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    Friday, July 9, 2021

    Age of Empires II I feel sorry for boars.

    Age of Empires II I feel sorry for boars.

    I feel sorry for boars.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 12:01 AM PDT

    They're just minding their business and eating grass, when some random asshole shoots him with an arrow. A guy he wasn't even bothering, and even lived harmoniously beside. Then, after being justifiably provoked, he chases the guy and defends himself, only to be murdered by a group of the guy's asshole friends.

    lol I was high playing ranked AOE2 and suddenly had this random train of thought.

    submitted by /u/FVDED-STOIC
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    This is just me, being one of the weakest players ever.

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    Maybe nobody cares, but i've just managed to beat Extreme AI for the first time! I don't know if i am ever going to try multiplayer, as i am always crap against human opponents in competitive games, but i am glad i've got where I am! I used to struggle against Moderate in the HD Edition and the Def.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 01:49 PM PDT

    Reflections on One Tricking Chinese to 1500 in 1v1 DE Part 2

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 04:05 AM PDT

    Since Reflections on 1 Tricking Chinese to 1400 in 1v1 DE : aoe2 (reddit.com) was so well received a while back and I've been meaning to share my learning process. Most of these will be things I hadn't seen talked about elsewhere.

    The most embarrassing thing for sure and something you can practice all the time is telling at a glance which army is bigger. Now it is much rarer for me to patrol into even or slightly losing fights in terms of army size which I did a lot of in knight vs knight back around 1300, 1400 even. Since I'm a defensive macro player with a really high post imp win rate, it makes sense that avoiding throwing in early to mid game helps me a lot with getting to late game.

    Probably the most surprising thing is that forcing myself to spend 10 seconds at most on 'micro' before switching to something else for a few seconds to prevent tunnel vision has had the most impact. Mostly this means I run my army away a bit when I can and quickly drop houses and farms and maybe change rally points. Clear villager creation mod is easy to hear over all of the alarms and I hotkey all my TCs and hit shift to make 5 vills every now and then later on. Having two villagers hot keyed at opposite sides of my base (or base and forward base) is nice.

    I just realized I should also hotkey my outpost building villager since outposts are over powered. People feel stupid walking past them so they usually destroy them but they have 500 hp and take a while to die.

    I also started just cycling thru my hotkeys for 'select blacksmith', 'select lumbercamp', 'select university', as a habit at least once a game minute or so and this helps me remember I need to build these things and research stuff. Maybe I'll stream someday but doing the streamer thing of talking about my thought process and asking questions helps a lot with doing things in advance which saves a lot of resources because extra villagers are only 25% efficient at decreasing the build time which eats into resource collection (and also panic castles tend to result in lots of dead villagers). Also bombard towers are probably overpowered and a nightmare late game. They one-hit kill most units once every 6 in-game seconds and Chinese ones can have 3300 hp so for most intents and purposes they are castles for denying worker space and killing small groups of units/rallying units.

    In terms of adapting, you always want to be either slightly greedier than your opponent or all in them if they are too greedy (this is a thing from card games about going under control decks or whatever as midrange). Mostly for me, this has been expanding out of almost always fighting a bit in feudal into 3 TCs immediately on hitting castle into doing things like feudal age all-ins with 2 stable scouts, fast ballistics, 2 stable knights into siege/monastery since as the aggressor it's easier to tell how what your opponent is doing with his resources in response than if you are a boomer boy on your side of the map without town watch.

    Let's talk about units (other than archer and knight) since micro, combat, aggression, etc. is what I'm working on more.

    I'm still not sure which vill you're supposed to do this with (I usually do what would be the 2nd lumber vill) but most people are not expecting Chinese aggression in dark age so I have never lost a game where I lamed a boar (wall yourself in then shoot it to death) or walled in berries.

    With armies it's better to constantly click a bit in front of them so they maintain their wide formation instead of transitioning into a long formation for more surface area when engaging. Especially with rams don't patrol really far away their pathing is moronic and they'll waste an insane amount of time lining up in a single file and then trying to unblock each other.

    Militia/MaA. This plus 1 spear can pretty much ruin a stable start's chances to clear without huge damage.

    Spears and skirmishers are kind of weird units in that despite being 'defensive units', if you made them you want to go aggressive and trade them asap because their castle age upgrades are really expensive and they die pretty badly to any transition your opponent can make.

    Late game, by default, the army you want is probably CKN/Arb + Light Cav and Siege Rams/Trebs. CKN do not cost much gold and are much better than arb against everything that is not onagers or 5+ range archers that can kite them. This comp is relatively cheap and not that pop efficient so I've found stopping around 110 - 120 vills is OK.

