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    Tuesday, August 11, 2020

    Age of Empires II Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers

    Age of Empires II Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers

    Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    Time for another weekly round of questions.

    Talk about everything from build orders to advanced strategies.

    Whatever your questions, the community is here to answer them.

    So ask away!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    When your boar gets lamed before you can lure it.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 03:20 PM PDT

    Eco goes brr

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    Empire Wars Duo - $1000 2v2 Empire Wars Tournament by Lidakor

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    Empire Wars Duo - $1000 2v2 Empire Wars Tournament by Lidakor


    Welcome everybody! I'm happy to announce Empire Wars Duo, a 2v2 Empire Wars tournament taking place between RBW2 and KOTD3. The first of it's kind tournament will feature an $1000+ prizepool, and a 16 team main event and a Silver League as well. The top 8 teams will be automatically added to the main event, while 16 others will be able to play in the qualifiers for the other 8 spots in the main event. Silver league will accept all sign ups regardless of skill level!

    All games will be casted live at https://www.twitch.tv/lidakor, and offers open streaming for both casting and POV streaming (check Streaming policy for details).

    Time Frame

    Sign-ups end: 23th August, 23:59 GMT

    Brackets released: 24th August

    Qualifiers: 24-30th August

    Main Event:

    Round 1 (16): 31st August - 6th September

    Round 2 (Quarterfinals): 7-11th September

    Semis: 12th September

    Grand Finals: 13th September

    Rules and settings:https://www.aoezone.net/threads/rules-settings.168098/

    List of maps: https://www.aoezone.net/threads/maps.168094/

    Interested? You can sign up here: https://www.aoezone.net/threads/sign-ups.168090/

    submitted by /u/Lidakor
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    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    It's walled but you can pass if you squeeze through

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    Tatoh almost reach 2k with his feudalVoy smurf account playing only Feudal with just 2 losses. If he loses 5 games he delete the account.

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    Hera just finished his 100% winrate unranked to top 100 challenge

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:18 PM PDT

    I finally beat the hard AI 1v1!

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    Context: played the game as a kid, a bit of HD, and messed around with campaigns and fighting moderate AIs with friends. Never been that good.

    Decided to fight 1v1 vs hard AI and got steamrolled several games, including an embarrassing Khemer elephant push through a hole in my wall.

    After a bunch of practicing fast castle in the art of war, I decided to put a Frank FC knight rush into battle against some Mongol randoms. I'd learned the hard way to wall off well and not overcommit to rushes, and my first 5 knights managed to take 3 vils.

    After that I settled in, used a castle to take a hill gold mine, and played the long game till I could mass paladins assisted by skirmishers and light Calvary to push through their base. I would have won sooner, but the AI scooped up relics so I had to suicide my first 25 cavaliers into their monastary, after which I took out asany vils as I could.There was a lot of villager idle time, forgotten blacksmith upgrades, and abusing the Ai's tendency to suicide units into castle fire, but it worked.

    Rough rider achievement is now in hand. Time to tighten up my execution and get ready for the extreme AI.

    submitted by /u/darthteej
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    Comically low Elo player, looking to improve

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 05:02 AM PDT

    Hi all! So I have about 200 hours on ladder and my elo is floating from 780-815, I watch Hera, viper, Daut and try to pick new things but I get goofed on by early aggression and I get kind of overwhelmed , any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!!

    submitted by /u/Bean_Bath69
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    Worst civ match-ups?

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 11:49 PM PDT

    After you've found a match, and it gets to the civ/player name loading screen... what civ match ups make you just go "gg" when you see them? If you're playing as A, what B civs are impossible to handle?

    Burmese vs Britons - As a Burmese main this is my personal hell and I groan every time I have to play this match. Shit skirms, average rams and while the elephants are good, 3 or 4 monks (guarded by a blob of Longbows...) will stop any large elephant push. I honestly just don't know what to do in this match up. Apart from quality monks, Burmese are very much a "close range" civ, while Britons excel at the opposite. Burmese will always struggle against archer civs but for some reason with Britons it just feels doomed from the start.

