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    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    Age of Empires II Wololo

    Age of Empires II Wololo


    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:52 PM PST

    recently discovered persistent corpses

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:57 PM PST

    Civ Ranking - Scout Rush

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 02:48 AM PST

    Hi all,

    In order to gain insights into civ strengths/weaknesses in different areas (as part of a mobile web app I'm working on), I'm trying to put the 35 civs into 4 tiers, in each of the following areas. Being a noob player myself, I would love to hear your opinion on this, in a series of 8 discussion threads:

    • Scout rush
    • M@A rush
    • Archer rush
    • Fast Castle (Knights / Boom / UU)
    • Early Imp
    • Post Imp
    • Trash War
    • Water

    In this thread let's talk about Scout rush. Below is the tier list I come up with. Some questions for the sake of discussions: What do you feel about the list, especially top and bottom civs? Which is more important, strong eco or Bloodlines? As a follow-up of scout rush, does strong light cav really matter? (or we mostly go scouts into archers/knights anyway so it doesn't?)

    Top Tier (A)

    1. Magyars (cheaper scouts, free Forging)

    2. Huns (house savings allow faster up time, faster working stable. Nice synergy with CA in Castle Age)

    3. Mongols (very fast up time with hunting bonus, strong light cavs in Castle Age)

    4. Franks (forager bonus, higher-HP scouts without Bloodlines. Scouts into strong Knights)

    5. Slavs (strong Farm eco, slight wood savings from population room of Barracks/Stable)

    Mid Tier (B)

    1. Indians (cheaper villagers -> easier to keep up with villager+scout productions)

    2. Khmer (fast up time without building requirements, good Farm eco)

    3. Chinese (fast up time with extra starting villagers)

    4. Berbers (villager speed up -> good eco. Scouts into cheaper Knights)

    5. Tatars (extra food from herdables, good light cavs and nice synergy with CA in Castle Age)

    6. Cumans (good Feudal eco, slightly faster scouts, light cav spam in Castle Age)

    7. Britons (shepherd bonus. No bloodlines. Scouts into Archers)

    8. Persians (strong eco, faster up time with faster working TC)

    9. Lithuanians (+150 food at start)

    10. Ethiopians (+100 food/gold when age up, but no Bloodlines)

    11. Turks (free light cav upgrade)

    Mid-bottom Tier (C)

    1. Italians (food saving when age up to Feudal)

    2. Malay (fast up time, but no Bloodlines, poor armor upgrade)

    3. Bulgarians (good light cavs in Castle Age with Stirrups)

    4. Malians (wood savings from buliding bonus)

    5. Japanese (wood savings from buliding bonus)

    6. Burmese

    7. Goths

    8. Portuguese

    9. Saracens

    10. Spanish

    11. Vietnamese

    Bottom Tier (D)

    1. Celts (strong eco, no Bloodlines)

    2. Vikings (strong eco, no Bloodlines)

    3. Byzantines (no Bloodlines)

    4. Koreans (no Bloodlines)

    5. Teutons (no light cav upgrade, no husbandry)


    Aztecs, Mayans, Incas

    submitted by /u/aoe2app
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    Played my first online game

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 01:20 AM PST

    After only ever playing against the AI (can beat moderate pretty regularly, can get absolutely wrecked by Hard pretty regularly), decided to finally try online

    Played a ranked 1v1 on Gold Rush and 2 open lobby team "noob" games.

    And it was awesome.

    The 1v1 I tried tower rushing which he knocked down. He seemed to be getting more military out, but I had a better economy going so could get some decent blacksmith upgrades. He went archer and m&a but my scouts and eventual knights mopped them up and his villagers on the gold and he resigned. Utterly satisfying.

    The team games; one was good. 3v3 on BF, one of my teammates resigned almost immediately. I managed to rush my neighbour with archers and force an early resign, my teammate did something similar on the other side and then we closed in and finished off the last guy in Castle. Teammate carried me a little bit, but I mostly held my own.

    Second one not so much, because it wasn't very noob'y. Me and one opponent noob with 6 pretty good players in a 4x4 coastal. And I got Random'd into playing Indians. Which as an Indian myself might have been a pleasant happenstance, but practically wasn't great cause I have no idea what to do with them, and they seem a bit useless. I was on the flank, got battered for a long time, then started lagging because of the thousand units on the screen at any one time, and eventually we called it a day. Not quite as satisfying - maybe will stick to smaller games to avoid the lag.

    S/O this sub for all the suggestions to get online! I now need to break my habit of pausing against the AI every time something happens that I'm unprepared for, which is every 2 minutes.

