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    Tuesday, May 18, 2021

    Age of Empires II The 850 elo life

    Age of Empires II The 850 elo life

    The 850 elo life

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:03 AM PDT

    Sportsmanship at its finest

    Posted: 17 May 2021 09:57 PM PDT

    Me every time I get castle dropped

    Posted: 17 May 2021 11:12 PM PDT

    Inspired by a recent thread

    Posted: 17 May 2021 06:09 PM PDT

    Today as a developer at work today I was using 2 as a false for a boolean multiple times

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:15 AM PDT

    After heavy session in the weekend 2 became false and 1 true :D and i was wondering why the code was not compiling

    submitted by /u/Merhat3
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    Suit up lads! Today is the day!

    Posted: 17 May 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    Happy birthday to the Middle-earth family!

    Posted: 18 May 2021 05:47 AM PDT

    My proposal for a TG ELO reset

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:12 AM PDT

    Trying out a new civ and getting a win

    Posted: 17 May 2021 01:56 PM PDT

    Team Games - The Elephant in the room

    Posted: 18 May 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    Yesterday i was streaming and ended up with a situation.. i wanted to play a TG... So i queue up for a 3v3/4v4 Game (without banning anymap), after waiting for about 8~9 min, i randomed Oasis i belive, and them someone just alt+f4... i was back to the queue, waited for more ~7min until a match was found, it was Arabia this time, but someone alt+f4 again.. at this point, i was on the quere for 15 min already, and couldn't get myself a Team Game... in the end it took me around ~25min until i was able to play a single game.

    Few days ago i was matched with two guys around 1400 in 1v1 to face-off Nicov/Gary/Fedex, all 2k+ experienced players in 1v1, i can barely hold myself vs one of those guys.. it was a nearly impossible game for myself by the moment i saw the screeen...

    I ended up losing my interest in my favorite setting, the Team Games due some of those issues, and i belive some of those issues might be common for a big part of the community, starting with the Alt+F4 issue...

    1 - Alt+F4 Issue

    I Started this topic with a short description of the "Alt+F4" problem, you Queue up for a long time, just to end up not playng a game because someone decided to Alt+F4... but i want to elaborate a bit more on what causes this issue:

    1.1 - The Culture

    Age of Empires players are sometimes extremely "Niched", i've played in MS Zone, later in Gamepark/Igzones... Voobly.. IRC servers.. and in all those servers there were a few things in common:

    The majority (but not all!!!) of the players would usually just play 1v1 and TG in Arabia, it's the most Popular map, featured in many tourneys so far, so it's always been the main setting used to measure a player's skill.

    But there were always some niches of players, who would became specialists and only play one kind of map, for example:

    The BF Players

    The LN Players

    The LN FFA Players (where are those guys? i loved those 6 hour saturday games until the last man standing was overthere...)

    The Arena Players (mostly 1v1 Arena right?!)

    But the main point is, some players just specialized in some maps, and are not willing to learn/play the others, the banning system allows them to ban a few maps, but in a map pool of 7/8 maps, the guy who just plays like 1 or 2 will just alt+f4 because he doesn't want to play such maps.

    1.2 The lack of punishment

    Let's say i just want to play Arabia.. i can mark Arabia as my favorite, ban other popular maps, like Arena/Megarandom for example... and if i get anything else than Arabia, for example Black Forest.. i can just alt+f4, re-open the game and go back to the queue...

    The problem is, if it's a 4v4.. and i was the only one truly unsatisfied with the Black Forest setting (that i could've banned if i'm a "hater" of the map i also forced the other 7 players to go back to the quere, that are usually around ~8min, making everyone to lose time due my selfishness...

    And here's the thing, i'm aware that i'll be waiting 8 more min.. but the ones actually suffering or being punished for it are the other 7 players...

    My proposed restraint to Alt+F4:

    In other games, i'll useLeague of Legends as an example..., if a player "quits" a game once match is found, he's punished by being forced to wait 5 min BEFORE he can Queue up again.. if he does it again.. he'll be forced to wait 15min more.... so basically there's a system that tries to punish the Quitters, we lack this in the current match-making)

    2 - The Rating inflation issue:

    In AoE, reaching 2000(2k) mark was always a great achievment.. but right nowwe have the ranked populated by a lot of 3000+ Rate players, that's unthinkable, not how ELO was supposed to Work.. correct-me if i'm wrong but in Chess for example, anyone above 2400 is considered a "GrandMaster".. and it's quite okay for 1v1, we have less than 20 accounts above this mark... Yesterday's update might not be enough to solve this alone... and we keep having unfair match-making, and i'll point out why it might be happenning:

    (The Rank: https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-leaderboard-rm-team )

    2.1 - Solo Queue vs Group Queue

    Rates are all messed up, maybe a reset is needed, but if a team like nC, who is active for way more than 15 years, taking part in multiple competitions has to fight vs a team composed of 3 random guys, unless all those guys can exceed their individual skill them... (let's say we have nC vs Viper/Hera/TheMax), there'll be no match for them, if they play vs any of those guys and two others below 2k+... it just won't work.. they'll target/lock their main enemy and win the game without trouble...)

