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    Friday, July 17, 2020

    Age of Empires II Post-imp mangudai hit different

    Age of Empires II Post-imp mangudai hit different

    Post-imp mangudai hit different

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:36 AM PDT

    When you ask for support pre min 40...

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 01:42 AM PDT

    We've all been there....

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    Been watching so much LEL I've forgotten how to lure a boar.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 02:45 PM PDT

    AoE2 logic would have been horrifying if you were a villager in medieval times

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:23 AM PDT

    >You and 10 other villagers
    >Hitting rock with pickaxe and carrying 10 tons of stone to dropoff by hand
    >Palisade wall in front of you starts to spontaneously combust
    >Palisade wall collapses to reveal 10 crossbowmen
    >Crossbowmen advance silently without firing, you stand still, frozen in shock
    >Crossbowmen walk past you - Phew, maybe they haven't seen you.
    >All 10 crossbowmen suddenly turn and aim squarely at your wife who is also hitting stones with pickaxe and hasn't noticed the assailants.
    >10 crossbow bolts simultaneously tear your wife to shreds and send her flying 20 feet due to inertia
    >You croak as your chest collapses with grief and shock
    >All the other miners carry on hitting the blood soaked stone with their pickaxes and not saying anything
    >The crossbowmen reload and aim at the village builder
    >The village builder, unaware of the situation, is walking perpendicular to the crossbowman at normal speed
    >Crossbow bolts land on the ground 2 metres behind the baker
    >They reload
    >Again they miss 2 metres behind
    >The confusion is tearing your brain in two at the ruthlessness yet incompetence
    >The crossbowmen all turn and aim at you

    submitted by /u/pilkodice
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    aoe2 logics

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 05:57 AM PDT

    SOTL: tatars overview

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    In favour of Byzantines enthusiasts and no offense to Paladin culture

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    We all know why we really play this game

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 07:13 AM PDT

    Which Aoe Player Tier Do You Fall in???

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    I made this real fast in a comment and thought it would make a funny post. Check it out.

    I made this in good fun so don't take it too seriously.

    In my head I break everyone in our community into three tiers. What tier do you fall in?

    1: "The Boomers" or Older Brothers

    • Played the game in 99 and a few years after.
    • Never want anything new. Just want Arabia.
    • Use only the Franks, Britons and Goths.
    • Invented the FC (Fast Castle).
    • Hates palisade gates, thinks it ruined the game.
    • Still has their copy of the disk version.
    • Was skeptical about DE since launch, still would rather play the original version.

    2: The Younger Brothers

    • Discovered the game between 2000-2007
    • Played the game because their older brothers finally moved out or went to college.
    • Loves using meso civs.
    • Loves playing black forest.
    • Has played this game on and off for years and always crawls back for more.
    • Invented "build orders."
    • Discovered Voobly.
    • Thinks DE is pretty good.

    The New Generation

    • Discovered the game post 2008 recession.
    • Bought the game on Steam.
    • Also loves aoe3.
    • Spends more time watching SOTL videos than playing the game.
    • Loves the Cumans
    • Loves to Persian douche their friends
    • Loves migration and water maps
    • Thinks DE is the best thing to happen to this community ever.
    submitted by /u/zas11s
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    Tips for Noobs?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    Hey all, I have a few questions about early game:

    1) House wall or palisade? I know palisades are cheaper, but houses seem to last longer and have more utility. Which is better in early game?

    2) Add villagers vs go up in feudal? I try for SRush slot, 4-6 scouts with bloodlines and +attack. Behind this should I be adding villagers or saving for castle?

    3) wood eco to food eco in feudal and early castle? I tend to have more on wood (for walking and am early second tc) and then balance in mid castle. Is this wrong?

    submitted by /u/Capt_Tinsley
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    Results of last week's Poll

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    What does "Pocket" means?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:48 PM PDT

    I ve seen from Viper`s videos but dont under stand?

    submitted by /u/Kamayuk
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    I have a full lobby but the second I press start the game, the countdown gets cancelled

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    Anyone experiencing the same thing, and is there a fix for it?

    This is in AoE2 Definitive Edition.

    submitted by /u/Ballack91
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    Someone please tell me the detailed build order and execution of Inca villager / tower rush

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    How to play Indians vs Goths+Archers

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    How do I play this match up as Indians? I like playing Indians for their sweet eco bonus which is very forgiving for a noob like me and their Imperial camels, which crushes heavy cavalry.