    Any advice for how to keep an economy going whilst attacking? I assume hot keys and just more practice? Cause that's the main struggle.

    submitted by /u/lotrttt
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    You’ve activated my trap card (didn’t lose any units here)

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:37 AM PST

    Play Microsoft store version and Steam at the same time?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:45 AM PST

    I have a friend who wants to play Aoe locally with me and I own DE on Steam and also have game pass. Is it possible to play both at the same time? My steam account is also connected to my microsoft account.

    submitted by /u/Bart_ender-Aoe2
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    Bari, mission 2 "The Rebellion of Melus". How exactly do you reclaim city?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:05 AM PST

    So I am doing the Bari campaign mission 2: "The Rebellion of Melus" and after reaching one of the allied cities, you hear the other one is captured. My question is, exactly what are the requirements to retake it? The objective just states by defeating Melus' Garrison, but the issue is every building in Potenza belongs to Melus' Garrison as well as the villagers, so by destroying and killing all of them, is there anything left to reclaim? Then why is that in the objective?

    I am confused. Help.

    Edit: Seems I just have to destroy their town center.

    submitted by /u/Reaper8U
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    I wish I could look at tech trees while I'm waiting in ranked lobby.

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 09:46 AM PST

    One of the things that is holding me back a lot is thorough knowledge of all the civs. Especially less played ones like Burmese and Khmer.

    Since waiting for a lobby is dead time anyway, it'd be really nice if I could browse the tech trees (in game) while I'm waiting for 2 or 3 minutes so that I can better brush up on stuff.

    Any devs on this subreddit? lol.

    submitted by /u/NorthVilla
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    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 01:51 PM PST

    Which final campaign scenario is your least favorite?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:45 AM PST

    I found that the last one from Yodit was an anti-climax. I got all time to develop my town and got all time to attack that big and narrow city. I expected more from an "ultimate scenario"

    submitted by /u/donmatt146
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    2v2 team games where you play the same civ together?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:38 AM PST

    Would probably be difficult to code but what if you could play the same cog, have like a 300 or more pop count where one person takes defenses and villager micro and the other takes army, and offense micro. I think it could be kinda interesting and chaotic to have to agree on decisions with your teammate.

    submitted by /u/QuarantineX
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    What civ bonuses you would like to see?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 06:01 AM PST

    Was thinking about new civ bonuses that could fit to the actual civs in the game or to new. Some of my ideas:

    1) Can build for 100 wood at dark age a building with allows you to research any economic upgrades of that age. Ex: Loom at Dark Age, double bit-axe, wheelbarrow at Feudal, etc

    2) We have free scout, militia-line, spearman upgrades so maybe a free upgrade to elite skirmisher at castle age? (Maybe for Vietnamese)

    3) Unique imperial tech: "Pillage" you spend 800 food to steal 800 gold from your enemy. If the has at the moment the tech finishes less than 800 gold you get what he had. (In games with more players you steal 800/number of enemies from which one)

    4) "X" number of garrisoned generate the gold amount of a relic. Don't know how to balance but my idea is like if you have let's say 5 monks in a monastery they generate the same amount of a relic. But just for that 5 monks. 50 monks don't get you 5 relics of gold generation.

    5) Would like to see an archer with bonus against building as a unique unit.

    6) A civ with a bonus that allows they build lighthouses with fishing ships similar to outposts.

    7) A civ that can upgrade palisade walls to stone walls. They have to pay the cost in stone for the walls and they upgrade in the same speed as the building time but without villagers.

    You guys have thought about some cool bonuses, techs or units?

    submitted by /u/Uruguaianense
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    Civilization Match-up Discussion Round 8 Week 9: Burmese vs Ethiopians

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:06 PM PST

    Two perhaps less-popular, but nonetheless quite powerful civs!

    Hello and welcome back for another Age of Empires 2 civilization match up discussion! This is a series where we discuss the various advantages, disadvantages, and quirks found within the numerous match ups of the game. The goal is to collectively gain a deeper understanding of how two civilizations interact with each other in a variety of different settings. Feel free to ask questions, pose strategies, or provide insight on how the two civilizations in question interact with each other on any map type and game mode. This is not limited to 1v1 either. Feel free to discuss how the civilizations compare in team games as well! So long as you are talking about how the two civilizations interact, anything is fair game! Last week we discussed the Britons vs Magyars, and next up is the Burmese vs Ethiopians!

