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    Friday, March 6, 2020

    Age of Empires II People in r/memes are cultured

    Age of Empires II People in r/memes are cultured

    People in r/memes are cultured

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 11:51 PM PST

    Live action Obsidian Arrow research time

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 04:29 AM PST

    Legitimate excuse for losing

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 01:10 PM PST

    The chat filter is starting to get a bit ridiculous

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 12:10 PM PST

    Which one is the one of the hardest civs to counter?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 05:15 AM PST

    Which one is the one of the hardest civs to counter?


    I mean, in terms of how difficult is to play as the counter civ. I've seen that the economic civs are one of the most strong civs, like Persians, Koreans, Chinese. (I'm noob, is just what I'm thinking).

    To be honest, I'm looking for some guides to Koreans, Chinese, Persians, and I've seen that they are really hard to beat when they grow up.

    Any tips and suggestions? Which one is the hardest civ to play against? Between Persians, Koreans and Chinese, which one is the best in general and do you have some guide to one of the 3?

    I have friends that are leaning how to play like me, and they are focussing in 2/3 civs, soo I'm about to do the Same.
    I was used to play AoM Vanilla and I was a Isis Boomer 1950+, really tough sometimes but I always was able to manage my booming, maybe that can help me here.

    submitted by /u/goldpentakill
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    When Hideout Goes to Imperial...

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:55 AM PST

    Question about unit control

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:36 AM PST

    Morning! I was just a little baby when AoE2 was release. I played AoM and AoE3(ultra super easy :P) when I was young and AoE2HD until last week, when I bought AoE2:DE. In all those years, I've always got the same problem: Control my units.

    Same old, same old. Grant resources, build a army, upgrade they, set the ctrl+number to swordsman, horseman, siege, priest and archers. Attack and then they all die. I've notice that my units usely spread during the fight. The archers attack a logcamp, the swordsman the TC, the horseman attacks the villagers and 3 sieges attack some random buildings, even when I order they to focus the right target.

    The thing is, how do you arrange you units? Do you put different units together on your ctrl+num? Or use the ctrl+num to a type of unit? Would you give me some tips to control those mothertruckers?

    submitted by /u/rOBBso
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    Mod for minimal Tooltip?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 05:05 AM PST

    Is there a mod that removes all the useless info in the tooltip and only gives the cost of units/techs? Bonus if it gives things like unit creation time without wasting too much space. I am not talking about the tech tree but ingame when hovering over things you can create.

    submitted by /u/FaulerZauber
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    I just picked up this game after playing it 10 years ago, when would I be ready for online?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 06:37 AM PST

    I love it so far, but I'm a bit scared of multiplayer seeing as I'm just starting out (I can manage to beat the moderate AI, but I'm always behind in ages until I eventually catch up and overcome them). Would it be after beating hard, or maybe just try 2 vs 2s?

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/Gompie016
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    Control Bar: How to change?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 07:05 AM PST

    How to change the position of the bar indicating the control numbers? This bar invades the mini-map of whoever uses it in the middle of the screen and not on the right side.

    submitted by /u/LioValiant
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    I love a good chat after a tough game

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 09:42 AM PST

    I do love when you play somebody unknown in ranked and have a good fight/game and after someone calls gg, both players take a couple minutes to discuss the game. It is really fun to tell the other player what could have done to improve... or ask him how could you have turned around the game in a loss... or in which stage of the game someone get the edge of the battle...

    I always try to engage with the opponent for a good chat no matter if I lose or win. It is good fun.

    submitted by /u/Ooozuz
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    Can you make villagers require a warning prompt to delete?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 05:32 AM PST

    For some buildings it requires you accept deletion of the unit. Can you do that for vils? I deleted a sneak vil and I don't want it to happen on accident again.

    submitted by /u/Bart_ender-Aoe2
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    How can i alter Age of Cube trees?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:04 AM PST

    I discovered the mod Age of Cube and i love it. But i find the cubes too bright in color. How can i get to the files of those cubes so i can alter them in photoshop and make them a little easier in our eyes?

    Just for those who dont know what age of cube is:


    submitted by /u/SophiaCalmStorm
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    What are pro players hotkeys?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 11:35 PM PST

    I'm specifically looking for Lieerey, Hera and Viper.

    submitted by /u/17vicky37
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    How do i install a voobly mod in my GameRanger AoC?

    Posted: 06 Mar 2020 01:54 AM PST

    So i installed Age of Cube in voobly. But i cant find a download file that is independent so that i can install it to play in GameRanger. Anyone knows how this can be done? Or its impossible?

    submitted by /u/SophiaCalmStorm
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    Light Cav Rush?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 10:32 PM PST

    I know light cav isn't ideal when knights are available but what do you guys think of a scout to light cav to xbow or knight transition. I think it could a descent strat against an opponent going straight archers. So far Tatoh is the only pro player I've seen do this. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/KingDoubleXP
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    Hidden Cup 3 Meetup?

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 06:37 PM PST

    Are there going to be any meet ups/watching parties in the USA for Hidden Cup 3?

    submitted by /u/andrewytiger
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    How to recover after a failed boar lure

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 09:38 AM PST

    Just realised the hot keys coincide with the positions of the buildings on the screen!

