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    Saturday, September 14, 2019

    Age of Empires II We finally won!

    Age of Empires II We finally won!

    We finally won!

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 05:05 PM PDT

    My fiancé and I spent years being beaten by one of my best friends. Today we finally him twice in a row.

    Feels good.

    (Yes 2v1, but still).

    submitted by /u/Wobzter
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    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 04:22 AM PDT

    What are some cool custom singleplayer campaigns?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 07:28 PM PDT

    Ive downloaded a few before that were highlighted by the Steam Workshop and Im really impressed at some of these levels - the amount of work mustve been crazy!

    submitted by /u/limonbattery
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    If the AoE2 Villager was in Smash! (Copied from elsewhere)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 01:28 AM PDT

    If the AoE2 Villager was in Smash! (Copied from elsewhere)


    Peasant Builds Up a Fight!


    96: Peasant

    I am finally doing this! The villager from one of my all-time favorite games, Age of Empires II, is a character with the ability to build up to three unit-producing buildings on the stage. Those buildings, once built, can produce up to five military units total, and three Monks. If no military units are present on stage, five Monks can be produced. I will go over his entire moveset, as well as costume swaps, starting with his specials:

    Kill percents assume Mario's weight, 1v1 damage, and no rage.

    Neutral Special: Hunting Bow

    • Peasant shoots an arrow from a Hunting Bow, with the original sound effect. Deals 5% with no charge, and 12% fully charged. Kills off-stage fully charged at 48%.

    Side Special: Unit Select

    • Peasant points his finger in the inputted direction. If units are out, the nearest one will be selected. Several inputs affect the move:
      • Pressing neutral special selects all units of the currently selected type.
      • Holding the input causes a highlight box to appear in the inputted direction. It will get bigger, and if released, selects all the units within.
      • Pressing side special in either direction commands the units to attack the nearest opponent in that direction.
      • Dodging or shielding cancels the move.

    Up Special: Bombard Cannon

    • Peasant is loaded into a cannon and is fired in an arc. While Peasant is spinning, the move deals 12%. Kills at 80%.

    Down Special: Building

    • Peasant opens up a building menu. Once a building is selected, a foundation will be placed in the near background of the stage behind Peasant. Peasant will automatically start building unless he shields or dodges. Three unit-creating buildings can be built (not counting Docks), as well as two towers and two research buildings. The following buildings can be built:
      • Barracks: Creates infantry units. The standard Militia deals damage, but no knockback or flinching, and has four evolutions, where the last one, Champion, can deal knockback. Spearmen and their evolutions are effective against heavyweights.
      • Archery Range: Creates archers. Regular Archers can be upgraded to Crossbowmen and Arbalests, and the arrows deal low knockback. The Skirmisher line is effective against lightweights. Hand Cannoneers have a very high attack and knockback, but are not very accurate at a distance.
      • Stable: Creates cavalry. Non-American civilizations start out with Scout Cavalry, weak horse units with low knockback (American civilizations start with the Eagle Scout, a fast infantry). Knights are stronger and deal more knockback. Camels deal bonus damage and knockback against heavyweights, as well as other Peasants' cavalry. Cannot be built by the Aztecs, Mayans, or Incas.
      • Siege Workshop: Creates siege weapons that are slow, but have an extremely powerful attack. Rams are very effective against shields, while Scorpions fire at multiple opponents. The Mangonel line fires a volley of stones that deals massive damage and knockback.
      • Castle: Creates the civilization's unique unit, as well as Petards, explosive suicide units that deal heavy damage and knockback. Also acts as a defensive building, firing five arrows at opponents over 100%.
      • Monastery: Allows Monks to be trained, that heal damaged units and convert enemy Assist Trophies and Poke Ball Pokemon. Monasteries with the Spanish civilization can train Missionaries, Monks that are faster and ride donkeys.
      • Dock: Can only be built next to the stage on swimmable water. Creates ships that can be used as platforms and fire bolts or shots at opponents. Demolition ships are suicide ships that explode when they come into contact with opponents, with a bigger and far more powerful explosion than Petards.
      • Watch Tower: Basic defense tower, shooting an arrow at nearby opponents. Can be upgraded to Guard Tower and Keep at the University.
      • Bombard Tower: Upgraded tower that shoots cannonballs. Can be built after researching Chemistry at the University. Deals heavy damage and knockback.
      • Blacksmith: Provides basic armor and attack upgrades to military units.
      • University: Provides building upgrades and other important techs.
    • When Peasant is in front of a building foundation, using the down special will build instead of select a new building.

