it's dependant on your civ and your enemy too, but if I could get the low down on some recommended civs thatd be good

    Thanks if you can help!

    TDLR I wanna make sure i can beat my friends (6 player FFA)

    submitted by /u/nathanscott9323
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    Honfoglalas Co-op Campaign (Spoiler Alert)

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    So me and my friend were playing this campaign and were able to defeat 2 out of the three opponents. Then, to get gold from the Byz we declared war on the Bulgarians (Byz tribute us gold in return of the war declaration) and in 2 mins the Bulgarian Konnik Siege Ram horde flattened both of us. Is declaring war on the Bulgarians an instant loss?

    In the stats I saw that they had a miltiary high of 160 where as each player has a max pop of 115...

    Has anyone been able to defeat the Bulgarians? If so, what is the strategy?

    submitted by /u/so_ahmbramhasmi
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    24 Pop Castle Drop with Long Bows 1700 Elo 1 vs 1 Arena strategy

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 09:12 PM PDT

    Why is there a lag in the orders given to units in multiplayer? Aoe2hd

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 07:42 AM PDT

    The question pretty much. It doesn't happen in campaign or single player matches but on LAN there's this weird lag on each order given, be it to units or buildings? Why is that?

    Edit: There is no lag in movement, animations etc. whatsoever, there's only lag between time of order given and order execution

    submitted by /u/Curious_Omnivore
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    My first time being accused of smurfing on the ladder, and a question

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 10:11 AM PDT

    Today I experienced a rite of passage, being falsely accused of smurfing. I want to see what you guys think because I was completely confused by what my opponent said to me.

    Context: the match was at ~1220 elo (for the record, winning this match got me to my highest ever elo, 1233). I was Malians vs Goths on Four Lakes. I lost my scout super early trying to snipe their dock-builder because I forgot that Goths will get insta-loom. In the process, I also lost a vil to a boar.

    I was expecting MAA so I made some of my own, headed out in early Feudal, and was curious that my opponent wasn't up. My MAA are in the dead centre of the map and hit walls. The guy had, and I am being literal here, walled off his entire half of the map. I start attacking his walls and he says "rusher" in the chat and asks "why". I reply saying that "this isn't Black Forest".

    He started walling a second layer, and while he wasted his time doing that I beat him to Castle age. This is when he accused me of smurfing and got really angry. Once I got through his several layers of walls with some knights and a mangonel he gg'd right away.

    He said that no-one rushes at 12xx elo, that I was ruining the game for lower level players, that I couldn't be a real 1200 player because I have 500 games played and "no-one is below 1200 with 500 games" (that one hurt, I'm just not very good at the game dude).

    Do you think this guy was for real? He had like 100 games with a 55+ percentage winrate I think. I told him that my (1100-1200 mostly) opponents rush in almost every single game I play, but he refused to believe me. I just found his claim very baffling.

    submitted by /u/halfajack
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    Civ Concept - Armenians

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 03:28 AM PDT

    During the antiquity, the Armenian Kingdom was divided into Byzantine and Persian empires. The Armenians uses Eastern European architecture, and they are the only E.E. civ to have Steppe Lancers and Camels.

    Cavalry Civilization

    - Advancing to Castle Age is 20% cheaper.

    - Cavalier upgrade is free. (Paladin upgrade is still researched at the player's own expense).

    - Heresy and Faith researched 50% faster.

    Unique Units

    - Ayrudzi (80 food, 80 gold) - Heavy cavalry unit that regenerates. , but less HP than knights.

    Unique Techs

    - Castle Age: Aswaran - 33% refund for knights and Ayrudzi slain.

    - Imperial Age: Havedic Engines - Siege units have 50% accuracy.

    Team Bonus:

    - Monasteries provide +5 extra population.


    - Squires

    - Supplies

    - Champion

    - Bracer

    - Ring Archer Armor

    - Bombard Cannon

    - Elite Cannon Galleon

    - Shipwright

    - Bloodlines

    - Bombard Tower

    - (more to be updated)

    Welcome, feedback!

    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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    Help poor scared u/baron_burton pick a civ for his first foray into online in 13 years.

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 07:12 AM PDT

    Story time:

    Flash back to 2008. Poor little u/baron_burton, 13 years old, decides to embark on his first foray into online RTS gaming, with his favorite Crusader-driven computer game, Age of Empires II! Poor me, as an innocent pre-teen, I don't realize that build orders are a thing, or even that I am not very good at this game. In fact, I am terrible.

    This horrible truth is revealed to me, when, just as I am finally advancing into the coveted Feudal age, ready to pump out my man-at-arms and scouts to decimate my enemies....about 15 knights come prancing into my camp.