    Mayans vs Goths - This is the classic nightmare set up. Mayans can pretty much only do Eagles and archers. Eagles will melt to Goth swordsmen, archers will die to Huskarls. The Goth player doesn't even need to have the Imp swarm going. It can just be Castle Age and this is seriously difficult for the Mayan player. The only option here is to hit hard and fast, smother the baby in the cot, close the game down in Feudal.

    Celts vs Mongols - Pretty self explanatory really. Celt siege will melt to Mangudai, as will Celt infantry. The 2 things Celts excelt at. Celts have terrible cavalry (which could be countered by Mongol camels) and normal archers, which are no match for Mangudai/Hussars. While Woad Raiders are fast, the Celts will never come close to matching the mobility of a Mongol army. Yeah, this one is seriously tough!

    Goths vs Japanese - Goths are just outclassed here. Samurai eat Huskarls and their infantry will never hold up to the Japanese, and I think even with a 2:1 ratio (taking into account late game Goth spam) the superior Japanese armour and attack speed would still win out. What else can Goths throw? Not much. Japanese also have some nice early game bonuses to stop the Goths from snowballing. Idk when I'm Japs in a late game against Goths I'm just not worried. Their infantry will swarm, crash and melt against mine and as long as I have 2-3 relics, I can sustain just enough champ production not to get worried.

    Any other match ups you can think of? Any tips you might add for players who find themselves in these unfortunate situations? Berbers vs Huns is another potential but I play either civ so very infrequently I can't make a great judgement call. Anyways I'm interested to hear your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/farrydarry
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    Scorpion Balance Idea

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    Unsure if this has been suggested before, though I can't find any related posts.

    tl;dr: give Scorpions an attack-ground function like other siege.

    Scorpions are among the least-used units in the game, perhaps being only overshadowed by petards and the red-headed step child Siege Tower. From low level games to pro play, they are primarily used as a troll unit and are almost exclusively built by 2 or 3 civilizations, despite all having access. I doubt they need to be tweaked statistically, as they can work well within a niche and even small changes could make them overpowered for their cost.

    What I suggest is to allow scorpion accuracy to get potentially better at the expense of more micro by giving them the same attack ground option as other projectile siege weapons. This would make the skill cap when using scorpions slightly higher (while maintaining their already low skill floor) and allow for some good mechanical outplay potential. As it currently stands, with Scorpions never being affected by ballistics, hitting targets that move at a certain angle and speed is impossible. My hope would be that, given the narrow area of effect of Scorpion projectiles, good aim and anticipation would be rewarded without it being easy. Viper and Hera might terrorize people with all-Scorpion meme strategies, but the same counters to Scorpions generally apply and most of the population of the game will be able to use them slightly more efficiently within their intended use cases. Of course, there is a chance that this opens the door for them to be much too useful or too hard to micro against, but formation splitting, good spacing, and use of their effective counter units should still keep them in a relative niche when compared to their older brother mangonel-line. It's arguable that some of the stats (base attack or fire rate, maybe) would need to be reduced slightly to compensate for this change, but even that I feel would put them in a better state; for a game as competitive as this one, I believe that increasing the skill cap without affecting the skill floor is good for the game. In this case in particular, it may open up some interesting meta shifts around how Castle and Imperial Age fights and territory control are executed.

    Oh, and Ballista Elephants might be considered for it as well. Less sure on that one, though.

    submitted by /u/Promachos390
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    What civs are significantly more dangerous in Empire Wars mode?

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    My personal pics :

    • Slavs - starting with couple farms make their eco kick off immediately. Free supplies means you can do some damage early on and not be much behind. Team bonus helps, you start with free house. Can get to Castle age early to do some damage.

    • Vietnamese - Again, eco bonus come into play much earlier, meaning you can grab some upgrades and still be able to build archery range. Knowing where your enemy is and having bulky archers (with blacksmith already built) could lead to best archer rush in this type of game.

