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    Thursday, October 1, 2020

    Age of Empires 3 Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition Giveaway Event

    Age of Empires 3 Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition Giveaway Event

    Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition Giveaway Event

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 08:19 PM PDT

    Age of Empires III community

    So much has been going on in the past few weeks! We had an amazing 'Definitive Edition MP Stress Test' that lasted from September 15 through September 28. Many of you haven't had the chance to experience the amazing changes coming to our beloved Age of Empires III. I can guarantee you that it will be a roller coaster of emotions but the result is a wonderful gaming experience.

    The Art of War community discord is eagerly waiting for October 15. As an act of celebration, we will be hosting a giveaway. We are giving away x10 Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition steam copies. This is our biggest giveaway as of yet.

    As part of bringing the Age of Empires III Community together we are sharing this giveaway with the SamuraiRevolutionOfficial community discord. The Art of War community discord is presenting with 4 out of the 10 Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition steam copies to the SamuraiRevolutionOfficial community discord. Samurai Revolution is a dedicated YouTuber that has been posting Age of Empires III content since June 28, 2013. His dedication to growing his community, providing guides, and hosting AoE 3 community events has had a tremendous impact in the gaming experience of many new AoE 3 players. Samurai Revolution will be donating the x4 copies during his Age of Empires 3: Definitive Edition - 3 Days Live streaming event on October 15th, 16th, and 17th. This will take place on the SamuraiRevolution YouTube channel (linked below). Make sure you drop by his Discord Server to be informed on the times of this live stream event.

    SamuraiRevolution's Youtube Channel

    SamuraiRevolution's Discord Community

    The Art of War community will have 3 engaging ways to donate the x6 Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition steam copies to the community. The first 3 copies will be awarded through a general giveaway raffle using the GiveawayBot. Another 2 copies will be awarded through individual fan-art; people will have a chance at using their creative artwork to compete for the Top 2 favored drawings. Lastly, 1 copy will be awarded to the person who originally comes up with a new Age of Empires III meme; the community will vote on the best meme.

    Art of War Discord Community

    The community event giveaway for Art of War begins October 1st and ends October 15th. There are no requirements, everyone that plays any Age of Empires franchise is welcomed to participate.

    submitted by /u/Mulcible
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    German flag changed?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    Reviewing each Wars of Liberty Civ, in no particular order. Episode 1: Habsburgs

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 06:22 AM PDT

    Reviewing each Wars of Liberty Civ, in no particular order. Episode 1: Habsburgs

    This is the first article on a series of posts related to the very popular mod: the Wars of Liberty, a heavy modification of AOE3 that adds a crapton of civs to the game.As a somewhat newbie to this mod (I've only been playing it for a few months) find the amount of options utterly fascinating, and as such want to give a rather detailed opinion on every civilization.

    Bear in mind this aims to be a rather objective review, but there are several factors that might have me biased towards some strategy or disregard others are worse, as I am only human. Do consider that I've only played the mod against the AI, so some strategies might also have to be disregarded due to inefectiveness against the Ai. I've played in hardest difficulty, in 2vs 2 and 3 vs 3 settings.This first post starts with probably my favourite civ, and one of the first I chose: The Habsburg, or as I prefer to call them, The Austrians:


    The Austrians are fittingly classified as a late-game, powerful but rather expensive mercenary civ. This last characteristic heavily defines what Austrians: each and every unit is unique and surpasses their generic counterparts by quite a lot. Bear in mind that they are also quite more expensive and take more population in most cases too, making you take the quality over quantity option since the start of the game. As a consequence, your military power level is rather low in the early game, significantly spiking as you're able to unlock the rather powerful units:


    • Pandur: Musketeer equivalent, slightly stronger. Fully upgradeable. Cost: 100F, 100G, 2 pop.
    • Pavisier: Specialized arcaic anti-infantry unit with decent armor. Can only be upgraded once. Cost: 80F, 60W, 20G, 2 pop.
    • Landsknecht: Expensive arcaic infantry unit, with a really powerful hand area attack. Can only be upgraded once. Cost: 150W, 200G, 2 pop.


