• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 28, 2021

    Age of Empires II Reached 1800 for the very first time exactly with my 1500th ranked win (+ first time Top 50 in Germany). Started 4 years ago as a full noob with zero rts-experience. Short story.

    Age of Empires II Reached 1800 for the very first time exactly with my 1500th ranked win (+ first time Top 50 in Germany). Started 4 years ago as a full noob with zero rts-experience. Short story.

    Reached 1800 for the very first time exactly with my 1500th ranked win (+ first time Top 50 in Germany). Started 4 years ago as a full noob with zero rts-experience. Short story.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 09:07 PM PST

    Reached 1800 for the very first time exactly with my 1500th ranked win (+ first time Top 50 in Germany). Started 4 years ago as a full noob with zero rts-experience. Short story.

    Soooo, I actually never really got these "i reached 1xxx elo, hooray"-posts ^^ but as people here always seem to like them and I am really happy about this achievement, I feel like writing up a little retrospective on my development today. Maybe some of you like to hear about someone who started with absolutely no skill and can now compete on a quite solid level.


    I am not one of the people who played AoE as a child, even though I am born 1990 which seems like good timing. I've always been into Heroes of Might & Magic and other turn based strategy-games, because I felt: Wtf, these RTS-games are so damn fast, you can never control the game good enough to actually do strategy..it's just speed! I didn't know hotkeys and such back then. Only thing I did was playing a bit of Starcraft and Empire Earth with cheatcodes, enjoying the strong units and such.

    The Start

    I only really started to understand how RTS actually works when Rocketbeans TV started their fantastic "Rage of Empires" show in 2017. For those unaware of the show: Two noobs played against one skillful guy; he destroyed them; they worked week by week to get better, striving for revenge. In this show, many basics of the game were explained step by step, so that I wanted to try myself at some point. Needless to say that I got a little bit hooked on it.

    For the first few months, I just tried Fast Castle builds against the AI, usually not able to get below a 19 minutes timing, struggling to beat easy and then standard AI. I struggled like crazy with speed and multitasking, only used a few basic hotkeys; I even played on 1.0-speed and still felt very challenged by the game.

    After a few months I found out that a friend of mine also knew the game a little bit. It was the first time I actually tried multiplayer and it was mind-blowing. He beat my ass most of the time but we were kind of close in our level and just the versatility of these games was such a great experience that I went on to play online matches most of the time. To be confronted with actual human ideas and human flaws changes the game so much compared to playing against the AI.

    My first go-to-civ were the Ethiopians...because of Royal Heirs. I struggled so much to put my ressources on the map that I just went for Royal Heirs to spam Shotels. Still love the Shotels because of these days. But fuck, they die fast.

    Just Playing

    With some months of practice already in the pocket, I was able to compete pretty much on the starting Elo of HD which is probably comparable to something like 800 level, maybe 1000 nowadays? In HD the starting Elo was 1400 I think. My second Civ back then were the Magyars because I wanted to learn to play Scouts. Then I switched to random civ quite quickly I think.

    For the following years, AoE2 consistently was one of my favorite hobbies. Usually when I came home from work, I did one or two matches. It was always exhausting because I always felt too slow, but I loved how much you are forced into a flow; exhausting but relaxing at the same time.

    I didn't really try to get better systematically, I didn't feel talented and felt like most other players were just outpacing me anyway. Back then I had APM (not eAPM) of something like 100 most of the the time, probably eAPM like 10-20. But I enjoyed the experience and the consistent improvement, so I just kept playing and playing.

    I went through all the stages: Struggling with build orders and keeping your TCs working. Dying every time when a Drush or M@A or Scouts hit my base. Running my army into the TC over and over again. Having 2000 wood, but no gold. Dying to Xbows every single game. Being tilted over tower-rushes which just swamped my abilities to adapt and multi-task. Being tilted by all the shit that goes wrong, once you're forced out of your macro habits.

    But step by step you get this stuff under control better and better.

