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    Monday, February 15, 2021

    Age of Empires II Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers

    Age of Empires II Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers

    Medieval Monday: Ask Your Questions and Get Your Answers

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 04:00 AM PST

    Time for another weekly round of questions.

    Talk about everything from build orders to advanced strategies.

    Whatever your questions, the community is here to answer them.

    So ask away!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Post didn’t post, second times the charm

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 01:07 AM PST

    I (<750 ELO) only play ranked. It is a privilige to have another human on the other side.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 02:58 AM PST

    This is a message for my fellow low ELO/self-esteem people:

    Quit the "trying to beat AI on Hard before I start even considering Ranked" mindset.

    Back in 1999 it was a major event to organise a LAN party with my friends and play together (with max 30 vills and definietly just 1 TC in Imperial). Most of play was the scenarios or against some numb AI.

    Nowadays, through Ranked Play, I have the option to play with a real human at roughly my skill level any time I feel like it. It is a pure privilege, as engaging another human and seing their reactions is all this martial game is about.

    Why should I learn and try to improve against a non-intelligent AI (that is micromanaging a single file of units streaming to my base) when I can actually nonbindignly engage with fellow warriers, anonymously and without any hard feelings?!

    submitted by /u/BBatMuddClubBER
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    Oh the good old times

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 12:53 AM PST

    I felt so evil then I remembered

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 12:15 PM PST

    My anxious butt just played my first ever PvP online game and wanted to share!

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 02:57 AM PST

    I really just wanted to share the story of my first EVER PvP experience and I don't have anyone that would care to listen so hello. It's a long'un because I'm overly descriptive, so yea...

    Background: I have hella anxiety when it comes to online/playing-against-other-humans games, even Chess. In the 20 years I've played AOE (getting it from a cereal box, yeehaw), AOM (still my fave) and AOE3, I have never, EVER played against another human. Yes, 20 years and that only changed last night. Only got AOE2 in Nov 2020 and watched some Viper, Hera and T90 vids before doing some campaigns.

    On to the game: I had a little bit of liquid courage and wanted to try a game against a human as the AI is a whole thing. Queued up in Unranked 1v1 (laptop isn't good enough for Ranked) and ended up on Nomad, African Clearing – a map and game mode I've never played before. I chose Lithuanians because they are the best civ and you will never convince me otherwise. Ended up against Bulgarians which I don't know anything about. Side note: this is normal, I know nothing about any civ except for the campaigns I have done, which is about 3.5 of them.

    Game starts: I know I have to get TC down quick and one of my vils is next to a pond that miraculously has a relic next to it. I immediately ruin this luck by sending one vil to build a LC instead of helping with the Pond TC because I wanted wood or something? Immediately go into vil making overdrive. Note: one vil on wood at this time is regrettable.

    Early game shenanigans: There were none. We just focused on booming and getting food, etc. My game plan was to keep expanding by putting mills next to water because Shore Fish and hunting/goats is better than farming? I think? Anyway, very few farms. Also everything was VERY spread out.

    Feudal: We reached feudal at about the same time, I immediately went scouts because I'm Lithuanians (the bad guy... Duh). Tried some random raids that weren't super successful but I felt like I was doing something so that's more important than success. Eco micro non-existent – turns out trying to micro like 4 mills worth of vils to fish, hunt and farm is beyond the capabilities of a scrub. BUT THEN IT GOT INTERESTING, or maybe not, I don't know your threshold for enjoyment.

    Castle: In feudal, while I went scouts, they went archers and spearmen. Side note: Again, I have no clue what Bulgarians do, is this good? Is this a thing Bulgarians do? Nevertheless, I persisted. In making cavalry. So the early skirmishes caused them to create a small army (a dozen each pike and Xbow) and they marched right on in. Remember how I was super spread out at a bunch of random mills? Yea, they wiped out a fair number of vils, maybe 15-20ish, because they killed my horsies and I had no walls. They marched right into my Pond TC and made havoc. I managed to grab a relic or two, and use a couple of random horsies to kite/distract them.

    At this point, I had made a few TCs, especially next to stone/gold deposits and was able to kite their small army. Bait them in with a horsy or a monk, get a few TC shots in, and they couldn't do much as they didn't have good raiding/building destroying units, and the distance between my eco places was too much for infantry/archers. Aside from ruining the eco of a couple mills/TCs, they didn't affect me too much BECAUSE… Ladies and gentle-vils, this is why I'm way too overconfident for someone who doesn't know how to play: While I was kiting and forgetting how to micro my eco, I built an army of about 12 knights. Yeehaw. I ran them into his base and managed to wipe out about 80% of their vils – for some reason they set them to attack the mega-horsies, not run to the nearest, albeit slightly far away, TC.