    • Grenzer: Mercenary skirmisher. Good against what a skirmisher would be, but significantly tankier. Fully upgradeable. Cost: 100F, 150G, 2 pop.
    • Doppelsoldner: Big hat sword guy. You know them from the og game. Very expensive, and very powerful, has a hand area attack, good siege attack, and disgusting multiplier against cavalry. Fully upgradeable. Cost: 150F, 300G, 4 pop.
    • Reiter: Black riders from the original game. High hp for a dragoon. Also fully upgreadable. Cost: 150F, 150G, 3 pop.


    • Magyar Hussar: Habsburg hussar, an outright better but more expensive basic cavalry unit. Fully upgradeable. Cost: 100F, 150G, 3 pop.
    • Lil' bombard: This fucker is what the Austrian factory creates. You might know them as grand cannons in the basic aoe game. They are the most disgustingly powerful piece of artillery the game has, since it has no negative multiplier against cavalry, making them near impossible to kill when massed up, except by maybe culverins. Can be upgraded to imperial Li'l bombard. Cost: Well, it's free for you.
    • Saker: All around artillery, good against infantry, cavalry and even other artillery, since it has no negative multiplier, acting as general purpose culverin. Fully upgreadable. Cost: 200W, 600G, 6 pop.


    • Demicannon: Very strong cannon. Good against anything it can strike, altought it does have a negative multiplier against cavalry. See that it has an impressively big area of attack, and a multiplier against infantry, making it better than the Lil'bombard in this specialized role. Fully upgreadable. Cost: 400W, 600G, 6 pop.
    • Magyar Grenadier: A better grenadier. Fully upgreadable. Has no negative mutiplier against villagers, making it very good for obliterating chunks of enemy villagers. Cost: 120F, 240G, 4 pop.
    • Fougasse: A petard. Cannot be upgraded. Cost: 50F, 50W, 200G, 2 pop.

    Now, the unlockable bonus units:


    • Rotweiller: Similar to the spanish hunting dogs. You may have a maximun of 5. Cost: 120G.


    • Winged Hussar: Heavy cavalry mercenary from Poland with an aura that increases the attack of nearby cavalry units. Note that it only empowers other cavalry units, it doesn't give the bonus to other winged hussars. The bonus is significantly more noticeable on magyar hussars than on reiters, but works on both. Cost: 200F, 200G, 5 pop.

    Now since all your military units are mercenaries, your armies are "weak" to spies and ninjas, that get a huge bonus against you (at least on the early game- your army should annhilate those units on the late game easily). To "offset" this, the developers gave the Austrians a unique villager as well: the Tross.


    • Tross: Female settler, can detect spies.

    Now, as the AI refuses to infiltrate me with spies and ninjas, I have not proven the usefulness of this one perk...

    The second most noticeable feature the Austrians have besides their unique military branch is that rather than receiving some minor reward while aging up, like most other european civs, they choose another's civ (major) bonus. The bonuses range from making your villagers work faster, to access to certain special buildings, unlocking special units or having unit discounts/combat advantages. These bonuses do stack up as you age, making an "age fast" strategy rather juicy, and giving you the upper hand against almost every other civ on the late game. The list of bonuses are:

    • For age II


    • For age III



    Frontier wagons can turn into trading posts, outposts and Saloons.

    Marble statues are 100G small buildings that don't allow the enemy to build near them.

    • For age IV


    • For age V


    This wide array of bonuses help you be dynamic and reactive towards your enemies' game plan, rewarding you for foresight and making the best possible strategic choices. It also makes you utterly useless if the game starts in imperial, making you a bonusless civ, and doesn't grant you inmediate resources or units, making you reliant on Home city cards for this.

    Now, to cement the Austrians as a booming, controlling late game civ, they also have a unique building that clearly helps them fitting the role: The Schloss.

    Schloss with maltese bonus

    The Schloss is the replacement the Austrians have for the Fort, a castle you can build anywhere, able to train infantry, cavalry and artillery (after a meager single research), with a boost to attack and also defense. The thing is, the Austrian have access to a card in the industrial age that sends a Schloss for 1k gold, that can be sent infinite times, making your area denial extremely powerful.