    Gaining Control

    I was always a macro player, I was scared of falling behind in eco by adding TCs too late, by letting my economy-control slip. When I had to control army, I always felt that this did more damage to my own eco than to the opponent. So I have been a pretty passive, boomy, defensive player for a long while. Usually I tried to get towards Imp, making all the upgrade, then spamming units. In Castle Age I was usually completely unable to do any aggression. For a while, I forced myself to play 1-TC, just to get better in this aspect.

    I went to 1500 (HD-rating) quite quickly and kept improving slowly but steadily, something like 100 Elo in 3-5 months. (This was probably comparable to 1000-1200 level nowaday.) I was probably 1600 by the end of 2018, then reaching 1800 and sometimes even 1900 during 2019, before DE came out. That was basically the upper end of the HD-rankings, but only some average rating on Voobly. When I tried to play voobly though, which meant to go from 1.5-speed to 1.7-speed, I felt overwhelmed and like I was just spamming controls, not able to make any real decisions, still being a pretty slow player.

    During all this time, I was frequently frustrated with the game. I felt it had too many flaws, I felt unable to cope with the requirements to control all of this stuff, I felt frustrated when I wasn't able to play as good as I did before. But the one great experience was that the game actually got more and more fun with every step forward.


    At some point I expected that I would lose my joy for the game because it was only about small macro details, getting your Men at Arms out 10 seconds earlier and such. I felt I wouldn't enjoy the game anymore because the meta would take all the space for exploration and creativity. Turned out that the opposite was the case. The better the control, the more consistent your macro, the more it's about decision making, about actual strategy and tactics. About ideas, not just about clicking.

    Exploring a Strategy Game

    During the last one, two years, I started to feel more and more like being consistently able to execute what I try to do. Not perfectly, flawlessly, but good enough to win if my idea is correct. I don't have the huge mistakes anymore, Dark Ages are clean, army control is okayish.

    Somewhere around 1500, 1600 DE-level, you basically stop losing games by simply being outmacroed and outpaced. When watching recs, you find yourself most of the time losing the game by some bad decision, be it the wrong strategical approach, bad army positioning or making the wrong units or just underproducing units or taking an engagement that you should have avoided.

    The game becomes more and more about thinking. I found before that I would usually spike in Elo and get some really comfortable wins when I managed to stay calm and to think very actively and rationally about my steps. When I had a clear plan how to win the matchup and when I made clear decisions when I had to react to my opponent's plan - instead of just spamming controls and trying to do everything at the same time.

    With my game control becoming more consistent, more automatic, I can stay in this state of clear thinking longer and more often and the game becomes even more fun. During the last weeks when I felt the first time that I was legitely playing on 1700-level (instead of just spiking there now and then), I had consistently games where I felt that I just played really good. Not just okay or solid, but really like: Hey, that was really, really well played.

    I also start to understand better and better, why I lose, and I find myself consistently feeling like "okay, I just misplayed that", instead of feeling like "I am simply not good enough for this opponent". This change and the feeling of playing well is actually extremely rewarding, it's almost like adding another dimension to the game. (I had to make this bold, because I feel like that's actually my main motivation to put this unnecessary long post here.)

    So, after wasting four years of my life with a 20 years old game, I can just say: Do the same. If you are not good, but you enjoy the game - get better and enjoy it even more. The path is fun, the improvement is a great experience and the outcome is very rewarding. Oh, and don't forget to make some friends on your way up.


    • started AoE as a full rts-noob 4 years ago
    • kept playing consistently
    • now kinda good
    • had much fun, would recommend
    submitted by /u/Umdeuter
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    Stupid meme made possible by the ranked lobby.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 11:17 AM PST

    CATaphract op, pls nerf

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 06:56 AM PST

    KotD4 Civ Stats after 91 games

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 03:55 AM PST

    KotD4 Civ Stats after 91 games

    After 91 games in KotD4, a few fun facts:

    1. Huns are the most picked civ (19) with only a 47% win rate.
    2. Aztecs and Mayans got the most bans (64). While Aztecs have a 100% win rate, Mayans only have 29%.
    3. The infantry buff seems to impact the Win%, cav civs picked more often.

