• Breaking News

    Saturday, May 15, 2021

    Age of Empires II So this guy hid all his units in a corner at the end of the game...

    Age of Empires II So this guy hid all his units in a corner at the end of the game...

    So this guy hid all his units in a corner at the end of the game...

    Posted: 14 May 2021 10:12 PM PDT

    Eid Mubarak ☽ From the Turks, Persians, Malians, Tatars, Saracens, Berbers, Malay, Cumans and Indians !

    Posted: 15 May 2021 02:42 AM PDT


    Posted: 15 May 2021 03:02 AM PDT

    maybe unpopular (o)pinion but I love (c)ampaigns

    Posted: 15 May 2021 07:53 AM PDT

    T90official has tested positive for COVID-19

    Posted: 14 May 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    my friend is implementing what he learned from theviper.

    Posted: 15 May 2021 04:04 AM PDT

    What Are Your Favorite Informative AoEII Websites?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 04:31 AM PDT

    One of the things I really like about this game is that everything can be broken down to simple math, and there are sooo many websites with a wealth of information breaking down every little detail and statistic about the game. Literally every time I think " wonder if there's a website that tells you this" I look it up and there it is.

    I had to make a whole folder of AoE bookmarks because they started taking up my whole bar.

    I'm finding something new like every week, here's what I have so far:

    https://aoe2.net/#aoe2de-leaderboard-rm-1v1 (player stats, my favorite site to quickly look up people's ELO)

    https://www.aoe2insights.com/ (good for getting info about individual matches, and you can download the replay file from both players perspectives)

    https://ratings.aoe2.se/ (shows ELO for 1v1 and TG on a graph, you can see how many players are at what rank, see where you are at on the graph and compare two players)

    https://ageofanalyticz.com/global (breaks down civ win rates and play rates by elo both globally and for individual players)

    https://aoe2techtree.net/?lng=en#Aztecs (probably my favorite site, it has the full tech tree and it is kept up to date. great to be able to look things up without having to launch the game, or you can keep it open in a 2nd monitor to check things on the fly during a game.)

    https://aoe2companion.com/ (great mobile app that you can also use in your browser, has ELO info, match history, win rate by civ)

    https://aoestats.io/RM_1v1 (stats for civs and maps, broken down by ELO)

    https://aoecompanion.com/ (a ton of great information on unit counters, build orders, civ overviews, as well as stats like civ win rates)

    submitted by /u/IandaConqueror
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    Death Match vs Empire Wars Debate with OrnLu vs AbductedPlatypus

    Posted: 14 May 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    Death Match vs Empire Wars Debate with OrnLu vs AbductedPlatypus

    2nd debate in the Strategy Talk series is coming this Sunday. We'll be joined by popular Youtuber OrnLu, and also AbductedPlaypus, a developer on CaptureAge and founder of the Siege Engineers AoE mod community.

    Please leave comments/questions for us to mention during the debate!

    Update: Inca nerf is also on the table!!!


    Event will be live at: https://www.twitch.tv/guanfranco (Sunday 22:00GMT | 18:00EST)

    More topics may be covered as well. Please mention any debate topics/ideas you may have.

    submitted by /u/Guanfranco
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    Save AoE in this poll!

    Posted: 14 May 2021 03:24 PM PDT

    Going beyond 1700+

    Posted: 15 May 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    after a break of 6 months I'm back to playing again and trying to grind nowadays. However it looks like I'm capped at 1750 and floating between 1650-1750. I feel like stuck and looking for some constructive advice. I know that it is difficult to advice on such open ended requests however maybe people between 1.7K-2K can give some key advice which helped them to break through. I feel like there is huge gap even between 1700-1750 and the slope feels very steep.

    I usually play with civs where I can put early pressure, usually M@A play, win the first battles, keep the pressure, cause havoc and idle time, unnecessary reaction on opponent and then capitalize on it. However, even if I win the dark and feudal wars, even killing 4-5 villagers of opponent I still loose the games.

    1) I feel like I have a problem with adding additional TC's. I prioritize military however it looks like the opponent has 3TC but always the same number of military with me. I think there is definitely something wrong with my play. At the end of the day the opponent outnumbers in villagers.

