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    Age of Empires II Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 14 Week 10: Goths vs Incas

    Age of Empires II Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 14 Week 10: Goths vs Incas

    Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 14 Week 10: Goths vs Incas

    Posted: 19 Apr 2022 08:55 PM PDT

    The most infantry units vs the most types of infantry units!

    Hello and welcome back for another Age of Empires 2 civilization match up discussion! This is a series where we discuss the various advantages, disadvantages, and quirks found within the numerous match ups of the game. The goal is to collectively gain a deeper understanding of how two civilizations interact with each other in a variety of different settings. Feel free to ask questions, pose strategies, or provide insight on how the two civilizations in question interact with each other on any map type and game mode. This is not limited to 1v1 either. Feel free to discuss how the civilizations compare in team games as well! So long as you are talking about how the two civilizations interact, anything is fair game! Last week we discussed the Japanese vs Portuguese, and next up is the Goths vs Incas!

    Goths: Infantry civilization

    • Infantry cost -20/25/30/35% per Age
    • Infantry gain +1/2/3 damage vs buildings in Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age
    • Villagers gain +5 attack vs wild boar; hunters carry +15 meat
    • Loom technology researches almost instantly
    • Gain +10 maximum population in the Imperial Age
    • TEAM BONUS: Barracks work +20% faster
    • Unique Unit: Huskarl (Powerful anti-archer infantry)
    • Castle Age Unique Tech: Anarchy (Huskarls can be trained at the Barracks)
    • Imperial Age Unique Tech: Perfusion (Barracks work +100% faster)

    Incas: Infantryand Defensive civilization

    • Start with a free llama
    • Villagers affected by Blacksmith upgrades starting in the Castle Age
    • Houses support 10 population
    • Buildings cost -15% stone
    • TEAM BONUS: Farms built +100% faster
    • Unique Unit: Kamayuk (Powerful spearman with 1 range)
    • Unique Unit: Slinger (Anti-infantry foot archer)
    • Castle Age Unique Tech: Andean Sling (Slingers and Skirmishers no longer have minimum range)
    • Imperial Age Unique Tech: Fabric Shields (Kamayuks, Slingers, and Eagles gain +1/+2 armor)

    Below are some match up-specific talking points to get you all started. These are just to give people ideas, you do not need to address them specifically if you do not want to!

    • Alrighty, this should be interesting! For 1v1 Arabia, Incas are likely considered to be the more flexible of the two civs. They both have a strong Dark Age and a good anti-archer infantry unit, but Incas have a bit of a better economy, better archers, and better anti-infantry options. That said, Goths do have access to cavalry and much better late game unit spam. Is there a chance Goths can overrun the Incas before the latter's army becomes simply too cost efficient?
    • On closed maps, neither of these civs are exactly powerhouses. There are, of course, situations where Goths can work as a niche pick against certain archer or cavalry civs, but in general, their weak economy and one-dimensional army can too often get countered. Speaking of which, Incas thrive on making counter units, but their eco isn't exactly amazing either, and all of the units die horribly to strong Siege Onagers. How do you think this match up plays out on your Arenas, BFs, and Hideouts?
    • In team games, Incas are much more straightforward than Goths. They are a decent flank civ, with a strong early game and access to fully upgraded Arbalests. Their Kamayuks and cheap towers can even work as solid late game options. Meanwhile, Goths I suppose prefer pocket where they can boom and get to late game, but their early game laming potential is certainly worth considering for the flank. How do you see the dynamics of these civs working out in team games?