    Burmese: Monk and Elephant civilization

    • Lumber Camp upgrades free
    • Infantry +1 attack per age (starting in Feudal Age)
    • Monastery techs cost -50%
    • TEAM BONUS: Relic spawn locations visible on map
    • Unique Unit: Arambai (Powerful, but inaccurate dart-throwing ranged cavalry)
    • Castle Age Unique Tech: Howdah (Battle Elephants +1/+1 armor)
    • Imperial Age Unique Tech: Manipur Cavalry (Cavalry and Arambai +6 attack vs buildings)

    Ethiopians: Archer civilization

    • Archers fire +18% faster
    • Receive +100f, +100g upon reaching the next Age
    • Pikeman upgrade free
    • TEAM BONUS: Towers and Outposts +3 LoS
    • Unique Unit: Shotel Warrior (Fast, frail, infantry with massive attack)
    • Castle Age Unique Tech: Royal Heirs (Shotels created almost instantly)
    • Imperial Age Unique Tech: Torsion Engines (Siege Workshop units have increased blast radius)

    Below are some match up-specific talking points to get you all started. These are just to give people ideas, you do not need to address them specifically if you do not want to!

    • Okay, so for your basic 1v1 open maps like Arabia and Gold Rush/Pit, both of these civs are respectable picks, but nowhere near top tier. Ethiopians can have a very strong early Feudal or fast Castle gameplan with their extra resources and powerful archers, but lack a persistent eco bonus to back it up. Burmese meanwhile, have a very deadly M@A opening with their extra attack, a decent eco bonus, and a powerful unique unit, but critically possess abysmal archers. To whom would you give the edge here?
    • On closed maps like Arena, BF, and Hideout, Ethiopians are once again benefiting from a nice FC-> Xbow play, whereas Burmese can go for either Monks or Arambai. In late game, both civs have absolutely devastating gold-intensive armies. Do you take the Ethiopian glass-cannon army or the tanky Burmese army?

    Thanks as always for participating! Next week we will continue our discussions with the Mayans vs Persians. Hope to see you there! :)

    Previous discussions: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

    submitted by /u/OrnLu528
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    Almeida campaign Scenario 1 seems to be bugged on DE (unable to convert most of the units). Has anyone else experienced this?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 05:35 AM PST

    Ivaylo 2 wonder bug?

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 03:19 AM PST

    Sooo this mission has been quite difficult and I realised why...the wonder timer hasn't moved in ages! Has anyone else had this bug? Any way to fix it?

    submitted by /u/themoobster
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    Underflow Gold on 256x Tech With Indian Trade

    Posted: 26 Feb 2020 07:56 AM PST

    Back by popular demand

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 02:46 PM PST

    Are there any DE clans or groups I can join?

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 11:46 PM PST

    I'm trying to improve in team games the most right now and am wondering if there are a group of players I can play with or that are cool coaching me. I've recently found team games to be kind of unbalanced elo wise.

    submitted by /u/KingDoubleXP
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    The game is no fun when you keep losing...

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 12:43 PM PST

    I really don't know what to do anymore.

    I know my drush fast castle build order, i wall properly i build counter units that still die and i just managed to drop to 809 elo... By now i am playing with people that chop straggler trees and take almost double the time as i do with a build order to get into castle age yet i still loose due to stupid reasons. I am now on a 4 game losing streak (again) with 26 games played and a total of 9 wins, of which 5 were disconnects...

    Let me reiterate what went wrong in the last four games.

    Game 1 Arabia:

    Walled everything but didnt notice one small gap (I installed grid mod after this to make sure this shit will never happen again...) Therefore got scout rushed without any military ready and had to gg.

    Game 2 Arena:

    Boomed everything went well, put down an offensive castle but didnt push enough military so i got overrun when i didnt manage to finish my opponent.

    Game 3 BF:

    I walled off and boomed, noticed my opponent walling as well, and broke down part of my wall to fend of a villager and delay his wall (i walled with houses and didnt build a gate so i had to or be trapped) little did i know it was a trap and 12 knights stormed my base immediatly forcing me to gg as there was no way i could get enough pikes out in time

    Game 4 Arabia:

    This is the game that is really making me think of quitting this game and regretting the time i put in as everything i learned is useless anyways.

    Played fast castle drush with Malians to go into gebetos and archers. evrything was well and by the time i built an offensive castle and killed two of his tcs was 2k points ahead. Now i had chemistry and abllistics + all range upgrades from the blacksmith yet that guy had one more tc somewhere and massed so many arablests that everything died. so i went into skirms, but then his calvary comes charging and by the end i loose 12k to 10k points.

