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    Sunday, June 12, 2022

    Age of Empires 3 "Tha mi a'tuigsinn"

    Age of Empires 3 "Tha mi a'tuigsinn"

    "Tha mi a'tuigsinn"

    Posted: 12 Jun 2022 06:09 PM PDT

    If you never experimented that Japan player, you're very lucky

    Posted: 12 Jun 2022 06:02 AM PDT

    "Victorian Age" is too expensive

    Posted: 12 Jun 2022 12:38 PM PDT

    It's a tech you can research using House Braunschweig. Now, directly into Imperial Age with an additional factory for free sound great in theory. However, it's extremely expensive and the cost can only be brought down by experience points from buildings and creating units only. To get the most obvious ideas out of the way:

    Jumping over Industrial? Basically impossible, Fortress Age eco will not let this happen.

    Revolution to South Africa/Canada and then sneakily still progress into Imperial? Disabled after revolution, doesn't work (even though it would really make sense for these two civs specifically).

    Treaty? You won't burn through enough units to get the price down to something remotely acceptable before someone's already winning.

    So, what about just using it as a replacement for regular Imperial Age in Industrial Age after a completely normal play? Even after you've built a ton and created quite some units, it will still hover around 8k food and coin. 4k additional ressources would take the factory 10 minutes play time to break even.

    In other words, even in very dug in games it's at best a flex to humiliate your enemy, not a useful tech. My suggestion: Make it drop in price significantly faster, with a minimum price of 5K each.

    submitted by /u/Alias_X_
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    Bruce Shelley helped create Railway Tycoon and Civilization (with Sid Meier of course) for MicroProse and later went on to work on the iconic Age of Empires series. Enjoy this podcast interview with a true retro gaming legend.

    Posted: 12 Jun 2022 07:24 AM PDT

    few questions from a possible new player (i have legacy aoe3)

    Posted: 12 Jun 2022 08:09 AM PDT

    i have aoe1,2,3 and played 1&2 with cheats at elementary school and many years later i got legacy aoe3 from a friend and played it in a more conventional way (no dlc).

    i noticed that aoe4 exists but seems that it force you to be online even in single player mode so i'm not spending money on that anti-feature/drm + it costs too much, seems that they spent 90% of the budget in making high quality videos instead of making actual gameplay, editor, team colour, editable hotkeys and stuff...

    i was thinking about getting aoe3-de maybe with mediterranean dlc since i'm from italy :)

    i usually played dutch with lot of banks and i used to max out everything before a huge invasion.

    never played the multiplayer part except few lan games with friends.

    should i get aoe3-de? (or 4?) is multiplayer good/balanced? in single could win with difficulty medium/high but not highest, highest only in sea maps like caraibi because enemy kinda ignore you so you can scale.

    i read that in aoe4 you have 4 resources instead of 3, no more stacking unit production (in aoe3 you can make in group of 5), they restored the old mechanic of villagers walking from resources to storage and back, i liked aoe3 for all those things and aoe4 seems a step backward, in aoe3 it felt you could focus on the strategy instead of micromanaging every villager/single soldier thanks to the above things.

    i don't plan to buy every single dlc, (only one maybe), will i find games with missing dlc or everyone play new dlc stuff and i will not be able to play?

    anything i should be aware of? (especially playing offline, in legacy aoe3 i could, if they force online all the time i'd raher find a different game) is lan game still possible?

    does the card system still work in the same way? so that an old player have an advantage because he has more and better cards?

    submitted by /u/aluxmain
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    Malta just don’t cut the mustard :/

    Posted: 12 Jun 2022 05:01 AM PDT

    With a maximum of six expensive builds to produce expensive cav and no second factory… Moreover, late game full upgrade pikes without real cav support are mincemeat against three lines of wall. If you're playing late game, tap out early and save your time.

    submitted by /u/No_Breakfast1078
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    Should Lancers retreat against heavy infantry?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2022 07:43 AM PDT

    Exactly what it says on the tin. Are they strong enough to defeat them with their 4x multiplier or should you back and use Skirmishers instead?

    submitted by /u/MagicLucas
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    bittersweet DE

    Posted: 12 Jun 2022 05:19 PM PDT

    God I love AOE3 so much and everything the devs have been doing on the DE; the new civs, art, voice acting, mechanics, regions, and music are all just incredible and the game really is my favourite RTS ever now.


