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    Friday, October 25, 2019

    Age of Empires II Hi there ! Last winter i spent quite some time creating custom trees and terrain textures. The third image is a different rocky shore, and the last one a completely different (not fully seamless) terrain set. I never shared it but found this sub so hope you'll like it !

    Age of Empires II Hi there ! Last winter i spent quite some time creating custom trees and terrain textures. The third image is a different rocky shore, and the last one a completely different (not fully seamless) terrain set. I never shared it but found this sub so hope you'll like it !

    Hi there ! Last winter i spent quite some time creating custom trees and terrain textures. The third image is a different rocky shore, and the last one a completely different (not fully seamless) terrain set. I never shared it but found this sub so hope you'll like it !

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 02:14 PM PDT

    A mod that turns every Civ bonus/UT into a Team Bonus

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:32 AM PDT

    It was a fun thought that came to my mind, imagine a mod that made all civ bonuses and unique techs teamwide.

    You could doo simple and strong stuff, like 2v2s with slavs and aztecs for like 30% farm gather rate, indian+saracen for 190 HP imp camels or inca+Mayan for 100hp eagle huskarls

    ... Or go with 4v4s. And silly stuff like Teutons/Malians/Celts/Vikings. Teutonic knights with decent speed 120hp anti cav dmg and 2+7 pierce armor Or Chinese/byzantines/koreans/Japanese. 70% HP increase on towers wich fire 3 arrows at once over 13 range Or burmese/aztec/japanese/slav. Infantry with AoE, 33% faster attack speed and +7 attack

    submitted by /u/Hartmann_AoE
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    Beginner --> 2k Guide on youtube

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:36 PM PDT

    Hey all, I recently started a youtube exclusive series "Beginner -> 2k Guide". The goal is really just to show the steps you need to take to become a better player, and eventually reach 2k. In the series I play games on a new account and talk about my thought process and decision making while playing. I also do my best to avoid any fancy micro with the hopes that anyone watching would be able to learn from it, you don't have to be mechanically skilled to benefit. Thought I may as well reach out to the reddit community as i've only just started the series and maybe some of you guys might be interested in checking it out.

    Here's a link to my youtube channel, feel free to check out the guide and give some feedback!

    submitted by /u/Hera_Aoc
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    If team bonuses stacked what would be the most insane combination?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:55 PM PDT

    Any variation valid. 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, having 3stacked + another bonus, or 2/1/1, or 2/2 stacking.

    Which bonuses that are garbage become decent, which ones get worse, which ones break the game?

    Meme Answer: Saracen Quad bonus shreds like a Finnish death metal front man.

    Slav Answer: Barracks, Stable, Archery Range +20 population.

    Duos: 2x Mayans, walls are free.

    Also: Modders get on it if it hasn't happened.

    submitted by /u/Potato_Mc_Whiskey
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    Standard Post for Info for incoming Starcraft 2 Players.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 10:34 PM PDT

    Im gonna grab questions and thoughts and plot them here that concern with the title. I would appreciate it if you would link those with these questions to this. Also If you have anything to add just comment below.

    A plat 3 random in SC2 asks : Where to get started on mechanics and builds for this game?

    Answer: Slightly modified from u/Kanye_TWest

    Aoe2 is very different. There are certainly differences among the various civilizations, but they aren't nearly as profound as are the differences among SC2 races. Rather than learning civilizations, you should learn strategies. The basic strategies can all be executed by pretty much every civilization with notable exceptions. While small differences in execution based on the innate differences in civs the basics of them are largely the same, especially when you are starting to learn. Common build orders like "22 population scouts" is typically the build I would recommend players learn first. Games are mostly played with random civilizations, so you'll need to learn how to play with all of the civs if you want to play lots of multiplayer games.

    What does Aoe2 do better than modern RTS games such as Starcraft 2?

    Answer : From u/Steggy_Dinosaur & u/Scrapheaper

    AoEs biggest strength is at the same time its biggest weakness: Random generated maps (so literally every single match is different). Otherwise it's an quite different RTS than SC2, being rather slow at the start (I would call it relaxing, others might call it boring) with an unusual heavy focus on economy management. A lot people might also say it's important to note that all AoE2 civs are rather similar to each other, while SC2 has very unique civs. Randomly generated maps mean scouting is even more important than in starcraft. 2v2-4v4 are also taken seriously as competitive modes, Emphasis on macro play, 'maining' a civ isnt advised but learning all is. Community is different.

    A SC2 player feeling stale: Should I wait for DE?

