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    Friday, July 16, 2021

    Age of Empires II We love when it happens, don't we?

    Age of Empires II We love when it happens, don't we?

    We love when it happens, don't we?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 02:02 AM PDT

    The range of town centers and castles is not a round-angled square, it's 4x4 circles overlapping.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 03:56 AM PDT


    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    Hello guys, this's my homemade trebuchet and 22 ft long throws in slow motion, hope you like it

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 05:09 AM PDT

    ellie4k ending my whole ranked career with some sick splits (content links in comments)

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 03:22 AM PDT

    I wrote a book about Civ Concepts. Want it?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 03:59 AM PDT

    Hi all!

    Poet José Martí wrote that "all people should do three things in life: Planting a tree, having a son and writing a book". Of course, the three of these are not always possible for everybody, because life has multiple paths. But in my case, I got 3/3 with the book about my civ concept series I proposed with this post.

    The book features 100 pages with the 23 civ concepts I have already posted, with a historical introduction to all of them, and all civs have been created with as much historical accuracy as I could, trying also to make civs playable, in case Devs want a couple of ideas 11111. Civs have been rebalanced with suggestions of many and many redditors. I thank you all for your feedback, criticism, upvotes and even awards you gave me. It's impossible to mention you all, but I've got a especial place for acknowledgement for u/html_lmth, u/timmysoboy, u/TheGr8White32, u/Odysseus7754, u/anxietydoge, u/lambdaofgod, u/jaggerCrue, u/Thangoman, u/BrutalArmy, u/Umdeuter and u/HamR_OClock.

    Since I'm not much confident on the security of the Internet and don't want to give anybody access to personal information, please mail me to this address and I will send you back the file: [azotspike@hotmail.com](mailto:azotspike@hotmail.com). If you feel like it, write also your Reddit user name in the e-mail, so that I can identify you later. Don't write your e-mail address on the comments, because I won't send anything there.

    I also want to use this post to thank aoe2 Redditors, which include Devs, Moderators, Pro players, Casters, Top contributors etc. for the healthy atmosphere of this subreddit. It feels like a great place for discussion, respect, fun and tons and tons of AoE2.

    You guys are f***ing awesome!

    Have a nice weekend!

    submitted by /u/Azot-Spike
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    Since when does the AI gg?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 07:44 PM PDT

    Biggest problems in AOE2

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 07:44 PM PDT

    I want to know what are the biggest problems you are having in AOE2 at the moment. Don't get me wrong I love that we are getting two new civs but I can't help but want some of the other issues to be fixed.

    Played this game for 20 year and hope to be playing it for 20 more. I mean I have my own YouTube channel on odd strategies called: Poop Lord. But…

    1. Can we please reconnect to lobby after a disconnect occurs
    2. Lack of control in multi player maps(Fix the alt F4 problem!)
    3. Spec chat 💬 would be nice
    4. Pathfinding and bugs

    Want to add your ideas to this list as well: 1. Nerf house walling 2. Option to deselect unites 3. Select more than 60 unites at a time 4. Being able to reconnect to a game after having disconnected!

    submitted by /u/PoopLord69722
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    Aging up bug - Needs fixing urgently!

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 06:28 PM PDT

    A few months ago the devs added this awesome feature where the game would lag a little when someone clicked up to the next age, it really helped with knowing when you needed to be aggressive to punish an aging up opponent.

    With the latest patch it looks like that is no longer working, so now I have people randomly getting to the next age with no warning whatsoever!

    Wondering if this is just me or has anyone else had the same problem? Where can I make sure the devs see this?

    submitted by /u/TTV-HelichaosAOE
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    Matching Units to their Historical Counterpart: Japanese

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 11:12 PM PDT



    Fully Upgraded, +33% Faster Attack

    Despite having a Literal Samurai Unique Unit, the Japanese Champions is more be like a Samurai, as unlike the romanticized version of a Samurai, the Samurai were pretty common warrior class, the Samurai Unique Unit Trained in the Castle could be called Hatamoto Samurai(Flag Bearer, a Bodyguard Version of a Samurai), due to having more Health and faster attack speed.


    Fully Upgraded, +33% Attack Speed

    Other than the Samurai using Yari and Naginata, the Halberdier could also resemmble the Ashigaru Soldiers, famous for using Yari and even managed to create a new social class of Bushi which is higher than Farmers but lower than Samurai.

    Archery Range


    Fully Upgraded

    The Japanese almost never used Crossbow, so the Arbalest could just be a Samurai with a Yumi Longbow, and Historically the Samurai were expert Archers who would be dueling with the bows and arrow before a battle, and still well armed for melee.

    Elite Skirmisher

    Fully Upgraded

    Javelin throwing could be non-existant, but the Elite Skirmisher might just be Ashigaru Soldiers armed with the Bow, as Ashigaru are more numerous, but less trained and equipped than the Samurai Counterpart, and a Samurai Archer is almost replaced by Ashigaru Archer due to the numerical advantage of the Ashigaru.

    Hand Cannoneer

    Fully Upgraded

    A Misconception that Samurai would not use a Gun has been debunked many times as in the battle of Nagashino, both Oda Ashigaru and Samurai uses the Tanegashima Teppo, albeit that the Samurai numbers are smaller, but would often lead the Ashigaru in timing for their volley, as in a snap back to reality to Katana wielding Weebs, The Samurai quickly adopted the Gun, and even created a Martial Art for using Tanegashima Teppo, called Hōjutsu.