    More like this: https://dondinardoni.com/king-of-the-desert-iv-in-numbers/


    submitted by /u/DonDinardoni
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    What is this obsession

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 03:27 AM PST

    Map Editor Tip. How to create your own heroes.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 05:51 PM PST

    Alright, so, imagine this, you want to create your own scenario, and you want a hero to be the protagonist, so you decide to use a condottiero (because you like the way it looks or whatever), problem is, that there are no heroes that use the condottiero model, so you can't just edit an already existing hero. But you can create your own hero using scenario triggers.

    So in order to do this, here's what you need to do.

    The effect of our first trigger is going to be "Modify Attribute", go into the units list and select condottiero, go into the options and select "Hero Status", put the action as set, and change the number into a 1.

    What this will do is make ALL of the condottieros in your team into heroes. But we don't want that, we only want ONE hero, if you're playing as the Italians then that would make the scenario way too easy, because you could just raise an army of heroes.

    That brings us into our second trigger, as a condition put up a timer (1 or 2 seconds), now make the first effect change the name of the unit you want to be the hero (it needs to be the first effect), and finally the second effect will be "Modify Attribute" again, pick the same things you did the first time except this time put a "0" instead of a "1".

    What this will do is make all of the now "Hero" condottieros into regular condottieros again, EXCEPT for the one that had it's name changed.

    And there you have it. Following this steps you can make any regular unit into a hero. I hope I didn't make this too confusing, if you have any questions just ask me and I'll do my best to answer them.

    submitted by /u/CrookedSmile55
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    I've finally made it to 1100!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 07:01 PM PST

    New Cheat: freezes ability to make any inputs

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 02:32 PM PST

    Ran into a new cheat today. All my inputs were prevented from reaching units except for delete. Even tried to make his name not findable/clickable on aoe2.net : https://aoe2.net/#profile-8533533

    submitted by /u/wappla
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    Playing on Ultrawide monitor is difficult

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 06:32 PM PST

    Anybody have experience switching to an ultrawide monitor? Game looks great and I can see half the map if I zoom out, but I'm having trouble adjusting. I have to track my mouse 15 miles across the screen to scroll around so I have been playing a lot slower than I used to on a smaller screen.

    Any tips/experience to make this easier without just switching to windowed mode?

    submitted by /u/Dj-oatmeal
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    Civ picks for KOTD

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 11:27 AM PST

    After watching for a few days, I think cav civs are picked a lot more than archer civ for their mobility even when most players wall all of their base. In most matches I never see a match where an archer civ beats a cav civ. Maybe I missed some games but this has been my overall impression. I've been trying to use archers but the slow speed and micro-intensive nature just doesn't prove to be that effective in Arabia. This seems to even apply to high elo players especially in this tournament, which kinda overturns the previous notion where archer civs are OP for high elo players. Am I correct here?

    submitted by /u/justingreg
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    I am extremely new to this game. I have about 30 hours. Which civilization do you recommend to me?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 05:02 PM PST

    My friend told me the Goths are pretty strong, but which civilization do you recommend to me?

    submitted by /u/farinha880
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    Tibetans Civilisation concept

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 01:14 PM PST

    Yes, I know the Tibetans are likely never to be added into the game, but that won't stop me from making this civ idea anyway! I will first give you some history (that I found on Wikipedia) on the Tibetans and the inspiration taken from the history to be made into the civ design, then you can see my Tibetans civ for yourself.

    Note: I am no expert on Tibetan history or at designing games, but I tried my best to give the best civilisation possible. Thanks.

    -------------------------------------------------------The Historee--------------------------------------------------------------

    The Tibetans lived in a large empire situated on the Tibetan plateau formed from the Yarlung dynasty in the 7th century and reached its largest territorial extent in the late 8th century. They bordered the Uyghur Khaganate to the north, the Abbasids to the north west, their main rival the Tang Dynasty to the east and multiple small Indian territories in the South.

