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    Thursday, December 3, 2020

    Age of Empires 3 How times have changed...

    Age of Empires 3 How times have changed...

    How times have changed...

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 07:53 AM PST

    Would Teepees be better with no build/destroy XP Bounty (like Walls)?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 03:14 PM PST

    So Teepees are only 40w, get built in 5 seconds, and can now be constructed by all Lakota infantry units by default (Ulfsarks!), but they have that pesky buildcap of 12/20 with card. If Teepees could be deleted and rebuilt without benefitting the enemy, I think they might be used more widely as an on-demand force multiplier (at least, I'm sure I would use them more often, but then again I'm not super high rank).

    Of course, it would also be great to be able to freely destroy Teepees when they're blocking friendly troop pathing. Are there some potential downsides to such a change?

    Oh and while we're on the topic, they still haven't fixed the part where the Teepee Attack AoE (which is 2 radius smaller than the Health buff AoE) isn't represented in the visual overlay when a Teepee is selected, and the tooltip still reads "provides a gathering boost to nearby economic units" even though it doesn't help Villagers or Livestock.

    submitted by /u/GideonAI
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    DE new pathing showcase

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:43 AM PST

    Where are the updates?????

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 10:28 AM PST

    Are they done fast updating this game??? What are they doing?

    submitted by /u/Acrobatic_Wolverine
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    Multiplayer crashes and freezing are out of control

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 05:11 PM PST

    Last three nights have been 3v3 or 4v4, and all have frozen and crashed at 20-30 min mark. What gives?

    submitted by /u/dwalls90
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    AOE3DE : High level Replay Analysis: Dutch vs French Minimoult vs Samwise12

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 08:49 AM PST

    Looking for a team to play ranked games

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:04 PM PST

    Looking for a ranked team to play team games with. If account name is ginger please message me in game if interested thanks

    submitted by /u/hachmeister9128
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    Some suggestions for Treaty (That won't affect normal games!)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 05:13 PM PST

    First of all this is for treaty players, please don't complain if you don't even play the game mode. Secondly don't make comments about how devs won't balance around treaty game mode, look through the recent patch notes plent of things have been changed purely because of treaty mode.

    I am almost a treaty only player since I pretty much first picked up aoe3 9+ years ago, I prefer it because I enjoy the late game battles with maxed out units, this said I do think there needs to be some alteration to treaty in its current state.

    My main problem currently is that even though you can spend 40 minutes building ur base and preparing for the battles of all battles the game can still be ended within 5 minutes with a hard rush or cheese strategy (getting rid of the cav box glitch somewhat helps with this). I have a couple of suggestions for improvements in this area that will not impact rush games AT ALL.

    1. Larger map size, pretty self explanatory and it can be easily done, maps are always larger if there's more players than a 1v1, for treaty I think a good change would be making the size of the map as if its 2 more players ie in a 1v1 the map is the size of a 2v2.
    2. Larger build radious from TC, in its current form its just too small, there's not enough room to build a proper fortress. IMO the ideal scenario would be enough room to have ur eco/main base + enough room to build a solid FOB. I think a possible option would be giving players access to a whole 1/3 of the map (going from their start side) and that leaves a solid area for no mans land. There definitely needs to be a sweet spot, I do not want to go back to the nightmare that was NR HM where players would have 20+ walls between themselves and the enemy.
    3. A global buff to buildings/Global nerf to siege damage. I'm really not a fan of the idea that 20 calvary units can take down a section of wall within seconds, It makes no sense realistically and I don't think it makes sense in the game. I think the primary option for players to take down buildings/walls should be artillery and everything else should be nerfed. This will make the game more strategic instead of just spamming units into a base. Players will have to prioritise sending siege artillery and protecting them. Possible solution would be a global nerf to siege damage for units that aren't arty, or a global buff to building HP. Atleast maybe just walls/forts/towers other buildings are in a good spot.
    4. Fair starts. Its pretty frustrating when a palyer has access to a TP and you don't or even worse if they have access to the ocean and you don't. Point number 2 would address this in a simple mannor

    Let me know what you guyd think. I do not want games that go 2+ hours but I think they're currently a little short.

    submitted by /u/AussieBeugBlaster
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    Upgrade order

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 07:25 AM PST

    I was wondering, is there a particular way of choosing upgrades? Or does It not matter? For example, there's a shipment that boosts attack by 15%, and also a barracks upgrade that boosts by 20%, should I get one before the other?

    submitted by /u/davidm2505
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    Toxic Players on ranked???

    Posted: 02 Dec 2020 06:11 AM PST

    Has anyone else run into a bunch of toxic players on ranked matches? The constant shit talking after matches is just flabbergasting, I mean c'mon, this is a historical RTS, not fucking COD.

    I mean Jesus, if you're shit talking players after winning and being toxic on AOE online, you need to seriously re-think your life. Can I just play a game without some turd saying "EZ" or some bullshit like that? It probably sounds like I'm being overly sensitive, but I just did not expect to encounter this on AOE lmao.

    submitted by /u/SonofAngus
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