    Occasionally I run into Goths, when I pray my allies can deal with them while I go fight the other players. Twice today I got matched vs Goths + Chinese and Goths + Mayans. What do I do in these situations? Is massing HC + Skirms the way to go (this feels underwhelming)? I tried getting Onager, but my micro is pretty bad and Huskarls just suicide to it.

    Any tips would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/kirxan
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    Is there anyone else who loves watching & reading about AoE2, but doesn't enjoy actually playing all that much?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Preface: I am not good at this game.

    I love watching AoE2 videos on Youtube, and reading everyone's posts/theories/questions here, but I don't like playing all that much. One of the main things that puts me off of actually playing (other than me being bad lol) is how long the games take to ramp up and how long they take to finish. To me it feels like there isn't much that happens until you hit feudal or sometimes castle, obviously you are still making decisions, reacting to what you've scouted, and managing resources, but to me it feels like the game doesn't really start until the fighting does and sometimes that can be 10 or 15 minutes into a game. Then after that, a game can take another 30 minutes to wrap up depending on how well your opponent holds out or even makes a comeback, those games are my favourite to watch when casted, but exhausting to play for me.

    I am not saying this game doesn't take skill early on or throughout, I just mean that I find it hard to enjoy the pace of it sometimes.

    For reference I prefer Arabia, am okay with BF, and avoid arena. I've only played a dozen ranked games (1v1) and most of my other play time is just vs AI with friends and we're chatting online. The only other RTS I played much of is Brood War which had a much faster pace and I think I might just have a terrible attention span heylookasquirrel.

    submitted by /u/tway2241
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    Which civs are best at being outnumbered?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 01:41 AM PDT

    I've been playing with my pals during lockdown, but I'm quite a lot better than them, so we've proposed doing 2 or 3 v 1 games to try and even things out. I've been wondering about which civs would be most effective at being outnumbered. Obviously a good strategy is to rush one of them early and redress the balance a bit but that's not as much fun for them, so assuming the game runs into at least Imperial, what's my best strategy? I've been thinking about units with the most bang for their population buck, but not ones that it'll cripple my economy to convert my whole army into, especially as I won't have trade for gold. Teutons is my best guess at the moment, TKs and Paladins are both pretty meaty and they're good enough defensively to hold them off if they try to pin me back and I need to catch a breath. Are there any other suggestions? They tend to play random civs so I don't want to try and guess on that basis.


    submitted by /u/Snikhop
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    FC Steppe lancers build order

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 02:50 AM PDT

    FC Steppe lancers build order

    I got this FC-knight build order (source : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1489568470) and I'd like to know how to tweak it to get steppe lancers instead of knights

    From there https://aoe2-de-tools.herokuapp.com/villagers-required.html we know the ressources necessary to keep constant production. With feudal age eco upgrades, we need 5.5 farms and 5.7 on gold per stable for knights, vs 7.9 farms and 4.3 on gold per stable for SL who are created faster

    So we would need at least 14 farms to sustain villager and SL at the same time

    My first idea is to go feudal as you would with a FC-knights, then send only one more on gold (would 4 be enough to click castle ?) and add an extra farm instead of the second one. Then, while advancing to castle, add an extra 2 farms (skip the 2nd stable for now)

    So we'd be advancing to castle with 3(2) on berries, 13 farms, 8(9) on wood and 4 on gold. Is that enough on wood for early castle (especially with 3 extra farms) ?

    Then quickly get handcart & gold shaft mining and put up a second stables when you have 22-23 farms (20 strictly needed) and 10 gold miners (8)

    Your thoughts on it ? Has anyone dabbled with this BO ?

    Edit : I know there's a good reason this isn't the meta, Xbows/knights are stronger most of the time. I've answered once the question "why?", I'd like to discuss "how" (to do this) and maybe "when"


    submitted by /u/Fflow27
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    Lierry units don't move

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    War Galleys

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    Little help please.

    Have always played mainly land based maps but have got stuck in a few games with water this last week or so.

    I'm struggling to understand the scissors paper rock on the seas.

    It just seems to me that fast fire ships are the most useful? War galleys seem to be generally hopeless.

    Help me understand.

    submitted by /u/dresch88
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    How OP would Portuguese be if we gave them...

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:03 AM PDT

    Two scouts at the start of the game? Interested to hear people's thoughts...

    submitted by /u/PorkMcPie
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