• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 10, 2020

    Age of Empires II King of the Desert 3 crazy weekend for a crazy tournament

    Age of Empires II King of the Desert 3 crazy weekend for a crazy tournament

    King of the Desert 3 crazy weekend for a crazy tournament

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    King of the Desert 3 crazy weekend for a crazy tournament

    Hello guys i wanted to remind you that today at 13:00 GMT we continue with KOTD3.

    Also so hyped to tell you that we got a specific Capture Age version that we start to use today so its going to looks amazing!!!!!!!!

    As co casters i will have diferent ones for each 2 series but i want to make special mention to the legendary Chris, YES, L_Clan_Chris back in the days, the canadian will be co casting with me tommorrow for 2 crazy series, Hera vs TaToH and TheViper vs TheMax.

    We can only wait and get popcorns, because its gong to be amazing.

    Remember is a 50.000 USD tournament hosted by me, administrated by chrazini, and sponsor by Pinztec and Microsoft.

    Live on https://www.twitch.tv/membtv/


    submitted by /u/FOPT_Membrillo
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    [MEME EDIT] THE RELICLORIAN - A Lith' Pocket Tribute.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    Slam happily booming on 3 TCs, with plenty of time to plan his next move

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 01:53 AM PDT

    I made aoe2 in minecraft !

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:27 AM PDT

    Teamgame Exploit: 20 pop FC + Bloodlines + Knights production

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I've found kind of an exploit in TGs using some creative slinging. This will be a little longer and I made a video with the explanation and a ranked game to show this exploit off, but here is a

    TL;DR - You can sling farms to your allies if your vill starts construction of the farm (not just place it). With this and a neat build order you can pull off a 20 pop FC as Khmer with Teuton ally with Bloodlines and immediate Knight production at (optimally) minute 11:30.

    The why

    Slinging is pretty OP in teamgames. Instead of both players having to buy the upgrades only one player does, while the other one slings resources to mass the upgraded unit. That's why slinging is discouraged by needing to build a market for 175 wood, as well as by introducing a 30% slinging fee. Only 70% of your resources will reach your teammate. Now imagine we could skip the market and this fee...

    The "exploit"

    Farms are weird. Everyone can see them once you place the foundation, even when you haven't yet started constructing the farm with a villager. Farms also can be converted, so you can steal the opponents farms, however you can also steal your allies farms. The devs have a measure in place which prevents you from converting the farms an ally placed for you, however they made a big oversight: This conversion protection only exists until your ally starts construction of said farm. After the construction was started (it doesn't need to be finished) you can convert the farm and proceed to take the food for no wood cost, making it a 100% sling without needing a market. Now you can probably imagine what comes next: Teutons have 40% cheaper farms. For every 36 wood they spend on a farm they save an ally 60 wood, effectively making it a (60 / 36 =) 166% wood sling.


    With this you can pull off quite the amazing FC time. You don't need to invest into any farms because your ally will place those for you to convert. Me and my friend Corrosive made two build orders using this exploit:

    Khmer BO: https://aoecompanion.com/b/58ea0h79qyp

    Teuton BO: https://aoecompanion.com/b/7fz19ra61mm

    I'll explain the gist here:

    Since Khmer don't need any building requirements to advance you can save a lot of wood with them. Additionally, you don't even need to invest into farms with this exploit. So this build order uses the first 20 pop like this:

    - 6 on sheep

    - 1 on straggler trees

    - 9 additional on sheep/boar/deer

    - 3 on gold

    You can delay the mill and the lumber camp, you can skip the barracks and market/blacksmith. You basically only need 175 wood up until "late feudal": 3x houses and 1x mining camp. After clicking up to castle you build a stable and research Bloodlines, then you save up for a lumber camp. In order to be able to click up this early you need at least 8 sheep, 2 boars, 3 deer and 7 farms from your ally. Once you are in castle age, start spamming Knights and vills. As soon as your farms run out your ally needs to reseed them once, in order for you to be able to keep up the Knight and vill production. After the initial attack (if the enemy has not yet resigned) you should be in a pretty good position to add 2 new TCs and boom a little, get more upgrades for the Knights or do some siege shenanegans, I don't know, I'm not a pro.


    Here is a video with the explanation for the exploit and a ranked game for the build order (2.2k TG rating):


    The ranked game in particular is a pretty good example, because I fucked up the start pretty hard (not finding 2 sheep, a lot of idle time, housed for ~30 seconds) and still hit castle at minute 12:32, before my opponent had even created a single archer. A little more luck with the scouting and a little better microing under the TC will easily make this go down to 11:40 castle age time.

    I hope the devs can fix this soon...

    submitted by /u/viddie-
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    Preparing for KOTD3

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    Viper with the soul-crushing SO shot

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    ELITE SKINS DRAWING CHALLENGE - The Chad frank elite throwing axeman

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    How do people quickwall? Is it with a one button macro or just perfecting W+S hotkey combination for Palisades?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    I wish there was a art of war or custom scenario to practice quickwalling against scouts

    submitted by /u/Guanfranco
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    Monk IQ 200

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:38 PM PDT

    Hi, I am qiuet new to the game and want to improve.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    I play a lot of games with my friends who are a lot better than me and I want to show them that Im not full trash. Do you guys have tips to improve in certain points? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/tostbroto
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    How do I get the original AoC?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 04:44 AM PDT

    Hi, I wanted to play with the Age of Chivalry: Hegemony mod and I think it's only compatible with the original version of AoC and not HD or DE. Where could I buy/download the original copy of AoC for this?

    submitted by /u/mrhoody
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    Meme strategy best strategy

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    Age of Drops

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    Let me set the stage for you.

