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    Age of Empires 3 Hotfix 132685

    Age of Empires 3 Hotfix 132685

    Hotfix 132685

    Posted: 04 Apr 2022 10:26 AM PDT

    Sundown in the new world

    Posted: 07 Apr 2022 06:12 AM PDT

    spirit of the law

    Posted: 07 Apr 2022 12:37 AM PDT

    We need a aoe3 content creator like spirit of the law he is from aoe2 and a true legend. All or the most aoe3 content creators/ youtubers ar focusd on casted games and ranked match wich is fun, but more video about in game choises like how many tc or civ overvieuw would be nice. Or am i missing some content creators?

    submitted by /u/Mastermul2
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    How to show units/upgrades available in native embassy without building

    Posted: 07 Apr 2022 02:38 AM PDT

    Baiscally the title, I saw I streamer showing this before building it, anyone got an idea on what to do or what hotkeys

    submitted by /u/764352
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    Three WP or faster training card for Aztecs?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2022 12:29 AM PDT

    Three WP gets you to the initial 10 WP quicker. But the faster training card is better for when you need to retrain WP when they are killed. It also speeds up warrior training. And of course you get the benefit of infantry training faster. Seems on balance the training card is better.

    submitted by /u/theoqe
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    People complaining about japan being OP never played vs USA

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 07:03 AM PDT

    Blink once and you'll get raided by 10 heavy cannons. this civ is busted idk why ppl complain about japan when USA can borrow some of the most unique features of most civs (french, german, spanish, dutch) and even inexistant one like irish, get a factory age 3 AND 2 factories age 4, zillions of upgrades etc etc... Now I see you coming : " Asian dynasties can do the same with the consulate". Yeah. Sure. But not that quickly because export is so slow to gather and you don't get to borrow that many things from other civs. Now I know USA is a late game oriented civ but how can you even shut them down early when they spawn militia so often ? Wtf is wrong here, why are those things considered healthy ??

    submitted by /u/MystileHagen
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    Why You Suck at Multiplayer: The Beginner's Guide

    Posted: 05 Apr 2022 03:56 PM PDT

    I get the sense that this is the first place a lot of people just starting aoe3 come to for help, based on the large number of posts asking how to beat the AI or not get stomped in multiplayer. So I think this is the appropriate place to post a very basic beginner's guide. I've wrote variations of this post in replies to many different threads, so I thought instead I would compile it all in one place and maybe help some people out.

    This is the guide for you if:

    • You've played the single-player campaign and skirmish mode against the AI and you want to see how you fare against human opponents
    • You have started playing online vs. human opponents but you keep getting smashed and have no idea why
    • You are a player with some online experience already and you've mastered a few basic things, but you still are looking to improve / get to the next plateau

    I present, Freshikabisa's Guide to Why You Suck at Multiplayer. (Take it from me, someone who sucks at multiplayer. I'm about 1500 elo on a good day, usually hovering around 1450 or so, which means I suck, but I also suck way less than you).

    Here are 9 reasons you might be struggling:

    1. You're playing in casual rooms, not ranked. This is a bad idea, since it means you aren't being matched against people of appropriate skill. Only when you're up against people of similar skill, can you truly see how and why you win or lose a game. See this very smart post: https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe3/comments/t300u2/if_youre_transitioning_from_single_player_to/
    2. You don't know which units counter which other units. This is just basic game knowledge that you have to learn through trial and error, or reading.
    3. You're allowing your TC to be idle. The holy commandment of aoe3 is, never let your TC be idle. You need to either be training a villager, or aging up. Until you're age 5 and you have 99 villagers (or whatever the limit is for your civ), never let your TC be idle. If you idle your TC and your opponent doesn't, 95% of the time you're going to get outscaled and lose.
    4. You don't have a build order. A build order is basic set of steps to follow during the early game that will set you up for success. Think of it like an opening in chess. You need to learn at least 1 build order for the civ you choose, which will pretty much dictate what you do every game for the first 5-6 minutes or so. Good build orders for pretty much every civ can be found on Youtube, if you look up Aussie Drongo. Also see the ESOC strategy wall: https://eso-community.net/strategy-wall
    5. You aren't paying attention to the time. Aoe3, like any rts game, is a game of seconds and minutes. Your build order is predicated on happening at the right time. If you miss a window by more than 5-10 seconds, you're going to slowly fall behind. For instance, let's say your build order for France has you get 5 hussars out by 6 minutes. If you hussars come out by 6:20, that means your next batch of hussars will also be late, and that means your age-up time to the Fortress Age will also be late. And that means that you won't be able to ship falconets or dragoons in time to save your barracks from going down, and that means you might have to compensate in other ways that will lose the game. In each one of these steps, if you add on extra seconds, you increase the lag between each step in your build more and more. So, it's very important to prioritize things that get the steps in your build done quickly. When you learn a build order, learn the EXACT SECOND that major things are supposed to happen by. If Harrison says to get your first Dutch bank foundation laid by 3 minutes 30 seconds, then get it laid by 3:30.
    6. You aren't scouting. You need to figure out what your enemy is doing. Some good basic ways to scout: A.) check your opponent's deck. Are there water cards? Lots of economic cards? Or just military unit shipments? This will help you figure out their strategy. B.) scout their base right as they are hitting up to age 2, and stay there until their first shipment arrives if you can. Seeing their age up bonus + what resources their villagers are gathering + what their first shipment is will tell you A LOT. C.). Scout the mid-map during the time when they might be making a forward base. Noticing a forward base vs. missing it is very often the deciding factor in winning or losing vs. a rush. D.). Scout the position of their army, and what their unit composition is. This will help you take a good fight.
    7. You aren't reacting to what you scout. If you scout a forward base, you need to change your strategy to defend a rush. Ship units instead of crates or villagers. If you scout lots of economic upgrades, you should either rush yourself or try for a strong timing push in age 3 or 4. If you scout your opponent is going to heavily invest into fishing, you need to contest the water in some way. Your build order is an opening, but it can't determine what you do later on in the game—that is up to you. If you just do the same thing every game no matter what your opponent is doing, you will lose more times than not.
    8. Your villagers aren't gathering. You think they are, but in fact they are idle for large parts of the game. You want to reduce villager idle time as much as possible—do this by shift clicking villagers from one resource to another. Also make sure to bind a hotkey to select idle villagers. This will let you quickly figure out how many villagers are idle and where they are.
    9. You aren't paying attention to the fight. When a fight happens, DON'T LOOK AWAY. You don't have to be a micro god to make a big difference by just clicking your units and targeting them on the units they counter. So, so, so many noob and even decent players will engage a fight, and then immediately go to look at their idle villagers, or queue more units. The mindset is often "well I've won this fight so I can do other things", or "well I've lost this fight so I can do other things". Fight against this mindset. Focus on the fight and micro as best you can until it's done. The fight is the most important part of the game, far more important than whatever is going on in your economy at the moment. You can have 20 idle vills, but if you kill the enemy army, you have traded that idle time for a huge chunk of your enemy's resources, that they can't get back.

    That's it, these are the 9 basic reasons you suck at online multiplayer. I promise you'll improve a lot if you work on them.

    submitted by /u/freshikabisa
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    Best scout units for age 2 and 3?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 02:59 AM PDT

    So in a 1v1, me and the other player are duking it out in the centre of the map. I need a scout to send around the outskirts of the map and their base to find any raiding opportunities. Native scouts are perfect for this, except I can't generally train them. What's a good substitute? Something fast, long seeing, and cheap.

    submitted by /u/monkey_gamer
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    Posted: 06 Apr 2022 12:21 PM PDT

    I'm a 1600 ELO 1v1 player who took a break for a few years and downloaded DE two months ago

    I'm about to complain alot.

    Cheese has always been a part of AOE3. Just like an action movie trilogy I think we've finally jumped the shark by continually trying to add spice.

    EXPLORERS. We went from "cool explorer, he has a spyglass ability" to 4,000hp instant respawn tank, and 7.76 speed jet fighter nuking heavy cannons with 1 stab. I support the WC having uniquely strong explorers but c'mon. They did good with TAD explorers not being OP but considering that adds 6 completely unique explorers I'm not excited to see DE adding almost all unique explorers with double age 2 explorers and the extra mounted explorers just diluting the uniqueness.


    Brother, Russia can make exactly three military units in age II. And that's fine. What's gay is Hausa coming at me with 16 different age II units, 2 explorers, ranged cav and fuckin trumpeteers that freeze my units.

    Bro there is a reason why you can't make a Horse Archer until age III even though they've been inexistance since pre history. Goons and horse archers have inherit value just in the fact that they are ranged mobile anti cav. They can kite, run, raid...the speed and range is valuable. It is a civ specialty that Lakota can make them age II and it was pretty big to give Zambs to India and Horse archers to China but they ended up having to nerf them and notice that they're pretty trash now. Ports require sending a card to make goons Age II. Stop making new age II ranged cav.

    TAD, TWC, and the native DE civs have 95% unique units. They don't have the plug-in musketeers hussars type of units. Add to this all the mercs and IMO the game is become oversaturated with units.