    My Answer:

    Yes, Aoe2 HD is no longer being supported and the population is getting ready to migrate to a new platform unless you want HD because its cheap & on sale at some point. Also core differences between the games will arise as the newer version has many QOL features that the original lacked. If you join now you risk just confusing yourself even more. Also you get everything that HD & its expansions offer altogether in one package + new civs exclusive to DE. Save yourself the trouble.

    SC2 (Plat/Dia) Is there a ladder system? Details?

    Answer: u/Sinapellido94 (Yes I read it too but its still relevant here)

    Aoe2 doesnt have a ranked queue system like sc2 (it will though in the upcoming aoe2 definitive edition). On voobly where competitive play takes place you can open a lobby for people to join, you can see their elo and win rate there.

    submitted by /u/Jcpkill
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    Terrain bonuses

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 03:17 AM PDT

    If terrain bonuses existed, what would be some good ones? Vikings could move faster in snow, arabians and malians on sand? (I know there aren't enough different terrains to make this feasible in reality)

    submitted by /u/fi-ri-ku-su
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    Aoe2 multiplayer lag

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 02:19 AM PDT

    Plz help guys my aoe2(2013) is lagging so much in multiplayer that it is almost unplayable. Have also tried playing multiplayer vs bots but its still lagging. Singleplayer works perfectly.

    submitted by /u/Grattisvatt
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    The Vietnamese are so bad.

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 08:00 PM PDT

    Like, shockingly bad. They are without question the worst civ. Playing as them feels like swordfighting with a foam noodle. I'm convinced if you can become great at the game playing only as Vietnamese, you'll be unstoppable when you finally pick another civ.

    submitted by /u/how_i_learned_to_die
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    Voobly with only one expansion?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 10:03 PM PDT

    Hey fellas, im trying to get voobly operational... I only have the forgotten, and it doesnt seem to let me play with just that version. I used the "wololokingdoms" app but when it finishes, nothing seems to happen. Any help?

    submitted by /u/Ultra_Patriot
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    Is there any way to get the barbarian ai to stop laming?

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 09:47 PM PDT

    I'm trying to get better at this game and I find playing against the barbarian ai on hard to be really helpful. It plays like a human player with drushes, archer and scout rushes, and adjusts it's strategy depending on its civ.

    However every alternate game it lames my boar. This is really annoying as it obviously puts me in a severe disadvantage right from the beginning. I don't have anything against laming but it's not helpful when you're trying to get your basic builds and strategies down. Is there anyway to get the barbarian ai to not lame me?

    submitted by /u/FailedTomato
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    My personal balance change ideas...

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 01:37 AM PDT

    This is just my personal balance change ideas. Everyone is welcome to like it, dislike it, meme it or discuss about it. My balance change ideas are going to be as close as possible to the historical accuracy and at the same time trying not to make it overpowered or very weak. All ideas are from current 5.8.1 HD(2013) and Definitive Edition reveals.

    General changes:

    1. Long Sword now have 1/1 armor
    2. Two Handed Swordsman have 1/2 armor and 65 HP
    3. Bombard Tower have -1 range and -200 HP
    4. Supplies introduced. (DE. I prefer it having 150f and 100w instead of 150f and 100g)
    5. Crossbowman upgrade cost 225f and 115g
    6. Heavy Cavalry Archer upgrade cost 700f and 450g
    7. Hussar upgrade cost 400f 500g.
    8. Separate Farm(+10%). Berry(+20%), Hunting(+30%), Long lasting Hunting food(+15%) upgrade. I know it might break the current meta. But the idea is to have make other open maps like deer heavy maps more viable. Concept is similar to Age Of Mythology and Age Of Empires 3. (Optional)
    9. Tower HP nerf to 700HP and by Castle back to 1020 HP. (DE)
    10. Paladin attack rate fix.
    11. Hero Lancer unit gets +1 range.
    12. Trade Cogs generate 50% more gold.
    13. Herbal Medicine effect increased by 50%. (DE)
    14. All Gates have 0/0 armor while building. (DE)
    15. Palisade Gate cost increased from 20w to 30w. (DE)
    16. Elite Battle Elephant attack reduced from 16 to 15. (But in DE it's 14. To me it feels a huge downgrade.)
    17. Siege Tower has the ability to attack. Damage output is similar to Malay Harbor docks. -5 Melee Armor.
    18. Every civ has minimum access to Onager now.
    19. Hussar also recieves +1 pierce armor. (Optional)


    1. Their Mill upgrades are 50% cheap. Doesn't get upgrades for free.


    1. Genoese Crossbowman reload time reduced from 3 to 2. (DE)
    2. They have access to Halberdier.
    3. Silk Road tech takes away gold price of Trade Cart and Trade cog instead of cheaper Trade Cart and Trade cog now. Price reduced by 350f and 250g.