    I have stopped recommending the game to other people because imo at this point unless you've already been on the AOE3 train since like the OG you've got very little chance of getting into the DE with all DLCs now. It's just become too complex and convoluted to attract new people who aren't already on board. I've tried recommending the game to people who love RTS games (i.e. AOE2) and I've found these to be the main issues:

    1. Cards: what first turned people off AOE3 when it came out, cards add a massive layer of depth to games where even the same civ matchups on the same maps can go wildly differently depending on card choice. I love the cards, but they've always been a repellent against some types of players and they've only been getting more obtuse and complex with complicated team card decks and the KOTM renaming of certain cards from plain descriptions to obscure "house names".
    2. Unit types and bonuses: This is the biggest issue imo. Originally AOE3 tried to do the old standard rock paper scissors thing with Heavy Infantry beats Cavalry, Cavalry beats Light Infantry, and Light Infantry beats Heavy Infantry. Already this wasn't completely pure because you had artillery and ranged cavalry thrown in there too, and often times it was hard to work out what was heavy infantry and what was light infantry. Feedback I saw from AOE2 players was that skirmishers and musketeers were both just dudes with guns, so why do they perform so differently? But if that was bad, now things are nightmarishly complicated. You have all sorts of strange units with unusual unit tags and weird bonuses. Infantry that counter ships, infantry that change bonuses depending on stance, cavalry that can turn into infantry, heavy infantry that counters light infantry, units that level up by fighting, units that change their powers through cards, anti-building cavalry, ranged melee units(?!) etc. etc. There isn't really any way to learn what these units are and do without just playing and learning from your mistakes, which isn't super appealing to new players. To make matters worse, many many different units look similar, or look identical when upgraded, and have uninformative names. I've been playing for hundreds of hours ever since the DE came out and I still stuggle to remember which units are tagged "shock infantry". You would require at a minimum dozens of hours of play to even begin to recognise the main unit types, and I guarantee you would have many wtf moments on the way, e.g. when your cannons fail to blast away the charging Aztec infantry.
    3. Gimmicks: there's a lot of civ and map gimmicks as well that are fine by themselves, but considering how they just keep getting added I can see it is a daunting barrier to noobs. There are so many civs with extremely unique playstyles (each with unique decks) and revolutions on top of that that it can be paralyzing to newcomers. On top of that if you choose "random map" for a skirmish you'll have to be prepared to deal with trade routes and dozens of unique native types with incredibly varied and sometimes absurdly powerful upgrades and units. Then there's maps with rare resources that are vital to certain strategies on those paticular maps, like livestock or coal mines, or incredibly powerful treasures.

    I just can't in good faith recommend AOE3 DE to new players any more. I absolutely love all this stuff, it gives me endless ways to play the game and explore but to anyone without hundreds of hours already in it, good luck.

    Really the only chance a new player would have is to play skirmish over and over and over and then go read some guides and things, which is a lot of investment if all they wanted was to play with their friends on multiplayer eventually.

    submitted by /u/Squid_Empire
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    Is the 2 French players event challenge bugged?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2022 11:39 AM PDT

    "Win A single skirmish or multiplayer match with 2 french players in the match"

    My friend and I played french together and won on 3 separate occasions, on 3 separate days, and it didn't count. The event challenge just shows as red and crossed out.

    Has anyone managed to complete it?

    submitted by /u/skilliard7
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    villager training upgrades for Ottomans

    Posted: 12 Jun 2022 02:34 AM PDT

    I play a lot of Otto. Most of the time I don't build an extra town centre. So how important and significant are the villager training upgrades to the economy with only one TC? Is it worth the wood?

    Mostly with Otto I'm doing an aggressive FF. Obviously with a booming strat I would build extra TCs and get the training upgrades.

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    How to Maximize your Explorer and Gunpowder Depots in combat

    Posted: 12 Jun 2022 07:17 AM PDT

    insta spawn cannon now?

    Posted: 12 Jun 2022 08:27 AM PDT

    so i just played a 30m treaty where a jap player spawned like 10 cannon instantly from his explorer?
    is this a hack or is this literally a thing?

    basically ruined the game, was massively ahead of the other team in score and would have been a won game if not for this insta cannon stupidity.

    submitted by /u/panamaqj
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