    If I go defensive 3TC play, then I find 30 archers in my base and insta gg. It looks like neither I can pull a proper aggressive push, nor a proper defence play. This is an indication of overall weakness.

    2) I don't play with civs which have long term eco bonus, and feel like it I always loose against these civs. I really don't want to go Aztec, Chinese, Maya, Malians etc.

    3) Fake feudal play kills me and drives me mad. (full wall, don't show building). These guys are the sneaky bastards (:D) who just push with 3-4 scouts or M@A, some archer, faking a feudal play then full wall into early castle (like 34-36 vills) kills me.

    4) I have a chronic problem of pushing in the early Imperial. I really don't know how to kill the castles or attack the centre. My economy never justifies going Siege units, while upgrading bracer, chemistry, thumbring, Parthian etc. Should I prioritize trebs first? I also notice that I am always late to stone.

    Scenario: 1) Push early M@A good exchange, cause idle time even kill 1-2 villagers 2) Follow with Archers/Skirms depending on what opponent is doing. Usually one range with fletching. Sometimes go double archery range. If I have an upper hand try to push heavy skirm/archer combo. This causes me usually go up with 40-44 villagers (late). If I stay one range I try to not loose military aim for an early up time (under 40 vil) playing for the XBow power spike. 3) Everything is great, early up time, cause some damage, 3 archery range pumping CA. No additional TC as the eco doesn't allow. Maybe add university or stable.

    Then 10 mins later I find opponent going Imp, outpaces me in eco. When playing against 1800 I always feel like the same thing. They go 3TC immediately, farm like crazy, fend of my push, win in the long run. Very rarely I see 1TC push.

    Sorry if all these makes no sense. Just wanted to share and get some feedback.

    submitted by /u/UCanOk
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    How to pressure with Archers?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 05:11 AM PDT

    So, my macro is good, I win early engagements, my army is much bigger but I struggle to pressure with archers in mid-late castle. A tower or mangonel or a well placed TC stop my entirely.

    I completely get pressuring with knights - point and click.

    But archers are so squishy I feel like I'm taking a big risk everytime I enter an enemies base.

    What things are key when pressuring with archers?

    ELO 1400

    submitted by /u/Fitfatthin
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    Do you have a unique strategy that you play in age? I want to see!

    Posted: 15 May 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    I am a noob… a big noob but I love age of empires. I want to learn more strategies that are unique and interesting. Started a youtube channel under the name of Poop Lord… which to be honest creates sub par content at the moment but its something I enjoy doing. I am working on improving myself as a caster and would like your help. I was hoping people could send me their recorded games for me to review. Some members of our community have been really helpful and pointed me to AoE2.net but I would like to see your games and strategies. I recently had a member of our community send me a recorded game and it was awesome.

    I will be showcasing in about 26 hours.

    My email is: [Pooplord69722@hotmail.com](mailto:Pooplord69722@hotmail.com)

    My YouTube is: [Poop Lord - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHoTpkiWuNWs5ISHnMIMTYQ 3)

    let me know if you send me an email with a cool strategy. Also what is more awesome then seeing your recorded game on youtube 📷 you could be a new legend.

    Attached is the tumbnail for tomorrows upload

    submitted by /u/PoopLord69722
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    Heli's Challengers #4 BacT vs Villese @9am GMT 15/05

    Posted: 14 May 2021 11:45 PM PDT

    Hey Reddit!

    If you're reading this post and it's less than 3 hours old you're in luck! Because the fourth episode of my challenger series, live on Twitch today starting 9am GMT, is most likely just about to start.

    The contenders will be battling for the lion's share of the PrizePool (more info below) and the right to be invited back to face a future challenger!

    The current reigning champion, BacT, has defeated Zuppi and Slam in two epic BO5 sets, but will now face what I believe will be his hardest challenge yet. A player who has in the past year gone from being considered an underdog in tournaments, to someone who is expected to perform well even against the very best on the scene right now, none other than the Mighty Finn, Villese!