    Having now listed their powerful bonuses and other features, now the question rises, How do we play them?

    • As said beforehand, they become more powerful the more they age up, constantly giving you perks to outvalue the opponent. A rapid age up as a pocket is probably the most powerful use of them, then swipe your opponents with those pesky mercenaries. Very few civs in this mod can even compare to this late game power, possibly even only Americans or some other heavy later game civ like Bulgarians. When you start pumping out your supercharged mercenaries on imperial, you will be unstoppable.
    • You can also profit on the small power spike your army gets when aging up. As your units are generally better than what the opponent has, theoretically small groups of mercenaries from home city cards can harass your opponent and even flat out beat out their armies. Hussars can be made on age II and have a high attack, making them useful at harrasing villagers, and Grenzers on age III are difficult to counter with no artillery, as even with their negative multiplier against cavalry they can easily kill it when correctly microed. Now, this strategy has an obvious flaw and hardcounter, that being the assasin units (aforementioned ninja, spy...) that get a massive x10 bonus against everything mercs (all your army!). When used against massed armies on the late game, these are bad, but against small raiding groups, become a hardcore counter.
    • A third way of playing them is possible, as hardcore area denial-turtling civilization. Their towers can become quite strong due to the bonuses: you will end up with fortified outpost with the Hp equivalent of another player's fort (I'm not even joking here). As such, and combined with the powerful units you are able to create, you could easily wall up and tower up yourself on treaty games. The Lil'bombards will sling you to victory no matter what, as long as your factories are still up.

    Look at that meaty outpost.

    Now, after talking about all this, we have to acknowledge the elephant in the room:

    The Austrians have no bonus at all in the early game. They are weak to rush, and need to have a ridiculous amount of res to field a medium sized actual army. How to counter austrians? Harrass them since the beggining. Don't ask how to overcome grenzer+ lil'bombards or how to destroy constantly spawning new schlosses. If the game reaches that point, you will eventually die unless your civ has some powerful late game bonus on its own.

    Now, the scores I give:

    Cavalry: 3/10 on the early to mid, hussars are good but expensive, becomes a solid 8/10 and even 9/10 if you get winged hussars later on.

    Infantry: 2/10 on the early. Incredibly overpriced units on age II, pandur is the only reasonably costed unit. Moves to a solid 8/10 with Grenzers later on, to a 9/10 thanks to doppelsodner. Very hard to counter.

    Siege: 3/10 the only saving grace is the magyar grenadier on the early to mid game. All austrian cannons are extremely expensive, this is an issue. Stick to the Lil'bombards, that become an absolute 10 later on.

    Buildings: 5/10 on the early game, normal outpost, nothing fancy here. Power spike on the Schloss, that is clearly better than a fort, and becomes probably a 9/10 when reaching the point of constant schlosses.

    Economy: 2/10 on the early game, no bonus at all. Considering you get to choose what you get, this obviously becomes a 10/10 as the game progresses. It's literally a from rags to riches race, and quite risky.

    Verdict: If you are doing a 1 vs 1 you're beyond fucked. If it's a treaty game, they are beyond fucked. It's a real glass cannon civ, due to it needing so many resources to work properly and getting so many upgrades. You could say it's the ultimate greedy civ, a booming player's dream and possibly very "Timmy".

    submitted by /u/OOM-32
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    Home city progression

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:10 AM PDT

    If all the cards are already unlocked for single and multiplayer, will there still be some sort of progression system. I dont know about other people but leveling up your home city was one of my favorite things about the original game.

    submitted by /u/hutclia1
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    Asians in DE

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    Are there any changes in asian civs??, we know that revolutions have changed for europeans and firepit for Natives, what about asia??

    submitted by /u/dalvi5
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    New Civs Bonus and Unique Units

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    One Chilean website publish their impressions along with some screenshots of the Inca and Swedes Technology Trees. They're incomplete though. Only the bonuses, unique units and unique buildings, royal guard units names are fully visible.