    The Yarlung Dynasty came into possession of some Buddhist Relics under their 28th king and later Buddhism was introduced to Tibet, leading to the creation of Tibetan Buddhism. It is for this reason that the Tibetans can build Monasteries in the Fuedal Age and produce weaker versions of the Castle Age monk (who carry relics and convert units much more slowly) AND why Tibetan Cavalry recieve bonus armour from getting relics. The Tibetans also have a Unique Technology, Tibetan Buddhism, that causes their monks to become more durable and Monks regain their faith faster.

    The Tibetan Empire's military was very good in the categories of the armour its soldiers and horses wore, which was very good at protection from arrows, and the soldier's profficiency in the use of swords, long lances and horse archery. This is why I decided the best bonus that Relics should give is extra Pierce Armour for stable units, why the Tibetan Unique Technology Byang bu'i khrab (the name for lammelar armor) gives Two-Handed Swordsmen more pierce armour and it is why Blacksmith armor technologies cost -50% for the Tibetans. For uniqueness and balance, the Tibetans also lose access to Knights but recieve access to an additional upgrade to the Steppe Lancer, the Imperial Steppe Lancer.

    Tibetan military officers were designated by 7 inch long arrows that hung over their office and lammelar armor that had gold inlay. Tibetan armies while on campiagn also carried no provision of grain and lived on plunder. This inspired the Tibetan unique unit, the Golden Arrow, and its special ability of obtaining food while fighting other units. It is also why Tibetan stable units recieve the effects of arson (+2 attack vs buildings).

    The Tibetans did not farm rice like its neighbour but mainly produced pulses and, from being pastoral nomads, animals like yaks and sheep. The Tibetans also had an abundance of minable materials like Gold. This is why the Tibetans have access to all economic upgrades accept the 3 farming upgrades. To compensate, the Tibetans have access to the Pasture, a unique economic building that produces one 150 food Yak/minute (forever) for a cost of 240 wood.

    The Tibetan Empire eventually collapsed from civil war arrisen by trying to find a succesor to King Langdarma, who was assasinated in 842. The remnants of the empire then became battle grounds for rebellions and regional warlords in period known as the Era of Fragmentation. Because Langdarma was assasinated with a bow and arrow, the Tibetans lack the Elite Skirmisher upgrade.

    With the basic history out of the way, here is my interpretation for a Tibetan civilisation.



    Cavalry and Monk civilisation


    • Monastery and Monks available in the Fuedal Age
    • Blacksmith armour technologies cost -50%
    • Garrisoned relics give Steppe Lancers and Light Cavalry units +1 pierce armour (Maximum +3)
    • Can build Pastures, which infinitely produce Yaks
    • Arson upgrade affects Stable units

    Unique Units: Golden Arrow (Heavy Infantry) Imperial Steppe Lancer (Cavalry)

    Unique Tibetan heavy infantry unit that generates food while attacking other units. Strong vs Eagle Warriors and trash units, Weak vs hand cannoneers

    Unique Technologies:

    • Tibetan Buddhism: Monks regenerate Hp; Take -9 anti-monk damage (45hp/min) (300 food 200 gold)
    • Byang Bu'i Khrab: Militia line +5 pierce armour (850 food 650 gold)

    Team Bonus: Monks regain faith 25% faster

    Missing Technologies:

    Barracks: Champion, Eagle Warrior line

    Archery Range: Elite Skirmisher

    Stable: Hussar, Knights, Heavy Camel, Battle Elephants, Bloodlines

    Siege Workshop: Siege Ram, Siege Onager, Heavy Scorpion, Bombard Cannon



    Dock: Cannon Galleon, Shipwright, Fast Fire ship


    University: Bombard Tower, Arrowslits

    Economy: Horse Collar, Heavy Plow, Crop Rotation

    Golden Arrow/Elite Golden Arrow stats:

    • 80 food 30 gold
    • 90/110hp
    • 11/15 attack
    1. +4/5 vs Eagle Warriors, +2/3 vs buildings
    • 2/1, 3/2 armour
    • 2.0 attack speed
    • 1.0 movement speed
    • 12s creation speed
    • Generates 1.0f/second while fighting other units
    • Elite Golden Arrow costs 850 food 550 gold

    Imperial Steppe Lancer stats:

    • 70 food 40 gold
    • 105 hp
    • 12 attack
    • 1/1 armour
    • 1.9 attack speed
    • 17s creation speed
    • 1.5 movement speed
    • Imperial Steppe Lancer upgrade costs 1000 food 650 gold (Cost of Elite Steppe Lancer upgrade is reduced to 550 food 350 gold for all civilisations)

    Pasture stats:

    • 240 wood
    • 800 hp
    • 1/6 armour
    • 40s build time
    • Produces 1 yak/minute forever

    Fuedal Age Monk stats:

    • 100 gold
    • 30 hp
    • 0 attack
    • 0/0 armour
    • 6 range
    • 8 Line of Sight
    • 0.65 movement speed (0.55 while carrying relics)
    • 51s creation time

    ------------------------------------------Civilisation Overview (like SOTL does)----------------------------------------------------

    Hey guys, Spirit of the CaptainCakeEater here, today we are looking at the Tibetans.

    Civ jingle plays

    Overall I think this would be a very unique civilisation to play since it is missing most of the current meta units but makes up for it by having very potentially powerful bonuses and units. Let's take a look.

    SOTL intro plays

    Firstly, the Tibetan team bonus allows for Monks to regain their Faith 25% faster, meaning it reduces the time to regain Faith from 62s to 49.6s. This is a good bonus for the Tibetan Monks and their allies who might use monks as well, like the Saracens, Aztecs, Slavs, Portuguese, Spanish or Bohemians.

    Anyway, the first Tibetan bonus is that they have access to Monks and Monasteries in the Fuedal Age. Monks in the Fuedal Age provides an interesting but all in strategy of trying to get relics and fight in Fuedal Age with either stronger Scouts or the enemy's converted units. The fact you can get the Monks and relics an entire Age earlier is strong but costly, since 275 resources must go into your Monks before you can even get any relics and the monks move very slowly, especially while carrying relics. This slow movement speed allows for enemy Archers or Scouts to easily snipe any unprotected Monks.

    The Tibetan's first military bonus is that blacksmith armor technologies cost -50% resources. This allows for the Tibetans to save 1025f and 500g with all upgrades. This is a useful bonus for essentially any strategy in the early game and it is very useful if you want to tech switch into a new unit in the late game.

    Their second military bonus is that garrisoned relics give stable units +1 pierce armour. If you do manage to get up to 3 relics in the Fuedal Age then your scouts can have up to 2+4 pierce armour, reducing all Archer fire to 1 damage, meaning your scouts take 45 arrows to die. These scouts do however need an additional 630 resources to fully upgrade, meaning your opponent could be at Castle Age at this point already. Once you reach Castle Age you can expect some pretty tanky units since you can have Light Cavalry with 2+5 pierce armour, leading Crossbowmen to do only 1 damage. You also have access to Steppe Lancers with up to 1+5 pierce armour, who also reduce archer fire to 1 damage. However, since the Tibetans lack bloodlines these units take 60 arrows each instead of 80. The Tibetans don't have access to Knights as well, so don't be scared that you'll be facing Knights that tank 100 arrows. You also shouldn't think the Tibetan units are invincible, though, since lacking bloodlines makes them very squishy to their counter units like Pikemen and Camels.