    Knights! Mind you, at this point, I had exactly 2 man-at-arms, and 20-ish villagers. I had lost my own scout to wolves--which I had him try to hunt down to protect my little villagers--and was not at all prepared to deal with knights. You can imagine what happened next. Gg.

    This experience stuck with me, and I never again forayed into RTS online--until now! 13 years later, i have re-discovered aoe2, and over the last 2 months I've been watching streamers, practicing build orders, and am ready to try my hand at ranked. However, before I do so, I want to choose a civ to specialize in. While many recommend doing random, I am much more inclined to stick with 1 for a while, specialize, and get comfortable with a pattern.

    Here is where you come in, dear RTS-loving-Redditors. Here are the civs I currently have in mind, and why they intrigue me:


    Pros: the tanky UU really draws me, as with limited micro they can cause serious problems for unbalanced enemy armies (I think). The krepost is also great, I can build mini-castles in a defense perimeter and mass my UU simultaneously if I get to the late game. The auto-upgrade at militia-line would also help with early defense, at least against archer-rushes.

    Cons: very limited archer line, no champions. Little eco boost. My slow starts would definitely be a factor, and I lack my favorite units (crossbows!)


    Pros: I am really partial to archers. They are always my preferred first unit, and, as my micro improves, I really hope to be able to use them more effectively. Additionally, the extra villager intro helps with my slightly slow early apm, letting me get oriented before having to launch into the build order.

    Cons: No cavalry. I know that eagle warriors are super useful, but my poor micro means that not having effective tanks--paladins--makes large battle more difficult. They also have no champion, meaning that, again with poor micro, I really struggle against archer-counters like Huskarls.


    Pros: Trash-bows. I have really enjoyed a couple armies consisting of a few elephants, a ton a bows, and some hussars or halbs to screen. I feel like it's a very independant army that can deal with almost anything thrown at it. I can mass a ton of archers in castle here, and practice my micro easily. Additionally, a good eco and accelerated vil creation helps me catch up from a slow start. Also, strong cavalry gives my lots of tanky units that move faster than the (apparently meme unit?) elephants.

    Cons: No champs or two-handers. So I'm fairly vulnerable to massed pikes. Also, obvious issues with elephants as a UU. Monks suck. Plus, I hate water maps, so I get nothing from the dock bonus.


    Pros: Fast vils is nice, as is their easy-to-mass cavalry. I love massed hussars for trash wars, and a knight rush--at least to affect opponent economy--seems easier than a archer rush. Not to mention genitours. Also, they have camel archers, which are one of the rare counters to CA that isnt micro-intensive I feel like.

    Cons: No halbs, harder to mass a defense against mega-horsies. Also, I have never even tried a trush, so there goes an advantage from the vil speed thing. Has anyone ever tried a genitour rush to counter archers?


    Pros: Tanky units. The siege tower is, I think, criminally under used, even if easily countered. Additionally, rams packed full of death-machine infantry sounds great to me. Their paladins are great, and cheap farms help me in the mid-game. I am also more a defender at heart, meaning the defense bonuses could really help me. Also, I get protection from those damn wololo bastards.

    Cons: Slow. Slow. Slow. And bad trash units. with my poor early game and slow aggresion, an enemy with the economy to out UU or tank me would devestate me, and in a trash war I would struggle. Also, severe archer limitations, right?

    Anyways. Thats long enough. What do you guys think?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/baron_burton
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    How to fight CA as knights?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 01:01 AM PDT

    Howdy all,

    Is it possible to fight CA as knights, or do you need to switch to skirms?

    I suppose the better question is: if you go into a game planning to go knights, but your opponent is going CA, what is the threshold at which you should abandon your knight plan and tech into skirms instead?

    submitted by /u/IhaveSonar
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    Can anyone tell me why all my in-game chat is delayed?

    Posted: 22 Jul 2021 12:08 AM PDT

    It takes sometimes 1 min to send a chat, even things like 1, 14, gg etc. I know it's likely a MS censoring issue (I'm 29 but thanks Microsoft) I've tried altering some system stuff but to no avail… anyone have a fix?

    submitted by /u/fetacheese_
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    To people who got past 1000 elo, any tips?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 07:45 PM PDT

    Basically the title. Is one-tricking a good idea? I feel like I should random civ to get more gamesense but idk. I'd like to get to 1100 in the next 50 ish games as a challenge to myself, and I'm like 1000 now. Thoughts? Sorry if this has been/is a constantly asked question.

    submitted by /u/BeansOnPumpernickel
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    MbL invents the penis wall

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 11:35 AM PDT

    Permenant Cuman Mercenaries?

    Posted: 21 Jul 2021 07:44 PM PDT

    For the allies of the Cuman player, rather than being free Kipchaks, they are trained at regular price.

    As for Cuman players, the player who researched it, and any other Cuman allies in a game, will have discount on Kipchaks.

    Yes or no?

    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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