    Thank you as always for participating! Next week we will continue our discussions with the Aztecs vs Ethiopians. Hope to see you there! :)

    Previous discussions: Part `1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

    submitted by /u/OrnLu528
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    After a two hour game, made me proud. Shoutout to all cooperative teammates out there, who don’t leave when it seems like a loss. Most team games can be won with consistent and aggressive counter pressure.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2022 12:09 AM PDT

    I always prefer camels than horses. Can't wait for Camel Scout on April 28.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2022 01:45 AM PDT

    New Spirit of the Law navy video when?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2022 01:59 AM PDT

    this video ain't too "new" anymore and i would really wish SotL would do a new video concerning navy and how effective the different water units are against each other...

    submitted by /u/joendter
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    Best aoe2 campaign tournament round 7: Lords of the West

    Posted: 20 Apr 2022 12:17 AM PDT

    With the extremely close victory of Tamerlane we move on to the penultimate expansion for the group stage. Lords of the West brought us two new civs that proved to make it the most controversial expansion in the game, as well as bringing us a Britons campaign at long last. After the next poll we will have the victors face off against one another in a pair of semi final rounds before having the top two face off.

    Previous victors: Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, Dracula, Francisco De Almeida, Le Loi, Tamerlane

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/DoomOtter
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    Should the Hindustanis and the Gurjaras get FU Cavalry Archers?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2022 11:51 PM PDT

    Note: I had previously posted a similar post that had not been well received in this forum, and so I'm posting a more measured opinion after some consideration to the comments that I had received.

    Considering the amazing accuracy with which the Developers have represented the Dravidians (South India) and the Bengalis (Eastern India), I think the two North Indian civilizations, the Hindustanis (Delhi Sultanate and the Mughals) and the Gurjaras (The Pratiharas and the Rajput States) should be given similar attention. Of course balance should be the first priority, so I'm simply running some ideas through the community to see if these would be viable or not.

    1. The Gurjaras should get Cavalry Archers instead of the Elephant archers considering that their native land, Gurjaradesa (modern day states of Rajasthan and Gujarat), is mostly an arid and semi arid, and is famed for its horses and camels. The Gurjaras are also partially descended from the Saka and the Huna nomads that invaded India in the late antiquity and early Medieval periods, in fact we even have an inscription commemorating the marriage between a Guhila Chief (Rajput Royal House) and a Huna Princess from around the 10th century. As such the Gurjaras had an established culture of horse archery and mounted warfare, supported by their ecology which enabled them to maintain plentiful horses and compound bows, both of which could not be maintained in the humid Southern and Eastern areas of the Indian Subcontinent. From the 9th CE Arab traveller Suleiman visiting during the Pratihara period, to the Rajput bardic records and Mughal court chroniclers, all attest to the excellent and plentiful horses of this area, in fact two of the most famous warhorse breeds of India, the Marwari and the Kathiawari, both come from these regions, the latter breed was a favorite of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. 9th century Arab traveler Suleiman noted the Pratiharas to have the finest Cavalry in India, calling them the most formidable foe of the Caliphate, and estimated their Cavalry to be around 900000 (probably a gross exaggeration, but still it would've at least exceeded 100000 easily), later Babur in his Baburnama recorded that the ruler of Mewar, Rana Sanga (in 1527 CE), could muster some 100000 well mounted horsemen from Rajputana alone. Corroborating estimates were made some 200 years later by the European observers in the 18th century, which stated that Mewar (in South eastern Rajasthan) alone could raise over 20000 horsemen, and Jodhpur (Central Rajasthan) could raise some 25000-30000 horsemen. Considering all of this, I would suggest that the Gurjaras should get FU Cavalry archers.
    2. The Hindustanis represent the Turkic Military regimes of Delhi, and the later Mughal State. The core of the Hindustani armies were always the Turkic Horse Archers, as they relied on a steady stream of slave supply and immigration from Central Asia to maintain their power. The later Mughal State also extensively used horse archer. So the Hindustanis should also get FU Cavalry archers.
    3. The Gurjaras should not get Hand Cannoneers as even the later Rajput States were famously traditionalists in terms of warfare, especially disdaining firearms as less 'chivalric' weapons. It is one of the reasons why the Rajputs were defeated by the Mughals, and even in the late 17th century, when the Rajputs rebelled against the Mughals, they were only relying on Cavalry raids and ambushes due to lacking their own artillery and musketry to face the Mughal artillery and musketeers in pitched battle.
    4. If the Gurjaras are given FU Cavalry archers, then, for balance reasons, they can miss out on the Cavalry plate barding technology, so that their Heavy Camels (already having bonus damage and upgradeable Melee armor through their UT) can be countered by the Hindustanis, who should be the penultimate Camel civilization with their Imperial Camels.