    The Tibetan's first and only eco bonus is that they have access to their unique builidng, the Pasture. The Tibetans don't have access to all Farm upgrades, which is a large debuff for your farming eco, but the Pasture more than makes up for that by providing infinite Yaks. The pasture is quite interesting since in the first few minutes the Pasture has a terrible wood to food conversion ratio, with only having 150 food, about 125 with decay, per minute while villagers produce more food from yaks than farms. This means that because Pastures cost 240 wood it takes 7 minutes before the Pasture surpasses the generic farm in food - wood ratio in Castle Age and 10 minutes in Imperial Age for Crop rotation farms. For the Teutons, who have 36 wood farms, have an even better food-wood conversion ratio for farms, meaning the pasture takes 11 minutes to surpass those Farms in Castle Age and 16 minutes in Imperial Age. After 16 minutes, however, the Tibetans have the best wood - food conversion ration in the game for land maps. Malay are still 1st with their fish traps until 33 minutes after a Pasture is built.

    The Tibetan's final bonus is that the Arson technology, found at the Barracks, effects Stable units. This is a good upgrade to have if you want to break into your opponents base and raid with your Steppe Lancers, who break walls in 23 hits instead of 28, or Light Cavalry, who break walls in 28 hits instead of 36. It also helps if you want to take down your opponent's Town Center which will be destroyed in 240 hits by Steppe Lancers instead of 300 and 300 hits instead of 400 by Light Cavalry.

    Speaking of destroying things, lets take a look at the Tibetan castle unique unit, the Golden Arrow. The Golden Arrow is a pretty expensive unique unit, especially when looking at infantry with its 80 food and 30 gold cost but it offsets this by generating food by attacking units. The Golden Arrow appears to generate exactly 1 food for every second it is fighting, so don't expect it to refund its whole food cost since that would take 80s of fighting. The unit itself is pretty strong, though, since it has more HP than any other infantry unit in the game, high attack and high armour. In Castle Age they can almost go toe to toe with Knights, with the Knight winning with only 25%hp left with the Golden Arrow generating 19 food. The Arrow also easily defeats Long Swordsmen, winning with 53%hp left and generating 10 food. In the late game the Elite Golden Arrow can still compete with Cavalier, with the Cavalier winning with only 10% hp left and the Elite Golden Arrow generating 16 food. Against Champions the Elite Golden Arrow does even better than Castle Age, winning with 55% hp left and generating 10 food.

    The Tibetans also have a second unique unit available at the Stable in the Imperial Age, the Imperial Steppe Lancer. The Imperial Steppe Lancer upgrade isn't cheap, at 1000 food 650 gold, but the unit it provides is quite powerful with more hp, attack, armour, attack speed and movement speed than regular Steppe Lancers. These stat increases still mean that the Imperial Steppe Lancer lose 1v1 against Cavaliers with the Cavalier having 37% hp left and lose to Paladin with the Paladin having 57% hp left. This unit's strength isn't in 1v1 fights, though, but in groups and at raiding. These Lancers can have up to 1+7 pierce armour, so they end up tanking a lot of arrow fire, and with 1 range, can easily snipe villagers. The Lancers can also tank up to 53 Arbalester bolts as well, so their archer counter doesn't work so well anymore. You should stick to the basic knight counters to counter Tibetan Lancers except for Monks, who are easily killed by the Lancers with their fast movement speed and 1 range.

    While on the topic of monks, let's look at the Tibetan Unique Technologies. The first Unique Tech is Tibetan Buddhism which gives Monks the ability to regenerate HP and reduces bonus damage against Monks. These are quite useful if you're going for a Monk push since it allows Monks to heal from 1 hp to 45 in just 1 minute. It is still a lot slower than Monk's normal healing speed but it does help. The second bonus of reducing bonus damage is extremely useful as well because it increases the hits Monks take from Light Cavalry from 3 to 5 hits and from 2 to 3 hits from Hussars, so this technology is vital to improving your arsenal of Monks.

