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    Tuesday, November 23, 2021

    Age of Empires II thats most likely the reason 11

    Age of Empires II thats most likely the reason 11

    thats most likely the reason 11

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 05:57 AM PST

    You may have won the battle, but I won the littler battle . . .

    Posted: 22 Nov 2021 09:10 PM PST

    KOTD4 in Numbers

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 04:52 AM PST

    KOTD4 in Numbers

    King of the Desert IV is in full flow and it is an excellent event with epic clashes already in the Round of 32. I analyzed all games with @CaptureAge and created some stats for the event and for individual games. These reports will be updated as quickly as I can get the game recordings of upcoming games. Eventually, we should get a full picture of this awesome event.

    I published this a bit earlier than usual. While I tried to find any and all mistakes, if you have any feedback, requests, or found a bug, kindly let me know. https://dondinardoni.com/king-of-the-desert-iv-in-numbers/


    submitted by /u/DonDinardoni
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    Break a Civ in the dumbest way (but stick to identity)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 08:35 AM PST

    Mongols: TCs (including starting TC) spawn 5 deers

    Ethiopians: Archer-line is available an Age earlier (Ranges and Archers in Dark Age, Xbow in Feudal, Arbelest in Castle Age)

    Sicilians: TCs spawn 5 Serjeants every time you advance to the next age.

    submitted by /u/Umdeuter
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    Civ Concept: New Steppe Civ

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 01:44 AM PST

    Okay so I always want to do civ concepts but I simply do not have the history knowledge to do it properly. Timurids? But of course that's probably Tatars isn't it, hence the name of the UT. Anyway. I decided to do like a blank civ, maybe someone else can fill in the history. The idea is for a civ based around visibility and mobility. A kind of whack-a-mole civ who can reboom and strike all over the map, with an emphasis on forward bases and a nice archer rush which tails off through the ages. I do worry that the crossbow into CA pipeline is a bit too similar to Tatars but maybe not!

    - Foot Military Units can garrison in houses.

    I think this will be annoying and encourage fun micro but not too broken, since houses go down very quickly these days after the loss in melee armour. Good in some situations, simply not used in others. Synergises with the archers and would be annoying to play against but ask yourself: what else are this civ really good at? I think it's fine to let them have this strength.

    - Villagers don't need a lumber camp to drop off wood.

    Okay so this is Khmer farming but for wood. I think it ties in to the forward base, catch-me-if-you-can theme. Villagers can just go where they please and start chopping, and you have to find them.

    edit one: maybe this would be too strong and would need a change in gather rate or some missing Lumber Camp techs to slightly balance it.

    - Villagers +1/+2/+3 damage against cavalry.

    Something else to make the civ more resistant in general to being raided. Doesn't work against meso civs but hey, not everything works against everything and it's not such an essential civ bonus that being without it will kill you. Is there a way to maybe allow villagers to automatically defend themselves as well to include in this?

    - Villagers build Outposts and Palisades 100% faster. Outposts cost no stone.

    As you'll see below, they get no stonewall so this is more of an early game bonus with the outposts leaning into the visibility/mobility aspect. My one worry is that this could encourage laming/walling shenanigans but frankly Palisades already build fast and usually res gets walled in from within the fog of war so I think it makes it faster but not much more dangerous. And that kind of heavy laming is a very dangerous and hit and miss strat.

    edit 2: maybe the stone thing is too much!

    - Fletching, Bodkin Arrow, Bracer free.

    This is strong! It's an early Feudal power spike and means you can start doing damage with archers fast. However people will normally get Fletching pretty quickly anyway, so realistically it's a power spike which lasts about 1 minute or two. Is that long enough to be OP? For me, no. I think it's fine in Castle and Imp as well. A nice little bonus which saves money and enhances archer power spikes, a bit like Tatars with their free Thumb Ring and Parthian (shit and I coming too close to Tatars again?). I considered infantry armour for this which would be less strong but wanted to lean into an archer identity. If you hate it, imagine they're swapped.

    edit 3: This should maybe require a Blacksmith!