    But.. if nC guys are forced for example, to fight vs other top team like KGB... both with similar rates, games can go both ways.. my point here is, there's no distintion if people queue up in Groups or Individually.

    a "Solo Queue" for players to queue up alone can at some point provide fair games, by using an average Rate (without siginficative std deviation), providing thus a "fair"/"balanced" game.. but if you try to do that, considering groups of individual players vs players who are already teaming up in groups, this just won't work like that, unfortunately, i like the Data to support my affirmation, which is more empirical than otherwise...

    2.2 - TG Matchmaking is not appealing to the best players of the game:

    They'll just practice 1v1, play in closed groups, and will hardly go though the queue.. despite a few exceptions (Tatoh, Nicov, Sitaux, Paladin..). I See many reasons why it's not appealing, but i can list some:

    • Rate inflation would actually force those guys to play a lot of "Lower" players until they reached a rate more according to their current skill, i.e boring games
    • They would get matched vs 3 2k(~considering 1v1 rate) guys with two 1400/1500 allies.. which would just give them nearly impossible games to win...
    • The Long waiting time / alt+f4 issue is also a no-go...
    • 1v1 Ranked is the only measure used in most tourney to seed teams, since TG can't be trusted, so there's likely no incentive for them to boost their tg rate at all...
    • If they want to play a "fair"/"balanced" TG they'll just call other team to practice or other 2k2+ 1v1 players in a private group to play, since TG rate is f.up.

    So my proposal here for the inflated rate:

    • Change the algorithm/system in a way that either forces players who teamed up together to face other's who did the same (Group vs Group) and leave an option for an "Solo Queue" (Players who individually joined the Match-Making system searching for random/similar level players to play with/vs)
    • Reset the TG Rank

    Anyway, that was my opinion, i'm curious to see what you guys are thinking about it =)

    submitted by /u/_Mr_St4rk_
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    The Civ-Situation: Low-Elo-Legends-Edition

    Posted: 17 May 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    It's happening! Ranked TG ELO fix

    Posted: 17 May 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    link to news

    TL;DR: Essentially as has been suggested many times the ELO gains and losses will now be calculated based on the teams average ELOs.

    There is no reset to current ELO so it will take some time to adjust from current ELO based on the new gains/losses. Not sure how long but would assume not too long.

    submitted by /u/LegDayDE
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    I'm hoping to do a round table discussion with some DM community organizers soon

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:13 AM PDT

    Sometimes I actually want to play the game

    Posted: 17 May 2021 01:16 PM PDT

    when i am housed in dark age

    Posted: 18 May 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    Rock, Paper, Scissors

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:43 AM PDT

    I done did a spreadsheet for the rock, paper, scissors. Anyone that says scissors, paper, rock is not invited 11.


    edit: it reads as "attacker is strong/weak against defender" as per the fandom wiki

    submitted by /u/69feet69
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    Updates to Ranked Team Game ELO Acquisition

    Posted: 17 May 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    Is there elevation bonus damage for navy or is it just for land units ?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 02:28 AM PDT

    Real size castle?

    Posted: 18 May 2021 06:06 AM PDT

    Help with Drush FC

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:29 AM PDT

    Hey all, I never do drush FC, so I thought I'd better learn how. I have been working on a build order for drush FC, I know most out there go up on 28 pop, but whenever i watch them through, they're never fully walled early enough to really hold off a feudal aggression, so it seemed more theory rather than practical.

    Because of that I worked on a 29 pop click up build order and am looking for some feedback.
    Ideally I would love to stick to 28 pop, but not sure its feasible to do it with being fully walled up early enough.. any ideas on how it can be achieved?

    This is what I was left with:


    submitted by /u/Aoeleagues
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    [bug] game plays fine but audio stutters badly (see video)

    Posted: 18 May 2021 04:22 AM PDT

    Dawn of the Dukes - which civs do you think it is going to be?

    Posted: 17 May 2021 11:51 PM PDT

    Discussing new RedBull Wololo 4 maps with Chrazini ~

    Posted: 17 May 2021 03:49 PM PDT

    For anyone that is interested in Empire Wars and particularly the new RedBull Wololo 4 maps, check out Salted Pepper's VOD here (timestamped at 4:19.24) - where he and the creator of the Wololo4 maps, Chrazini, go through some thoughts, ideas, and strategies together :)


    submitted by /u/LilTrouble__
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