    Final Smash: Wonder Siege

    • A Mangonel appears next to Peasant. Up to three nearby opponents will be sucked into the bucket of the Mangonel and launched into the far background, dealing 2%. The launched opponents will land in an area surrounded by flames. The camera zooms out to reveal that they are inside a Wonder that is on fire. Five Trebuchets then attack the Wonder, collapsing it and dealing 25%. Kills at 48%. The Wonder that opponents are inside is randomly chosen from all the civilizations' Wonders.
    • If the down taunt is inputted during the start of the move, the Wonder will be the Wonder belonging to the player's civilization.


    Ground Moves

    Jab: Swings a poniard. Deals 2%.

    Forward tilt: Thrusts a knife forward. Deals 5%.

    Down tilt: Crouches down and throws his arm out like he does when collecting berries. Deals 8% and low upward knockback.

    Up tilt: Sticks a hoe up and slams it down, like farmer villagers do, then pulls it back. Has three hitboxes; the first is at the peak of the arc, dealing 8% and spiking the opponent; the second hitbox is a latent hitbox of the swing, dealing 5% and minimal knockback; the third hitbox comes out when Peasant pulls the hoe back, dealing 3% and slight upward knockback.

    Dash attack: Swings a pickaxe to the left of himself. Deals 12% and kills at 110%.

    Forward Smash: Swings an axe sideways, dealing 20% and moderate knockback. Can cut trees created by Villager's Timber.

    Up Smash: Peasant swings a hammer into the ground, raising a Watch Tower for a second. The charge can be canceled by shielding or dodging to leave the foundation in the ground. The tower itself deals 20% and heavy upward knockback. The hammer swing without the foundation deals 12% and outward knockback. The tower hitbox kills at 64%, while the hammer swing kills at 120%. The appearance of the tower depends on architecture, but does not affect hitboxes.

    Down Smash: Peasant swings a knife used to gather food from sheep downwards. Deals 15% on either side. Kills at 130%.



    Nair: Peasant throws seeds into the air, surrounding him. The first hitbox, above Peasant's head, deals 5% and minimal knockback. Links into the second hitbox, which is on either side of Peasant and deals 8% and moderate knockback. Kills at 150% offstage.

    Fair: Peasant swings a shepherd's staff at an arc like shepherds do when killing herdables. Has significant start up lag, but deals 18%. Kills offstage at 130%.

    Bair: Peasant swings a hammer backward. The beginning hitbox deals 12%, while the late hitbox deals 8%. Kills with the strong hitbox offstage at 96%.

    Dair: Peasant swings downward with the hammer. At the lowest part of the downward swing, it spikes and deals 5%. A hitbox at the top of the swing deals another 5% and weak knockback.

    Uair: Peasant swings a garrison flag above him twice. The first hit deals 2% and links into the second hit, which deals 8% and moderate upward knockback. Kills off the top at 140%.



    Grab: Peasant grabs using a fishing net. While it has immense start up and end lag, the move is active during the entire duration that the net is out.

    Pummel: A swordsman materializes and strikes the opponent. By default, it is a Militia, but the swordsman that appears is altered by upgrading swordsmen at the Barracks. This also affects the damage dealt.

    Forward throw: The swordsman performs a powerful strike, knocking the opponent away. Damage affected by unit upgrades.

    Back throw: The swordsman grabs the opponent and throws them behind him and Peasant. Damage affected by unit upgrades.

    Down throw: The swordsman bops the opponent on the head with his sword, sending them into the ground. Damage affected by unit upgrades.


    Alternate Costumes

    All of Peasant's alts are player colors in Age of Empires II, and eight players happen to be the max, same as Smash Ultimate. The unit and building colors also change to match. Peasant can be either male or female.

    Blue: Default male.

    Red: Female alt.

    Green: Male alt.

    Yellow: Female alt.

    Cyan: Male alt.

    Purple: Female alt.

    Gray: Male alt.

    Orange: Female alt.