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 01:10 PM PST

    Just realised the hot keys for the buildings are in order, ie the first icon is barracks for villagers to build on the military building menu, and the key is Q, next icon W, then ERT, just like the order on the key board!

    Not sure if this was obvious, but I've been playing for like a decade and only just realised haha!

    submitted by /u/asda8000
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    A potential solution to Goths

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 02:23 PM PST

    Okay so we all know the Elephant in the Barracks currently is the Goths, with their ridiculous Dark Age discount on their militia. While the Goths certanly needed a slight buff to make them a bit more competitive, especially in the early game, I think the developers made a slight mistake in adding a discount to their Dark Age militia as it doesn't actually address the issues of the goths (poor economy, one-dimensional style of play in the late game, outdated bonuses that belong in the Age of Kings era) and just encourages spamming militia until the enemy drowns in them and sure, it's not impossible to deal with, but it is highly map dependant and very frustrating. There was a reason why for ~20 years of this game's existence the Goths never had discounted militia in Dark Age, after all, and sure you might argue that other civs (Aztecs, Lithuanians, could also make an argument for Bulgarians) have very strong Drushes, none of them are so easy on the economy as the current Goth one (I mean for god's sakes, it's cheaper to make a militia than a villager in terms of food spent, and when it comes to total resources it's +2 overall resources spent for the militia)

    I've spent lurking around top players discords and reading aoezone and the official forums and whatnot, and thought a bit about the following balance changes that imho the Goths would benefit, turning them into a decent, but not top, civilization.


    Villagers +5 attack vs boar; hunters carry +15 meat removed

    New: Villagers +4 armor vs boar; hunt lasts 35% longer

    Explanation time: I never really liked the hunt bonus that the Goths had, I felt it was really impractical. Goth villagers are the only ones who can, due to their bonus, screw themselves with boar laming as sometimes you can kill the boar before it reaches your TC. I'm a pleb, it happened to me at times; I bet it happened to better players as well, you just get used to the other civs dealing normal damage and then suddenly you play goths and forget for a second that the bonus exists and voila, your boar is dead 2m away from the TC, and your start is slower.

    Secondly, the additional food gathered is something that you cannot always make use of. Let's take the boar example again; in Dark Age you need to garrison/ungarrison your hunters on the boar to keep villager production constant. You will never take advantage of the extra 15 meat gathered. The only time you'll make use of it is when you send 2 villagers (instead of the usual 3) on deer, but that is again really situational as not always you'll go on deer and it frees a couple villagers here and there. Not great imho.

    Now to my proposed solution: A boar deals 7 damage to a villager (6 with loom); with the bonus applied it would deal 3 damage and 2 after loom. I think this helps at every level (at the newbie level players tend to forget they were laming, giving a bit of a survival chance for those poor villagers, and at the mid and top level it would drastically reduce having your 2hp villager sniped by a scout); it's a quiet bonus that doesn't have the potential to handicap you if you're not paying attention for a second and actually gives a passive benefit. The second part of the bonus is something that actually can be leveraged all the time while you're hunting, and it gives a strong food income from hunt. I chose 35% as it seemed right, you'd get roughly ~115 more food per boar and somewhere around 35-40 food per deer, but if it is too strong or too underwhelming it could be tweaked.

    +10% population in Imperial Age (was +10)

    This bonus was added back in the Age of Kings, where +10 pop actually meant a 12% increase in total population (given that caps back then were 75). It's just a small tweak that bring this bonus back into modernity and scales based on population caps.

    Receive Plate Barding Armor

    The biggest criticism for Goth late game was their lack of options. While sure, the core identity of the Goth is their fearsome flood, the truth is that their tech tree is actually quite diverse, but always they miss some crucial key to the jigsaw that truly opened those options. For instance, they do have decent-ish archers, but critically miss Thumb Ring (and Parthian Tactics for their Cav archer), they do have Bloodlines Hussar and Cavalier, but miss the last armor upgrade, have gunpowder and decent siege but miss Siege Engineer (tho arguably they don't really need it so yeah). I thought about it for a while and saw other people's opinions and decided it was probably the best to give them the final cav armor. With this, it strengthens one aspect that was the closest to being viable in late game (their cav) and gives them more options in the late game while not mingling that much with the identity of the civ (as they already had good cav).

    Perfusion increases infantry production speed by 70% (was 100%)

    Now of course, if you are going to buff their early game, and their late game options, the powerspike that is the goth flood should be contained a bit. 70% is still incredibily fast and you're still going to field the most units in the game quickly, but it won't be that strong anymore. The numbers can be tweaked, the point I want to make is that perfusion should be nerfed a bit.

    Revert the discount back to Feudal Age onwards

    This seems painfully obvious.

    I hope that a discussion will be started and hopefully some ideas can be drawn from here to make our beloved goths no longer a meme civ.

    EDIT: Formatting

    submitted by /u/mesqueunclub69
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    Game crashes in about 50% of MP games, loading screen.

    Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:40 PM PST

    What can I do?

    submitted by /u/Gladaed
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