    Light cav are basically good units I make them way more now. They are much better against random units than the other trash, way cheaper to upgrade since we lack hussar, and can raid. They are also good in small numbers which is important since they will be dying constantly as the meat shield unit late game and or diving under TCs as raiders. I need to be better about raiding in early imp/scouting the corners. I've won several games where after slightly winning a fight I scouted the rest of the map, inflating my score and then my opponent panicked and resigned. Usually, this involves them also floating too much wood from too much micro from that fight. Light cav also forces you to practice getting up to 70 or 80 farms late game which is annoying but also better than floating wood since ultra late game is more efficient to build farms and sell the food for wood if like, woodlines are almost gone.

    Pike/halb are mostly bad units and I build them far less often now. It costs a lot of resources to upgrade them (since meta you will be doing cav or archer techs for most of the game). Unlike most niche units like mangonels, they are not good in small numbers. Also, the thing they counter can outrun them. They do well against non micro'ed cavalry if and only if you both have a lot because the cavalry collision size is a lot bigger and many more pikes will be able to attack than cavalry. They are also not very mobile or threatening against villagers so you pretty much should only really make them as part of a siege push (which probably involves choosing Celts instead of Chinese) or to defend against a 3 stable all in or something where you just need to survive. They also take 3 bonus damage from archers and skirms. I've noticed people almost never suicide raiding cavalry into pikes/halbs anymore for me at this elo. So I almost always just make heavy camel or monk instead and I've noticed my win rate against Franks go up slightly. Also, mass (like 40+) fully upgraded elite CKN shred Paladins anyway.

    Skirmishers are very weak for the pop and also basically bad units but KT skirm is a very strong comp mid-game against archers (note you will have to force fights since spend so much more food else arbs will clean you up) and skirms or own arbs are necessary early imp against arbs since CKN will get kited. Bonus damage is not blocked by armor so cheap out on it if in a skirm mirror for some reason so you can age up faster and get range upgrades first.

    Scorpion, this unit if you have several is mostly impossible for people at this level to micro against in castle age for defense against archers if losing or booming or as part of a siege push. Heavy Scorpion is sadly basically useless because no siege engineer so outranged by bracer units in Imperial.

    Mangonel, if you are doing a knight siege push against pikes and don't have the micro to attack ground the pikes, don't worry! Just attack the pikes anyway after they engage your knights! Knights have 120hp and pikes have 55. Plus like we mentioned above, pikes are smaller than knights and can fit more in the same space. Onager is an expensive upgrade and I mostly use it to deny wood lines in the super late game.

    My army these days looks much less like an AI army and more like just 2 or 3 unit types plus siege which is more like what the pros do. AoE2 has very few hard counters for units. Some games like Starcraft you'll have like, air units that massacre melee units that can't hit air units or Company of Heroes where tanks are immune to small arms fire. Most of the unit matchups in this game are more like how you can run Paladins into Teutonic Knights or Archers into Skirms and it's fine if you have twice as many guys.

    submitted by /u/saviourQQ
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    My first "quick" wall to secure a Krepost. It ain't much, but it's honest work for a 1300 pleb who really wanted to win after the guy tried to lame my boar, towered my main gold, and walled in my other gold and stone.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 08:26 PM PDT

    Villagers are thugs

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 03:06 PM PDT

    How's everyone finding the buffed hand cannoneers?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    Was 10% accuracy enough? Are people even using them more?

    Do any of the gunpowder civs specifically benefit more from the accuracy? I would've thought India with the longer range would appreciate the accuracy more.

    In general gunpowder civs on arabia (italy, spain, porto etc) have generally been considered lower tier outside of india's TG or scrush. Does this accuracy boost assist them at all, even if it is only in the late game?

    submitted by /u/Helikaon48
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    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    [AOE2:DE] Must have mod suggestions?

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 03:48 AM PDT

    Do you guys have any must-have mod suggestions for an absolute beginner? I'm looking forward to expanding my experience with some mods.

    submitted by /u/Snorlax_lax
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    LPT: Get a Main Menu Theme Mod and set priority to high. You will notice when the mods are disabled due to updates and can enable mods before starting a game with no mods on.

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 07:31 PM PDT

    I just got the game a few days ago after not playing it for like 10 years. Im not so good and i want to improve to a level that i can play online. What are your tips to improve

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 11:45 PM PDT

    Interview with TheViper

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 02:51 PM PDT

    REMINDER: Don't forget to turn on your tiny trees before start playing !

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    Also for all of your other essential mods

    submitted by /u/elbarto1996
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    Age of Empires 2 Logic

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    Who Else?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    Anyone else is having this problem? Timeline bars are all messed up... noticed since yesterday (2v2 rm ranked)

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    [QUESTION] AOE2:DE Soundtrack setting

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 07:33 AM PDT

    Hello, in the DE in the settings menu there is a setting, "playlist soundtrack", which lets you choose which playlist to play, choosing between Classic, Default, and others. "Classic," says it will play the original soundtrack of the old game, but nowhere on the web, I found anyone mentions this, I only read about DE, not including the original soundtrack. So I'm asking, what does it mean "classic" in this setting? Does it play the old soundtrack playlist of the original game?

    submitted by /u/Snorlax_lax
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    Is anyone else having issues with the game crashing?

