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    Friday, October 9, 2020

    Age of Empires II What aoe2 players think when they say "I love BBC"

    Age of Empires II What aoe2 players think when they say "I love BBC"

    What aoe2 players think when they say "I love BBC"

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:12 AM PDT

    Is there a reason to Fast Imperial other than for gunpowder units?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:44 AM PDT

    Just curious! I've only heard of the Fast Imperial strategy in the context of rushing for Gunpowder units, but I was wondering if there are other offbeat, civ-specific reasons for doing a Fast Imperial?

    submitted by /u/Augustby
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    Improvement Cup

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    Improvement Cup


    two 1v1 tournaments happening at the same time. :)

    The prizes will be winning coaching sessions from pros and top coaches such as Vinchester, Fire, Jupe, Miguel, Modri, Nicov and several more. :)

    Which coach will be the price for which achievement will be announced in the upcoming days.The winner of each tournament will get: 3 coaching sessions/hours from 3 different coaches each = 9 coaching sessions/hours in totalThe other two finalists will get: 3 coaching sessions/hours from 2 different coaches each= 6 coaching sessions/hours in totalThe semifinalists will get: 2 coaching sessions/hours from 2 different coaches = 4 coaching sessions/hours in total

    I will make sure that after the group stages each match of the knockout stages will be casted. I will cast the matches on my channel always with a pro player together. This way the players can also learn many things from the casting.:)


    Both tournaments will have 7 maps each.

    Group stage will be played bo5. Knockout stage bo7Each player has 1 map ban.

    Map-pool for tournament 1:

    -Golden Pit







    Map-pool for tournament 2:




    -Ghost Lake




    For the map-pool the great Chrazini will do a mod, so every players just downloads the mod and will always be up to date with the maps. :)

    The first map in both tournaments as set-map will be Arabia, always.

    For each map u can choose between 4 civs. So each player can prepare for each map with his prefered civ out of those 4.

    -Golden Pit: Magyar, Turks, Byzantine, Bulgarians

    -Hoodoo: Maya, Persia, Malians, Italians

    -Frisia: Portuguese, Inca, Indians, Malay

    -Sahara: Berbers, Mongols, Saracenes, Franks

    -Scandinavia: Japanese, Celts, Malians, Saracene

    -Steppe: Koreans, Vikings, Franks, Ethiopians

    -Mirage: Teutons, Britons, Huns, Chinese

    - Desert: Spanish, Cumans, Burmese, Mongols

    -LN: Britons, Celts, Spanish, Khmer

    -Acclivity: Bulgarians, Magyar, Slavs, Atztec

    -Ghost Lake: Lithuanians, Slavs, Saracenes, Huns

    -Mongolia: Korea, Tatars, Malay, Goths

    -Bedouins: Atztec, Cumans, Persia, Khmer

    -RF: Mongols, Goths, Portuguese, Tatars

    **The tournaments will include a group stage.**Both group stages have to be played within 2 weeks. So when u sign up for 1 tournament that means u must play 3 matches in two weeks. If u sign up for both tournaments u have to play 6 matches in two weeks. Keep that in mind please.After that single elimination.Sign ups are open until the 17th October.I aim for 16 players for each tournament.


    -Be between 1400-1800 --> Highest ever achieved rating not above 1850-have at least 40 1v1s played, sign up with your main Account-make sure you have time to participate in the tournament-be able to play your matches between 14-20 GMT (as starting times) during the week.

    -->this is supposed to make sure that the scheduling between the players will work and be more smooth.

    -->if u sign up for the tournament, while u are not able to offer at least 3 times during the week, between 15-20 GMT (as starting times) to play your matches, you will get banned. Dont assume only because u have time on the weekend that all your opponents will have as well.

    -->If u sign up for the tournament but then dont show up to your matches, i will also ban u from my future tournaments.-Players are free to schedule there matches also for the weekends, but offer your opponents also times during the week to play your matches.

