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    Friday, June 19, 2020

    Age of Empires II The instant the game is full...

    Age of Empires II The instant the game is full...

    The instant the game is full...

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    Me (noob, but learning) playing with my noob friends be like

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    They are the essence of my dismay.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 02:16 PM PDT

    The cumans. Terror of Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:10 AM PDT

    how would you even turn this on?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    Malay: The best civ my fellow noobs aren't using

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    I think as a pretty noob player, Malay might be my new go to civ in almost any land map. Going to make a bit of a case for why I think so below. I might be missing a few things in my arguments so feel free to let me know.

    1) They're forgiving because of the advance time bonus. If you suck at build orders, keeping your TC's pumping, etc, this is the civ for you. You can click up late, you save idle TC time, you can get to castle faster to add TC's and boom. This covers off so many of my problems of getting up late and playing the game on the back foot because my opponent is attacking.

    2) Cost. Aside from fish traps, they may not have great eco bonuses, but the way I'm playing them (for karambits), you get some huge unseen savings. If you go for karambits you don't even need to build a barracks until castle age (squires/arson). You don't need archery ranges, or stables. You don't need any blacksmith upgrades other than your infantry line attack/armor. This is obviously assuming fast castle so on open maps you'll need to be walled, but noobs don't go for Feudal aggression a ton!

    3) Karambits: Karambits are noob slayers, they produce instantly so when you don't queue for 10 seconds it doesn't matter. They're massively effective against opponents without great micro. They're like free map control since you have 10,000 of them, and me and my fellow noobs have no idea what to do when there's multiple areas of the map to focus on. Just sent a group of 20 to 5 different spots. I can lose like 60 vils before I ever realize I'm being raided sometime (and so can my opponents! (1100-1200 ELO). They're more or less free, it's harder to get housed, throw 80 of them at a castle, who TF needs trebs.

    4) Counters: At my level, honestly, what counters? At a high level Mangos, scorps, champions (ish), Cavalry (ish). At my level though mangos are a joke to karambits. I'll send two groups of 4 directly after it with no micro and run away with the big group, that thing is dead. Scorps can be tougher, but since my economy is geared to food I can build some cheap battle ele's (only get one defense upgrade so the tech switch is crazy cheap. You can also add in some onagers for enemy scorps. Cavalry/Champs can trade okay in numbers, but Champion isn't a common unit people go for, and for cavalry, mix in some halbs (you already have all the upgrades!)

    5) Other quality of life (you get bombard tower and bombard cannons). Treb micro can be hard, my pushes always end up a little slower, bombard cannons take care of that problem, and bombard towers/castles you've build deal with half the other counters I've mentioned.

    Overall this civ is just crazy underused to me. It's so easy (and fun to just spam hordes of cheap instantly produced karambits. You can take down buildings, raid trade, raid economy (like CRAZY), and all of these things are extremely forgiving for the noob mentality. I didn't mention archers a lot, reasoning being I don't actually find them that strong against karambits. A lot of the time archer mass will shoot at the same unit, which against a 40 HP unit is kind of wasteful. Also, again usually the micro isn't great so you get good surrounds.

    If you're sleeping on Malay as a noob try them out with a fast castle Karambit build. Go for 3-4 TC's and 3-4 castles. It's not actually as greedy as it sounds because of the lack of need for more expensive upgrades I mentioned above. Plus it's just so much fun watching those little dudes run around destroying stuff, and so tilting for opponents to get done with killing 40 in a narrow defeat and see another 40 coming 30 seconds later.

    submitted by /u/Hertzie
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    Unfinished TC don't appear in control groups once it's built

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    It's kind of annoying for me and I believe a lot of people who use control group for TCs. Afaik TCs are the weird only exception that will disappear from control groups if you set the control group when the building is unfinished. Hope the devs can see this and change it:<

    submitted by /u/IcyBally
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    Anyone else here new to the game extremely discouraged by the ranked ladder?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    So I've played and taken part in many competitive game ladders, and I believe this may be one of the worst for entry level players. As a completely new player to the game who decided to try out multiplayer I am getting absolutely destroyed by people with completely frame-perfect build orders and attacks.

