• Breaking News

    Friday, September 13, 2019

    Age of Empires II Found my old PC from when I was a kid. There's my weekend sorted.

    Age of Empires II Found my old PC from when I was a kid. There's my weekend sorted.

    Found my old PC from when I was a kid. There's my weekend sorted.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 01:22 AM PDT

    Me: Builds border control zone. Ally: It's free real estate!

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 02:11 AM PDT

    The Future of Escape

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 08:53 AM PDT

    Hey everyone. This is a difficult post to make, because much to our disappointment we'll be closing the Escape studio at the end of September.

    We knew it was a risky venture, but for all of us it's been an amazing opportunity and we're really proud of what we were able to achieve in just 9 months.

    Unfortunately, as was likely from the start, it's simply not sustainable for us to maintain the studio space. We've looked for many options to keep going but ultimately the money will run out and we won't be able to afford to continue.

    We really hope that the ECL LAN allowed us to redeem ourselves. It's been my dream since 2011 to host a LAN finals like that and to finally see that come true was overwhelmingly emotional. To everyone who competed and everyone who came to watch, thank you for your kind words and thank you for making the event awesome.

    The same can be said for AoE3, it was an honour to host the largest LAN event in the history of the game, with record breaking viewership and another amazing Age community behind it.

    Escape is likely going to wind down too, after the studio shuts down we will do what we can to continue with the channel from home. However, I anticipate this will be a short-term thing as we seek employment elsewhere. Understandably what we tried to achieve was seen through a critical lens, the goal of being a trusted organiser who would be able to bring sponsors to the game and push the competitive side of the game forward was a challenge. In some respects we succeeded and in others we failed.

    Thank you to everyone who has supported us and the project no matter how large or small . It means the world to know that the work has been appreciated and we can't thank you enough.

    In the end, we tried to make too big of a jump too quickly, trying to chase a vision of what AoE2 could become but in reality is a long way from being. I'm glad we were able to secure funding and bring over $100k in prizes to the players, but sadly this is the end for us.

    I'd like to wish everyone all the best from the whole team here at Escape.

    submitted by /u/ZeroEmpires
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    Be honest: what are your weaknesses?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 09:08 PM PDT

    Fine, I'll start.

    1. I tend to prioritize keeping my allies alive over pushing into enemy positions, even when the path is clear.

    2. Build too many town centers when I should probably be saving stone for something else.

    3. Overfortifying forward positions, just to move forward and leave them mostly unused anyway.

    4. My biggest one: dwelling on the kill:death ratio. Even if I win, if I lost 700 units and my enemy lost 600, it feels like a Pyrrhic victory. I won, but... what do I say to the widows? The orphans?

    submitted by /u/TychoBrandt
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    Filling the lack of common but important figures in the middle ages on AoEII

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 06:10 AM PDT

    • Jester: due mostly of the people on the middle ages were analphabet, the jesters helped to tells the stories, chronicles and the news from one town to another. It could be a support unit somehow.
    • Plague doctor: for Europe and Asia, the plague doctor was a important figure in the middle ages to prevent more casualties (2/3 of the population was wipped out due the black death). I don't think it this unit belogs to the Town Center. Maybe a "potion store" or something like that. For example, infecting the food of the enemie.
    • Joust knight: a cavalry unit that only charge one time by command could be nice too. Joust were a common sport in the middle ages.
    • Melee weapons soldier: nothing what can i say. Morning stars, warhammers and any heavy melee weapon soldier line.
    • Sellsword: a mercenary unit dessed like a enemy villager but controlable by the player who spawn him. An "spy" unit. Bring back the Inn building to spawn this unit.
    submitted by /u/Mak_27
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    King's precious

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    Feels India man: As an Indian I really felt it.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 04:56 PM PDT

    Can you play AOE:DE on Voobly?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 10:50 PM PDT

    Sorry, I'm new

    submitted by /u/Eljo4
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    How can I play with widescreen on GameRanger?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 08:12 PM PDT

    Hi, I installed userpatch 1.5 and the 1.0c enhanced edition works, but I can't launch it from GR because it's a shortcut, not an exe, so when I launch the game, it's still 1.5.

    How can I play in 1080p in GR? u_u

    submitted by /u/Sebasuraa
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    Does this game type sound familiar?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    8 players, free for all game.

    You wait ~20 minutes in a lobby to cobble together some complete strangers who've unbeknownst to you, will make you mad like the hatter for the next 1.5 hours.

    At least one player resigns 2 minutes into the game. Another around 20 minutes. No one knows why because nobody attacked them.

