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    Friday, September 10, 2021

    Age of Empires II Combining an Apple Watch with AoE

    Age of Empires II Combining an Apple Watch with AoE

    Combining an Apple Watch with AoE

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    Top tier map gen, thanks DE!

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 05:49 PM PDT

    My Xbox account has some questionable stats

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    Age of Queens Mod

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    Age of Queens Mod

    Hi Guys! Long time lurker, first time poster here! I wanted to share with you this MOD I've been working on for the last few weeks called 'Age of Queens', inspired by the female players in the community, it replaces the graphics on some of the classic units for female counter parts. It is multiplayer friendly! Let me know what you guys think! Your feedback is welcomed. Give it a go! Thank you.

    MOD Link



    submitted by /u/AoElurker
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    How to pull off good Feudal aggression and is it worth it?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 12:25 AM PDT

    So I'm still very new to the game, but I discovered I very much like civs with a tempo advantage (Aztecs, Huns, Vikings, Celts), so I'm trying to figure out how to best use it, since everytime I encounter civs like Goths and Franks I always see that ticking timebomb that will end up swarming me with their ridiculous Imp bonuses if I won't finish things fast enough.

    I usually go up at 22 vills like the tutorial taught me (although that should probably be lower if I really want to flush? idk, haven't experimented that much yet) and I'm wondering if it's possible to actually finish someone who knows that they're doing in Feudal? Or are the games always decided in Castle at earliest? Usually when I watch top players they always put more emphasis on getting to fast Castle rather than doing much in Feudal. And also since full walling has become such standard practice, is it even worth it at all to try and get aggressive in Feudal if all you can do with your MAA or Scouts is to bang on the wall that a single vil can repair fast enough?

    I'm just kinda at loss in regards to the theory of what this tempo advantage should be giving me and how to abuse it.

    submitted by /u/TheJSFFenix
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    Senario editor question

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    Got my map just about ready but I've been having a lot of trouble with one part. I have a gaia building I want to be capturable and be able to create a unique unit, and I can't figure out how to do that.

    submitted by /u/theredcore
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    How to Download the Build Order Guide Mod?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 06:15 AM PDT

    I am trying to download it from here but the only option it gives me to subscribe. Any help would be mucho apreciado :)

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_YOUR_GOOD_DOGS
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    The Incredible Gold Efficiency of Poles

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 05:48 PM PDT

    Having played a few games as Poles that went to late-game and feeling like I would never run out of gold I did some quick calculations on Poles and their gold efficiency in the long run.

    Assuming resources are split evenly between two players i.e. both players get their starting res + one neutral stone and one neutral gold:

    Total Gold collected for regular civ: 15,200

    Total Gold collected for Poles: 17,125

    With this total gold collected a regular civ can afford 202 Cavalier. Poles however can afford 570 Cavalier - almost three times as many.

    Alternatively if you just want to match your opponents 202 Cavalier and assuming you trade evenly, at the point your opponents gold runs out, you'll be able to spam a further 552 Obuch to finish things off.

    Caveat - I don't think Poles are necessarily too strong (based on the latest win rate stats it looks like they're pretty balanced), I just thought it was notable how insanely gold efficient Poles can be with the combination of gold collection from stone and their cheap knights. Their design for late-game seems to be very much based around a balance between a weaker comp (no +4 armour, no Halb) and never having to worry about running out of gold.

    submitted by /u/Mankaur
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    Wooo finally beat the extreme AI... on Fast! Too bad I still can't figure out my print screen button.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 09:23 PM PDT

    A brief look at the impact of civ picking on win rates

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 12:18 PM PDT

    So this is a subject that has been discussed a lot and I wanted to provide some numbers to help us structure our arguments based on facts rather than simply opinions / speculations. To the best of my knowledge no one has looked at this formally before so I am hopeful that this work has some novelty to it (even if the results probably were easy to predict). That being said this is still work in progress, I am just sharing my initial results to get feedback and to see what other areas people think are worth exploring.

    Full code can be found here (sorry its pretty rough atm)

    So the fundamental problem I wanted to explore is does civ selection impact win rates and if so by how much? To assess this I set up and ran a simulation. This worked as follows:

    • The simulation contains 2500 players who are assigned a "true skill" value and a "civ selection strategy" (more on this later)
    • Players are assigned an initial Elo between 0 and 2600 based on their "true skill" (to avoid bias associated with burn in)
    • The simulation then runs 300k 1v1 matches
    • For each match we then select Civ X for player 1 based on their strategy and Civ Y for player 2 based on their strategy
    • The result of a match is sampled from a Bin(1, logistic( logit( WR_xy) + p1_true_skill - p2_true_skill)) distribution i.e. WRs are dependent on civ v civ match ups + the skill difference of the players. I scaled it so that a difference in Elo of 50 gives a player (with all other things equal) a win chance of 65%
    • Players Elos are updated after each match
    • Player 1 for each match is chosen completely at random. Player 2 for each match is chosen at random weighted by their difference in current Elo from Player 1. It is scaled so that >90% of matches occurs within a +-100 Elo range
    • Win rates are calculated after removing mirror matches

    To make this tractable I used just 4 civs; A, B , C & D. I gave the civs the following win rate matrix:

    Civ A B C D
    A 0.50 0.60 0.64 0.45
    B 0.40 0.50 0.54 0.60
    C 0.36 0.46 0.50 0.65
    D 0.55 0.40 0.35 0.50

    I.e. The probability of civ A beating civ C is 64%. This was designed in a way such that Civ A is a generally dominant Civ but is countered by Civ D. Civ D is good against Civ A but is otherwise useless. Civ B and C and are pretty comparable but Civ B is generally stronger.