    This will be a best of 5, first game Arabia, followed by drafted home maps until a winner is decided. I've made a new civ draft preset for this match in which both players will be able to ban 5 civs for their opponent before any civs get picked, which will guarantee some lesser seen matchups, I'm super excited to see how the players choose to do this.

    This is open streaming for anyone who wants, please just include the following on your stream:

    Title - includes !Showmatch A !showmatch Command with a link to my stream - https://www.twitch.tv/helichaos and that I'm hosting and partly sponsoring it <3

    See you there!

    PS. The PrizePool is currently at $110 USD, ($50 from me and the rest from my generous community <3), if you'd like to contribute 100% of donations through my twitch until end of the showmatch will go directly to the PrizePool.

    submitted by /u/TTV-HelichaosAOE
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    Custom Campaign - Teutonic Order

    Posted: 15 May 2021 01:04 AM PDT

    I remember years ago when I used to play AOC that i by accident played a custom campaign scenario in which you play as the Teutonic order.

    In the scenario you start with like 30 Teutonic knights and like 3 monks and you have to go around converting the pagans of the Baltic.

    Can anyone remember the name of this custom scenario or give me a link to it or am i just going crazy in the head trusting 11 year me's memory of this?

    Please and Thank You

    submitted by /u/Competitive_Tone_294
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    AOEstats, a question of Britons and Indians?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 03:05 AM PDT

    It appears Britons have a below average winrate of 48.9% yet they're played to death. Fully 5.4% of the time. The 3rd most played civ behind Mayans and Franks, the latter of which is the best civ in the game and most played.

    Meanwhile Indians have a win rate of 52.3% but are played just 1.1% of the time. That is, they're the 6th strongest civ but are played the second least. Only more often than Burmese who have the dubious honor of being both the worst civ in the game and the least played.

    Why is it that some civs that are very strong are played rarely while civs that are not strong are played frequently?

    submitted by /u/pds314
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    Posted: 15 May 2021 03:03 AM PDT

    Hardest AI always use the same tactic?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 03:03 AM PDT

    Been playing a bit of AoE2DE, trying to get good enough to try some online play eventually. However I've started to notice that the AI pretty much always uses exactly the same tactic.

    Right now I play 1v1 on tiny, on hardest with random civ for me and my opponent and it feels like whatever I do, the AI always makes the same play, which is show up in late feudal with about 30 archers/skirms, and if that play fails it kind of fizzles out tbh.

    What should I do to get more variety in my games against the AI?

    On a related note: How good does one need to get to have a decent time in online play?

    submitted by /u/fiskebulle2
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    My civ concept series 6: The Thai

    Posted: 14 May 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    Hi all! After the Swiss (https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe2/comments/nbrbkp/my\_civ\_concept\_series\_5\_the\_swiss/), next civ will be the Thai, which I think are missing from the Southeastern Asian civs. Malaysia (Malay), Myanmar (Burmese), Vietnam (Vietnamese), Laos and Cambodia (Khmer) are already represented, but not Thailand!

    The area of Dvaravati (which now is Thailand) was first inhabited by the Mon people, a culture that was mixed with Theravada Buddhist culture between the 6th and 9th centuries. Around this mixture of cultures many small kingdoms were formed, which were united by Phraya Kalavarnadishraj into the Lavo Kingdom. Then the Khmer invaded most of the Kingdom, and the rest was controlled by a Tambralingan (Malay) prince.

    During the 11th century, there was a massive Tai (not Thai) migration from North Dai Viet and Southern China, and they mixed with people from Lavo, forming the first Thai culture, which was very different hierarchically and socially from the rest of the Khmer Empire. They even had developed a different language and writing. These differences led to a rebellion against their brutal overlords. The rebellion itself started in the rural areas, where farming and forest laboring were the main economic activities. After defeating both the expansionism of the Burmese Empire in the Northwest and the Khmer Empire's army that tried to put an end to the rebellion, the Tai governor of Sukhothai declared independence from Lavo and created the Sukhothai Kingdom in 1239. Lavo was then rapidly conquered and shrank into a small kingdom.