    All comments are welcome, and remember that these suggestions are from a historical accuracy point of view, the objective being to give both the North Indian factions the same amount of representation that the Bengalis and the Dravidians have gotten.

    submitted by /u/somhistory
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    Hindustanis Civ Preview mod

    Posted: 19 Apr 2022 04:24 PM PDT

    My new Hindustanis Civ Preview mod adjusts the current Indian civ and Elephant Archers according to the new DLC. Also download the appropriate UI mod here. The mods are available in the mod workshop with the same name. Skipped Caravanserai and ignored Siege Elephants for this mod. Persians, Khmer, Burmese, Vietnamese given Elephant Archers along with their respective Elephant bonuses. Malay also have Elephant Archers but their discount bonus does not apply. Implemented Ghulam to the best of the description. Known bug (minor) - Elite Elephant Archer shows portrait of Gidnajan, instead of the Elephant Archer.

    Ghulam (Elite) stats:

    HP - 70 (85)

    Armor - 0/3 (0/5) - Indians lack Plate Mail

    Speed - 1.1

    Attack - 7 m, 7 vs archers, 2 vs eagles, 1 vs buildings (8 m, 8 vs archers, 3 vs eagles, 1 vs buildings)

    LoS - 5

    Range - 1

    Cost - 45F 25G

    Training time - 12 seconds

    The UI mod doesnt modify other civs' texts because of my inability to debug it. The word Indians is still present there. You might want to try the Prithviraj campaign one more time though, before it becomes historically accurate with Gurjars.

    submitted by /u/Holy-Roman-Emperor
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    Finally tried ranked. What made you guys finally start?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2022 08:37 PM PDT

    After 20 years of playing this game since I was a kid. I finally tried rank. First match was arena, I had Magyars vs Bohemians. And I actually managed to win quite handily. Second match I was feeling good on Arabia, again with Magyars.

    Like a noob I was playing without small trees and didn't notice the one tile hole in my walls that the frank player scout rushed me. So all in all quite humbling.

    First impressions of ranked was exciting but nerve wracking. I'm curious to what made everyone decide to do ranked and what their first impressions were

    submitted by /u/bambam204
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    For those who may not know: How to catch a smurf

    Posted: 19 Apr 2022 02:04 PM PDT

    (Note: For the purposes of this post, a smurf is someone who intentionally loses games to drop elo. A smurf who is simply playing suboptimally on purpose is very difficult to identify unless you watch all of their games.)

    (Another note: If you catch a smurf, DO NOT HARASS THEM. Even if you are 100% sure they are a smurf, simply report them and keep them in mind if you face them again.)


    One of the most timeless aoe2 questions ever asked: Was the person I lost to a smurf, or am I just bad? Well I'm here to show you how to find out if the person you went up against is, in fact, a smurf, or if you are, in fact, just bad. I'll be using a specific profiles I've identified as likely smurfs (without naming them of course) to show you examples of what to look for. But do keep in mind that especially once you're out of LEL territory, smurfs are pretty rare.

    Let's go smurf hunting!

    Using AOE2.NET:

    One of the easiest ways to check for a smurf is to look at their AoE2.net profile. This site provides a lot of quick and easy to access information to use for smurf detection - in fact, it is not uncommon to have it open in a tab while playing or spectating (T90 for example goes to this site often to check for smurfs during LEL streams).