    UT 1: Steppe Lancers replace gold cost with wood. 500f 400g

    Trash Lancers! I've discussed this with people on other threads so it's semi-stolen. I like it! There won't be an Elite upgrade and there will also be some Blacksmith techs missing for balance. I want it to be stronger than a Hussar (and so it should be, it's more expensive) but still lack utility as a frontline unit except as a meatshield. Price is half an Imp so might not be taken in Castle very much but you still see Szlachta Privileges and Corvinian Army.

    UT 2: Enemy Building LoS reduced by 5. 400w 400f

    This is a funny one, you don't get many "nerf the enemy" techs in AoE 2 but I am inspired by the change that was made to Atheism which affected enemy relics. I think this totally fits in with the outpost/visibility theme and at worst just forces people to research Town Patrol which is often missing anyway. Price is cheap cos it's probably not that strong. Maybe could be even cheaper or have a greater impact?

    TB: Gold Piles visible at the start (1 tile).

    So I don't believe this can be used to locate enemy bases at the start because I only want one tile from each pile to be visible. Maybe once they start being mined later on it will be visible, but that's fine, you should have scouted your enemy by then anyway. Another link to the re-boom, nah-nah-you-can't-catch-me identity.

    UU: "Heavy Skirm"

    Again I'm missing a name here because I don't know the history but what we have here is a Ranged Melee infantry unit with increased speed and solid pierce armour. It is intended to be more of a raiding/anti-archer unit and not stand up to a straight fight with cavalry. It can hit-and-run infantry but won't have a huge damage output. I'm calling it a Heavy Skirm because it has some sort of shield and throws a huge javelin. That would seem to give it a niche not filled by the Gbeto (anti-infantry, high output low health) and the Throwing Axeman (anti-infantry, medium output, medium health).

    I haven't provided any stats, sorry. I just know I'd get them wrong! I think in Castle Age I want them to lose 1v1 against a longsword without micro, be roughly similar to a light cav, beat a crossbow, probably similar to a Cavalry Archer, lose to a knight.

    I wonder, should it have a minimum range? I think probably not. That would make it far too vulnerable to cav. I think it should be a food and gold unit that's relatively cheap and quick to mass (comparable to militia line).

    Tech Tree

    This bit is the hardest bit for me so it may well be wrong, totally open to corrections here on balance, which is almost impossible to test so it's all just guesses right now.

    Blacksmith: Missing Plate Barding Armour.

    Barracks: Missing Halb. FU Champs available to help against Meso.

    Range: Missing Arbalest. So the crossbows don't scale, but they get FU CA.

    Stable: Missing Paladin, Elite Steppe Lancer and Hussar. This makes the UT more valuable for lategame trash wars and encourages taking it.

    Siege Workshop: Missing SO, Heavy Scorp, BBC. They do get Siege Ram though.

    University: Missing Stone Wall, Fortified Wall, Bombard Tower*. I have a worry that BBT might be too strong in synergy with their Imp UT. But maybe that would actually be a super fun and unique strat to build them outside of LoS (is that possible? I haven't done the maths) and then have them appear when they start shooting. I do want them to have Keep though because I think the style definitely lends itself to towers. I let them keep Masonry and Architecture to make the palisades beefier.

    Dock: I don't play water maps, absolutely no idea. Do you think they need to have a stronger dock to balance everything else out? Answers on a postcard!

    Okay, thanks for reading, I'm sure there are bits of it that aren't balanced but I've tried to go for unique ideas and a unique playstyle. Balance can always be fixed, but identity is the important thing for me!

    submitted by /u/Snikhop
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    Is There Anywhere That I Can See The Amount Of People Currently Playing Empire Wars?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 06:59 AM PST

    Just curious to see how many people are playing empire wars as it seemed that everyone was excited for it to come to the ladder but now I don't see any streamers playing it. Wondering how much better it's doing than Death Match did when it was on the ladder system.

    submitted by /u/zacktalsma
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    Why are skirmishers so slow?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 01:52 AM PST

    One thing that's always bothered me, skirms are really slow for the role they play. In other games and IRL, skirmishers are faster than normal infantry, meant for hit and run attacks using thrown javelins.