    [SPECIAL TRAIT 1] Building Construction

    • Peasant has the special ability to construct buildings on the stage behind him. While they have hurtboxes, they are not on the same plane and so cannot be collided with or stood on (except for Docks). Towers will shoot an arrow at nearby opponents at any percent, while Castles will only target opponents over 100%, due to the arrows dealing high damage and knockback.
    • Certain buildings can create units. Only two unit creation buildings can be onstage at once. A maximum of five military units can be created, with only three Monks. The starting scout does not count toward the total. If no military units are present, five Monks can be created.

    [SPECIAL TRAIT 2] Civilization Select

    • On the character select screen, the civilization played can be changed. In the upper right hand corner of the character box at the bottom of the screen, there is a drop-down menu where the civilization can be selected using the directional buttons. The default is Britons, but any can be selected, including the new Definitive Edition civilizations the Bulgarians, Cumans, Lithuanians, and Tatars. Each of them has different units available to them, and their unique units are all different. There are different architecture sets that the civilizations have, which is purely aesthetic.

    [SPECIAL TRAIT 3] Attack Bonuses

    • Certain units have bonuses against characters in certain weight classes. For example, spearmen and Camels have bonuses against heavyweights, Knights have bonuses against lightweights, etc. The higher the bonus, the more extra damage and knockback is dealt. Players should choose civilizations focused on units that are strong against the opponent's weight class.

    [SPECIAL TRAIT 4] Hill Bonuses

    • If Peasant's units attack opponents that are on a lower elevation than them, they deal a quarter more damage to the opponent and take a quarter less. If the opponent is higher than them, they deal a quarter less damage and take a quarter more. Try to choose flat stages to nullify hill bonuses.
    submitted by /u/Apocalypso-YouTube
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    So I've been watching T90 videos on youtube for couple of months, and being somewhat out of the loop, I'm really interested in what is his role in the scene...? I love his videos and aoe2 in general, and I would love to learn more of the things happening behind the scenes, other casters etc.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 03:11 PM PDT

    Someone please help me I'm just trying to host a Western European Diplo game on AOE2HD via Steam.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 02:42 AM PDT

    I have successfully loaded many other maps and scenarios by simply hitting the Subscribe button and relaunching the game. But I cannot seem to be able to add any more. I've deleted all my mods and tried adding any maps once more to no avail. It says "subscribed" but when I relaunch the game.... there is no slot for that map under the "Custom" tab. I'm losing my mind waiting in the lobby for someone else to host the same type of game. Big mahalos to any help. Yes I've googled.

    submitted by /u/SlightJoke
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    I'm no longer mad

    Posted: 14 Sep 2019 06:55 AM PDT

    I used to be outraged at the many advantages Mangudai have over cavalry archers. But now I realise the Mongols don't get ring archer armour and so are outscaled... Eventually

    submitted by /u/eagle332288
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    Did you guys know Minecraft has an AOE easter Egg? The "Vindicator" enemy in MC will randomly change blue sheep to red sheep.

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 08:27 AM PDT

    Civilisation is Safu

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 08:21 AM PDT

    Slavs vs Indians matchup help

    Posted: 13 Sep 2019 09:53 AM PDT

    Feudal-I reached a bit earlier than my opponent.Went for a scout rush.He did as well.At the end of the exchange I lost 2 of my scouts and killed 2 of his vills.

    I didn't lose any vils.

    We reached castle at about the same time.Immediately went 3 tc. I started 2 stable knight production.I also started making 2 barracks Spears production and pikemen upgrades.Also got attack upgrades and knight defense upgrades.

    He attacked with camels.I tried holding with knights and sent my pikes in after they got a decent number(which was quite quickly and I hardly lost knights).

    As soon as I sent my pikes in he just left the fight and went into my eco.The pikes couldn't catch up and were getting whittled down by the Skirms and the knights were dying.

    I tried mixing in monks but a few conversions were not enough.

    I had to Garrison most of my eco and even lost a few vils.Tried counter attacking with knights but camels mopped em up.

    Due to all the idle time my eco suffered and for the first time in the game I lost score lead.

    Pikes were just running around uselessly and knights werent able to counter.

    Then he sent mangonels and I knew it was over.

    The opponent was also 1800s so his camel micro was pretty darn good.

    I'm lost as to what I should've done.

    submitted by /u/annucox
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