    One game I checked my opponents stats before the game started and he had over 1k games played, but was still at 800 elo. He killed my scout and then raided my base and flamed me throughout the game until I resigned, and he flamed me even more.

    Is this normal for the playerbase to be this toxic? I am having absolutely no fun right now. I tend to start off my games by letting the other player I am new and saying good luck etc, but I rarely get a reply and then get destroyed 20 mins later.

    I know the basics of the game and build orders, what civs do etc, but it just seems that people at 800 elo are just too good? I watched T90's low elo legends video and have never had a game like this.

    Am I just unlucky with my matchmaking or is the ladder just this hard? I want to learn because I love the concept of this game but I am struggling to get practice vs players who are on my level. From my experience I only play vs people who are super good, or people who do nothing and give me a free win.

    submitted by /u/Limed_
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    Heya folks Im back �� Covered pumped up kicks in Old english (Anglo Saxon) lemme know what ya'll think.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    I’ve never played a game of AOE before but really want to learn!! Looking for mentors / other noobs (:

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    I've never really played AOE before... yet I've still watched countless hours of T90 and Spirit and have always loved to just stare at the screen and marvel at how the game is like a giant real time chess board. I want more than anything to learn how to play and the one time I tried (about a year ago) I got stuck. I couldn't learn build orders, I couldn't micro, my scouting / managing the map was just disgusting. I lack so much skill but now that I'm looking for a new hobby I'm willing to grind it out if I can surround myself with the right people. I hope someone out there is down to help me 😁

    submitted by /u/3rupt10n
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    Game bug(?) renders game unplayable for me

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:38 AM PDT

    So decided to play today, and i have this weird issue. When i try to mark villagers/units/whatever by holding left-click as usual, it only works maybe 33% of the time - effectively making the game unplayable.

    I haven't toyed with any settings at all, and it doesn't appear to be my mouse i think - since it doesn't affect other games or when im just browsing regularly - though i'll appreciate any response in that way as well

    Anyone having similar issues?

    submitted by /u/cptsafari
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    Please fix this shit, it is breaking the game......

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 07:24 PM PDT

    [Story] Honestly some of the most fun I've had in years.

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    Generic intro- Blah blah blah, watched T90, redownloaded the game, died a lot in pvp, bought DE and now am having fun. Okay moving on.

    SO I DID SOMETHING that 9 year old me would have been SO proud of. I beat the game on Moderate difficulty with a WONDER VICTORY.

    Aztecs vs Turks on Arabia, standard settings.

    I attempted to boost up Feudal age so I could raid with Eagle Warriors that had forging bonuses. Unfortunately, he and I were KINDA going the same pace, so I knew it would be tough. Usuaully I'm hitting feudal before they are. I managed to send my Eagles in JUST after he ticked up to Castle age. Darnit.

    By the time they got into the Turks eco, they were already starting a castle. Even worse- this dude was on the biggest Chad piles of back gold I've ever seen and he was milking them hard. He'd have gold for unique units in about negative eight seconds.

    My eagles took out five vills while trying to stop the castle, then retreated after some heavy losses. Probably not worth the gold, but I learned something.

    I did not have a single unit in my arsenal that was going to handle a siege.

    My eco was booming, but what could I possibly buy? Everything I made was just leveled by the Elite Jannisary and siege he built into.

    Finally, I adopted the turtle style of Kungfu and just sat in my base and pouted while spamming vills into the aether.

    Then, after throwing some arbalests at the wall like spaghetti noodles I found that a few of them survived. I was about to make more when I noticed I had 3000 food and nearly 1000 stone and 2000 wood.


    I sold more food than a Krogers during pandemic season and bought myself a wonder. Slapped 20 something vills on it because I had already eaten through BOTH my gold piles and was now sapping some of theirs with a sneaky mine in the South East.

    I had excess stone after the Wonder was finished and plopped 2 more castles down around that bad boy.

    Yes, I didn't have tanky enough units to siege him, but I DID have enough trash and resources to spam Halbs, Skirms, and the occasional Arbalest into the wonder arena.

    He made several attempts to take it down, getting close enough to even hit the castles with trebs a couple times, but he was no match for my enormous army of trash.