    In AoE2, they have the same range and speed as arbalesters. I'd expect higher speed and lower range. For something you theoretically send first into battle to bait melee units and tank or dodge archer fire, they're pretty slow. This is also frustrating when you're trying to counter longbowmen with skirms and they die before they can even get close. On the other hand, they're oddly good at acting like archers and standing still while they snipe enemies.

    submitted by /u/yes19991
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    Persians v Britons post-imp castle showdown???

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 06:36 AM PST

    I played a game the other day as Persians against Britons. At the end of the game, it was this horribly tedious impasse where I kept trying to treb down his castles, but his trebs were warwolfing my trebs down over and over. I couldnt dive to hit his trebs with my cavaliers or hussars because he had halbs protecting them and the castles garrisoned with longbowmen+murder holes that would shred any other units I sent underneath.

    In the end I won because I was able to decimate his eco and keep mine going, but without that I probably would have been toast. How could I have dealt with these castles faster? Bombard cannon? Rams? something else entirely?

    submitted by /u/Col_Sandy_Fries_6
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    Played my first online ranked game!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 09:36 AM PST

    Was a great game mongols vs Burgundians on arena. I was able to get control of the middle with an early castle in the castle age a a few scouts. Was able to work on my economy after that and once I massed mangudai it was over but that was not before struggling to defend against knights/paladins. Gg to my opponent super friendly and was a real good first game!

    submitted by /u/ParamoreFanClub
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    Where would you guys like to see the Next Expansion take place?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2021 05:18 PM PST

    Help give the developers an idea what they should go for. Please comment on why you would like this area abd thanks.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Apprehensive-Arm-902
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    AoE2 DE where is the option to change the layout of the HUD?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2021 08:57 AM PST

    First time when opening the game, it prompts what HUD you want to use. I did choose one, and now i want to change to another, but i cant find where is the option, can someone help me?

    submitted by /u/DanielGodinho
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    I believe I never used heated shots. What's the tech least used by you?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2021 06:19 PM PST

    Are there any techs that you guys never research?

    submitted by /u/comertatuebom
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    Posted: 22 Nov 2021 05:04 PM PST

    What are peoples thoughts if Wonders gave Civs additional bonuses?

    This may give players a reason to build Wonders in normal Ranked games. Mostly team games.

    Each Civ would get a Wonder Bonus(WB) and All Wonders give an Additional 10% cap space. So each Wonder increase Total pop space by 20 population (22 for the Goths)

    My idea is to try and mix up those long late games that can drag out for too long but also add a possible power spike to weaker late game Civ's

    Wonders & WB's should represent a Civ at the peak of its Empire.

    Some Ideas

    Wonders Cost (1000wood, 1000gold, 1000stone)

    A Wonder of the World that demonstrates the superiority of your civilization. Constructing a Wonder that stands for a certain period of time is one way to win the game. Cannot be converted by enemy Monks.


    WB (Deutzritter) Paladin upgrades into Deutzritters, adds +20hp to Knight line


    WB (Shogun) Gunpowder units are created instantly.


    WB (Great Bombard) Can create Great Bombards that pack and move fast and hits harder then a trebuchet. (This would be a Wonder Unit not a bonus)


    WB (Shabdkosh) Increase pop by an additional 10% (240 Pop space)


    WB (Dynasties) Villager only count for 0.8 head space. You could have 200vils and still 60 army.


    WB (Valhalla)

    Infantry & Ships move 10% faster

    Since Valhalla was so important to Vikings they could even get an additional Civ bonus that reduces wonder cost by -25%


    WB (Obsidian Arrows) Archer do +6 damage to buildings


    WB (Condors) Eagles regenerate HP at a same rate as Berserkers

    Most of these are designed to be OP but each Tech could have an research cost added and the likelihood of these actually effecting games is very slim.