    Sukhothai expanded during the next 100 years, mostly due to the successful strategies of Ram Khamhaeng. They conquered Tambralinga and spread through modern day Thailand. This was possible due to the decline of the Khmer Empire, who had many open fronts and warred against many enemies. When Khamhaeng died, the kingdom was again divided, and gave way to the invasion of King Uthong (whose origin is not clear), who had founded Ayutthaya, and began the Ayutthaya Kingdom in 1350. The Empire changed in name throughout next centuries but most of it remains what today is Thailand. Many times the land has been recorded as Siam.

    The army was divided into three tiers: The Palace Guards, the Capital Defense Corps and the field levies. The infantry was the backbone, but there were many special branches which boosted the power of the army: Elephantry, cavalry, artillery and naval corps. Elephants only represented 1% of the army, but all the strategy was based on their charge and trample. The army featured experts who trained and controlled these unpredictable animals. The cavalry was good and carried small charges. Ayutthaya became an important international trading port and that's why it was guarded with warships.

    Regarding the civ balance, the Thai feature few but interesting bonuses. Everything that affects Battle Elephants will be discounted, thus giving importance to the high quality of the Ayutthaya Empire, which featured Elephant catchers, riders and tamers. The rural origin of the rebellion that led to the creation of the first Empire is shown in their eco bonus. The navy and villagers get also another defensive bonus.

    The Unique Unit is called the Royal Guard. Although this seems a fairly wide concept, it refers to one of the longstanding armies of the Thai: The Royal Palace Guards. Since they were skilled and experienced soldiers, they have been considered in this civ concept as "Anti-anti-cavalry infantry". The first Unique tech is related to the Buddhist Thai majority, since Theravada was the first known Buddhist school. The second Unique tech comes from the levy that the Ayutthaya Empire established in war times, so that they would increase the army numbers.

    Thai: Infantry and elephant civilization

    - All technologies affecting Battle Elephants are 40% cheaper (Blacksmith, Stable – including the elite upgrade and Faith at the monastery)

    - Mill and Lumber camp technologies don't cost food

    - Ships get +1 pierce armor

    Team bonus: Villagers get +1 pierce armor

    Unique techs:

    - Theravada teachings (200 food 200 gold - after the bonus discount): Villagers and Battle Elephants double their resistance to conversions

    - Ayutthaya Levy (600 food 200 gold): Replaces the Royal Guard's gold cost with wood cost

    Unique unit:

    Royal Guard: Spearman with bonus attacks vs elephant counters

    Cost: 40 food 15 gold

    Upgrade cost: 600 food 300 gold

    Creation time 14s. Speed 1. Reload time 2.2

    HP: 55 (60)

    Attack: 4 (6) melee

    Armor: 0/0 (0/1)

    Armor class: Infantry, Spearman

    Upgrades: Blacksmith

    Attack bonuses: Spearman 10, Camel 6 (12), Mameluke 2 (3), Monk 10

    Barracks: Champion – Halberdier – All techs

    Archery range: Crossbowman – Elite Skirmisher – Cavalry Archer – Hand Cannoneer – lack Thumb Ring and Parthian Tactics

    Stable: Light Cavalry – Cavalier – Elite Battle Elephant – All techs

    Siege workshop: Capped Ram –Onager – Heavy Scorpion – Bombard Cannon – Siege Tower

    Blacksmith: Lack Bracer and the last archer armor upgrade

    Dock: Galleon – Fast Fire Ship –Demolition Ship – Elite Cannon Galleon – All techs

    University: Lack Architecture – Bombard Tower – Keep – Arrowslits – Fortified wall – Siege Engineers

    Castle: All techs

    Monastery: Lack Redemption – Atonement – Heresy – Illumination – Theocracy

    Economy: Lack Guilds

    The start of the Thai will be standard, but the bonuses that apply upon reaching Feudal Age will help with one of the best Scout rushes, since lots of resources will be saved from researching Forging, Scale Barding Armor and Bloodlines. Apart from that, Double-bit axe and Horse Collar also don't cost food, so it will be a strong civ in early to mid game. All that has been said regarding Battle Elephant regarding bonuses and Mill and Lumber Camp technologies, will be applied in later Ages, making the Elephants much more viable, especially thanks to their Castle Unique Tech. The Cavalier and Light Cavalry will also benefit from these discounts. The Unique Unit can protect Elephants from their main counters, and will become a trash unit in late game thanks to the Imperial Age Unique Tech. It will be weak against cavalry, ranged units (Spearman armor class) and heavy infantry, though. The other bonuses include more resistant Ships to ranged damage, and a higher pierce armor for villagers (Team Bonus), which will help for example against Archer rushes.