    If everything was perfect in our match data then we would see the following win rates

    • A = 56.33%
    • B = 51.33%
    • C = 49.00%
    • D = 43.33%

    Ok so onto the scenarios. For this initial work I've done 4 specific scenarios

    • Scenario 0 - Completely at random
    • Scenario 1 - Everyone picks at random but with the following probabilities A = 45%, B=20%, C=10%, D=25%
    • Scenario 2 - 40% of people just pick Civ A, 60% of people pick completely at random
    • Scenario 3 - 40% of people just pick Civ A, 40% of people just pick Civ C & 20% of people pick completely at random

    So without further ado here are the results:

    Civ Real WR Scenario 0 Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
    A 56.33 55.39 53.06 52.45 51.64
    B 51.33 51.12 48.70 48.52 49.57
    C 49.00 49.15 46.77 45.90 49.06
    D 43.33 44.36 48.62 50.82 46.78

    My main takeaways are:

    • There's potentially a minor bug in my code as in theory the Scenario 0 should match the real WR. That being said I've been staring at the code for 2 hours now and can't spot any obvious issues. Any thoughts or ideas here would be appreciated. 1 guess is that this as expected as the match making system should pull people towards 50% regardless? Please see this post as to why scenario 0 doesn't match the real win rates
    • Civs that are overplayed have their win rate pulled towards 50%.
    • Counter civs will have their win rate raised if the Civ they counter is played more often (duh)
    • My biggest takeaway though is that this likely means that the Franks WR is probably underestimated meaning that the Franks are probably more OP than the current stats suggest ...

    Again I don't think any of this is ground breaking but thought it might help to have actual numbers put to it !

    submitted by /u/coolio9876
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    Recommend me an Arena build

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 07:39 AM PDT

    So I'm a 1000-1100 player, but I've always been weakest on closed maps. Most of my wins are Arabia, I rarely win arena. My biggest problem I think is I'm kinda directionless. My uptimes are pretty decent and I often am pretty neck in neck score wise, or ahead. But I often hit castle and don't really know what to do. Whenever I try and boom hard, I get pushed / castle dropped. Whenever I try for a push I get outboomed. A couple strategies I've tried before and has some success with:

    Byzantines FI into gunpowder / trash, Celts one TC forward siege workshop push

    But both of these are kinda civ specific and I've been playing random lately. I'm looking for a bread and butter strat to use when I get a civ that doesn't have any obvious advantages. I don't really like castle dropping but is that basically my best bet? When do you start mining stone for a FC castle drop? Thx fam

    Edited formatting

    submitted by /u/ObiWansTinderAccount
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    Balance Ideas I'd Like to Discuss

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 02:16 PM PDT

    What is the counter to cav archers?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 11:34 AM PDT

    Age of Empires II HD Help

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 06:13 PM PDT

    I seem to be having a lot of trouble with the joan of Arc Campaign in Age of Empires II HD Edition, it's the 3rd mission in her campaign. I followed videos on youtube, but I can't seem to get my village going without being slaughtered by Burgandy, I playing on standard and I very new to this game as well.

    submitted by /u/Stedmister
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    What is the most powerful unit in AOE2?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 06:55 PM PDT

    I think for myself mangudai are the most OP how do you counter those things?

    submitted by /u/PoopLord69722
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    How to deal with bohemian as meso civ?

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 02:44 AM PDT

    If you go arch, they go skirm. If you go eagle they go HC (since it is available in CA). Both produce out of the same building.

    submitted by /u/Antique_Chocolate541
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    FAO Britons

    Posted: 10 Sep 2021 02:41 AM PDT

    hussite wagon, HC/pikemen combo in castle age.

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    How to effectively counter this combo in castle and imperial age as Franks? Also with a generic civ?

    submitted by /u/justingreg
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    How to push against CA and Castle?

    Posted: 09 Sep 2021 05:21 PM PDT

    Like the title say, I really struggle to push against someone who drop a defensive castle and produce CA, they always just kite back to their castle, and I'm unable to push around the castle into their eco. As of right now, I can only think about booming with some walling/castle in my base or push with xbow/ram (if I go skirm they just create a few knight and my push is delete), so if I want to push, the switch to xbow is a must? Also, I'm not good enough with mango so I can't really make them to deal with the CA. Thanks

    submitted by /u/ScrambleLife
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