    • Civilization Bonus:
    • Kancha Houses produce food. Recieves a free Chasqui each age who can construct Tambos; powerful Trading Posts which villagers can garrison in. Military units can garrison in Kallankas and Strongholds. Priestesses can convert enemies and work at the Community Plaza (Fire Pit).
    • Unique units:
    • Chasqui, Plumed Spear, Chimu Runner, Jungle Bowman, Bolas Warrior, Huaraca, Maceman, Priestess and Chincha Raft.
    • Unique builidings:
    • Kallanka, Stronghold, Kancha House and Tambo.
    • Unique ceremonies:
    • Moon Ceremony and Supay Ceremony


    • Civilization Bonus:
    • Torps gather nearby resources. Mercenary shipments are cheaper and arrive more quickly. Advanced improvement available at the Arsenal.
    • Royal guard units:
    • Dalkarl (Pikemen) and Drabant (Hakkapelit).
    • Unique units:
    • Carolean, Leather Cannon and Hakkapelit.
    submitted by /u/Pachakamaq01
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    Please No Lag in DE

    Posted: 01 Oct 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    I hate the multiplayer lag on aoe3, sometimes games are impossible to play and sometimes it only lags in the late game due to many units exist at the same time. I think its because of outdated engine or something, I hope they fix this

    submitted by /u/kenixmethus
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    Definitive Edition Haudenosaunee/Iroquois tutorial guide (german)

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    How important are forts?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    I am currently rebuilding my primary UK deck, and am wondering if it is worth dropping the two fort cards for Jager mercenaries instead. I rarely use the forts, but have kept them anyways just in case. How important have you guys found them to be? Are upgraded outposts a good enough substitute for forts? Thanks guys!

    submitted by /u/Glucksburg
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    Home city Levels in DE?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    Does anyone know if there will be an easier way to unlock cards in DE? I think it would be great for multiplayer to have all cards unlocked all ready.

    submitted by /u/JohnShaithyy
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    Should maps be bigger?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:35 AM PDT

    Something that I immediately realize when I play the game is the fact that the maps are often times very small. I watched a lot of casted games on the ESOCTV youtube channel and most games have one player who runs his settlers across half the map to build a barracks or a stable.
    And then that military production facility is just about one screen away from the opponent's settlers.

    Almost every game has one player go right under the opponents town center and idle some villagers. And many of these games end up being some sort of militia + unit shipment vs enemy rush timings.

    I see very little games go to industrial age. Most games just end because one player is unable to gather food from hunts or gold from mines. Almost no one ends up building mills or plantations, probably also because they cost a ton of wood.

    I am interested in what the playerbase thinks about this? In Starcraft 2 for example, games used to be played on similarly small maps when the game came out. However over time, maps have evolved to be much bigger, focusing on multiple avenues of attack and provide longer games by having a longer walking distance, giving both players the ability to play for economic strategies if they wish to do so.

    In my opinion, I would like to see more mid to lategame explored. For example, if we assume that right now 10% of games end up with one player going into age IV, what if we could get that number to 25% or 30% by increasing map size?

    What are your thoughts? Would this be a good thing or a bad thing?

    submitted by /u/happymemories2010
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    Best India strategy vs Russia.

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    As most of you guys might know, India is one of the best civs on the RE patch, with a versatile unit roster and many viable strategies. However, one civ I've always had trouble against is the Russians.

    It's very hard to defend an early Russian rush because sepoy are useless against strelet masses and Sowar are pretty weak too. Massing Gurkha is difficult and even if you do so, you still have to make a lot of sepoy to defend against his cossacks.

    Is it best to just FF using resource crates and get Urumi+ elephants in Age 3 to push back? Every time I stay in colonial I get outmassed heavily by the Russian player and find it very hard to gather from hunts and mines. Semi-FFing also doesn't work so well because the early Russian mass can easily destroy your army.

    My main idea is to get the Otto consulate for the minutemen, age up using resources crates and hold the initial push using sentries, minutmen, your Agra and TC fire.

    Does anyone have better or more viable strategies?

    submitted by /u/campionesidd
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    Will the 2007 edition of AoE3 get a price reduction after DE release?

    Posted: 30 Sep 2020 11:02 AM PDT

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