    MEXICO- How many unique attributes can Mexico have man. I think they're a pretty rad civ but they can just do everything and have a milllion new unique units. 1. Revolts 2. Saloon/outlaws/merc 3. Lancers, insurgentes (rods except they beat rods), age 2 skirmishers that cloak, specialty musketeers, haciendas, cowboys GET RID OR SLIM ONE OF THESE

    INCA- holy shit. We don't need more all-infantry non-gunpowder civs. In practice it's just gimmicky. We have dudes throwing rocks with 30 range and 55 siege. Guys running 6 speed with hand attack that look identical to the ranged light infantry. Garrisoning units in 6K hp age 2 forts .fuck off.

    SWEDEN. Yeah I have a problem with Sweden too. Not a huge deal but auto gathering buildings are just soggy. No one asked for more shrines man. I can't imagine being in a team game on low resource map with Sweden and Japan as my allies.

    USA- BIG BUTTONS. Pure big buttons and cards. Just press big buttons in right combination and everything auto builds, auto produces, auto gathers. 3 skirmishers, Musketeers that beat Redcoats. pure cheese.

    Ethiopia. No real problem with this civ I dunno

    HAUSA- already said it. 30 different age II unit that all perform like age III units. Every single unit is original just like Inca and eithiopia adding too many new units to the game. It's like call of duty where u just have 500 guns now but there's really only like 3 different functions that they can serve.


    Notice the difference in age II towns when watching, say, Germany vs USA match up.

    Germany will be eight minutes into the game with a TC, racks, stable, market and houses.

    Every DE civ will be looking like fucking Tokyo with capitols, fortresses, saloons, churches, granary, factories, mills, haciendas, livestock markets, pens, and whatever tf Inca is doing over there. It's too much.

    Summary. It isn't pure salt from losing to cheese. I can beat the Aztec WP dancing Warrior spam/skull knight or the Mexican quadruple revolt by 8 mins BS most the time. It just feels a little heavy on the cheese lately and idk if I like it. And is this going to be a game like cod where there is a new Meta update every 36 hours.

    submitted by /u/Then_Ad_914
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    Civ win % on different skill levels

    Posted: 05 Apr 2022 06:46 PM PDT

    It would be interesting so see the winning % of each civ on different skill levels. It cant be that hard for them to give these stats public. It would probably also be easier to balance the game when you can these stats.

    submitted by /u/TylerDurdenElite
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    I suck

    Posted: 05 Apr 2022 08:28 AM PDT

    I can easily beat the AI on Moderate, but easily lose on Hard. I have searched build orders, etc, but it's still hard to win. Any tips?

    submitted by /u/3wrongs
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    AI in this game is wonky.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2022 01:08 PM PDT

    Usually at the start of the game by the time you reach age 2 they have already fielded an army and you have to hold them off. It gets intense for the first bit but then later when you reach late stage the AI tends to go stupid.

    I would go into their base with a balloon and their villagers can't seem to make up their minds what to do and keep shifting between farming and chopping and anything else, some will just stand around. All this happening late game. And they stop sending the huge troop movements they had before.

    They get really over powered at the start with the huge armies they can send on i don't know what budget they get but late game they flounder and flop about.

    submitted by /u/Nighe_Elan
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    I dont see treaty game modes in ranked game search. Sometimes the game tells me im not ranked yet, yet i have played over 100 games "ranked". Anyone know what is going on? Isn't there supposed to be a 40 min treaty option?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2022 07:15 AM PDT

    Do people still play NR55 Half map on orinoko?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2022 10:55 AM PDT

    Nr55 hm gamemodes used to be the nr.1 treaty game mode back in the day.

    I have played a few games like this hosting, but i never saw anyone host it. Does it still exist?

    submitted by /u/owelty
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    Setting/mod to remove the score numbers whenever units are killed.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2022 12:51 PM PDT

    To anyone's knowledge, is there a way to remove the numbers which are shown onscreen whenever units or buildings are killed? I looked through the settings but may have missed it...

    submitted by /u/AlMusafir
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    Drowning in Shipments With This Insane Japanese Empire Wars Strategy!

    Posted: 05 Apr 2022 11:33 AM PDT


    Posted: 04 Apr 2022 08:17 PM PDT

    Help me please : Bug at launch

    Posted: 04 Apr 2022 10:45 AM PDT

    Hello guys, I have a problem :

    My video game bug

    at launch after the cinematic it shows me this then when I click on okay all my menu is like this so I can't play.

    Please help me

    submitted by /u/enkilg
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