    At this point, having ruined their eco, I sent the knights back, killed the remains of their small army, losing a few mega-horsos but whatever, I want my Pond TC back. My eco was damaged but I knew I had an advantage so I built a couple more TCs, scouted a bit and made like Skrillex and DROPPED… a castle v close to their base. It assaulted their walls and they went wild trying to defend/destroy the castle. They basically beat my army and attacked the castle with their pikes. And yes, I forgot to build a Uni and get murder holes. But it's okay because I unintentionally play 4D chess and built a tower next to the castle to cover it. While they focused on the castle, I sent an army of knights (again, I only built cav and some siege – Lithuanians are, let me hear it, the best civ) around the side. Didn't send them in to the castle-skrillex-drop as that was a Dark-Souls-survival-rate kind of vibe. These Companion Cavalry did the old hammer and anvil and while some Leitis (yeehaw) and siege rams held the fun happy place, they went around the back, annihilated about 90% of the vils that remained and started in on their other shiz. Meanwhile, the killzone was finally conquered and the Leitis and siege rams went in.

    Ending: Old mate resigned and I have never been more proud of myself. Yeehaw.

    Notes: I had the chance to take about 3 relics, but I was so panicked about gold that I thought 'aw gee, Rick, I don't think I want to spend gold on another monk'. Side note: at this point, I shouldn't call myself noob/scrub, I should call myself brain-damaged.

    Even better: This game went about 55mins and neither of us went into Imp. Read that again. And again, if you need. Imp = scary because that's resources and I only have checks notes 8000 food! Side note: brain damage confirmed.

    Conclusion: If you stayed this long, perhaps you too have brain damage and I would love to play a game with you, because I think I will continue playing online games. It was very fun and my heart went a-bump, a-bump, a-bump. From being a hella anxious PvP player, to a mildly anxious PvP player, this was a good experience and I look forward to losing to Inca Trushes 😊 Thanks for reading, I just wanted to share my VERY nerve-wracking first ever PvP game in 20 years, because I don't know any other people that would care to read this.

    Lots of love, TheRhythmce

    submitted by /u/TheRhythmce
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    Hidden Cup Qualifier Predictions

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 04:08 AM PST

    Who do you think will be the final 8?


    My prediction is




    The Max - This is a hard bracket to pick

    Project Belguim




    Hopefully im wrong and some of the lesser know players make it

    submitted by /u/2341leg
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    Preety much sums my experience campaigns vs ranked

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 07:11 AM PST

    Stone wall the base?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 08:30 AM PST

    So I am new to multiplayer online aoe. I am usually an agressive player and prefer to rush with feudal age army. Usually archers into crossbows or scouts into knights. My push is strong and my eco also is usually good.

    However, i feel the palaside walling that i do in late dark age is not good enough. And usually the the opponent attacks my base in an attempt to counter attack. This often leads to me completely giving up eco and an all-in attack or running around for new TC space. And I think at my ELO ( 900s) it is extremely difficult to defend at home and attack.

    Pro players hardly ever stone wall. Is stone walling the base that bad a decision for long term eco? What is a good strat to stone wall and be aggressive? Any pointers/suggestions are welcome.

    submitted by /u/SnooRabbits8297
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    My friend had great advice for me(Somewhat of a noob, I am)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 01:39 AM PST

    And it's kind of advice that I think all of us need: "Help your fucking flanks!"

    Otherwise it's Boom into Resign.

    submitted by /u/Natch42
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    Große deutsche Discord Community sucht Verstärkung! :-)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 03:24 AM PST

    Seid gegrüßt!

    Unser Discord "AOE2GERMANY" mit über 275+ Spielern sucht Verstärkung, um sich als offizieller deutscher Community-Server für AOE2:DE zu bewerben! ;)

    Wir haben einen Rollenbot für Elos, einen Premium-Musikbot, Server-Boosts für bessere Audioqualität, einen eigenen Twitch- und Youtube-Kanal und vieles mehr!
    Außerdem dazu noch regelmäßige Events, wie unser wöchentliches Sonntags-Event und Turniere.

    Nette Leute aus jeder Erfahrungsstufe erwarten dich!

    Neugierig geworden?

    Schau doch mal vorbei!

    Beste Grüße

    submitted by /u/FatalityFrank
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    What approximate 1v1 ELO is each difficulty of DE AI?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 08:23 AM PST

    I understand it's not an exact science because, maps, civs, strategy etc. have quite an influence on AI difficulty. But it seems a lot of people like to benchmark their improvement against the AI because it's a relatively consistent opponent level.

    It got me wondering about roughly what the 1v1 ELO equivalent for each AI difficulty is on say arabia. I know the AI isn't a perfect analogue to humans because it doesn't get flustered and distracted by rushes, it micro's reliably, doesn't wall and gets confused by tower rushes and douches.

    Still, I know a lot of people like to practice against the AI, so what sort of ELO do you think the various difficulties are? For the sake of comparable answers, I'd suggest this for 1v1 - arabia and none cheese strategies.

    submitted by /u/Exa_Cognition
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    Burgundian winrate?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 12:04 AM PST

    As above what are the win rates for the new civs?

    submitted by /u/Fitfatthin
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    What one non-unique tech/unit, if made available to a civ, would completely change their game?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 06:40 AM PST

    For example, if Britons had Thumb Ring, the skies would be quite dark.

