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    Thursday, February 18, 2021

    Age of Empires II Even with shift queueing they still sometimes slip through the cracks

    Age of Empires II Even with shift queueing they still sometimes slip through the cracks

    Even with shift queueing they still sometimes slip through the cracks

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 01:05 AM PST

    My build order seems a little off

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:53 AM PST

    I appreciate the light-heartedness of our pro community 11

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 02:40 PM PST

    after watching survivalist lose a post imp war yesterday because he had lost middle wood access, I realised this:

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 06:41 AM PST

    Amazon Tunnel AI really pushes the friendship

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 04:46 AM PST

    Aoe is pay to lose 11. Hera (slightly) tilted confirmed.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 01:33 AM PST

    How do I unsubscribe from those mods? I've turned them off, unsubscribed, deleted the files from the mods folder but every time I restart the game they're back

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 03:00 AM PST

    After 2 Weeks Of Practice and 100 Games, I Hit 1000 ELO for the First Time. Here's My Journey So Far. On to Learning Late-Game and 1100 ELO!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:35 AM PST

    New civs or new campaigns?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:56 AM PST

    I usually enjoy playing campaigns more than multiplayer and I quite enjoyed playing Lords of the West campaigns. Most of the latest campaigns (DE and LotW) were quite enjoyable. What is evident with each new expansion/DLC is that new civs are added and those civs are the ones which get a new campaign. That's why the Longshanks campaign was such a pleasant surprise since it used a civ released back in Age of Kings but never had their own campaign.

    I think AOE2 is fast reaching saturation in terms of new civs which could be added so I'd like more campaigns for the existing ones. So far no civ has gotten more than one campaign but I think many civs have the opportunity to have fantastic second campaigns so perhaps an expansion with new/second campaigns for existing civs would be wonderful.

    Some of the ones I'd like to see are:

    1. Charlemagne - Franks
    2. The Viking Age - Vikings (I know York is in Historical Battles but I feel this has huge potential as a full-blown campaign)
    3. Alfred the Great - Britons/Celts (I am not sure which one would be more appropriate for the Saxons or if a new civ should be released. I think this would serve as a wonderful mirror campaign for the Viking Age just like Joan/Grand Dukes and Wallace/Longshanks)
    4. Rise of Islam - Saracens/Berbers (This would be centred around the early Islamic campaigns in the 7th century. Once again, I am not sure if the civs I mentioned would be appropriate for the setting or if a new one would be needed)
    5. Mehmed the Conqueror - Turks
    6. Sengoku Jidai - Japanese
    7. Sassanian Empire - Persians
    8. Crusader Kings - various (taking charge of the various states in each scenario. It could be a loose continuation of Hautevilles scenario 4 and a mirror for Saladin)
    9. A few historical battles - Grunwald (Lithuanians), Fourth Crusade (Italians), Siege of Vienna (Teutons), Bosworth (Britons)
    submitted by /u/sunking1714
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    Do you agree the Mongols deserve a unique and separate building style?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 02:59 AM PST

    They currently have the Far East Asian building style which is the most used in the game. Building style is shared with the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and Vietnamese. True, that the Mongols were China's neighbours who conquered most of Asia and share some cultural simularities with other Far East civilizations. But the building style in the game is based mostly on medieval Japan which they never conquered and is inaccurate. The Mongols are a nomadic steppe culture and they deserve something else instead. Before creating this post, I saw this mod posted on Steam which gives them a unique architectural design. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1591972511

    submitted by /u/DeviantDiscord1
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    My funniest win for sure, beat my opponent in under 4 minutes

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 04:19 PM PST

    New SteamDB DLC - New civs again?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 06:11 AM PST


    Added a few hours ago. Will we get new civs this summer shortly after Lords of the West? If yes, I'd love to see Siamese or Tamils.

    submitted by /u/romaniaisunreal
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    Capoch's Build Orders Guide

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 12:32 PM PST

    Capoch's Build Orders Guide

    Hey folks! The build orders guide for February 2021 is out. It contains 44 pages that include a whole lot of stuff to help you improve your AoE2 level. Since I've just started last week my full time gaming career, I just want to focus on improving my gameplay and also try to make my channel grow while at the same time helping others improve. I'm also streaming 5 times a week, generally in english during the day and in spanish during the night.

    How do you get the build orders guide?

    All you need to do to get the guide is subscribe to www.twitch.tv/capoch. Remember, if you have Amazon Prime, you can subscribe for free or if not, it costs 4.99USD.

    After subbing, you must join my discord channel (https://discord.gg/65NwUgz), go to discord connections in settings and sync your Twitch with your discord. You will then find a private channel in my discord where you can download the guide. It comes in two languages (english and spanish) and the idea is to keep it fresh by adding new content every month (2 builds at least) so stay tunned!

    Find below some samples of pages inside the guide. I'm sorry if this is some awkward self-promotion post, but I really think this is good content for players in lower levels, and it'll also help me a lot in growing into a bigger channel.

    (Also, the cover page has a very special February "addition").

    Kind regards!





    submitted by /u/L_Clan_Capoch
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    Just won my first online ranked game!

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 01:51 PM PST

    Opponent was Britons, I was Burmese. They did a drush and tried to build a tower/forward stable/forward range. I countered with my own tower and MAA. They were able to send scouts into my wood line and got some vill kills but I scout rushed them into oblivion. I think if they had kept going I would have been in a tight spot but once I beat them to castle age and got knights they called GG.