    With AoE2.net, here are some red flags to look for when identifying a smurf:

    • Large win-loss streaks, often alternating as the smurf wins a bunch of games and then loses a bunch to drop rating. Example
    • A peak rating well above current rating. It is unusual for a player to be more than 400 points below their peak rating. This one is the most useful if you are looking at a player above 700 elo or so. Below that it is not as reliable.
    • Multiple losses in quick succession. Hover over the dots in the graph to see the time of game - you are checking for game times that are very close to each other, indicating very fast games that are intentional losses. In this example, hovering over that long string of blue losses (note the 58 game losing streak) would reveal a string of games with some being no more than 10 minutes apart - including matchmaking time, it is nearly impossible to unintentionally lose so quickly. If a player has many of these quick losses in a row - say, more than 3, they are almost certainly losing on purpose.
    • For unranked lobbies: A very high unranked rating and win rate. This is not a great tell, as there are all kinds of shenanigans in unranked play. But in unranked lobbies, it is very easy to run into a smurf who hasn't played any ranked games, making it hard to tell if they are a smurf without visiting aoe2, but has played a ton of unranked games. Unranked rating and win rate are both visible on AoE2.net, so you can catch these guys if they're not being sneaky enough it. These guys are most commonly found in "Noob Only" lobbies.

    While any one of these factors by themselves do not indicate a smurf, an account with more than one of these traits is most likely a smurf. An account with all of these traits is definitely a smurf. But if you're still unsure if your opponent was a smurf or not, there's a few more things we can do to check. So, let's look at my favorite smurf catching tool:

    Additional info with AOE II Companion:

    Aoe II Companion is a great app for smurf catching. It offers a wide variety of statistics, such as win rates with or against certain civs, win rates on different maps, win rates in different game lengths, and win-loss percentages against specific opponents. Some of these are helpful - a player with a very low or even 0% win rate on some maps with a large enough sample size might indicate they are intentionally losing on those maps because they don't want to play them. For team RM games, you can look at number of games played with specific allies as well as win rate. For the purposes of this post however, the most useful tool for us will be the statistics on game duration.

    Let's have a look at this profile again to demonstrate. Now they already have two red flags - long win-loss streaks, and multiple losses in quick succession, so we're already pretty positive they're smurfing. But to be sure, here are their match duration stats.

    Yikes. Look at that win rate disparity. Using this, we can be 100% positive this person is a smurf. In my experience this is the best way to catch this specific type of smurf - the one who resigns immediately to drop elo. You can look at some of their losses in their match history to confirm this: nearly all of their losses look like these, with durations of 0 or 1 minute.

    Of course, this guy is a very egregious example. Some examples may be smaller - maybe someone only has 20 out of 100 games under 5 minutes, with a 10% win rate in those games. This is still a smurf. No one should have more than like 5% of their games under 5 minutes with a negative win rate.

    Quick side note: Some players try to be sneaky because they know about some of these methods. Some players will frequently change their name - the player in the above example is changing their name nearly every day - in order to make it harder to find them on AoE2.net after playing them. This in itself can be a bit of a red flag, but it can be worked around using AoE II Companion by using the follow feature to follow the user, or by finding a specific match against them in your match history. They may also know to avoid long win/loss streaks or to lose in ways other than resigning early - going afk on arena for example gives a more believable game time. For these players, you will just have to look for irregularities in their statistics. Use their map and civ data, look through their match data and see if their losses follow a pattern of being suspiciously short - you can even try to find replays if you can, though this is way more difficult than it should be imo.

    What do you do if you catch a smurf?

    The simplest thing you can do is to report them. While I don't actually know if the report feature ever leads to smurf-related bans, it can at least get Microsoft's attention. Once you're aware of this player being a smurf, you can play accordingly when you face them again. You can use the opportunity to practice a build or strategy against a better player, or if they are going for meme strats or other things like douches or tower rushes, practice defending against them. Watch the replay to learn how a stronger player plays and try to improve. Though, occasionally if I don't feel like playing them, and I know they like to resign immediately, I will "counter-smurf" - quickdraw a resign before they do, robbing them of the satisfaction of beating up on a weaker player while also raising their elo. Then I will wait a while before re-queueing so I don't match up with them again. Petty? Of course.