    I hope you enjoyed, and of course, suggestions are welcome. Next civ will be the Tongans.

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/Azot-Spike
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    Any ideas for overhauling the game? Like game mechanics, civs, techs etc?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 05:16 AM PDT

    I'm currently making a mod that overhauls the game and adds a lot of uniqueness to some units. When I'm done with the basic stuff, I want to try to make each civ more unique and different to play than others. Do you have any ideas on what I could add/change?

    Here's a list of what I've already done:


    -longer range

    -high damage per shot, but long reload time and high inaccuracy

    -like any ranged unit and building that shoots arrows, changed to shoot the Arambai's projectile, so that missed shots do full damage


    -expensive and strong, so the exact opposite of what they are in the game

    -shoot arrows in a curve


    -more expensive, but stronger

    -only good against buildings, but Mangonel line is still somewhat good against large groups of units and rams have 10+ attack

    Mangonel line more like Catapults (one projectile, high range)

    -Scorpions are now more like real Ballistas, shooting one projectile; removed pierce ability

    **Naval Warfare**

    -ships have all the overhauls archers have, except the fact that missed projectiles do full damage since the Arambai projectile would look weird

    -not completely done yet, probably needs massive amounts of balancing

    **Other stuff**

    -units with weapons that smash through armor (for example axes and maces) partially ignore armor

    -units have "realistic" armor values based on their appearance

    -fire system: Chemistry gives projectiles 10 fire damage -> damage against any building or unit made out of non fire resistant materials (units and buildings that would be more fire resistant, for example through iron plating like Siege Rams, or because they're made out of stone, have more fire resistance armor; Masonry and Architecture each give +1 fire resistance)

    -Masonry and Architecture affect all buildings except farms

    -overhauled some other techs like melee attack, ranged attack/range, Thumb Ring and Arrowslits

    This isn't everything, but it gives you a general idea of what I'm trying to achieve with this mod: make the game more realistic, complex and fun. Based on this, please give me some more ideas on what I could add, change or remove.

    submitted by /u/CT-6969_HentaiDealer
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    Making Beat But Only AoE 2 Sfx and AoE 4 Fanmade Trailer

    Posted: 15 May 2021 04:39 AM PDT

    Stupid questions: manipur cav archer?

    Posted: 15 May 2021 12:42 AM PDT

    Does manipur cavalry affect burmese cav archers?

    If not, would you like to make it affects them?

    Burmese cavarchers would still lack 2 armor upgrades and thumb ring.

    submitted by /u/joker_penguin
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    1v1 Random Map ELO Distrobution

    Posted: 14 May 2021 09:39 AM PDT

    1v1 Random Map ELO Distrobution


    I pulled the statistics on all players with 1v1 ELO ratings from the API on https://aoe2.net/ on (5/13/2021), and then used python to find the number of players with each ELO rating (Ex. There are 106 players with an ELO of exactly 1000 right now, so I had a data point at [1000, 106]). From there I put all the data points in google sheets and made them into a scatter plot.

    According to the data from aoe2.net, there are currently 51074 players with 1v1 ELOs.

    Lowest 1v1Random Map ELO: 0

    Average 1v1Random Map ELO: 1049.280945295062

    Median 1v1Random Map ELO: 1015

    Highest1v1Random Map ELO: 2526

    If people are interested, I could post the same statistics on match type ELOs (Team Random Map ELOs makes a slightly more interesting graph).

    I am also looking for ideas on what other interesting information I could pull out, like average ELO for number of games played.

    If people are really interested, I might make a website that pulls live data on ELOs, that would allow you to input your steam ID and see where you rank against other players in the distribution, and where you've moved relative to them. Anyway, Happy Friday!

    submitted by /u/TheBluestTitan
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