    The second Tibetan unique tech is known as Byang Bu'i Khrab, which gives your Militia line +5 pierce armor. Although the Tibetans don't have access to Champions this more than makes up for that by increasing your Two-Handed Swordsmen's pierce armor from 5 to 10. Yes, your Militia line will lose to almost all other infantry civilisation's Militia units, but your Militia can tank as many Arbalster bolts as a Paladin, 60 bolts while other civ's Champions die in 15 and Malian Champskarls in 24. It also increases your tankyness to hand cannoneers by reducing their damage from 27 to 17, so your Swordsmen will die only in 4 shots instead of 3.

    With the bonuses out of the way it seems like the main takaway is that the Tibetans lack a lot of units and technologies that currently define the meta. This doesn't seem to be true if we take a look at the tech tree:


    The Tibetans lack a critical upgrade in the Elite Skirmisher for late game trash battles and Arbalester for when you still have gold, however it isn't completely terrible since Tibetans have fully upgrade Hand Cannons and Cavalry archers that only miss Bloodlines. The Tibetans can still do archers in the early ages but will eventually fall behind stronger archer or cavalry archer civilisations like Britons and Mongols. For Archers I give them a B-.


    Infantry is likely an unexpected area of expertise for the Tibetans who despite being defined as a cavalry civ can do just fine going for infantry through all ages until Imperial Age where they fall off in the melee side of things but are great vs ranged units. They also have their Unique Unit, the Golden Arrow, which can be used for a very powerful unit when you just need a little brute force. For Infantry I give them an A-.


    Cavalry, as expected, is a major strong point for the Tibetans, who can have access to some of the strongest anti-archer stable units in the game. Their relic and Arson bonus can help very much when fighting archer civs with a stronger economy by getting into their base faster and detroying their ability to make anti cavalry units. The Tibetans can also field stronger Steppe Lancers than any other civilisation, proving quite helpful against melee civilisations. For Cavalry I give the Tibetans an A.


    This is one of the Tibetan's weaker spots with no bonuses at all to help Siege and a lack of all key units in the late game, although the Tibetans do have Siege Engineers they would need more to offset the 4 upgrades they are missing. Since they lack so many units I give the Tibetans a C for Ciege.


    The Tibetan navy is also a weak point, similar to the Siege Workshop, the Tibetans have no bonuses for Navy and they lack important late game units like Cannon Galleons. So since this tech tree is similiar to the Siege I will also give it a C.


    This is the Tibetans strongest area since they get Monks earlier than anyone else that regain Faith faster, they have access to all Monastery technologies and they can get their Unique Technology, Tibetan Buddhism. Because of the versatility and sheer amount of bonuses the Tibetans have for the Monasery I will give them an A+.


    The Tibetans have a good University and have access to all building Hp upgrades so they will get those 7000 hp Castles with maximum attack and range. Since they get Monks to protect from enemy Knight attacks, have so much pierce armor to counter Archers and get maximum Hp on their defensive buildings but miss essential tower upgrades I'll give the Tibetans an A- for defenses.

    Wrap Up:
    That rounds off the Tibetan tech tree and bonuses and when taking a look we can see they are a lot more than a Cavalry civ without Knights, with having strong bonuses for Cavalry, Infantry, Monks and long term economy. They are pefectly capable of defending themselves from enemy raids and booming or if you prefer aggresion you can get access to more powerful units and bonuses that your enemy won't be able to rival until they are in the next Age. You can eventually enjoy looking forward to high pierce armor units that will steamroll most archer civs or a powerful Steppe Lancer who can help in melee situations. They are a good civilisation on many maps accept water maps and maps that Siege excel in.

    That's all for now, and I'll see you in the next civ idea!


    Websites used for research:

    submitted by /u/CaptainCakeEater
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    Nice MM 2 games in a row! We won both but what's the point

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 01:52 AM PST

    Is there a better civilisation than the Huns

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 01:26 AM PST

    I only play Huns because of the not needing houses but wanted to try something else

    submitted by /u/La_Commandant
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    Huns Wars Tournament

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 07:00 AM PST

    Hi everyone,

    Do you miss the old days of playing Huns Wars over and over on Voobly? Have you heard of the days of Huns Wars and want to give it a shot yourself? Well on the Mid-Elo Tourneys Discord we are holding a small Huns Wars tournament for all interested. Huns only, on Arabia, every match. This tournament will be open to players of ALL elo. However, players will be split into groups of 8-16 based on their elo so you will only be playing players within about 200 of your elo.