    Hopefully Microsoft is able to implement a better system for catching these guys. The few players I've reported for being smurf accounts are still kicking, so I don't think the reports do much. It's also difficult to report a player after the fact because you can only do it from the results screen - while I understand why this was done, it can let a lot of smurfs go unpunished.


    And that's that! Hopefully now you will have a few more tools in your arsenal to catch smurfs, and you can finally know for sure if that person who stomped you is actually a smurf, or if you're just bad. Or maybe both.

    submitted by /u/mysterioso7
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    DLC: shakeup to team metagame?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2022 02:38 AM PDT

    The DLC looks very interesting and the elephant units, new civs and changes to Indians look quite interesting.

    Looking at it though it seems the metagame for teamgames is not really about to change. On most (open) maps pocket scouts => knights + flank archers seems to remain the best by far.

    Teamgames will always be about gold units and infantry seems hard to make a thing but I would like to see some changes to change it up so that cav archers, elephant units, camels and maybe even lancers and UUs would see more play.

    For example, how about giving camels +1 pierce armour like Indians/Hindustanis had before? Strong camel civs like Saracens, Gujaras, Berbers and Hindustanis would have a serious camel option then. In return camels could have their base damage lowered a bit but bonus damage increased, ie they would fare better vs knights backed up by archers but about the same as raiders or straight up vs archers/skirms.

    Additionally some changes to cav archers would be nice to see to make them more of an option. For example make them better without thumb ring but make them weaker lategame by making parthian tactics weaker. Differentiate them more from regular archers by giving them slightly higher damage but slower attack so they counter knights better but do a little worse vs archers.

    Many options are possible to give other units than archers and knights a possibility to shine in teamgames.

    Do you think teamgames will already be shaken up by the new civs and elephant units? Or do you have a suggestion that could help?

    submitted by /u/werfmark
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    How are there so many posts about losing virtually every game that you play?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2022 04:17 PM PDT

    Posts like this are consistently some of the most upvoted posts on this subreddit. This has always been weird to me. Even if you're bad at the game, you should still be matched up with people with a similar skill level to you. At least over time, your win rate should get closer and closer to 50%. How are people posting about losing almost ever game they play when there's a skill-based matchmaking system?

    submitted by /u/xxgamerxx_69
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    What will the balance patch bring with this DLC?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2022 06:09 PM PDT

    The three new cics are cool, as is Hindustan, but now that we have Camel Scouts (will they be considered Unique for the purposes of Samurai?) and Generic Elephant Archers, how will the current roster of Viva change? Will the Rise of the Raja nations have access to elephant archers? Will camel Scouts make it to other Camel nations (doubtful, but hopeful). Will Teutons get something to combat these armor piercings changes?

    submitted by /u/psychcaptain
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    Question about walling

    Posted: 20 Apr 2022 01:20 AM PDT

    So I was watching T90's stream yesterday. He was casting some mid-elo games and was discussing strategy.

    One of the players tried to full wall his base and was punished for it, which to be honest has happened to me if the other guy's faster. Tristan was making the case that in the early game it may be better to just wall your resources or make some tighter walls around the TC and try to full wall a little later when you feel you have some map control or know what the opponent is doing.

    I asked what do you do when the opponent sends Archers to your small-walls and he said in that case you will need a Range, which of course makes sense.

    I tend to open with Scouts, so my question is when should you look to add said Range. If and when the Archers arrive? Isn't it a little late by then due to the huge idle time? I know it depends when it comes to these things, but some advice on the timing and what to look for would be appreciated :)

    PS: My elo is about 1000 if it helps.

    submitted by /u/ar1sm
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    Jordan's Medieval Brawl Season 1 #2: Pick Your Fighter!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2022 01:03 AM PDT

    Tomorrow (at 15:00 GMT!) Round 2 of the first Season of Jordan's Medieval Brawl is starting. This tournament is attempting to revive the AOE2 ranked ladder and I'm super hyped for it! This weeks top 8 active ladder players are facing off, but who do you think will take home the prize?

    edit: to show the right date for the match

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    submitted by /u/Either_Software8976
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