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 03:31 PM PDT

    Since I've gotten the new patch the game has been crashing pretty frequently. Is it the patch? Is it my computer?

    submitted by /u/poverturf
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    TheViper's stream :(

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    Want to play 256x tech mod, but don't have the cheat, and the mods don't work? Now you can!

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    Now we're all disappointed that "Going Above and Beyond" has not made a return yet since its inception over a year ago, however good news for anyone wanting to try out the gamemode!

    Big thanks to the FE Dev u/StepS_ on this one - there is now an option in Random Map scripting to enable 256x mode on a map!

    Now I know most people don't know how random map scripting works, so I've made a 256x Arabia as an example for those who don't want to deal with the detail of making their own (though it's outlined below and is very simple) https://drive.google.com/file/d/11FKqnHO4nfYIXBJhCDrt7uGDfzy5k1Mz/view?usp=sharing

    Grab that .rms file and drop it here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\AoE2DE\resources\_common\random-map-scripts (or your equivalent file path for steam files), and it'll appear as a custom random map, just like any other map pack you download from the mod library, and will be 256x enabled from the moment the game starts!


    This is great news! Can I play it with my friends?

    Like any custom random map, it should be simple to create the lobby with friends with the map! I don't know if it'll automatically send the file, or if everyone needs a copy of it however

    Do the AI know how to use 256x tech?

    They didn't when SotL did his 1 v 7 Extreme video a number of months back, but is seems like they are evolving and learning - I did a couple of tests, and the Easiest AI I ran them against certainly had loom researched a few times. Maybe it's time for a rematch...?

    Can I make any map 256x?

    Yes, or at least you should be able to alter any existing map script to make a 256 version of it. Simply take the random map you want to 256-ise (standard .rms files are here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\AoE2DE\resources\_common\drs\gamedata_x2), make a copy into the random-map-scripts folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\AoE2DE\resources\_common\random-map-scripts), renaming it to something new. Open in your favourite text editing program (Notepad++ definitely works) and add the line

    #includeXS x256tech.xs

    somewhere at the top. Eg for the arabia.rms file, you can see I've added that line in:

    /* ************ ARABIA ************ */ /* 21 DEC 99 */ /* Note: random_map.def is automatically included in every rms script */ /* ****************************************************** */ #includeXS x256tech.xs <PLAYER_SETUP> random_placement /* note this is only currently valid entry */ /* ****************************************************** */ <LAND_GENERATION> start_random ... 

    It's not working for me! / Can we do something more complex here / <Insert complicated question here>

    I'm sorry, I am no expert on the inner workings of AoE, I just happened to get the info on the random map script, so I'm not going to be able to help debug, but this is a great community, so I'm sure there'll be people out there who do random map scripting and will be able to help now they are aware this exists!

    submitted by /u/FeedTheOx
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    Civilization Mt Rushmore

    Posted: 08 Jul 2021 05:57 PM PDT

    If you were given the opportunity to build a Mt Rushmore-esque monument dedicated to your four favorite civs which four would be included?

    submitted by /u/poverturf
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    Civ Concept - Pechenegs

    Posted: 09 Jul 2021 06:18 AM PDT

    The Pechenegs were another group of semi-Turkic people who dominated European Russia. They are related to the Cumans. Similar to the other nomadic civs, their cavalry units are their specialization.

    Cavalry Civilization

    - Archery Range cost 100 less wood.

    - Cavalry Archers, Light Cavalry and Steppe Lancers gain 20 HP per age up. (Except for knights, UU, and camels)

    - Sheep can be trained in Mills, for 20 food.


    - Khazar Raider: Medium cavalry unit that regenerates.

    UT:- Khagans - Cavalry Archers, Light Cavalry and Steppe Lancers have +5 bonus against cavalry units.

    - Nomadic Warfare - Khazar Raider regeneration rate increases.

    Team Bonus:Stables are 20% cheaper.


    - All gunpowder units

    - Guard Tower

    - Fortified Wall

    - Two Handed Swordsman

    - Pikeman

    - Heavy Camel Rider

    - Chain and Plate Mail Armor

    - Squires

    - Tracking

    - Supplies

    - Masonry

    - Architecture

    - All monastery upgrades except for Faith, Heresy, and Fervor

    - Galleon

    - Cannon Galleon

    - Fire Ship line

    - Heavy Demo Ship

    - Siege Engineers

    - Bloodlines

    - Paladin

    - More to be updated

    Feedback is welcome!

    submitted by /u/hussar269c
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