    1v1's rarely go past the 1 hour mark and that realistically the time you might see a Wonder is after 1 hour.

    I don't believe Fast imping wonder dropping with really become a thing.

    Would this idea be something you like see added to AoE2?

    submitted by /u/Aggravating-Skill-26
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    Army Composition and How to Play Japanese?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2021 05:13 PM PST

    What army compositions do you like for each age?

    Disclaimer: I am 950 ELO.

    General Strategies:

    Man At Arms into Archers then Xbows, arbs with a slow push via Kataparuto trebs seems to me the the 1A strategy. Japanese eco bonus is quite useful early but they get real generic in Castle Age.

    2 Stable Knights is on the table. With bloodlines Japanese can easily play 2 stable knights in castle age. This doesn't scale well into imperial because Japanese miss the final armor upgrade but you can end a game in Castle with enough knights and some siege.

    Knight, monk, siege push is perfectly viable with Japan but its very generic. A well executed generic option is a nice option. Japanese get redemption monks and all the black smith upgrades. What is a good opening before executing this strategy? Hoang drush's fast castles but it feels like one should Man-At-Arms fast-ish Castle. Is that a thing?

    Pike and Siege Push. This is the only generic strategy that really takes advantage of Japanese bonuses. Japanese Pikes are the best (debatable) but the siege is very lack luster. However in 1v1 Arabia Onager and Cap Ram feel like enough to me.

    Cav Archers. I feel this is what Japanese primary strategy should be. They have FU Cav archers but are poorly supported by weak Light Cav. To me Cav archer death ball is strongest of the generic units. You can run from fights you don't want and CA are stronger than Archers. (right?) CA are relatively cheap if you don't throw them away. Admittedly they are kind of easy to throw away and take bonus damage from skirm and pike. However Samurai are excellent trash killers and can almost keep up with CA. CA + Samurai sounds doable but I haven't actually pulled it off. Any thoughts and experiences on playing Japanese CA are very welcomed. What would one open with before going for this? Scouts? Would it be better to play an extended feudal?


    I find the cheap eco building bonus hard to use unless I am playing Nomad or African Clearing. Sometimes I mill before building my lumber camp but I am not sure how many to send to berries before going to wood.

    Tati Rush? Why not? Turn would into archers or archery ranges and choose violence before someone with a better eco or castle age army can hurt you.

    Yasama Towers. According to Spirit of The Law the Towers have better damage to stone output than Castles. Why not get map control and defend yourself with a few towers rather than castles? I'm not talking about tower rushing which is viable with Japanese but the unique tech comes too late for it matter in that situation. I am talking about controlling hills and your eco with Yasama towers. In fact Towers plus Champion pushes has been one of my more successful end game moves.

    Extended Feudal? Should a Japanese player try to extend feudal? Why? Why not?


    Top Tier Archer civs are a struggle for Japanese. Is there anything other than FU Elite Skirm a Japanese player should consider?

    What are other bad match ups? How do you handle them?

    Tips and Tricks

    Mill before Lumber camp. is really the only different play I use do you have anything else?

    submitted by /u/1mdelightful
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    Adjustable zoom level in DE?

    Posted: 22 Nov 2021 09:01 PM PST

    Hey Im a longtime Aom player looking to give aoe2 a try because I want to play something with a competetive ladder, But I tried aoe 2 hd and found it sooo far zoomed in that It felt so uncomfortable I couldnt play it, I read that you cant change it because its tied to your screen res(apparently with a graphics card you can fake a res increase but I have integrated graphics)

    I was wondering if DE has a widely adjustable zoom, I want to play zoomed out like how vipers videos are.. Is DE zoom level tied to your res as well? Does anyone play on a normal laptop 1366x744 or whatever and can take a screen shot for me of how far out you can zoom? Thanks for any help!

    submitted by /u/Alitinconcho
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