    I'm sitting at 1392 elo. It's been a goal of mine to reach 1400, to really prove to myself I know something about this game I've played for 10+ years. Get a match on hideout. Perfect. I can try out a new strat. And guess what? Everything's going perfect. Opponent is trushing me, playing right into my hand. I'm 4 vills up, strong eco, 500 point score lead. It's looking like I'm going to win it in feudal! I can feel it! I can see the 1400! ...

    Then the game crashes. No lag. No warning. Just closes. Gone. I get that gross sinking feeling in my stomach, the one you get when you don't realise there's one final step in the staircase. "No way," I blurt out. Coming to terms with what happened. I reopen the game. Click on my profile. They can't take away my elo for that, can they? I mean, I didn't do anything wrong! Wait 5 minutes... Elo updates... 1378.

    So bottom line. Bill Gates, you owe me reparations for this. You'll be hearing from my lawyers.

    submitted by /u/JeffreyEMartin
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    How do you know you are watching too much AOE 2 ??

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    I was watching a starcraft 2 pro match yesterday, and someone was attacking a planetary fortress with zealots (for people who not play SC2 zealots are a very strong close combat unit, comparable to the champion if they have full upgrades, and a planetary fortress is kinda like a hybrid between a castle and a towncenter) and my first thought was OH NO, i hope he researched murderholes or he is gonna lose it. There is no such upgrade in sc 2, planetary fortresses can shoot as close as they want to. Once I saw him shooting the zealots , I just thought phew he got it. It took me a good 30 seconds to realize what my brain just did.

    submitted by /u/hicctl
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    Diplomats! Join the World's Greatest AOE Diplomacy Club. Age of Diplomacy is Recruiting!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    Tips For Improving My Midgame?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    Hi! I've been a long-time viewer of T90's content, following from way back in Hidden Cup 1, and while I bought AOE2 HD a few years back, I never got around to playing it until just this past week (some friends I'd recently met had it as well, and we thought we'd give it a go!).

    I've seen a few early-game build orders, and have more-or-less gotten the bearings of getting to Feudal consistently by the 10 minute mark, and found that I really enjoy the macro game, ie. building multiple TC's, farming up, and then spamming trash units to overwhelm opponents with my gold unit army.

    My main problem however is, between Feudal and Imperial age, I have no idea what I should actually be doing. I tend to turtle, zone out building my eco, getting upgrades, etc., and I realised that I'm never pressuring my opponents, they're always being pressured instead. Pretty much all my game losses have been where I got overwhelmed in Castle Age, or couldn't regain tempo after a Feudal Age push.

    Are there any useful online resources on what I can do to improve my midgame? I'm familiar with the concept of timing attacks, but how do I know when I should be building what sort of army?

    Edit: Typos.

    submitted by /u/xVisage
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    Socotra, permanently in the map pool

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 07:55 AM PDT

    As far as I know Arabia and Arena are always in the map pool, because they are balanced for certain playstyles and popular as well. I would love to see Socotra permanently in the map pool because it guaranties early aggression and cutthroat-style which I enjoy the most. There's a lot of posts here about laming douching tower rushing etc. and I think (except for pallisading stragglers) that everything allowed by the game is fair. Whether you agree with this or not I think guaranteeing Socotra in the map pool would help all players cause aggresive players would most likely pick Socotra and people prefering less-aggresive playstyle would know to ban it. Also waiting times when I pick Socotra as a preferred map are usually shorter than for other maps so I think it actually is popular. Then why not?

    submitted by /u/Dziki_Waz
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    Does anyone know what these buildings are?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 12:14 AM PDT


    On the right hand side of this image, there is a fancy wall with towers, as well as some sort of castle looking thing. I've never seen them before, nor can I find anything about them at all.

    I assume it's probably a mod, but even then I can't really find anything concrete.

    Does anyone have any ideas?


    submitted by /u/Jademalo
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    Is it possible to sync replays on DE with Steam Cloud?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    Title, really. I just want to be able to watch the replays from my desktop on my laptop after the match. Any help would be fantastic, thank you!

    submitted by /u/nikosss13
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    Scout rush every.single.time.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 03:15 AM PDT

    Been playing a bit online lately (ELO around 900-1000), and it seems literally every single opponent has played the scout rush tactic against me. Why does everyone always do it? Sometimes I beat it with a maa rush of my own, but it's getting boring having he same bunch of scouts rushing in every game. Why? Feels like the AI is almost less predictable at this point...

    So, as a counter I ask, what's your preferred counter to the scout rush? I'm getting annoyed by it, so of course the natural thing I'd like to do is find the best way to beat it. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/irishlemon
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    Clicking a building foundation instead of builders

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 11:27 PM PDT

    So today I resigned from a game after I failed to kill a few villagers dropping a castle on me, because the partially build foundation was blocking me from clicking the vills, since they were on the "top" part of it. I eventually clicked one and got him, but overall it was a huge pain. Any solution to this?

    submitted by /u/lozu
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    relic gold bug?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 02:47 AM PDT

    Is there a bug with the "relic gold" collected statistic or the mechanic? i just played an arena game were we both went for relics. got 2-3, so our relic gold should be similar. yet he had over double the gold i had, we would have collected them basically the same time. was Slav v Malian, so no aztec or indian bonuses. both monastaries stayed up until gg so no other difference there (gold collected was like 2500-1200

    submitted by /u/crashbash2020
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    What Is the best AoE2DE civs

    Posted: 10 Oct 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    Vote what is your most favourite Aoe2 de last khans civs

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/CANTINGPEPPER16
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    Castle Age IN 13 MINUTES! AOE2 FAST Castle Italians 22+2

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 10:38 AM PDT

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