    -treat your opponents with respect-we will use the following bugged map Rules to call an admin Restart:

    --> If less than 6 tiles of a Players main gold are accessible on one side or less than 4 tiles of a Players specific extra golds(Extra golds that don't belong to a particular player are excluded)

    -->If less than 4 tiles of a players Stone are accessible on one side(Extra stones that don't belong to a particular player are excluded)

    -->If less than 4 tiles of player-specific forage bushes are accessible on one side(Extra forage bushes that don't belong to a particular player are excluded)

    -->Any of the starting animals are trapped or in any way inaccessible-on non tc starts no laming until Minute 5(dont kill vills before min 5)-on Mirage 1.1 it is forbidden to delete the opponents fish by building a dock on it-1 Restart per player


    submitted by /u/EmpathyRTS
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    First Win!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 05:34 AM PDT

    I've been watching tons of T90 videos and his Twitch steams before finally moving to ranked 1v1 RM. My first three placement matches were fairly slopping, with the beginnings of a fast castle build order but not efficient enough. I watched and noticed my obvious mistakes, including not focusing on the strength of the civ I choose, Lithuanians.

    In my fourth match, I made sure not have an idle TC and work on maintaining a strong Eco. I scouted the enemy better than I have in the past as we both had roughly the same Feudal and Castle age times. I focused on relics to beef up my knights as that was one of their buffs to the civ. In the previous games, I tried to keep a balanced army and used more skirms which weren't ideal as a raid unit. This time around, I queued up a handful of knights and I noticed in my final scouting trip that there was a hole in his walls. I sent in my knights before he realized and took out his wood line vils as he panicked and queued up a bunch of spearmen. Luckily I had plenty of cavalry upgrades so we disposed of them quickly.

    I created some man-at-arms to counter his spearman as he still did not patch up his wall. I decided to take some stone villagers and create a forward castle for some Leitus. That's when I realized that he did not have a wall that side of his base, giving me an easy place to charge in. I focused on my knights as there was no need to advanced to Imperial with his eco stagnant. He then got desperate and attempted to create a second TC right next to his other one with about ten or so vils. My cavalry surrounded them and took them out at 95% completion of TC. During this, he went up to Imperial which is why he had no creation of vils. He had enough and decided to resign, giving me my first win!

    I know I can still improve greatly but it's always nice getting your first win and so I figured I'd share it anyways. His ELO was 760 which isn't the best obviously. I thought I wasn't at the ability to beat someone of this ELO yet as my previous games were around 800 ELO.

    As a side question, when is it the right moment to create a second or third TC? Just sometime during castle age?

    submitted by /u/Tricky_Market0521
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    Vietnamese and ecoupgrades: when?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 03:26 AM PDT


    I have a question regarding Vietnamese and eco upgrades:

    When do you pick each upgrade?

    I pick farm and wood upgrades upon reaching the feudal, castle, and imperial, whereas I only click on gold and stone upgrades when I start to mine those resources.

    In water maps, I pick gillnets as soon as possible.

    And wheelbarrow and handcart when I would pick them with other civs.

    Am I right or wrong?

    Thanks for your input.

    PD: just for your interest, I also use to lure one or two deer with Vietnamese,

    submitted by /u/joker_penguin
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    Suggestions welcomed

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:50 AM PDT

    A friend and I have just started back playing again it's been a long time since either of us have played. We picked up the definitive edition the other day. Our typical method of choice of playing is with 500 pop cap,normal resources, normal speed, mega random map, ludicrous size. We always set the a.i to (hd) don't know if that matters or not. We prefer us 2 1 a.I teammate and 2 other enemies. We play on hard with a 40 minute treaty. I understand that puts us at a disadvantage but we enjoy long games and no early rushes.

    Issue we keep running into, by the end of the treaty we have a stable economy but never have enough troops. Computer always seems to mass produce champions, and paladins. Which normally we can beat back the first initial wave and more or less win.