    The discord is found at https://discord.gg/2edfSyn

    Sign-up at https://forms.gle/Vr16adNoikiNEnyT8

    There will be no prize pool for this tournament. It is just for fun. However, we run other tournaments throughout the year for all interested in joining the discord.

    submitted by /u/Mediocrity2
    [link] [comments]

    Attack Notification, War Notification

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 12:48 AM PST

    Hey guys, I saw that in AoE1 and AoE4, there is this "war pipes". When there is an attack, we hear something like "vuuuvvv". It's so good.

    I also remember from AoC, while playing with Franks, when there is a war, people shout something like "ooiilllerrr". I don't exactly remember but it was similar to that. So it means, there is a mechanism that triggers for these kind of notifications. I want to use this "war pipe" thing. Is anyone know how to do it? It makes the atmosphere better.

    submitted by /u/iamgreghouse
    [link] [comments]

    In the slavs advantages what does “supplies free” mean? (AoE2DE)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 10:20 AM PST

    Tips to deal with walls and castles?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 02:33 PM PST

    Hi, I'm a 900-1000 ELO noob, and I've noticed that the games I play the worst, are the ones where my opponent walls really early, get's a castle up very early in castle age, and then keeps getting castles and walls everywhere for the rest of the game, while sometimes sending a few knights to raid me, which are not too big of an issue, since the real fights don't take place until imperial age. To make this scenario more specific, let's say the opponent is always Franks (any resemblance to reality is pure coincidence), and that the opponent is always able to defend feudal aggression with walls, maybe a tower, etc, and we get to castle at the same time

    Here's what I usually think about... If I'm playing a civ without mobility, but my base is safe behind walls, I get a monastery at home, and then consider moving out with archers and trying to attack areas that are not defended by castles, so here's my first question..

    Since they're walled, I don't know what they're doing, they usually have knights at home, but I can't tell for sure. Should I go archers and pikemen? The problem is that if they didn't invest into knights, maybe they get skirms or siege before I break in, my attack is gone, they get to imperial first and crush me. Also, maybe they come forward with a few knights and vills and drop a castle in my face while my army is busy in the other side of the map.

    The other option I think about is trying get to imperial as quickly as possible, get a castle relatively close to their base and try to break with trebs and archers... the problem is that even in imperial age, I still find it hard to break in if they just continue walling and defending with their own siege. And again, by this point my woodlines start to disappear, I have to expand my base, and it's more vulnerable to raids, etc..

    Anyone had the issue at some point? What are some tips to handle this type of scenario? A lot of times I have a much better eco during the whole game, but I just can't break through and the opponent eventually catches up

    submitted by /u/Sup0905
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    I bought AOE 2 DE on Black Friday with 50% off the price. Hope this game treats me well

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 06:50 PM PST


    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 01:47 PM PST

    Just noticed the villese and slam game on a very popular betting site. Never saw aoe2 on the esports section before. Its gone now and can't see any other options for king of the desert. Is this a new thing or have previous tournaments been available to bet on that you know of?

    submitted by /u/ilikestuffnstuff
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    Is there a way to let players build sea walls and stuff by enabling something in the scenario editor?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 01:33 PM PST

    As the title says, I wanna let players to be able to build sea walls/gates/towers. Is there a way to make it so players can build these on their own by editing something in the scenario editor?

    submitted by /u/QWaffleswastaken
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    Is Viper still number one?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2021 02:27 AM PST

    I haven't seen him in many games lately and don't know what his form is like. I watch T90 a lot but haven't been seeing him as much as I used to.

    Is it just me that I've been missing his games or has he just not been playing as much and is he still the best?

    submitted by /u/Jango8723
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