    The Burgundian & Norman UTs definitely tilt the game in their favour. I'm trying to think of a way where the pre-LOTW civs get access to a standard tech/unit that would just as easily favour them.


    submitted by /u/nilluminator
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    Don't resign when your ally has 70 paladins

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 01:49 PM PST

    3v3 hidout

    I'm flank. My flank is also franks.

    I completely destroyed my flanks base. Had 5 trebs hitting the castle of the mid player of opponents team. Backed by ~70 paladings + ~ 30 trash units, just in case.

    Enemy flank had a sneak, and hit our mid player with ~30 paladins. Both him and other flank automatically resign.

    I retrospect I should have just tried to 3v1, as I probably had the same amount of military as them combined. But I just lacked in conviction.

    Anyway. Sorry for ranting. Moral of story. Communicate better, I guess :-(


    EDIT: Just because its not clear: Allies resigned (I think) because they saw a bunch of enemy paladins from my side in their eco. They assumed I had fallen (I think) when in reality it was a sneak. They did not check to see, that I was actually winning my side (I think) but just resigned. I was sad. Thats all.

    submitted by /u/fkeel
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    I'm like a 1050ish ELO player -- what is the best way to improve?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 05:17 AM PST

    I know different folks have different strengths and stuff, but generally speaking, what separates 1050 players from like 1200 or 1400 players?

    submitted by /u/jun_program7
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    Does anyone play this game casually?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 02:20 PM PST

    I love AoE2, it was one of my favourite childhood games. I always play vs. AI and just enjoy building up and defending my city and eventually launching a massive assualt.

    Sadly, I have never been able to find anyone in multiplayer who plays the same way. Even with a low ELO, ranked is still just people rushing into your village ASAP and if you can't execute build orders you just lose automatically.

    My many attempts to create lobbies called NOOBS ONLY or CASUAL PLAYERS ONLY or CASUAL ARENA just result in people either coming in and streamrolling in 12 minutes anyway while talking about how bad we are, or at best they'll do some massive economic boom so by the time the treaty ends at 30 minutes my friends and I have barely any soldiers and are still making our bases nice and pretty while the enemy knocks on our door with 300 troops and full post imperial upgrades with an extra 50k of everything in the bank. Not to mention most players get pissy and either leave or start flaming the second they see a treaty.

    Should I just stick to playing vs. AI?

    submitted by /u/EonXII
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    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 08:19 AM PST

    Me after every 4v4 team game in which I got carried

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 08:17 AM PST

    The big troll and the big throw!

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 08:06 AM PST

    Hey guys how are you hope you are well. Today i played a ranked game that was completely crazy especially after the big and stupid throw that happened with me. I completely destroyed my guy in very early castle in strong aggression with siege, knights and light cavs push and all-in with 1TC eco, i killed his TC, his vills, his military buildings then he build another TC then i killed him and i was really confused why until now he didn't resign?!!!!!

    I thought he is just being salty but no!!! So what happened?! I just looked at my base and found that i have only fckin 5 vills!!! He killed my vills with only fckin 10 xbows and i didn't even notice!!! I was mad and crazy as hell after seeing this and i recognized that now i can't do anything, after that i keep searching over the map with my remaining army that if he some vills or sneaky base here and there and he flee away with like 10 vills left and started his eco again, my army was good i had scorps, mangonels, knights and rams and i killed some of his xbows in my base but nothing left in my home! I tried to kill him again but it was too late and i lost the fu*kin game because there was no come back at all.

    My main question here: How can i notice that if i am being attacked rather than the alarm attack in the game?! I mean i really didn't notice or didn't hear the alarm i was focusing in killing his base and it is done he was destroyed to the ground but me too 11!!! Is there some way to be more careful to watch your base while being focus on attack at the same time rather than the minimap or something?! Or is there a mode for mini map to show smoething unique while being attacked?! It was really embarrassing to watch your base killed by 10 xbows 11 11 11!!!!

    NOTE: This game was (15xx-16xx) ELO 11

    submitted by /u/Reboku_thegreat
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    I finally reached my goal of 1700! what makes it better is that this guy's peak rating was 1807 and it was a douche defence (my first time).

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 10:10 AM PST

    Value City - Byzantines edition

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 07:59 AM PST

    Team games are way more fun than 1v1

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 06:57 PM PST

    Is this a minority opinion? I like the cooperation and saving my bro with a rowdy gang of knights when the archer rush busts into his base. Seems more enjoyable, whereas 1v1 is one of you just waiting to die.

    submitted by /u/poopdeck
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    Hidden Cup 4 Qualifier brackets are on Liquipedia anybody want to discuss?

    Posted: 14 Feb 2021 12:56 PM PST

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