    This is so frustrating i just want to play some fun matches, and i realize that at least game 1 2 and 3 were my fault but it is rediculous that you have to play perfect to at least get close to winning in this game. one mistake, costs everything and for an AOE2 noob like me it is so so frustrating to know that i have to play without fail to maybe have a chance even in low elo legends tier terretory. I know the theory, i have my controlgroups i know my BO... I hate nothing is working and i need to vent :(

    Sorry for wasting your time,

    just a fellow scrub tier noob...

    submitted by /u/Ciclon92
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    Mass Huskarl Army

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 07:47 PM PST

    How do you counter the Goths and their impeccable ability to throw massive amounts of infantry at me?

    submitted by /u/Timer08
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    Chinese are breakout star of Hidden Cup 3 Qualifiers Round 1, Britons and Indians also strong, Mayans and Spanish Underperform (UNSCIENTIFIC Civ Analysis)

    Posted: 25 Feb 2020 10:20 AM PST

    Chinese are breakout star of Hidden Cup 3 Qualifiers Round 1, Britons and Indians also strong, Mayans and Spanish Underperform (UNSCIENTIFIC Civ Analysis)

    Chinese win all six out of six non-mirror games, five on Arabia, and one on Golden Rush. Aditionally, Chinese were picked another 4 times in mirror matchups, all occuring on El Dorado, suggesting pros believe they are the strongest civ on this map. Adjusting for player elo, this unscientific civ analysis has found hints of a true civ advantage for the Chinese civ on map Arabia, hail to the flexibility of the Chinese and its extra starting villagers.


    Unsurprisingly, Britons also did well, continuing a trend of over-performance they showed on NAC3, but pros were cautious to pick Britons due to the melee pathing hotfix, which brought melee civs back on par to ranged civs. Both of their wins occurred on map Hideout and their sole loss was on Arabia, a wide open map where they were smashed by an Aztec pilot with a +100 elo advantage. This is pretty understandable since Britons lack the mobility to compete with fast civs on Arabia.

    The last civ that gave it's pilot a detectable civ advantage was Indians, due to the new HC3 map, Slopes, which features shore fish (Indians gather shore fish faster, making this the fastest food collection in the game). All of its wins occured on map Slopes and it's only loss was also on Slopes versus Mongols, whose pilot (Vinchester) neutralized an almost game-long disadvantage by stubbornly defending a lost position and capitalizing on the Indian (Fedex's) repeated mistakes to swing the result.

    Aside from these three civs, several strong meta civs did not give their pilots any detectable advantage, meaning any wins that happened can directly be explained just by the ELO rating of the players (a higher elo player defeating a lower elo one.) They did not overperform and neither did they underperform. I am referring to Persians, Huns, Aztecs, Mongols, Franks, and Malay.

    There were also civs that underperformed slightly. Celts and Japanese costed their pilot 1 extra game out of 6 and it is likely to be related to gaps in their tech tree. Khmer despite the huge farm buff also failed to deliver, winning only one game out of five. It is likely Khmer is still not on the level of top tier civs. The hype is there but they do still have a pretty awkward tech tree.

    The big disappointments, however, were Spanish and Mayans. Spanish did not win a single game, although to be fair, they only played 3 games. This under performance may be caused by a true defensive map like Arena not being available in Hidden Cup 3's map pool. Their usual trick is castle into Conquistadors, which require safe walls. Spanish lost to Ethiopians (which have super archers), Mayans (again, super archers), and Chinese (who won all their games). Note that Spanish have the worst archers in the game, and Skirmishers won't help if players accidentally leave a hole in their wall (they did).

    Mayans were the second highest picked civs in HC3 Round 1, which means their -2 game swing adjusted from elo is notable (and was also picked up by casters such as T90). Their weakness after watching all the games seem to stem from early pressure from enemy civs, leading to a loss of vils and map control. (Mayans, like Spanish, do depend on some walling to get into the Plume game.) Their opponents then usually boomed into a better imperial age and finished with a better eco.

    Other civs not mentioned were either picked only once in a non mirror or not at all, leading to insufficient information. Whereas Italians were picked a lot but they kept ending up in mirrors (on Islands).

    Disclaimer - all observations made here are only valid to Hidden Cup 3 Round 1 and are not to be predictive of anything else, including Hidden Cup 3 Round 2.

    Second disclaimer - Mayans did win a second game, however, it was an admin win caused by K4SVA trying to steal a boar leading to an automatic admin loss. Since this is an admin win it is therefore not added to the statistics.

    submitted by /u/whisperwalk
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