    Anyway- thanks for reading the wall of text and being a great community. I love this game even more now than I did when I was a wee lad killing my villagers so I could have 200 Teutonic Knights.

    submitted by /u/Luke_Orlando
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    How do I play a 256x mod as someone that didnt play the "Going above and beyond" event?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    Hey, before DE I would just subscribe to a Mod and it worked - now I subscribed to several ones (one by one, going into a game and trying it out) and none seemed to work.

    Can anyone help me out?

    submitted by /u/oodex
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    I’ve never played a game of AOE before but really want to learn!! Looking for mentors / other noobs (:

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 09:15 PM PDT

    I've never really played AOE before... yet I've still watched countless hours of T90 and Spirit and have always loved to just stare at the screen and marvel at how the game is like a giant real time chess board. I want more than anything to learn how to play and the one time I tried (about a year ago) I got stuck. I couldn't learn build orders, I couldn't micro, my scouting / managing the map was just disgusting. I lack so much skill but now that I'm looking for a new hobby I'm willing to grind it out if I can surround myself with the right people. I hope someone out there is down to help me 😁

    submitted by /u/3rupt10n
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    My FPS is hovering around 24 to 30 FPS, games are unplayable. Is there anything I can do?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 06:37 AM PDT

    I just lost a 1v1 against a lower ranked player than me, simply because the game started lagging really bad mid-castle age. I have a good gaming pc (8700K and 1070ti) with an SSD hard disk, but im lagging like crap.

    I pressed F11, and monitored my frame rate which was always around 24-30fps. What am I missing here? Is anyone else experiencing low fps?

    submitted by /u/lone_wolf1991
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    Found out I can use transport ships for monks to collect relics

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Playing the bogs map on the expansions I found that there were relics everywhere but I'd loose the monks everytime I tried to collect them. So made me a transport ship stuffed 6 monks in it and stopped at each point of the map. Made me a Papal uber...a wololo mobile

    submitted by /u/caramel_mutt
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    Why can't I put my army in shape or choose a stance for them?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    Has anyone else experienced frequent lag freezes in-game?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 06:16 PM PDT


    Has this happened to anyone else?

    Recently while playing online with friends my AoE2 DE loses connection momentarily and then everything that has happened during the time it was frozen is shown at a really fast pace. Meanwhile it's normal for everybody else.

    This happens multiple times in a game, and it's been an ongoing issue for nearly a week. The recorded gif is pretty self explanatory and it's very strange that I get seemingly disconnected since I continue talking normally with my friends on discord during the whole freeze.

    I had a technician from my ISP come over to my place and see if everything was fine and apparently it is, I've tried reinstalling the game and everything but it didn't stop the freezes. If anyone had this and was able to solve it somehow please help me lol

    submitted by /u/SneezyDeazyMcDeluxe
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    Top AoE2 Plays in the past week with a lot of tight micro

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    Control group please

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    Hello, used to play this game as a kid. Got back to it recently. I've somehow learnt the build orders etc. But I really struggle in the mid game and post imp battles. I'm learning how to use hotkeys and my micro really sucks. And I'm working on them. But can I know more about control groups? Most discussions on them are pre-DE and may not apply now.

    Can you tell me what are control groups. How to assign? How to use? Anything and everything on them please.

    Thank you. This game is sooo good.

    submitted by /u/vajrasena
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    Does anybody know the build order that ZeroEmpires used in his Endless Men at Arms video?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 07:05 PM PDT

    Is there a taunt to make AI wall and sling?

    Posted: 19 Jun 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    I watched SOTL video on fast imp and wonder if AI can do slinging

    submitted by /u/pk12_
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    Civs that you remembered being great but are now kind of lame?

    Posted: 18 Jun 2020 05:48 PM PDT

    I'm coming back to the game after a long time off. Years and years ago I thought a civ like the Saracens or Turks were badass. Years later after playing with them again I am not nearly as big of a fan.

    Are there any older civs that are not nearly as good as you remember back in the day?

    EDIT: Vikings are another one I forgot to mention.

    submitted by /u/poverturf
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