    • Vikings - wheelbarrow free is huuuge bonus, even better for early economy than Slav farms.

    Honorable mentions: Franks, Persians Burmese, Bulgarians. Lithuanians too, but only if they keep their starting food bonus.

    Biggest losers:

    • Ethiopians - no 100 food + gold for advancing to feudal.

    • Japs and Malians - no 150-200 wood lead for buildings

    submitted by /u/mardock528
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    1k to 1k4 ELO AoE2DE Guide - Basics of Scouting (EP3)

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:44 AM PDT

    Sometimes it isn't until after the game that you discover the real reason you won...

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    New DLC??

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 05:32 AM PDT

    Looking for the Dino_AOE2 guide

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    I have a printed guide to AOE2 (pre -DE) by Dino_AOE2, extremely well researched and sourced, but I have lost my electronic copy. I cannot find it anywhere (AOEzone, this reddit, Steam). Can anyone point me to it? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/feloniousjunk1743
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    Estoy buscando gente para jugar Team Games en ranked, especificamente suramerica.

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:53 AM PDT

    Hola, soy de argentina y como algunos de mis amigos ya no estan jugando me quede sin gente para jugar ranked en team asi que estoy buscando para jugar regularmente que tenga mas de 1000 en 1v1 y si no rankeaste 1v1 al menos 1600 en TG.
    Con un amigo estamos jugando a la tarde y a la noche( ambos 1800-1900 tg). Zona horaria GMT-3, ambos de argentina.Lo ideal seria que el que quiera jugar tenga microfono y discord.

    No siempre jugamos ranked, no nos molesta practicar 1v1 entre nosotros o hacer salas unrankeds.

    Dejo mi perfil de steam para que me agregue el que quiera jugar. https://steamcommunity.com/id/santiagovd/

    submitted by /u/partypoison95
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    deer before berries

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:15 AM PDT


    is there any issue to take deer (using a mill) before going to berries?

    i really struggle to lure 'em and it would be safer to get back near the tc before real menace, right? im probably wrong but maybe you guys can help me out

    submitted by /u/ybyapytera
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    Arabia WK 2v2 Tournament

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 01:26 AM PDT

    AoE 2 DE issue with player color

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    AoE 2 DE issue with player color

    Hi AoE2 players !

    I am wondering how to solve this: whatever color I pick, I end up being blue. During the game, even if I try ALT+G, it only changes for the other players (see example in the picture). This only happens when I host a multiplayer online game - in standard offline games, I do not have this issue.

    Thank you for your help !


    submitted by /u/jeremiadas
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    britons vs bulgarians

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 12:36 AM PDT

    How do you beat bulgarians with britons? Had a game where I have about 40 arbs and 40 halbs. Guy was sending in waves of 30 koniks and destroying. Brits dont get camels so how are they supposed to counter that?

    submitted by /u/deadwizards
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    "Just learn to counter it", "Arambai arent broken"... "Just make xbow"

    Posted: 11 Aug 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    "Just learn to counter it", "Arambai arent broken"... "Just make xbow"

    1v1 Stats of all games on Arena (sorted by Winrate)

    Listen I don't want to say that 55% winrate is good either and that this is propably too high, I just want to say that Turks, a civ that sucks on all other maps, was seen as top tier arena civ, is even outperformed by a civ that does somewhat well on other maps. And this by quite a lot.

    submitted by /u/Deathcounter0
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    Using only already existing bonuses, make the most overpowered civilization

    Posted: 10 Aug 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    All civs in the game have a number is bonuses, unique techs, and a team bonus. If you could create a new civ using only existing bonuses what would you pick? Have to pick a castle age and imperial tech from techs and must use a team bonus as a team bonus. (EX. you can't pick something like warwolf as a team bonus. It has to be the imperial tech).

    I personally haven't been able to pick a set up yet, but I'd probably just be minmaxing a super fortifications build.

    submitted by /u/jerichoneric
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