    It's a start! Looking forward to more!

    submitted by /u/poverturf
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    The rate of queue dodging has increased significantly, tonight 60% of my matches were failed.

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 01:05 PM PST

    Perhaps because of people highlighting the issue, or whatever the reason may be.

    If the devs have decided that we have a certain number of banned maps, then they should enforce it.

    If the devs think queue dodging is fine then in effect it's the same as letting people dodge any map and matchup and ally picks they dont like, and it wastes 10minutes of people's times every time.

    In that case just let people have infinite ban maps so that we don't waste time.

    This is worse than the MSN Zone days 20 years ago. At least then you got abandon/disconnect and after 5 you lost 50 points, and people would kick you for being a disconnector.

    submitted by /u/homanh
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    Is feudal age raiding necessary to climb the ranks?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 06:07 AM PST


    Im a fairly new age of empires 2 player (well in the ranked ladder sense, like many others I played the game to death as a child but that was all against AI and really long ago), After trying quite a few civs I ended up sticking with Celts and im trying to climb with them. my rank currently fluctuates between 1000 and 1100. In 95% of all my games my enemy is applying some sort of pressure on me in the feudal age, be it scouts (most common), archers (also quite common), man at arms or donjon/sergjeant (less common but it happens), I also never wall of completely, I tend to wall of about 60% of my base with military buildings and houses and then i get ready to intercept the raids using units (that 60% stil helps a-lot since it greatly reduces my opponents attack options, while at the same time not costing me any additional resources). mostly spearman/skirmishers for scouts/archers and occasionally archers/man at arms to counter enemy man at arms and towers. I feel like celtic spearman are especially good at defending against scout raids with their movement speed bonus, but in the end it becomes a micro battle and if I'm playing well i can prevent any villager death while also defending with less units than my attacker and saving the resources on walls. I of course scout his base with my scout to get an idea of what his gonna send my way.

    Kinda wondering if me leaving such a big gap in my walls is the reason I get so aggressively raided in the feudal age every game or if thats just the standard (but i do enjoy defending against it either way). But what concerns me now is that Im never aggressive in the feudal age myself? the games i win typically go like this: im just trying to defend with as little as possible and get a strong eco going into the castle age from where I will start forming my deathball of halbs/onagers (wile still spreading halbs all around my eco to deal with raiding knights), Alot of my games go on for really long as I wear my opponent out without ever starting any aggression (I do try to raid with woad raiders eventually but I end up seldomly doing it), eventually my opponent just runs out of gold while i still have a lot since im mainly trading my halbs for his gold units. I don't need to spend nearly as much gold on my onagers (and ocasional scorpion depending on what my opponent has) and when fighting and trading I end up mostly losing halbs, many games I have 10 barracks's pumping halbs and only 1 or 2 siege workshops. My main question is, should I change up my tactics a bit and also be more agresive in the feudal age? since everybody seems to be doing it? should i wall off completely rather? or is it fine to be inviting the raiders inside like im currently doing.

    submitted by /u/Hellgin
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    GG WP Attila #4

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 05:21 AM PST

    So I just played a team game

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 09:02 PM PST

    I was cumans on Amazon tunnel had a couple big fights for the middle got pushed back to the tip of are base seeing how I could spam hussars... (while the enemy sent wave after wave of halbs ) I did while keeping them under the castle and going out if they brought trebs .. for about a good hr straight I'm jus spamming hussars trying to hold on to the castle while begging my teamate to send archers for the infantry . .... Guess what my teammate was spending his resources on a f**## wonder .. part of me died inside being low elo I was doing so good holding the 2v1 bakk for so long. I was telling him to send archers the whole match and he finally responds when I asked y he made a wonder 😂🤣

    submitted by /u/backwoodsornogud
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    What in tarnation

    Posted: 17 Feb 2021 09:09 AM PST

    I love both these communities

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:46 AM PST

    Why does Player 2 have a higher Tech score? Is Research Percent all that matters?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 07:41 AM PST

    Endless AI Spam - Unstoppable?

    Posted: 18 Feb 2021 12:26 AM PST

    Edit: Thank you so much everyone - I've been given several ideas to try, so I'll go for another hour and if nothing changes I'll start over with a more aggressive strat. Thanks again to all the more experienced players for all the wisdom, it just shows how good this community is!

    Hey all, I'm a pretty noob player, and I'm about 2 hours into my first ever game against the hard AI on a ludicrously sized map (I'm Britons and they are Magyars). We're right in the post imperial age - at this point I have around 20000-40000 of every resource and even producing units from dozens of different buildings doesn't bring down my count. However, I just can't beat the AI - I start by wasting their mostly cavalry army with a mix of fully upgraded halberdiers and longbow men, and once I'm in view of the castles I start producing trebs to knock them down. But every single time, the AI manages to somehow push me back with a massive wave of Magyar hussars and mangonels, and so the cycle repeats. I've tried everything I can think of - building secret blocks of buildings around their base to spam units, building up a massive army and attacking all at once, just straight up spamming from 20 or more buildings into their base - but nothing seems to work. Before I sink another 4 hours into this endless back and fro, does anyone have advice on what else I can do?

    submitted by /u/hoipolloigoiy
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