    There's the one player who is the try-hard. They are a secretly high-level player that likes to play with the newer ones. They will not only easily win the game but will spam that sweet, sweet 11 for extra salt while calling his victim's noobs. He will also make a fuss if he notices the other players are teaming up against him. The way he types in chat makes it seems like this player strokes his dick on a regular basis.

    Two players are playing city-builder. Surrounding walls, nicely placed houses and towers, and a random army composition with a knight they pretend is their "leader". They do not chat and they have no clue what the hell is happening outside of their kingdom. They get flattened first.

    We cannot forget the player who almost gets destroyed and makes alliances with the City-builders that allow him to leech off other players for protection and resources. These guys will stay in the game til the end and will hide their villagers in boats around the map.

    Then there is the one player who is almost as good as the try-hard but is using everything resource possible to fight back. This guy is mature enough to not engage in smack talk after he's defeated and simply ends the game with a 'gg'. I personally wish I could be more like this player. Hell, I wish there were more players like this.


    What do you think? Are these common stereotypes in your matches too?

    submitted by /u/Happycappypappy
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    Masonry and Architecture increase TC HP by 60% vs Obsidian Arrows Arbalests

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 09:48 AM PDT

    Most buildings have 7/8/9/10 pierce armour in Dark/Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age.

    TCs have 5/6/7/8 pierce armour in Dark/Feudal/Castle/Imperial Age.

    Obsidian Arrows Arbalests (with Bracer and Chemistry) deal 10 pierce damage and 6 standard building damage (and 6 damage to stone defences).

    This means that Obsidian Arrows Arbalests do (10 - 8) + 6 = 8 damage to un-upgraded TCs. It would thus take 300 shots to deal 2400 damage.

    Masonry and Architecture add a combined 2/2 armour and 21% HP (and 6 building armour (this doesn't protect against standard building damage)).

    This means that Obsidian Arrows Arbalests do (10 - 10) + 6 = 6 damage to upgraded TCs. It would thus take 484 shots to deal 2904 damage.

    484/300 = 1.6133 i.e. TCs gain 61% HP by upgrading Masonry and Architecture vs Obsidian Arrows Arbalests

    This isn't the case for most buildings (since they have more pierce armour than the pierce damage of crossbows/arbs). Most buildings gain a simple 21% HP.

    Towers are another case of buildings with below average pierce armour (watch tower/guard tower/keep/bombard tower have 7/8/9/9 pierce armour), thus they gain from masonry/architecture. However, they also take an additional 6 damage based on the fact that they are stone defences.

    submitted by /u/slothismysin
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    Can someone tell me if this laptop will be powerful enough to play AOE2:DE?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 04:15 PM PDT

    Hi guys,

    I'm trying to find a cheap 1080p laptop to go halves on with my friend so we can play the new AOE together (once it comes out).

    Will this:


    Be powerful enough?

    Many thanks!

    submitted by /u/UnluckyForSome
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    TC auto shooting boar with weak vill?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 11:26 AM PDT

    I've always liked the idea of using the TC to weaken the boar before killing it with a vill but lately I've been struggling with a specific scenario that means the TC ends up killing the boar.

    I garrison the vills on sheep in the TC and shoot the boar once or twice and then ungarrison them. The weak vill that has taken a few hits from the boar then shoots the boar dead when they go in the TC to escape from being killed. The TC seems to remember that it was shooting at the boar so that as soon as I garrison, boom, the boar is dead. How do you get around this? Do you just have to not garrison your weak vill until the boar is dead?

    submitted by /u/blither86
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    How should I go about getting into online play?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 01:27 PM PDT

    For starters, im more or less a complete beginner at this game. I play it a bunch as a kid but I was mostly just killing standard bots and having fun. The game has caught my interest again and I'd like to get into it but I'm wondering if theres any room online for a low skilled player like myself to play? I'm doing a bunch of research to figure out how to be good but since I'm only playing bots I feel like I'll cap out pretty soon and will need to play online. Are there enough low elo players online for me to be able to get games going? When HD first launched I tried playing a little bit but when I went online I was mostly just getting kicked from lobbies and don't think I got into a single match

    submitted by /u/CSGOWasp
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    How to manage building an eco and an army?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2019 09:12 AM PDT

    I'm a noob but play a lot and watch a lot of t90 but have trouble leaving the low 1600 range. I find I either focus on booming but have no military or I focus on military and am way behind in advancing to the next age pretty much sealing my fate. However I feel like others are doing both really well and I can't figure it out. They will be knocking on my door with an army and still advancing faster. I've learned hotkeys and general macro and haven't dabbled to much in build orders but this aspect is really hurting my game.

    What helped you to do both and really increase your ability?

    Edit: I play HD apparently there is a big difference between this and voobly, which to be honest, I still don't know what voobly is 11

    Thanks and much love!

    submitted by /u/WhirlPoop
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