    Heavy Cavalry Archers

    Fully Upgraded

    These are just Mounted Samurai Archers, which is the first version of the Samurai, which is called Yabusame.


    Light Cavalry

    No Plate Barding

    Even though Cavalry tradition isn't really a main specialty of the Japanese, Cavalry is still used both in mounted combat and in transportation, although the Japanese Horse are often unarmored in heavy armor, unlike the Chinese and European who used full Barding, the Japanese only have small shields on their horse front, or not at all.


    No Plate Barding

    Japanese Cavalier is basically just Mounted Samurai, which is pretty common in some clans, mainly the Takeda, also missing the Plate Barding could also be a Historical Reference of the battle of Nagashino where Takeda Cavalry were shot down by Oda Matchlock Arquebusiers and Archers due to not having that +2 Pierce armor from Plate Barding Tech.

    submitted by /u/Ashina999
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    Let's play Buff, Nerf, Kill: name one civ you'd buff, one civ you'd nerf and one civ you'd remove from the game

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    And of course, name reasons for each.

    For me?

    Buff: Sicilians - I feel like this is a civ I could potentially love if the buffs were done right. I think something as simple as giving us the ability to produce Serjeants in the barracks would do a lot for their viability

    Nerf: Franks - I'm kind of a stats guy, and Franks repeatedly excel. Not a major nerf, mind you, but something as modest as their cheaper castles only being 20%, making the HP bonus "tiered" so that it's 10% Feudal, 15% castle and 20% Imp, or removing free Heavy Plow. Just a mild change so we can see how it affects them and work from there.

    Kill: Lithuanians - I'm really not a fan of relic racing with a civ that has a headstart to Castle Age and likewise isn't punished for simply booming up whilst you feel forced to focus extra effort on relics. Just do not find them fun to play against.

    submitted by /u/AFlyingNun
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    Challenge: Your favorite campaign’s feature civ is now your main online civ for a week. Enjoy!

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 10:40 PM PDT

    [BUG] cost of militia in the tech tree

    Posted: 16 Jul 2021 04:53 AM PDT

    Is there any other complex RTS than AoE2

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 08:59 PM PDT

    I have been trying out different RTS such as SC2, AoE3, AoE1 and even different genre games like CoH2 to find if there are any more complex games than AoE2.

    But, I didn't find any, I got quickly bored within a month by playing any other game. In AoE2, even though I play for 10 months continuously, I don't feel bored because there is always something to learn or get better. Do you guys feel the same?

    submitted by /u/HauntingTime3300
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    Invert click-drag scroll?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 08:28 PM PDT

    I have click-drag set to middle click. When i click and drag it scrolls in the direction opposite what i want it to. Is there a way to invert it? Every other game ive used middle mouse button to drag the map in the direction i move the mouse, in this it scrolls in that direction and just feels really bad.


    submitted by /u/karp_490
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    Alternative implemention of TG map bans

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 09:40 PM PDT

    We all know the team game ranked cue is plagued by alt-f4s. Part of the problem is inherent to the matchmaking system, but part of it could be solved by modifying how bans work.

    Take the case of 4x4 TGs. Each player gets one ban. This limit ensures that if every player bans a different map, there is still a map left over to choose. But how often does this happen? Undoubtedly bans will tend to overlap, and sometimes to a high degree. I argue that overlapping (redundant) bans are a big source of the problem, and that a simple solution is to enable multiple bans that are ranked by each player. Let me explain...

    I posted a meme a while back about a situation where, in a 4x4, half the players ban arena, half ban Arabia, and the cue chooses volcanic island. This is an extreme example but illustrates the possibility that the current system can result in a choice that nobody actually wants. If you ban a map that was already banned, your decision did not help inform the map-selection process. The current system forces you to consider, not just your preferred map (to ban), but the likelihood that another player will ban that map. Given the uncertainties involved, sub-optimal outcomes are guaranteed.

    But what if we could ban multiple maps (maybe 2, 3...?) And rank them by which we most want to avoid. The cue could go from player to player and ban the highest ranked map that wasn't already banned. Depending on how many bans were allowed, it could then proceed as usual to select a map.

    This is an easy method to implement. Just like switching between player colors we could assign ranks to our map bans. The map-selection system would remain fundamentally the same but with this critical modification.

    As a result, player preferences would be preserved, and maps that nobody likes (in the parties) will be rightfully banned. We could cue up for ranked knowing that our precious aoe time will not be spent on yet another Amazon tunnel, team moats, or water nomad game.

    AOE2 is a great game and deserves a better cue system.

    In Daut we trust.

    submitted by /u/sn987
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    Special Events

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 08:26 PM PDT

    I didn't play the game since more than one year, is there a way to get all the special content that was just available during the special events in the past? Like the cheat units or cheat codes ect. Not really interested in the cosmetics, they can be found in the mod section. Would be good if there is a way to get this features, i own the game in steam, already installed, i have no desire to pirate the game just for get the features and download again like 30 GB with my poor connection :/ It's ever sad that the honest buyer is bound to restrictions and the pirated unlocked games contain all features.

    submitted by /u/gagmanAoC
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    What if we have Imperial Cav Archers?

    Posted: 15 Jul 2021 09:44 PM PDT

    The Imperial Cavalry Archers are an upgrade from HCA. The Mongols, Turks, Tatars, or Huns may be the best candidates to get it.

    Will the Imp CA be too good for an upgrade that needs a lot of balancing?

    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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