    Last night how ever we played against the Mayans I do believe and we COULD NOT counter the Plumbed archers I made hundreds of longbow men and skirmishers. This is the first game we have ever had a civ come back from almost being completely wiped and win. I still can't get over it. 😭 what can we do to help better prepare us for another battle with them?

    Thanks for any helpful suggestions.

    TLDR: need suggestions on countering plumbed archers, we play with a 40 minute treaty so we don't rush.

    submitted by /u/ftwynne706
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    HEN #6. Feedback or Roast me. Let's do this.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 04:29 AM PDT

    how to beat petards in post imp diplomacy game?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    one of my friends just gets 100 petards and rolls over us we have about 2 to 3 hour long games with 500 pop cap so how to counter like 300 petards being 24/7 built HELP!

    submitted by /u/yeetborn2
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    Portugeuse champion viability?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    I'm pretty low elo, so this may not apply to higher elos, but how is a lategame Feitoria + Champion flood strategy?

    Portugeuse get FU champions, only being a bit slower than other civs, but the discounts make them a much better deal than other civs, almost like a pseudo-goth champion

    Portugeuse champion = 45f, 16g and a bit slower

    Goth champion = 39f, 13g and less armor

    Even when I faced a goth opponent yesterday, my champions were able to trade effectively with his since they are stronger unit for unit, and the cheap cost + Feitoria food and gold income meant I could sustain production far longer than he could. How viable is this sort of strategy? Portugeuse are my favorite civ and I just wanna find a way to make them work consistently well

    submitted by /u/VantablackViper
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    Searching for legendary 4v4 suomi vs am

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    There was this one game where Max got triple slung as goths and proceeded to stomp aM with the incredibly quicl uptime and goths spam. Unfortunately, i wasnt able to find it on youtube. I think it was casted by T90. Anyone knows the game /can Provide me with a link of the cast?

    Best wishes, A suomi fanboy (WINLAND,PERKELE!!! )

    submitted by /u/Great-Caterpillar-34
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    Looking for a good discord for age of empire 2.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 05:22 AM PDT

    Wololo. If you know of any please link below. Thank You!

    submitted by /u/Lethal_Demise
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    ��'s confidence when shooting boars with his TC is insane

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    what are some fun stategies in 256x mod?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 02:23 AM PDT

    Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition UltraWide 21:9 vs 16:9

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    Fighting off Arambai?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 05:34 PM PDT

    I'm slowly improving from sub-1000 ELO and at about 1050 now. Usually I feel comfortable that when I lose, I've just been outplayed, not making catastrophic mistakes compared to others at my level, and I try to look at the losses and identify where I could have done better, usually I can see things that I'm still working on, like remembering to reboom after I get raided. Anyway - the one thing I feel like just wrecks me no matter what is facing Arambai/Burmese, especially on arena. I try making archers or skirms to deal with them from range, setting them to wide stance to try and take advantage of the bad Arambai accuracy, but they just chew up anything I use. Is there anything I'm missing or is this just everyone's struggle against them?

    submitted by /u/OLTARZEWSKT1
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    They shall not pass.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Building Military numbers

    Posted: 08 Oct 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    So I notice that while I have decent villager production (for my 900 ELO), I am losing games because of lack of military production once I get to castle age. (Also Franks are OP ;) ) I usually have a 10 to 12 vill lead but lack of military just takes away my advantage. Any tips on increasing military production? I have a hot key for select all TCs and I'm able to maintain vil production by constantly pressing it and adding Vils However, though I have hot key for select military buildings I tend to not use them as frequently. Any tips on how to internalise building Military in castle age? Feudal I do alright since it's part of the BO.

    I'm thinking of internalising military production by selecting a mili building n creating a unit immediately after creating villagers. Hopefully that internalizes production. Anyone have a better idea or I just need to be more aware in-game and remind myself to create military.

    submitted by /u/SliverinAoe2
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    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:37 AM PDT

    Is there a way to see all chat when spectating?

    submitted by /u/RandusAugustus
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    Aoe 2 de Casting/spectator overlay Where do i find it?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2020 12:28 AM PDT

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