    1. Boiling oil tech removed.
    2. Immortals tech introduced. It gives 0.5 pop for each Long Swordsman.
    3. Have access to Battle Elephant but no Elite Upgrade(or give them?). I thought Persians are actually Elephant heavy civ in IRL then I thought why not just give them access to Battle Elephant. Ele is something that you can consider to go with them but you have the option to mix stronger Battle Elephant. I think it wouldn't hurt much to give them.
    4. +5/10/15/20% faster working TC. (Heard from DE that 5% added which is nice)


    1. Trade Cog have +10% gold boost. (countering carrying less gold)
    2. Genitour have +1 extra dam bonus vs Spearman line and Elite Genitour have +2 extra dam bonus. +1 extra damage.
    3. Maghrabhi tech now makes Camel-class regenerates HP at 3 sec/HP.


    1. 15% cheap Military bonus. (DE)
    2. Fortification remains same. (I don't like it removed. It changes the entire focus of the civ)
    3. Both War Wagon and Elite War Wagon have -20 HP.
    4. Have access to Bloodlines.


    1. Recieve Herbal Medicine. (DE)
    2. +1 melee armor for Cavalry per age.


    1. They have access to Steppe Lancer.


    1. Lose Supplies.


    1. Slingers -1 attack (reduced from 5 to 4) (DE)


    1. Doesn't have access to Camel.
    2. Have access to Steppe Lancer. (DE)
    3. Give Chinese Siege Engineers and Herbal Medicine????? OP much? 11


    1. They have 25/50/75/100% cheap house. It's a very good eco buff and true to Nomadic theme.
    2. Their team bonus is to give 50% cheaper Trade Carts. Saracens only gets the +3 extra bonus dam.
    3. Market and Blacksmith cost 100w.


    1. Mangudai attack rate is more synced(slower).
    2. Have access to Steppe Lancer. (DE)


    1. Forced Levy changes gold cost into food cost. (DE)
    2. Forced Levy cost changed from 1000f 600g to 850f 500g. (DE)


    1. Missionaries heal as quickly as normal Monks. (DE)
    2. Missionaries affected by Husbandry. (DE)


    1. They gets free farm upgrades.
    2. Have access to Husbandry.
    3. Paper Money cost 200f and 200w and gives 600g to every team.
    4. Their team bonus is to reveal enemy position to allies.
    5. Imperial Skirmisher is Vietnamese only now. (I feel this bonus makes some civ like Aztecs are too op with their Skirmisher)
    6. Rice Farm is 30% cheap and built 50% faster.


    1. Their farming rate reduced to 10%. (DE. Although I like their fast farmers. I prefer having a new tech that'll boost farming to 10% in Feudal like 150f and 150w upgrade. But Slavs having 15% from Dark Age)
    2. Receive Faith


    1. Team bonus switched to Gold mine reveal on map. (My reasoning behind this for Allied Vision is something that a lot of players prefers to play at start instead of Feudal market. It'll be better to be set that way.)
    2. Feitoria works by Garrisoning vils. Doesn't take pop space. More vils you garrison more res you get.


    1. +30f(+45f for Rice Farm) Every time a farm is built.
    2. They have access to Hussar. (DE)
    3. Receive Faith. (DE)


    1. They lack Halberdier.
    2. They have access to Battle Elephant.
    3. Imperial Camel have 8 attack. (I often feel 7 to 9 attack jump is too much and on top of that fire rate, HP and speed boost). Also bring back +1 melee armor.
    4. Their team bonus switched to Camel-line having +3 LOS.
    5. Indians still have their +5 attack bonus.
    submitted by /u/Bigbossbro08
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    Best discord for AoE2 custom map making? Finger problems, I don't game, but I look forward to making gardens/cities/relaxing landscapes and watching replays when AoE2 DE comes out

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 07:31 PM PDT

    And possibly making sarcastic maps of Byzantine soldiers in formations that look like Greek words or sarcastic scenarios of swapping out their unit's audio for different Greek words.

    Is there a discord community for AoE2 custom maps? Should I pre-order? (as in will it definitely be more expensive if I do not preorder?)

    submitted by /u/Day0Precise
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    +0 elo after wins on steam even though allies gain elo

    Posted: 24 Oct 2019 10:49 PM PDT

    Has this ever happned to anyone else? It's been going on for the past few days.

    Did someone file a complaint against me or something?

    inb4 elo doesn't matter on steam

    submitted by /u/GbetoGodiva
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